
The Fire Tyrant

An incredibly powerful mage, married to the goddess of magic, with the strength to literally move the world and create his own realm, has a way to continually reincarnate himself after death. His latest incarnation wakes up with no knowledge of how long it has been since his last lifetime, or why everything that he had built is suddenly falling apart. His ingredients, magical supplies, servants... all gone. He starts back over from almost scratch, with nothing more than his personal realm, and the memory of how great it once was. ------- Seventeen plus. There's a lot of cursing, adult situations, and who knows how many lovers, love scenes and gore may pop up in the tale that's being told. I plan for one chapter a week to begin with. I'm hoping to have between one thousand to two thousand words per chapter. Once I get a fleshed out schedule, I'll post more as time allows.

threethan · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 011

He was dreaming a good dream, where the women of his past had all gathered to thank him for the wonders that he'd given them. With a breast in one hand, two fingers inside another woman's pussy and a head bobbing up and down on his cock, it was easy to tell that he was quite enjoying the reward they were giving him.

Fire's warmth rushed over him and on instinct he greedily drew it into himself. There was a backdrop of frigidity that caused him to pause in the middle of burying his tongue into the mouth of a woman he'd known over seven lifetimes ago. With a strand of saliva bridging the distance between the two mouths, Trimagus tried to understand why it was of importance to him.

He felt the head moving with more vigor, the woman's tongue smooth but oddly dryer than before. She struggled, as if to pull away. Finally pulling her head up, he saw that it was Alaina, panic written on her face. "Master, Master. Quick wake up."

"Wha..?" And, then he was awake. Jerking to sit up, he reached a hand out in either direction, one rested on Alaina's thigh, the other on the empty bed. Furrowing his brows, once again sure something was wrong with this discovery, he turned towards the open window and then the empty bed before looking at Alaina.

"She fled, huh?" He asked, drowsiness pushed aside as a hint of anger slipped into his tone. It caused his voice to crackle, the sound of embers popping and heating to a fire.

"Yes, Master. Moments ago, the alarm went off at the window. I woke up just in time to see her slipping out." She explained, sliding out of bed to quickly begin dressing. "There was a crash, and then an explosion of ice, followed by an even bigger explosion of fire. Which you… uh.. I don't know how you did it, but you just sucked it in and swallowed it all." She smirked.

"You mentioned something about liking a kick of cold with such a warm drink." She was already dressed and was removing the Earth lock she'd placed on the door. When she turned back, the room was empty besides her.

Trimagus grabbed his robe as he threw himself out the window, using a bit of Air to move the fabric in subtle ways to ensure it would cover his modesty, even as he landed and pushed himself further from the ground.

Flame was a powerful ally, especially when used properly. The mage used his bare feet to push out gouts of flame, sending him high up into the air, the heat and pressure given a hint of Matter's assistance to allow him to projectile himself after the deserter.

It only took a few moments to find the girl, mostly thanks to the strength of her resonance, and the time of night that she decided to escape.

"Huh. A house.." Musing to himself, Trimagus landed in the backyard of a small fenced in garden like plot of land. The log cabin was large enough for a family to be comfortable in, albeit they might be a little on top of one another if others were to visit.

He viewed the building a couple moments, then sighed and started strolling forwards. About ten yards away from the back door, he waved a finger and a ball of fire sped from its tip and hit the solid barrier with a soft creaking sound. It took a moment of the wood bowing, before the ball exploded, washing the room inside in a scorching heat.

"Knock knock." Trimagus called as he stepped into the building, recalling the flames before they could do any true damage. It happened to quickly that only the door was damaged, resting indented into the wall behind the doorway the mage had just walked through.

"Who.. What.. how?" Voices cried from rooms nearby, and the flaming haired man gradually looked more annoyed.

For a brief moment, he released the iron like grip he had on the intangible sensation that his resonance gave, washing through the house an overwhelming sense of heat and passion. "Everyone, bring your ass to the back yard. If you don't, I'll blow up this house, and everyone in it. Even the children." A gout of flame erupted in a room nearby, indicating there were ways for the invader to reach any and all persons that he desired to do so.

Moments later, fifteen people are lined up, kneeling in the back yard. Trimagus looks at all of them carefully, before stopping in front of Stormy. His crotch was inches from her face, and despite the current situation, he couldn't help but momentarily fantasize about the way it would feel to have her milk him for all she could.

The fabric shifted, as his body reacted to the thought, and he cleared his throat to draw the girl and her family's attention up to his face.

"I don't know what you took, or why you did it, but I've come for you to return what's mine." Crossing his arms over his chest, he looks down at her.

"I didn't… I mean… I didn't take any.." She tried to lie, but seeing the way he looked down at her, she realized it wouldn't help any. It would only cause worse for her family in the end.

"Here." She muttered, and hung her head as she returned the sparse amount of coins and the few bits of medicine that the duo had gotten before meeting up with Stormy.

"Why did you take it? And, why did you lie to me?" He asked, reaching down to gather his belongings in his hand, ignoring the way the elderly people looked at the small bits of metal and herbs with desire.

"For my family…" She explained, looking up at him. "They need food to eat, and medicine to survive. No one's willing to help us, or hire me, so I had to …" She shrugged. "Improvise."

"Improvise, huh?" Now, he looks over the four generation of people that were lined up before him, and closed his eyes. It was only moments before he opened them again.

"Death." He exclaimed, pivoting on his heel to shuffle a few people down, stopping at a boy of about ten. "You. You're the reason this is all happening." He explained, crouching down to take a better look at the boy.

"I am?" The boy said, eyes already beginning to tear up.

"Yeah, you are. You've got a strong resonance to death, stronger than the rest of your family's resonance to life." He explained, patting the boy's head fondly. "So, it's making them sick. Basically, you'd not doing anything wrong, but your resonance isn't for someone who has a large family with them at all times."

The boy looked down, and seemed to shrink. "I'm sorry.." He whispered.

Trimagus looked shocked, and then from the boy to the others and back. "I'm not!" He sounded excited once more. "Look, I'm sure you're feeling really bad right now, about all of this." Reaching out, he tucked a hand under the boy's chin, and brought his face up to look into his eyes. "But, you didn't do anything wrong. And, I need a person like you."

This was added a bit softer, making it harder for others to hear. With a wink, he stood up and looked back to the group as a whole.

"Okay, decision time." He explained to them, tossing the bit of money and plants on the ground at Stormy's knees. "You can join me, serve me with your lives, as my slaves for the rest of your family's existence, or…" Flame exploded behind them, as it engulfed the home they'd just left, leaving a small black pitch where the house once stood.

They looked back and forth before Stormy spoke. "We'll serve you, Master!" She exclaimed, over riding the shock of what had just happened with the need for preservation of herself and her family. "We'll do anything you want.. I'll do anything you want, please don't hurt my family."

Alaina arrived moments later, frowning at the mess she saw.

"What took you so long?" He asked over his shoulder, smiling and looking at the group.

"Good. In that case, all of you will go to my realm. Boy, you are going to be working with my apprentice, Gunther. He's got a touch of death, and has had more time to practice and refine the technique's you're going to need."

Leaning down, he rested his heave palm on the boy's shoulder. "You're going to a lifesaver. Literally." He ruffled the kid's hair and stood back up. "I'm going to be sending you all to my realm, I'll also be giving some instructions, via your mind, so you'll know what you need to do when you get there."

"Oh, right, no men are allowed in the tower. But, your house will be there, so don't worry about finding a place to live." He smiled, and waved at the stunned, and still silent family. Then, with a flash of blinding light and a rush of heat, all save for Stormy disappear.

"Now. Your punishment is going to be much more fun for me." He said, rubbing his hands together, and smiling to himself.

Sometimes it's easy to take the story from my mind, and put it in text and other times it's not so easy.

Thank you, for reading.

Please point out any mistakes, and leave a comment or review.

threethancreators' thoughts