
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasie
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55 Chs

The school of elements

Upon reviewing the itinerary of the traveler, my attention was diverted by an audible click, indicating the entrance door had been slightly nudged open. Michael was the entrant and he was in possession of a black plastic bag. Once inside, he proceeded to shut the door prior to delving into the bag.

From its contents, he removed a circular plate, generously filled with waffles, eggs, and a sandwich. Nodding to me in a friendly greeting, he offered, "Hey," before serving himself a portion from the plate. We commenced eating, the silence thickening the palpable tension that enveloped the room.

Michael was in the process of retrieving a fork from a black bag when I queried, "What element selected you?" In a startled tone, he replied, "Being chosen by an exceptional element like darkness must elevate your status considerably. After all, there are only two individuals in our school assigned with such element."

He then proceeded to reveal his personal elemental association, which was fire. He explained that there were two other individuals within our educational establishment associated with the darkness element. One of them happens to be the principal, while the other is a person named Kalyan.

Kalyan was described as being quiet and calm, co-operative in any circumstance, and importantly, a member of the student council. Despite his tranquil disposition, he possessed formidable strength. "Fascinating," I responded, my curiosity piqued.

Driven by my newly kindled interest, I proceeded to inquire further about the student council's activities and the process of becoming a member.

We highly encourage students to focus on learning, rather than engaging in physical altercations. However, should a student wish to partake in a duel, it is imperative that the other party consents, and formal permission is obtained from the student council to use the training ground. The student council is composed of five members, where I hold the second position. The first seat is held by one of King Alexander's daughters.

Becoming a member of the student council involves either challenging a current member in a physical combat - a demonstration of strength, or intellectual challenge. Keep in mind, the recipient must agree to the terms of the challenge, as well as the challenge itself.

It is not recommended to join the student council due to the numerous responsibilities that it entails. It is incumbent on a council member to uphold their image to maintain the faith of the constituents. Failure to handle certain aspects that assert your authority might breed doubt in the minds of some people, leading them to believe that they can easily take your place. This will inevitably result in facing a slew of challenges. Further, the council can convene a meeting to assess your tenure if you fail to accept any challenge.

Intrigued by the functioning of the council, I inquired about the student council leader and the principal's names. My friend Michael divulged that the student council is led by a blonde-haired girl named Alice, with striking green eyes. She stands approximately 5 foot 7 inches tall and her elemental sign is light. Further, she is the daughter of the reigning king, who is pushing her towards leadership by enrolling her in this educational institution. He evidently expects much from her, and sees this as a way to shape her as a future leader.

In the ranks, I am considered as likely the most powerful in the institution, attributable not only to my bestowed fire element, but also to the possession of a unique artifact: a large Claymore sword named Hovic, which significantly amplifies the heat yield of my element.

The regulations in this academic setting are strictly implemented not just by the student council, but also by school authorities, notably the principal and the teaching staff. One dominant rule being, the prohibition of usage of our innate capabilities beyond school premises, along with a curfew strictly enforced at 8 pm.

Curiosity led me to question the rationale behind the unwavering 8 pm restriction. With an attempt to defy the rule, I ventured out, only to confront an obscure creature walking the corridors. Although I was unable to identify it distinctively, an immediate realization dawned upon me, indicating the grave mistake I made in ignoring the rule.

Interrogating about the experience of owning an element and an artifact, he responded, smirking with an air of superiority, that he feels akin to the masses. Soon after, we were preparing to tidy up the room. Michael excused himself, mentioning his return shortly. Meantime, I engaged myself in sweeping and dusting, a task I had grown accustomed to from my cohabitation with Sonia and John. My downtime was occupied with reading a book brought from John's collection.

After reading for an hour, I decided to explore the building in order to better familiarize myself with it. I directly proceeded toward the opposite side of the main entrance. As I strolled along, I spotted a large portal, which was unique among the series of other doors I had passed earlier. This door bore no number, but a pictogram of a book.

I surmised that I had found the library, and with that thought, I turned the knob and gently pushed the door open. As I stepped in, I observed the circular architecture of the library, spread across three levels. Each floor was lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves; a grand staircase leading up from the reception area and there were four windows on each level. The ceiling was transparent and a magnificent chandelier presided in the heart of the library.

"I stepped into the library with awe, encountering rows upon rows of books everywhere I turned. Approximately 15 students were dispersed around the area, some immersed in books sitting at the rectangular desks that occupied the space. With curiosity, I moved towards the front desk. There, absorbed in a book, was a man sporting blonde hair and blue eyes. He was adorned in an old-styled black top hat, matched with a black and white suit.

I politely addressed him, 'Excuse me, I wish to take out some books.' As he closed his book, he informed me that as a newcomer, I would require an access card from either the student council, a teacher, or the principal to borrow a book. However, he assured me that I was free to peruse the books within the confines of the library.

After which, he introduced himself, 'I am Peter,' he said, standing up and taking a courteous bow. He assured me that he would be more than capable of assisting with any library related inquiries that I might have."

Following my conversation with Peter, I endeavored to peruse the available books in our library, eager to find segments of the elusive diary. Regrettably, my attempts were fruitless. Subsequently, I settled at a table intending to peruse a compelling fable, 'The Duke and The Unknown Princess'.

A distinctive selection, a voice commented, as she approached wielding a book in hand. She bore vibrant green eyes and golden yellow locks - a precise illustration of Michael's descriptions. With a cordial introduction, she named herself as Alice Vice, the current Student Council Principal. It was then that I presented myself as Reo.

Complimenting her beauty in a hushed whisper, I was surprised by her modest response. It was unusual for her to receive such an earnest compliment without the individual first acquiring a substantial amount of self-assuredness, she revealed. She however admired my hair colour and the unique shade of my eyes. Following the light-hearted exchange, I welcomed her to join me at the table.

Sure. Explaining a bit about the book I am currently engrossed in. I had actually initiated reading it from another library but had to pause midway. It is an intriguing tale about a woman who is reborn, after being murdered by her lover, namely Kevin, in her prior existence. However, interestingly, her death was not really a result of Kevin, but an intricate plan carried out by his mother and grandfather. Having been given another chance at life, she aims to redefine her existence.

Yes, I acknowledged that I had read this riveting book. The book offers an intriguing exploration of reincarnation, relationships, and a side of thrill. She then commenced reading her book and after an hour, we got interrupted by a voice calling out "Reo!". As we both turned to look, we see Amelia, who was with a girl, who appeared to be her roommate, Aurora Grace.

They both approached us to exchange pleasantries. Just as Alice was about to leave after conveying her parting words, she stated, "Get acquainted with this face. As a representative of the student council, you'll be encountering it frequently.".

After completing the book, I sought to fill in idle time by asking her how she became part of the council. She responded by divulging that her considerable control over her elemental energy was a distinctive factor, with Alice selecting her based on this prowess. She happily accepted due to numerous perks associated with this role. One of the perks, for example, permitted her to borrow books from the library, bypassing the conventional process of seeking approval from the council or making payment. She had been part of the council for approximately two years at this point.

After engaging in an extended discussion with Amelia and Aurora, it was time to retire to our respective rooms. I bade them farewell and proceeded back to my room. Upon twisting the door knob, I found Michael deep in slumber. I moved on to refresh myself by taking a shower, anticipating the dinner that Michael had acquired and setting myself for a good night's rest.