
The First in the New World OVERLORD(Dropped)

Kaleb was just a Soldier in the old world that loved playing Yggdrasil with his friends. One day he got injured pretty bad and got in Yggdrasil dying. His friends were with him till the moment he died. But instead of death he got sent into the New World billions of years before. Let’s see how this turns out. — I took inspiration from stories on Wattpad, fanfiction.net, and other places for the story. I claim no own ship over anything, and yup

Panda_sword_Master · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 4: Somewhat Recovery and Training

Aniz POV:

We were left in the throne room with my guardians, I had some maids come in and gently get him to his room. I also had Pestonia and our best armorsmith go with them to get the armor off that was melted into his skin. Also to have the elves that were with him to go into his room with him. He wouldn't have low level elves for nothing right?

Then Albedo, the voice of the guardians, "why are you helping that man my lord?" All the guardians wanted to know as well.

I mulled over it for a second. "That man was the closest thing I had to a brother and also one of the 41 Supreme Beings." The look of shock on all of their faces. "Also the thing we said near the end, before he died, we promised that in the next world, we would say that to each other to know that it is each other." I put my bony hand on my lower jaw.

Albedo asked, "if he was one of the 41 supreme beings, who did we not know who he is? Also you said he died, how and why, let us correct it and kill all those that would harm the supreme being!" With her aura leaking out. I let out my dark and depressing and it was amplified by the staff.

"Calm down Albedo, we we come from, our world was clouded by poison, it rained acid, and it was constantly war. He was a general, a prodigy general at the age of 39 at the end. He died to save everything, the word as a whole. Nukes were raining down because a country attacked our, we fought them off, all under his command by the way. And pushed into their territory. When we cornered them, mutually assured destruction. But he got on and shot down the nukes. He was severely injured and the company's decided to give him one wish for his hero service."

"He wished to be online in Yggdrasil with his friends on the way out. The company's filmed it and got good press but that was the last big meeting of the supreme beings. He died a hero and brother in arms, saving everyone and everything he could before he himself died. He was a hero. He probably wants you to call him Kaleb though in game he was Blaze Boi."

"My lord," Albedo and the rest looked at me with tears threatening to come out. The emotional suppressor was working overtime and I'm still feeling the heavy emotions.

"I'M LEAVING! Only get me if he wakes up or something major." And with that, I teleported out to my room and then to go adventuring with Narberal Gamma.

Guardians after Aniz left:

Lord Aniz aura still had lasting effects, they slowly got up. "I had no idea, We need to support the last two supreme beings." Says Albedo.

Demiurge nods his head saying, "I concur, Lord Blaze, he was the first one to leave, but he never left, not on purpose, this opens so many more opportunities. For everything. The thought!" Demiurge was lost in thought and most everyone was to.

"Wait, Lord Blaze was injured, what if what injured him comes for us?" Mare looked scared and she was the one to say that.

"Don't be such a Scared Cat Mare," Said Aura.

"We won't let what got him get us, besides, if it fought him, it is most likely dead, after all, he was the strongest Supreme Being, named the Trump Card of Nazarick." Demiurge came back and said that.

"Everyone should get back to their post. We don't want to disappoint them, especially in this sensitive time."

Kaleb POV:

All I felt was pain. I woke up in bed, my head was spinning and I feel everything on me. WHAT! I feel, usually I don't feel cause of my armor. I jolt up and open my eyes, I'm not looking out through a slit. I look around, I'm on my bed, my bed from the guild. I look at my arm, it's black with dark red veins in it. I still fell weak but not near as mush as before.

In bed I'm covered by an impossibly soft blanket and I feel it but also a big pains all over my body. I pulled the blanket off and look down at my nether, oh THANK YOU GOD, I STILL GOT MY DONG!! Whooo! I look around again and see my armor against the wall stacked nicely. Their was a big mirror indented into the wall. And a doorway where I see a lava bath area. The room and bathroom was well built with a walls of fire proof semi golden wooden walls and dull grey stone base. And carpet and furs of beasts on the floor. A fire black in the corner with warm color flames mixed with some white. Well lit with and very cozy.

This was his room within the great tomb of Nazzarick. He waited a little bit and the door opened. Their was a maid, one of the 41 homunculus maids, walked in with some food, saw me up and froze. I said, "Hello," very awkwardly and she jumped and the food fell from her hands and she ran out the door. Not 3 minutes later I head some running and in walked the 3 elves I saved, my best friend Momonga, and a dog maid healer.

"Hello, my old friend, I've missed you," I began tearing up. Lava tears were coming down my cheeks and dispersing.

He said, "you too but lay down, you need to get well first." I lay back down and he said, "Pestonia, make sure he is well enough and check his body." The dog maid walked over and pulled out tool to see if I'm well. She must be Pestonia. "It's good to see you. It's been a long time, I can't even imagine how long for you my brother."

"Billions of years. Bud."

"Sarcastic or literal?"

"Literal my brother, when I arrive the world was in chaos. Dragons commanded everything. Humans, Demi humans, hetromorphs, killing and dying. Each other for survival. Everything was a hunter gather civilization level. And when I fell into a sleep, I accidentally destroyed the world. But I won though very heavily damaged. I also gained levels and class not from Yggdrasil. I'm more powerful than even you my friend."

"You've had a long ride my brother. Even back before Yggdrasil, you fought and saved the country from total annihilation at the cost of you life. Dude, they showed it on tv simultaneously, in VR and irl. Nearly everyone in the country, everyone in the guild was told by their bosses to go home and get on to be with you, was watch the Fire God of Yggdrasil and the Warmaster General die. It was a sobering moment." Momonga looked like he had sadness in his eyes though you couldn't tell by his face. "Your death was the last big gathering of Aniz Ooal Gown. It didn't tear us apart but a lot quit and more just fell out. By the way, I changed my name to Aniz Ooal Gown, how you feel about that?"

I flinched as the pain became unbearable when Pestonia touched me. "It's fine, your using it to spread the name of the guild right? I don't care as long as you don't sully the name of it."

Pestonia must of been don't and it was a good time to interject, "My lords, if I may, I need to examine all of him including his lower part, so my lord, Aniz, you may want to step out."

"Uhhh, ok." He got up, and walked out the door but before he left, "let me know how he is and bring him to my office when done." The door shut.

Aniz POV:

[Message] "Albedo, have Lupusand yourself meet me in the Truesury. I need your help to get somthing out of it."

Back to the Room:

The elves were still in the room, uncomfortable when Pestonia spoke to them, "I'll need you help now, don't be uncomfortable, he's your master, he's seen your nakedness I assume, it fine to see his." She then flung the sheet covering my lower half. She grabbed some instruments and was poking all over my body, then she grabbed something an put it on my dick. Then it rang before grabbing something else and putting it on my balls. Then she told the elves when she was done, "help him into the lava bath, he will be in pain but he needs it, I'll send in some other maids to help as well. Woof."

The elves walked over to me, with my dick still out, and Eleria said, "thank you for buying us, we now have our dignity and bodies back thanks to you."

"Yup, don't thank me yet, I'm going to have you train and transform you into real warriors or whatever. You may curse my name but you will be stronger."

"You never said you name to us, what is it and what is this place? Nobodys been saying anything to us and we've been locked in this room." The elves looked at me, wanting answers.

"My name is Kaleb Agni Solaris, but you can call me Kaleb or master." I said this with a wink then continue, "This is the great tomb of Nazarick, the greatest place on this planet and they probably aren't talking to you cause I brought you here and your humanoid." Then the maids walk in with a wheel chair and everyone helps me into it while I am stark naked. Several of the maids look at it and blush while the elves are trying to keep their eyes off of it.

We move into the bathroom, and their a lava bath with several Lava Maidens in their which are a pay for monster, they are only supposedly spawn in Surter's Garden of fire, them being low level spawns but I paid extra for them to be their.

Everyone helps me into it while the elves and maids step out for the lava maidens to clean me off. They clean all my body and they hot, with only skimpy clothing on made of fire while their skin is a onlive brown and their hair is a bright orange, seemingly on fire though not a hair is out of place. I'm definitely coming back here when I'm semi better.

They finish up and they try to blow me, and I want to but I want to talk to Aniz first so I call the elves and maids back in. They Lava Maidens are dejected but I say I'll be back.

They help me back onto the wheelchair, I say, "I can get out myself."

They one of the maids said, "your injured, we'll do it." When giving me the evil eye to stand down. I surrender and they help me into clothes and then the wheelchair. The clothes where nice cloth underwear with black cloth sweatpants, it felt like one of those non-polyester but better and a red shirt blending to black on the bottom than ties nicely to the sweatpants. Then some black gold bands on my ears. With a The wheelchair I'm in is one of where the person sitting in it or a person wheeling them can move them. It also has a holder for a sword though I don't have one right now.

They take me to out of my bedroom into my room proper. I went out right side past the throne and go down the left side. I designed it be a combo of a mead hall and throne room with a rune smith area in the corner and a fire place right in the middle with a spit on it so I could roast almost any animal whole. The fire is Surtus Eternal Flame and it can actually cook. I also have a buttery/storeroom on the left side through a doorway with several barrels and plenty of anything and everything. All the money I spent in Yggdrasil, most was junk and I put it their and gold I deposited into the guild treasury. I also look over to the right side and see a door that I did not put their.

Finally we out the front door, the elves and maids were having small talk. The drive me for a little bit until we're in front of Aniz's room. "This is his office?"

"Yup!" She seem ecstatic to serve. I just kept thinking, is all the NPCs like this?

The maid knocked and another maid opened the door. She talked to Aniz through the door and I heard him yell, "let them in." We walked in and their was the guardian overseer Albedo sitting in a desk beside Aniz's. "Hello, Kaleb."

"Sup bud. You have to catch me up." I look at him and he motions for them to take me to the sofa. I sit down on the sofa but everything still hurts. Then another knock and Pestonia is their.

He tells her to come in and us my health. She first gives me my status and my eyes pop out of my sockets:

Kaleb Agni Solaris:

Age: 5,000,059,372


- Demon God of Yggdrasil

- Primal God of Fire, Dragons, and Destruction

Level: ♾

Karma: 0 (Neutral)

Race Level(s):

[Eldjotnar] 15

[Elder Eldjotnar] 10

[Primal Eldjotnar] 10

[Heir of Surtr] 5

[Dragon God] 5

[Primal Deity] 5

[God of Destruction] 5

Class Level(s):

[Soldier of Muspelheim] 15

[Guardian] 10

[Runsmith I-X] 10

[World Defender] 5

[World Destroyer] 5

[World Bane] 5

[World Flame] 5

[Wild Magic] 5

[Soldier] 15

[Paladin] 10

[General] 10

[Commander] 10

[Cook] 15

[Farmer] 15

[Builder] 10

[Engineer] 5

[Spell Crafter] 5



(List goes on, has literally all the classes maxed out)

Stats (max is 100):

- Health points 350

- Magic Power ♾

- Physical Attack 200

- Physical Defense 250

- Dexterity 200

- Magic Attack 300

- Magic Defense 99

- Special 200

Souls: 949,597,348,192,748

Wild Magic Mastery: 1

"What … the … Fuck?!" I finished reading and Aniz is just looking at me like I'm a monster.

"Are you a monster?" He then asked.

"NO! I'm, I don't know but I'm me."

"Well that's his stats but his body seems strong and weak at the same time. Woof. Though he is very weak physically, his magic strength is off the charts. Woof. Also, his extremities seem to much bigger than average. Woof. Nothing I can do can make him get his physical strength back. Woof."

Aniz was rubbing his chin bone in thought when Pestonia continued, "He may be stuck in a wheelchair forever, woof. Though I think you could use one of the twenty or, a much more luckily option would be that he can get his strength back my casting a wild magic spell with all the souls he collected, woof."

Me and Aniz look at each other, knowing I could accidentally destroy the world.

"Shit!" We both say at the same time.