
The First Son Of Minato(Naruto x Male reader)

What if Naruto wasn't the only child of kushina and Minato..what if they had a child before Naruto.. That older child is you Y/n Uzumaki,the first son of Minato.. Being the brother of Naruto,the villagers of konoha began to call you two the demon brothers but you never were afraid of them,you always stood there to protect your brother Join the epic world of Naruto as you go through the journey to become the strongest Shinobi

Narugod1 · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 3:The beginning of Team 7

Third Person POV

[Training grounds 10]

Sakura was the first to arrive,second was Sasuke and third was Naruto and the trio sar on the ground waiting for 2 more people

Naruto:And of course,our sensei is late

Sasuke:Naruto where is Y/n?

Naruto:I don't know,I woke up this morning and I didn't see him!

Sakura:Where did he go

[Ayumis home]

[Ayumis bedroom]

Y/ns eyes fluttered open as he began to look around the room and he sat up on the bed

Y/n:Where the hell am I

Ayumi:Oh great,your finally awake

Y/n: W-What,How'd you get into my room?!

Ayumi:Dumbass this is my room, you're in my house

Y/n:What Why,What did you do to my body?...we didn't do anything r-right?

Ayumi balled up her first and gave him a punch on his head

Ayumi:You perverted dumbass!Why would you even think such a thing!

Y/n:You didn't have to punch me that hard,now what am I doing here

Ayumi:I should be asking you that,I found you on my rooftop all knocked out

Y/n:Oh I did some late night training so i must've fallen there while heading back home

Ayumi:Now get dressed and head to your team

Y/n:Sure,so where are your parents


Y/n:Ugh.... I'm sorry to hear that

Ayumi: it's okay,but what about yours aren't they gonna be worried

Y/n:Mine are dead too


Y/n:Problem is I don't even remember what they looked like or their names,it happened when I was a year old I think..

Ayumi:Guess we both have it rough

Y/n:Heh,now I have to be the one to protect Naruto and cook for us also fend for us,which is a hard task

Ayumi: you'll get through it

Y/n:Heh,your right,also why are you in your night gown

Ayumi:Why else,I woke up an hour ago

Y/n:i have to say you look really cute


Y/n:Now out you go,I wanna get dressed,or do you want to see me nakey..


Y/n:what was that

Ayumi:Nothing,Of course I don't want to see you naked!

[Training grounds 10]

Y/n walked into the training grounds with his hands in his pocket

Y/n:Yo guys!

Naruto:Where were you bro!

Y/n:I was training

Sasuke:Naruto said you weren't around when he awoke

Y/n:Yeah I went really early to train

Sakura:Or Maybe you went to see your girlfriend

Y/n: Don't make me hit you Sakura,Also where is kakashi sensei

Naruto:He hasn't arrived

Y/n:Tsk,I hate late people

In that moment there was a poof sound and someone stood there on a wooden post


Sakura/Naruto: You're Late!

Sasuke:Where were you

Kakashi:Sorry a black cat crossed m path so I had to follow the long way here

Y/n:Bruh that's literally the worst lie

Sasuke:Anyway let's just start the test


He took out 3 bells from his pocket and they dangled

Kakashi:Your training is to take these three bells away from me before noon tomorrow

Sakura:Wait we're doing a test?

Naruto:Why are we doing Training I thought it was a mission! That's the whole reason we were in the academy

Kakashi:You see the academy was to teach you how to be a genin,now the real test is to see if you're ready to be a genin

Sasuke:Then why are they three bells

Kakashi:Cause only three of you can pass if you get a bell,the person that doesn't get a bell and will get sent to the academy


Sakura's Thoughts:There is a chance I'll lose and I'll get sent to the academy....But I have to win and stay with Sasuke Kun!

Naruto's Thoughts:Oh no this is bad,I have to get a bell and become a genin in other to be a hokage and impress Y/n!

Sasuke's thoughts:Tsk,taking a bell from a jonin will be a challenge but I have to get one in order to kill...him

Y/n's thoughts:Heh,this could actually be challenging guess I need to be serious, Already I've seen the goal of this test, it's teamwork, individually we won't be able to get the bells maybe I would stand a chance but I would still get defeated,so if we all gang up on him then we'll be able to defeat him.. probably

Kakashi:But if none of you get the bell,you all fail and you'll watch me eat your lunches

Everyone's tummy growled except kakashis own

Kakashi:Now begin!

Everyone jumped away from the field and kakashi stood there alone

Kakashi:They are all hiding very nicely,well except...You

He pointed at Naruto who stood in front of him

Naruto: Let's do this Sensei,Me and you,right here,Right Now!

Kakashi: Aren't you the weird one out of the group

Naruto:How dare you!

He dashed at kakashi but stopped as he saw kakashi bring out a book out of this pouch

Naruto:Huh,why are you reading

Kakashi:Cause I want to see how the plot turns out

Naruto:Are you mocking me?


Naruto dashed again and  aimed a punch at him but kakashi dodged them all

Naruto:Stay still!

Kakashi kneed Naruto in the gut and appeared behind him and put his hand in the tiger seal

Sakura:The tiger seal,Naruto get out of there!

Y/n's thoughts:Did this whore just reveal her spot

Kakashi: It's to late,Hidden Ninja Art:A thousand years of death!

He put two fingers in Narutos butt

Y/n:The hell

Naruto smiled as a wave of pleasure flushed on him but suddenly he was thrown into the river

Sasuke's thoughts:Heh,dobe"

Naruto came out of the water holding his butt

Naruto:Ah shit My ass!

Y/n's thoughts:Woah Naruto cursed

Naruto: I'll make you regret that,Shadow clone Jutsu!

10 clones of Naruto appeared

Sasuke's thoughts:What those aren't just mirror images,those are real clones

Sakura's Thoughts:What's going on there are 10 Naruto

Naruto: Let's pound him boys

Naruto Clones:Yeah!

The clones all dahsed at him and started attacking him but he easily dispersed them until he felt a weight on his back and turned around and saw a clone on his back

Naruto 5:hehe,you fell for my trick sensei!

He was about to punch him but ended up punching another clone


Y/n's thoughts:Substitution,smart

Y/n's POV

I dashed towards Sasuke and hid with him


Sasuke:What are you doing here

Y/n: let's form a team,the goal of this test is teamwork

Sasuke:No thanks, I'll get the bells by myself and besides you'll just hold me back,now get out of my spot


I jumped away and I heard him curse at me

Y/n:I definitely don't need to go ask Sakura cause I'm sure she would've joined if Sasuke was there

I looked towards sensei's battle with Naruto and saw that Naruto was tied on a tree branch and Sasuke saw that as an opportunity to throw ahurokens at Kakashi but it was a substitution

Y/n:Sasuke must've left his position,next is Naruto

I ran to Naruto

Naruto:Y/n!Help me!

Y/n:I know, that's why I came here

I took out a kunai and cut the ropes holding Naruto

Naruto:Thanks bro,now I'll go get sensei

Y/n:Wait Naruto...And he's gone,damn it

I heard a scream

Y/n:Heh sensei's got Sakura


I sat on a rock waiting for sensei and he came

Y/n:Hi hi

Kakashi:Oh there you are, I'm done with your teammates your next



I dashed at kakashi and kicked him in the face but it was a substitution and as he appeared behind me

Y/n:Fire style:fire ball

The fire incinerated him but I knew it was a substitution and I'm sure he'd attack me from below

Y/n:Earth style: Earthquake

I placed my palms on the ground and it rumbled before bursting open and kakshi jumped out

Kakshi:Tsk so you knew

Y/n:Heh, lightning style:Stun Gun

A bolt of lightning struck kakashi and paralyzed him

Kakashi:Damn it


I went to grab the bells until...The bell rang


Naruto was tied to a wooden post and Sakura laid on the wooden post on his left and Sasuke laid on the wooden post at the right and I laid on the grass staring at the sky

Kakashi:Well too bad,you three fail!

Sakura: Three? Don't you mean four

Kakashi:No I mean three because y/n passed,he found the real aim of that test which was teamwork,he had tried to recruit Sasuke and Naruto


Kakashi:But actually not only did you three fail...you should quit being ninjas


Sasuke:Damn you!

He dashed at kakashi but he easily pinned him down and sat on him

Sakura: Don't sit on Sasuke Kun!

Kakashi:You all failed to work as a team,Sasuke all you did was rush in on your own,Naruto all you did acting better than everyone and charging in recklessly, Sakura all you did was chase Sasuke when Naruto was the closest to you....Now Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies

He placed a kunai at Sasuke's neck and that frightened Naruto and sakura


Naruto:W-woah sensei that's a bit violent

Kakashi:You guys can be faced to a situation like that

He got off Sasuke and walked to a stone

Kakashi:On this stone is the names of the heroes of konoha

Naruto:Cool!I want my name to be there too!

Y/n: Naruto they sacrificed themselves for konoha...


Kakashi:The names of my comrades are here also

Sakura:Sorry sensei

Kakashi: I'll give you three another chance,so eat up except you Naruto,you can't eat

He disappeared and everyone opened up their food

Naruto: don't worry about me guys I'm okay

His stomach growled and I sighed

Y/n:Here you go


Y/n:Eat up, you're my little brother,I can't bear to see you like this


Sakura:But Y/n you'll fail

Y/n:He said I've passed,so there is no need and besides if you guys are going up against him again,you need your strength

Sasuke:Here you go Naruto


Sakura:Fine, I'll give you too

Naruto:Sakura chan...Well you see my hands are tied Soo

Sakura:Gah fine,but tis is the first and the last time

Kakashi appeared with lightning around him

Kakashi:You all,disobeyed me now you will be punished....!

Sasuke And Y/n both stood up protectively

Naruto:W-wait Sensei, it's not their fault,they just wanted to help



Kakashi:Yep you all pass,team 7 begins their first mission tomorrow



Everyone began leaving happily

Naruto:Um guys!Help!

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