
The Final Ragnarok

Valhalla was in turmoil, the Einherjar, furious, protested to Odin, disappointed not to have been able to participate in the promised battle of Vígríðr, whatever the outcome, the situation will escalate into a disaster, however, the Warrior King, the root cause of all this pandemonium, offers his help, Odin was compelled to accept.

ReadOnePieceYaDope · Fantasie
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1 Chs

The Winter Sun (Prologue)

"No being has kept count of how many Ragnarok Instances there were before the Age of the Winter Sun, the era during which the historical records mention the sudden appearance of a warrior of unknown origins who led the whole of humanity in an effort to survive Ragnarok, under his rule, mankind survived Fimbulwinter, he led his forces to defeat Jormungandr, Fenrir, the Muspell Forces, even the likes of Surtr fell, he prevented Ragnarok and he put the burden of the human race on his back and allowed them to brave through the Great Winter, these accomplishments have given him the title of Warrior King, were it not for the account of the Gods themselves, stories of this warrior would undoubtedly fade away, and be dismissed as mere myth, but the stories are true.

After the death of Surtr, he abdicated the throne and he set off, his destination Asgard, to seek an audience with Odin, the Allfather, the records mention pandemonium within Valhalla, the Einherjar were furious that what was supposed to be their glorious death was denied, even if it saved the very universe, so the Warrior King offered to take the responsibility of handling the matter from him, but he had 3 conditions, one was for the gods to relocate to Midgard and to protect humanity, his second and third conditions, is for Odin to give to him control of Asgard and the Bifrost, knowing there was nothing more he can do, he worried for what would happen should the Einherjar rebel and he knew very well that by being asked in the first place, he was being done a favor, he accepted, after the gods' relocation to Midgard, with the Bifrost, the Warrior King created a bridge able to cross beyond the nine realms, to other universes in need of heroes, for them, he sent Einherjar, in need of purpose, then he disappeared through this very bridge without a trace.

Even the cooperation between mankind and the gods was barely able to fill the void the Warrior King left upon leaving the Kingdom of Midgard, a testament to how consequential he was as a figure in that era, in an Age of Gods, of a Fimbulwinter, of a battle destined to kill the entirety of life and prophesied to end the very universe, yet he was what people associated the era with, the mighty warrior who protected his people from the cold and from all else that threatened his people, the being who altered the destiny of the universe with his might, the Warrior King, the Winter Sun, it was his era."

- Compiled Records from the Age of the Winter Sun Series (Warrior King), Professor Frode Zeka

"Damn this is interesting, world-building from the start, it kinda sounds familiar though I wonder why." Ezekiel Wang thought to himself, engrossed by the book he picked up in the store, so much so that he did not notice the figure from behind walking up to him with malicious intent, the figure punches Ezekiel in the back of the head, giving him quite a startle.

"When I said accompany, I sort of meant for you not to leave me alone while I'm browsing for a good novel." His sister tells him, cross that he left her alone without even a word.

"Marie, seeing you browse through 45 different books is not entertaining, gimme a break, besides, are the 8 bodyguards you brought not accompaniment enough?" He replies to her, audibly annoyed, and he goes back to reading the book, Marie sees the title of the book and is somewhat surprised.

"I didn't know you were interested in history." She tells him with a confused expression on her face, upon hearing that Ezekiel puts on a face that tells her that he is even more confused.

"What do you mean? It's a fantasy novel right?" He says, questioning what she said and at the same time questioning his own hearing, she motions to his left, to a sign that says "NON-FICTION" he rushes further into the aisle, around him, there were books about Gods, Legends, Battles, Monsters, and they were considered "history"?

But that's not what confused him, the feeling of deja vu disappeared and he began to remember, he knew these stories, all of them, but he was confused as to why these stories were written as if they were events from thousands of years ago, he remembers meeting the Gods, slaying the monsters, and leading all those battles that were the subject of these books, he remembers them vividly because he was there and it did not happen a thousand years ago, not for him.

"System Quick Analyze" Marie says, Ezekiel turns to his sister, she reads from a screen that no one else can see, a player's system interface, she tells him "System says you're in good condition, why are you acting weird?" He looks in the direction of her interface, she seems to understand and explains to him "I'm not crazy, it's a long story but I have this system and it allows me to do stuff." Ezekiel nods "Very enlightening, I fully understand now." he says sarcastically, he takes a big sigh to process the day and tells his sister "Let's go home."

This is my first crack at the whole webnovel thing, despite my inexperience, I hope you can enjoy reading my work, and if you'd be so kind, leave some pointers or some pieces of constructive criticism, that would be greatly appreciated if you'd be so kind, thank you.

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