
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Invocation steps

Upon entering the dormitory, Reo observed Michael's absence, which presented an ideal opportunity for him to examine the diary page uninterrupted. He seated himself on the lower bunk and retrieved the diary page stowed in his pocket.

The diary page bore the word "Invocation" and detailed a sequence of actions to be followed. Nonetheless, it did not elaborate on what these actions would potentially invoke.

The text specifies the following instructions:

Locate yourself within a square room.

Acquire a quill and illustrate a square within the room.

Carefully incise four distinct sections, ideally your fingers and allow the blood to drip onto the four edges of the square. Position a burning candle on each side.

Sit within the square and conjure elemental energy, uttering the name 'Crystella'.

Attention must be given to the name. Incorrect invocation could potentially summon an undesired entity that may pose fatal consequences.

Reo, upon perusing the instructions, acknowledged that Kalyan did not possess the power to further give him the next page but could only bring him the page that was nearby. The uncertainty of the entity he might summon deterred him from immediately performing the invocation.

Reo carefully stored the diary page inside his drawer alongside other contents, then proceeded to the kitchen in anticipation of Micheal's arrival, intending to cook dinner beforehand.

Upon Michael's arrival, he navigated to the kitchen where dinner was ready. Michael voiced his appreciation before commencing his meal. While Micheal was engaged in eating, Reo took this opportunity to meditate. After the completion of his meditation, Reo opened his eyes and noted the passing of time. Not only had Michael finished his meal, but he was already slumbering peacefully.

This led Reo's thoughts back to the unfortunate incident at the shop. He considered the possibility that the king might have had a hand in Luna's death and subsequent disappearance. If there was any truth to this, Alice, the king's daughter, would be the most likely source of information linking her father to the incident.

He proceeded to gently push open the dormitory door to investigate the rumored monster precluding students from vacating their rooms after dark. The door creaked open to reveal an eerily dark corridor, lit only by the stark brilliance of the moon. Taking careful steps forward, he cast a glance overhead and behind him. Detecting no monstrous presence, he reckoned the rumor was just a tale brewed to discourage nocturnal wanderings in the dorms. He ventured forth, making sure his steps were soundless.

Reo mused that he could potentially drop by Alice's dorm at this late hour when security was primarily stationed outside. So, he adopted a route towards the reception desk, manned by Charlotte.

Gritting his teeth against an ominous churning of fear, Reo detected a faint growl resonating quietly from his rear. Unwilling to face whatever beast lurked behind, he composed himself and slowly commenced his journey back to his haven – his room.

Positioned with his back to the impending danger, Reo peered at two vast, fearsome eyes that loomed in subtle moonlight. Thus, made his acquaintance with the creature - a lofty wolf draped in a mantle of white fur, standing with an intimidating presence reaching till the ceiling.

Upon witnessing the formidable creature, terror gripped Reo and he hastened to retreat. As his pace escalated to a frantic run, an instinctive plan began to materialize. He unleashed his elemental skill, directing his spear overhead the beast. A spiral of spears descended, creating an unexpected, albeit temporary barrier which stalled the wolf in its pursuit.

Seizing this temporary reprieve, Reo vaulted over the ground, sliding swiftly into the sanctuary of his room. Shutting the door hastily behind him, Reo felt awash with a mixture of emotions – fear, anger, and regret nagged his conscious as he languished in the bleak ambiance of his room.

Reality dawned with ruthless clarity – his curiosity had placed him squarely against a life-threatening situation. An encounter with the wolf could have ended fatally or led to his abrupt expulsion. The dreadful possibilities played out in his mind as he sank deeper into the darkness of his room.