
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasie
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55 Chs


Reo then started contemplating about the perilous encounter with the wolf, and its connection to the remarkably stringent security measures of the school. As he closed his eyes and sat down on the floor to meditate, he aimed for tranquility in his racing mind. Meanwhile, meditation gifted him with a new ability, as information about a previously unknown skill flooded his head.

With wide eyes, he voiced his astonishment, "Can it be that I've unlocked a unique skill?" Aware of the potential danger that this skill might pose within the confines of the dormitory, he made plans to assess it in the colosseum. He also decided to make arrangements to confer with Alice on the intelligence they intended to exchange.

His following meditative session led him into the 'midnight state'. In this state, he spent the night vigilantly watching the city, whilst absorbing the awe-inspiring view of the moonlit sky.

Upon hearing the alarm, Reo promptly interrupted the midnight state, while Michael roused from sleep. Both men began their regular routines.

As they traversed through the school corridor, Michael proceeded into his classroom. Meanwhile, Reo paused outside Alice's classroom and decided to call her seeing as their respective teachers had yet to arrive.

"A pleasant morning to you Alice, or shall I refer to you as a princess?" He playfully asked. Alice swiftly responded, "Please refrain from referring to me as such." Subsequently, Reo suggested, "Alice, would you mind meeting me at the library post-school? We need to discuss some crucial information." Alice agreed, commenting, "That is an excellent idea. I planned on going there to read some books anyhow, so I will surely meet you there." Consequently, they both departed to attend their respective classrooms, where they focused on learning after the arrival of their teachers.

Upon their arrival, Alice contacted Reo and Michael. She informed them that she had been instructed by the principal to summon them to his office. Micheal was familiar with the location of the principal's office, hence Alice did not need to provide detailed directions. Following Micheal's lead, Reo navigated the school and climbed the stairs to the third floor. A lengthy corridor awaited them, at the end of which stood a solitary wooden door.

In that instance, Micheal glanced at Reo who was visibly agitated. His apprehension was rooted in his limited understanding of the principal, only aware of his association with the darkness element.

In an attempt to calm Reo, Micheal said, "It's quite unnerving, indeed. His appointment as a principal is puzzling, given his consistently gloomy demeanor and taciturn nature. But you will comprehend it all in due course." With that said, Micheal turned the door handle and nudged the door ajar.

A substantial wooden desk sat facing the door, a hefty wooden chair tucked behind it. A man resided in that chair, giving off an aura of sleep deprivation. He bore lengthy black hair and unusual purple eyes, donned in a matching black and purple suit. Upon observing the man, Reo's mind couldn't help but draw a comparison to Darren. Although their appearances diverged greatly, they both emanated the same weary and sleep-deprived essence.

Reo and his companion stepped forward towards the desk as the principal withdrew two envelopes from its drawer. He extended a hand in introduction to Reo, "I am Paul Nellis, your principal. And you must be Reo. You both must be perplexed about why I summoned you here from your class. But, let me reassure you, I bring good news. The student council has been chosen to attend a grand event, a party hosted by His Majesty. Several influential families and other school representatives are expected to be present. Congratulations!"

Reo and Michael simultaneously expressed their disbelief. To show respect for the principal in whose presence they were, Reo quickly composed himself. Accepting the invitation extended to them, they took their leave as the principal dismissed them.

Paul watched them leave, his voice ominous and low as he remarked, "So that's him." Reo and Michael exited the principal's office, a distinct bounce in their steps. The news of an invitation to the king's party had them excited as they made their way back to the classroom.

The day had been long and filled with lessons. However, when word got out about the invitation Reo and Michael had received, their classmates crowded around to voice their congratulations. Amelia joined the well-wishers in their talk and congratulated them before turning the conversation to a letter she intended to write about Reo's invitation for John and Sonia. Having said their goodbyes, Reo and Michael retreated to the quiet solitude of their dorm room.

Upon his transformation, Rao, eager to utilise his time efficiently, swiftly moved to open the door intending to depart for the library.

His action prompted a query from Michael. "Where are you headed?" he inquired as Rao spun around.

Affirmatively, Rao responded, "I am proceeding to the library to indulge in some reading." Following his statement, Rao sauntered down the corridor, halting only upon reaching the library's entrance. Having entered the library, he noticed Alice's presence. Acknowledging that she had been expecting him, he gracefully made his way towards her and took a seat. As he settled, Alice posed a question to him: "Who will be going first?"