
The Finest Revenge

Su Wen Ling had everything. Money, luxurious clothes, an expensive house, a large estate, fame, and most of all, a handsome, rich fiancé. On the day of her wedding, everything came crashing down. How would Wen Ling face this? Will she live to tell?

Panda_Lun · Urban
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8 Chs

On Set

The next morning, Wen Ling was standing outside her new apartment complex when a familiar silver car pulled up. Popping her head out the window, Wen Ling saw Qian Qian and her manager smiling at her.

After getting in the vehicle and shutting the door behind her, Wen Ling looked up to see her best friend beaming.

"Are you ready A Ling? We're going to find the culprit behind your accident today!" Qian Qian exclaimed confidently.

"The director claims that the set has been cleaned up but the broken parts are still there so we should be able to find some things," the manager explained as he focused back on the road.

Wen Ling couldn't quite recall what happened the day of the accident in detail. The only thing her memory could tell her was that she somehow fell off a landing and was almost crushed to death by one of the large, wooden props. Had someone pushed her off? Was her sister really the one behind it? The answers that Wen Ling sought for might've been erased the day the set was cleared up but her resolve was strong. I will find those who hurt me and let them have a taste of their own medicine, Wen Ling thought as she watched the scenery whiz by.

20 minutes later, Wen Ling, her manager, and Qian Qian were all on set. Most of the smaller props have been moved away but other than that, the place looked almost exactly the same as the day of the incident. Looking around, Wen Ling immediately recognized the large, wooden backdrop that had nearly crushed her. Odd, how would something of this size and weight be easily pushed, Wen Ling questioned silently.

"A Ling, over here!" Qian Qian called as she pointed to some splintered pieces next to her.

Walking over, Wen Ling glanced up and saw the broken landing.

"Seems like this is it…" Wen Ling whispers to herself as she takes a closer look at the fragments on the ground.

"Any clues yet?" Wen Ling's manager asked as he walked over.

"I'm not sure if this counts as anything but with these broken pieces, it definitely just looks like an unfortunate accident," Wen Ling started to say.

"Well the odds of anyone falling through is very low. I'm sure nowadays, the staff and crew perform safety checks before every shooting so someone would've been here before you," Qian Qian replied, picking up one of the wooden pieces.

"We'll have to check with the staff then," the manager concluded.

"Let's save that for later, I want to see that landing up close," Wen Ling said, looking back up at it.

"You mean?!" Qian Qian began.

"Yeah, I want to get up there," Wen Ling answered.

"But w-what if something happens again?!" Qian Qian nervously exclaimed.

"It'll be fine, I have you both. You'll catch me right?" Wen Ling joked a little while giving Qian Qian a reassuring smile.

After promising that she will be extra careful, Wen Ling started towards the lift. When she was finally standing on the platform, she found it to be some 15 feet off the ground. If someone fell off from here, they most likely would've broken some major bones. Why was I completely unharmed? Did the rebirth have something to do with it? Wen Ling's head started swarming with a million questions but she forced herself to brush them away. I have to focus on what's at hand, she thought to herself as she took another step forward.

Stopping at the edge where the rest of the landing broke off, Wen Ling could see the worried faces below.

"It definitely just seems like this landing was just too weak and I just happened to step on it…" Wen Ling muttered quietly to herself. "Well, whoever did it, they must have carefully planned everything out."