
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasie
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55 Chs

The golden tree

Upon reaching their dormitory, Michael expressed a wish to spend the remainder of his day meditating. Conversely, Reo opted to visit the library. As he was changing his clothes and preparing to leave, Reo suggested to Michael, "Instead of attempting to venture into the girls' dormitory, you could conveniently visit the library to meet Aurora."

Taking Reo's advice into consideration, Michael penned a travelers paper to Aurora detailing his plan to visit the library . He then accompanied Reo to the library. While waiting for Aurora's arrival, Michael occupied a seat and Reo journeyed to the library's third floor in search of intriguing books.

Happening upon an intriguing book on the third floor of the library, Reo was bound by its title - 'The Golden Tree.' As Alice and Amelia approached, Alice couldn't help but express, "The Golden Tree, what an interesting choice".

Next, Reo, moving his hand into his pocket, strolled over to greet his two friends. With a generous gesture, he handed a shiny silver coin to Amelia. Surprised, she couldn't help but wonder, "Oh, what's this for?"

Reo, his face alight with joy, responded warmly. A simple gesture of thanks followed as Reo gently placed his hand atop Amelia's head, playfully chiming, "I think you have gotten taller".

Amelia blushed, responding with a hopeful lilt in her voice, "Oh, really? Maybe someday, I will be as tall as you."

"Well, this is intriguing. Seems like I have some competition on hand," Alice noted, before approaching Reo confidentially. "I need to discuss something important with you. Be honest, Amelia is not your sister, right? I am quite certain because a family having two elemental users is just not plausible. People think that my brother and I have been chosen by an element because of our royal lineage." Alice explained.

"Uh..." Reo stammered, unsure of how to respond, "You're correct. Amelia and I are not siblings by birth. I've just grown up with her family ever since I was small due to losing my past memories."

"That makes a lot more sense," Alice assented. "So, you don't recall anything at all? How does it feel not remembering anything? Does it mean you had to relive experiences again?"

"Please, try to relax," Reo suggested before he, along with Amelia and Alice, descended to the first floor. They noticed Aurora and Micheal engaged in an intimate conversation. "Observe, a pair of romantics," Alice observed as they settled themselves at one of the wooden tables.

Following this, the topic of conversation shifted to a curious volume one of them was holding. "What you're holding is believed to be a book about the mythical Golden Tree. Though considered by many to be a product of folklore, there are those who claim to have discovered fragments of the tree. According to these reports, possessing a branch of the Golden Tree grants an individual the ability to harness their unique skills. As for the entirety of the tree, it is said that it can endow one with not only their unique skill and an ultimate skill, but also an entirely new form sprung purely from their own imagination."

"It could be perilous if possessed by the wrong individuals," Reo noted, before delightfully expressing, "I am relieved it's merely a myth."

"No, not entirely," Alice countered thoughtfully before inquiring, "Do you recall the area Dad marked as hazardous and unfit to traverse? Several travelers venture towards it, crossing the vast ocean. The returned survivors speak of dreaded sea beasts. They believe that these creatures secure half of the world and inhibit us from discovering the territory beyond."

"An entirely new continent, uncharted by anyone? Fascinating," Reo commented keenly before immersing himself in a book.

After engrossing herself in the book for some time, Alice shared the news, "The King plans to host a party in three days. I advise you to prepare thoroughly in advance, although there is considerable uncertainty if he will be present."

She added, "Instead of a carriage, you will be taking a mode of transport known as the steam train. It operates underground."

Intrigued by this new term, Reo inquired, "What exactly is a steam train?" Alice explained, "It's a mode of transportation that garnered fame in the second world for its speed. Interestingly, it's situated beneath our city."

Reo found this intriguing and responded, "I'm eager to experience this novel form of transport, this 'train'." He then promptly resumed reading his book, 'The Golden Tree'.

Checking the time, Alice, Reo, and Amelia resolved to head back to their dorm. They wanted to get ready for their school day and prepare for the bustling party the next day. "Goodnight," Reo waved to everyone, and he and Michael headed off towards their respective dorms.

Once they arrived at their dorm, Reo promptly proceded to the kitchen to whip up some dinner. A satisfying meal later, he climbed up the ladder to his bed, laying there and gazing at the ceiling. Finally, after what seemed like forever, sleep came to him.

As Reo woke up, the pounding alarm was a distant sound. Something felt different - he had actually fallen asleep, something that hadn't happened in a very long time. "Perhaps the curse is beginning to fade" he mused, before shaking away the sleep and climbing down the ladder. He stopped the alarm, bid "Good Morning" to Michael and kick-started his morning routine.