
9. Chapter 9(2)

What a joke...

She was used to standing there for hours on end, the business of the streets usually keeping her on edge and kept the irritating thoughts of her future at bay, but today it was dead silent.

She sighed, wondering what to do.

After several hours of watching the clouds above, with the sun now high in the sky, she heard footsteps.

Dennis walked down the somehow quieter streets of the Red-Light District on his own. Homes appeared far more decrepit than before as if what little maintenance had been done while people were still there was now being negated as everyone now left. Window opening now allowed some beams to cave parts of the roof in, doors that had once been left ajar but able to close were now broken on the floor, and while other smells had occupied his mind prior, there was now an ever-present sense of rot and decay as he moved down the now mossy street.

To his surprise he bumped into a certain winged woman, smoking her opium pipe.

She must have heard him because before he could ask, she spoke to him.

"The child was sent away. Gave her to one of the kinder girls I know. You don't have to worry about her."

It was a matter-of-fact statement.

Dennis looked around, seeing the only other person was a young man, carrying some wood up the stony road ahead.

Turning to her, he asked, "Is everyone gone?"

She let out a puff of smoke in a tired sigh.

"No, but the district is nearly empty now. The crime lords can now take their business elsewhere, and with them, everyone will soon follow in small groups to not arouse suspicion. Your pup went along with the previous group, a friend of mine promised to look after her along with her lover near one of your outposts around Itálica... does that answer your question?" she said in a tone that suggested she was dead tired.

"Yeah, thanks..." he mumbled, moving past her trying not to think of the little girl.

He stopped precisely three steps away from the woman as if his pesky conscious tied a noose around his neck and tugged on it.

"You're leaving, too, right?"

She shrugged.

"I'm sure Sean would worry about you if you didn't."

That got the girl to smile ever so slightly.

"You're a strange people, you know? No one here is worth saving."

"And why should that stop us?"

Cryptically, she said "Perhaps trying to save those that shouldn't be saved would result in more harm than good? But it hasn't stopped you yet, has it? Maybe my understanding of how the world works isn't applicable anymore... oh well..."

Then she turned and walked away, vanishing behind a building.

Dennis thought about it for a moment before continuing on his way.

The Ranger's hideout appeared only a short while later. Still in the center of a relatively open area, riddled with holes after that attack.

Tom was still patrolling the grounds with the M60, only acknowledging the younger Ranger as he walked inside.

Everyone was tired.

Everyone was on edge.

Morale's been low since the attack... and Charlotte leaving with everyone...

He forced himself forward.

Rhodes was inside his makeshift "office", the captain of the Berets walked out as Dennis went in.


"Ah, good... this order came in after the recent battle. Read it. Quietly."

Dennis took the paper and noticed it was in morse code. It took him a moment, but eventually...

Do not trust the Haryo Tribe. If their leader or any of their members show hostile action they are to be terminated immediately.

"They didn't give us any warning about the battle, which is odd as they should be able to find stuff out before us. Granted we were already expecting a battle... but combined with the recent incident and their secretive nature... I just hope you understand."

"Understood, captain."

"Orville... if he gives you even the smallest reason, don't take your chances with him."

"Understood, captain."

"Good. Now, what did you want to discuss with me?"

At this, Orville shifted uncomfortably in place.

"...what's the... the possibility- no... the... policy? The policy on war brides?"


"If I want to... marry a girl from this world... like... what Hastings says he's going to do-"

"Hold on, hold on... Orville, are you...?"

Dennis felt his eyes fall to the floor as if they were iron weights.

Rhodes quickly noticed and, in an almost parental tone, said "Hey, there's no shame in it. I'm just kind of surprised. Then again..."

"A part of me thinks it's the wrong choice."


"Things back home aren't exactly... perfect."

Rhodes slowly nodded, saying "True. You think it's wrong for a white man to marry a black woman?"

Dennis scratched the back of his head.


"Of course, not..."

"Then what feels wrong about it?"

"I dunno, captain. In general, I suppose... nothing. I don't know if people would be alright with it, is the thing."

Rhodes scoffed.

"I knew a couple of fellas that got shipped to Korea back in '52. Nice guys, both of 'em... both of 'em come back with these cute Korean gals. Married over there, did all the paperwork... brought them home. Both are still together. Happily married. One's got two kids already. Not much trouble when they came over that I know of. Then again, Koreans ain't exactly rabbits, are they?"

The 18-year-old shifted uncomfortably in place.

"Dennis, you're a kid still. I'm not going to sit here and tell you how right or wrong you are for wanting to marry this girl, so let's talk facts... I'll ask you... what's your plan?"

Dennis again scratched the back of his head, saying "Technically, my parent's house belongs to me, so I've got a home for her. I plan to stay in the Army, so I can provide for her-"

"You live in Georgia?"

"Yes, captain."

"You know the law there?"

"Read up on it a while back... not many take it seriously nowadays."

"You think she'll be alright over there? She'll be alone a fair bit of time if you honestly plan a military career."

Dennis frowned, saying "I suppose I can always sell the house, move further north... if she's alright with it, as for the military career... I don't know."

"You haven't asked her?"

"No, I want to do this... properly... once the mission is over... and I don't even know if it's alright with her or not."

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"She seems... distant sometimes. Like she's scared of asking me for any help."

"But you... you love her, don't you?"

"What else would you call it?"


"She's gorgeous, but... no... no, that's not it. When she... helped me fall asleep the other night, it..."

"Wait, what's this about helping you fall asleep?"

"O-oh... she helped me because... because..." Dennis found himself unable to finish the sentence.

"Because what?"

At this, the dam broke.

"Because I can't take it anymore... captain..." he whispered in a tone, not unlike that of a frightened child.

He shakily covered his mouth, not daring to look up.

"I-I signed up to do what dad never got to do, but... they warned me! They always warned me..."

Rhodes didn't speak.

Dennis spoke in ragged breaths, as if afraid he would say too much but unable to completely stop.

"I can barely sleep without... it's like... it's like my mind plays the images in my head of all the dead people I've-" he paused, sucking in a breath and composing himself enough to clarify quickly, "I-I can handle that, but... but then I remember how close to dying I came, so I block it out but then I remember that I'm in the middle of the enemy capital and... and then I try to distract myself but I can't. Not for long. I think about mom and dad, and the people I killed and keep hearing... things at night... I..."

With a shaky breath, he said "I think I'm cracking up, captain."

"Okay, that's enough."

Dennis froze up.

Rhodes shook his head, saying "You've kept this all to yourself?"

"Yes, captain!"

"Keep it that way... you've handled it well enough so far, and her helping you is, frankly, what I was hoping to hear. But helping you can't be the only reason you want to marry her, right?"

Dennis swallowed, saying "She... she helped me... she helped me despite everything and it worked, but... I see her hurt and I want to help her, but... I can't because of the mission... and now I worry she might be worse off than me."

"You want to marry her to save her?"

"I... guess want to give her a reason to live... and I guess I... want that, too."

Rhodes felt a degree of pity for the 18-year-old.

They belonged to different generations. Born after the most destructive war in history, born in the nation that was one of the principal victors in that war, and raised by people who lived through both that war and the worst economic crisis in the nation's history... there was a lot to live up to but little to actually do about it.

There was no Nazi war machine threatening the globe.

There was no Empire of Japan threatening the mainland.

Even the Soviet threats weren't entirely comparable, as the current global conflict was an ideological one, not one to be won by who could hit the hardest despite the nuclear arms race.

Sure, they were doing some good, in theory, but it wasn't comparable to the liberation of Europe or the Pacific, and yet the amount of death they had seen despite not suffering any serious casualties really would be enough to make some crack.

He walked over and patted him on the back.

"Well, what do you like about her?"

Dennis thought about it for a moment, as there were several things he admittedly liked about the girl.

"She's kind... despite everything... drop-dead gorgeous, I admit it, but... she's kind." he finally breathed.

Rhodes nodded, patted him on the back a bit harder as if to reassure, and said "I'll get on the paperwork. If things go according to plan, you can pop the question in a week or so. Course, then you'd have to figure things out, maybe take some leave, which I think we're about due for... I'm sure my wife can help us out, too."


"What? Have you seen the amount of paperwork needed to get approved before you can walk her down the aisle? It's explicitly designed to discourage you from making a hasty decision... doesn't stop some of us, of course, but... I think I can help you out... if you're serious."

Dennis stared at him with tired eyes, swallowed, and nodded with determination.

"You're serious, right? You love her?"

"Yes... captain."

"Then that's that... as for your little... let's call it... earthquake... don't sweat it. It's normal. Keep it to yourself, don't suppress it too hard either, but... keep it to yourself. I don't want one of my guys institutionalized, and I doubt she wants you institutionalized."

"Y-yeah... thank you, captain."

"Don't sweat it. This has been tough on everyone, and... let's be honest... you don't look so good right now."

Dennis laughed, harder than he had in a while.

"Right... chin up. We'll be out of here in a week, and then... then you can pop the question."

"I... yes, captain. Thank you."

"Good... now... stay in here for a bit... drink some water, just... take it easy, alright?"

"Yes, captain... thank you."

Rhodes stepped out of the office, finally leaving the 18-year-old alone. The room was quiet and the walls empty except for a single window.

Dennis stared at his feet, then shakily at his hands.

He took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes.

Not yet... not yet...

May 10th, 1964

Virginia, USA

It was a beautiful Sunday, sullied only by the information that had been made available to him.

The Secretary of Defense angrily marched down the offices of a certain department of the American military, ignoring the well-polished floors and typical wooden doors with printed names on the outside, knowing full well who he wanted to meet. A few steps down the hall, and unlike some would expect, the office of the man in charge wasn't at the very end of the hall, but actually, a few doors to the left before the hall finished at a wooden pair of doors with a red "Exit" sign on the top.

He knocked on the door he recognized.

No need to be uncivilized after all.

"Enter." came the tired voice.

The secretary of defense pushed the door open and dumped the file on the officer's desk.


Neither spoke, the bald officer staring at the clean-shaven secretary with a look of confusion.

Being a military officer, the man took the file and looked it over.

"Combat report?" he asked after a moment.

"And the casualty report after this week's major engagement."

The man placed the report on the desk and politely asked "What does this have to do with the Army's Ordnance Department, exactly?"

"The rifles your people greenlit underperformed against men with sticks and stones!"

"Oh, this again..."

"Add to that the already debatable performance in Vietnam... what the hell were you people thinking?!"

"Efficiency, mister secretary, we've already discussed-"

"It's costing lives!"


The Secretary of Defense put his hands on his hips, shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he took in a breath.

"For God's sake, it's less accurate than the Garand, a rifle from twenty years ago, how did you even-?"

"How many-?"

"Twenty deaths. If this was against... against the Russians or even those rice farmers we'd be celebrating, but this was against an army of men fighting with sticks and stones! Can you imagine sending a larger force with the M14 to Vietnam? Can you even imagine what would happen in those dense jungles? We already know the Berets over there prefer the M16, but now we have proof that one is outperforming the other!"


Finally, the secretary said, "There's going to be an investigation and we already filed to adopt the M16 as the standard-issue rifle..."

The man didn't react.

"I wanted to tell you myself..."

No response, the officer only staring at the report on his desk in resigned silence.

After a short while of the only sound in the office coming from the slowly circling ceiling fan above, the Secretary of Defense turned around and headed out the door.

Imperial Capital

10:00 AM

Zorzal happily hummed a tune as Tyuule stared at him, not bothering to hide her disgust as the emperor laid in his bed completely naked, the man's bliss blinding him to her disgust as he stared at the ceiling.

"Read it again, will you?"

"Yes, Majesty... from General Tiberius, and signed by Bozes Co Palesti... enemy defeated. Awaiting your armies. Majesty-"

"Ha! Now the other one! Now the other one!"

Tyuule placed the parchment down and grabbed "the other one" from the chair next to the one she currently sat on.

"Legion strength at maximum capacity. The five eastern legions are prepared to move at your orders and the command of General Rufus, General Woody, General Dulles, General Borhos, and General Marquis-"

Zorzal began to kick wildly at the air like a child, laughing obnoxiously loud before standing on the bed and reaching for the air above him.

Tyuule didn't react.

Zorzal loudly said "Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the day! What tales will they speak of me?! How many conquests shall I see?! Oh, the savior of the empire! The one to surpass even the emperors of old!"

"Certainly, your majesty."

Turning to her, he asked, "Do you think their women are as wild as you once were?"

"Who knows, your majesty..."

"Regardless of that! We move on Alnus tomorrow! If we attack at sundown... yes... a surprise attack! A brilliant strategy!"

Tyuule said nothing as the man grabbed some of his clothes and ran out of the room, her mind on something else entirely.

She had to make a decision there and then.

Her mind went to her family, to the many dead around her. The burning villages, the screams of children, the cruelty of combat, the fear in her heart, her desperate attempt at peace, the Empire betraying her and blaming her for everything, her surviving people buying the story, and swearing to kill her.

Finally, to the young American who kept trying to pull her with him as he helped her get to where she was.

Her jaw clenched before relaxing.

I have to tell him...

10:00 PM

Dennis said, "That seems to be his plan."

"Copy... will relay that information."

Dennis placed the radio back and sighed, turning to Tyuule who was now standing by the door.

"So... tomorrow, then?"

She only nodded.

"Good... the Berets will keep an eye out, and-"



Her lip quivered as she forced herself to make eye contact.

"I... I can't... do it." She said in a final tone.

Dennis let the words hand in the air for a moment.

Can't do what?

"Okay, then you can come with-"

"No, Dennis... I can't... I can't... leave."

Dennis stared at her for a moment, again letting the words hang in the air.


Her mind drifted to her family again, the many dead around her, and she smiled.

"Because... I need to be punished, too."

Dennis stared at her.

Neither spoke.

Dennis said "No, you don't. You-"

"Stop... listen-" she tried, but Dennis was not about to compromise on that.

"No! Why on earth would I let you die? My whole mission-"

"Because I'm the one who let my people die, therefore I must pay the price for it!"

Dennis stared at her, eyes wide.

"Don't you understand? Me surviving... that would never be fair to those who died."

He said, "So what?!"

"So I have to pay for it!"

"No, you do not!" he emphasized.

His words caused her face to darken in anger.

What did he know of her turmoil?!

"Do you think I can just go on?! That I'll be able to live a happy life after this?!" She stood there, anger and hurt in her voice, quietly saying "I took responsibility for the tribes! I got them killed even if I didn't swing the blade! I promised I'd fight and I ran from it! I'm no better than Zorzal or his men!"

"Stop..." he growled.

She froze, noting the frustration in his voice.

"I don't believe you." he finally said.

She shut her eyes tight, saying "What you believe doesn't matter to me... it changes nothing."


She wasn't going to let him chase her down such a dark path, but it was like he was determined to do so no matter what. Dennis stood up to face her, and to her shock, the gesture frightened her and she nearly took a step back, but the American didn't do anything, only speaking in a low tone, trying to hide a wave of anger that she wasn't entirely sure was caused by her words anymore.

"You went out of your way to help your people. That's more than I can say about any of the current leaders of this empire... you are not like them. You're not even comparable to them." he finished in a low growl, not wanting to draw attention to the room.

She swallowed at the words but didn't back down from her statement.

"You're wrong! I was selfish. Stupid. Cowardly. Even if you don't agree, it's the truth." she said, shakily, shrinking away as her defensive barriers crumbled after holding for too long.


"I nearly cost my people's existence! I told you I only care about destroying this damned empire so stop trying to pretend I'm anything more!" she cried out.

He stared at her.

It made sense.

Three years of torture and abuse, with the blame hanging over her head would do that to anyone. Now that he thought about it, he realized that there was despair in her determination. She was determined to obliterate the empire that had killed those she cared for, and that included herself amongst those that needed to die.

She had nothing to live for after that.

He stared at her, unsure of what to say.

Realizing the American seemed to finally understand, she said "I told you... my people are ultimately right about me. I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have asked you to teach me your language... I'm sorry I'm not... whatever you thought of me. For your own good, just... let me pay for my crimes. Tell your officers I'll meet them, but... you should know the truth. I owe you that much."

He didn't speak.

"It's only fair. I did evil, therefore evil should be done onto me. I helped get so many people killed. I was only... fooling myself thinking there was... that I deserved... anything else. I thank you for helping me thus far, but you were nothing but a means to an end. A tool that I'm done with." she said, certain that would be the awaited end to her little fantasy.

She partly hoped for him to lash out, to yell at her more, to remind her that she was the villain in this story regardless of how righteous her cause might seem. She had killed, indirectly, but still, she'd laughed about the deaths of thousands, no different than the people she wanted to destroy, sneered at the families who'd lost fathers and sons. She hadn't ended any cycle of hatred, she hadn't saved anyone, she hadn't even fully guaranteed her people would be safe and she cared little for it.

She deserved nothing but the worst punishment.

To her surprise, Dennis wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"W-?! Den-?" she stammered, part of her wanting to push him away, part of her wanting him to hold her closer.

"I told you that I want to help you..." he said, holding her slender form.

"I told you that I'm done with you!"

"Well, I'm not done. I want to help you more than what you think anyone can help you."

She didn't know how to react, surprised by the determination, but she couldn't push him away, suddenly desperate for anything to help her unease, but his words were making it worse as she was finding it difficult to think properly without breaking down right there and then.

"Then... then why didn't you help me before? Why now?! Why do you want to help me when I just want it all to end?!" she shakily asked, her mind going in circles, spiteful she had been denied help when she needed it most and had been granted it when she wanted it the least.

Dennis held her there, knowing the question had no answer.

The girl had been left entirely alone, not just in terms of military allies but her very people appeared to have expected nothing more from her than to die alongside them in combat.

In a just world, someone would have come to aid her.

In an ideal world, that help would have been enough.

In a perfect world, she wouldn't have ever needed the help in the first place because in a perfect world there would be no need for nations to invade other nations.

Neither world was perfect.

Even if some all-seeing god had made her suffer so much to get the two to meet, what kind of comfort was that?

No, he would only hold her there, trying to shoulder her burden like she'd done for him if only a moment.

Tyuule didn't cry.

She wouldn't show more weakness.

Not now.

Her heart ached, her throat had tightened, and she found it hard to properly think.

But she wouldn't cry.

After a moment, she weakly said "Please... I still have to avenge my people... let me go, Orville."

"I'll help you."

She pulled away slightly to look at him, her tired eyes meeting his own.

"You've soothed my unease long enough, have you not? There's a limit to what you can do to help me."

Dennis shook his head, facing the forlorn crimson eyes of the white-haired girl.

"I haven't done anything! I've just... I've just sat here."

"That's more than anyone has done for me in a long time. Enough is enough, Orville."

"Tyuule, you... you helped me... you helped my... my nightmares... you've... you've given me a lot to hold on to in this hell hole...Please, let me help you... let me actually help you... let me return the favor." he added sheepishly, nervous of discussing his own weakness.

She stared at him, the sad eyes making it difficult for him to fully contain his own emotions now that it was just the two of them, but the training from the Army had not been pointless, and he knew enough to force himself to not break.

Her face seemed to twist in pain as he spoke as if a dam was about to break, but she forced her emotions down, her tired eyes returning to face him as she asked, "What will you do?"

"I'm going to make sure he doesn't get you tonight or ever again."


"I'm not going to let him near you... not tonight. We can come up with an easy excuse, and by tomorrow he'll be too busy with his victory march to care."

"He's probably looking for me by now. If he doesn't find me, he'll suspect-"

"Suspect what? You've kept him busy; you've made him think he's far more important than he actually is. Even if he's looking for you, he'll first assume you're busy doing something else! Then, tomorrow... tomorrow... I'll follow close behind you. We can make sure he gets out of the capital and is in position so he can't get away... then I steal you away, right under his nose, just as he refuses to surrender and destroys himself. Then we meet with the Berets, head to our main base, you can sign some papers, clear your name... you'll be doing a good thing for your people!"

She blinked, not believing him.

"Why go so far, Orville?"

"Because... because I want to."

She broke eye contact.

"I... I don't know if that will be possible." she sighed in a defeated tone.

"I'll hold on to you even if it isn't." He said, trying to defy her own pessimism.

She looked at him again.

There was worry and fear in his face, but also honesty and determination.

Faintly, she heard her tormentor in the distance and not in the back of her mind.

She pressed her face into his chest, listening to his heartbeats, trying to hide her inner turmoil.

He repeated, "Let me help you."

She thought back to the carnage she had witnessed, her desperation, her vain attempts at saving her people...

She didn't deserve help now, yet here this boy was, offering what she had so desperately needed three years prior.

Three years too late.

"You say she went this way?"

She turned in the direction she heard it.

Yes, retribution... well deserved at that...

Dennis seemed to read her mind and quickly said "I won't let him near you, just-"

"How will you do that?" she shot back, wanting to believe she had an out but her own guilt making it impossible.

"I won't let him set foot in this room."

"That will risk the plan, don't be stupid."

"How about you trust me for once?"

"I can't... I..."

"After everything?"

She looked away.

"I haven't lied to you, have I? Just trust me here, please. Let me help you!" he nearly begged.

She heard the footsteps get closer.

Knowing what would happen if he took her to his room never made it easier, especially in her current state, believing there was no hope, yet having the offer right in front of her. She instead focused on his arms still holding her, his beating heart, the warmth of being held for once.

She didn't want him to let her go.

She shakily pulled back to face him, finally conceding.

"Please... help me..." she finally admitted in a small, broken voice.

Dennis swallowed, nodding as he immediately put his childish plan in motion.

"Alright... get under the bed."

She stared at him, exhausted, clearly not buying his plan.

Oh, she would fit fine under the bed, but anyone with half a brain would check under it.

"I'm not letting him in here, but I need you to stay hidden down there no matter what, alright?" he quickly whispered.

"You won't leave?" she asked in a whisper.


"Promise me you won't leave this room either." she quickly added, lightly hitting her fist against his chest, pleading with him, no longer hiding her vulnerability and fear, shakily pressing against him further.

Now Dennis could hear the approaching footsteps and immediately the look in his eyes changed from warm to cold.

"I promise, but I need you to go along with this, alright?" he whispered, not daring to look at her.

She only nodded and did as told.

As she began to crawl under the small bed, Dennis blew out the only candle in the room, darkness flooding the small area as he hid the .45 under his tunic.

Then someone began to pound on the door.

"Wake up, son of Tobias!" Clef angrily shouted.


Dennis took a deep breath, slowly walked to the door, took a much deeper breath, and opened the wooden door.

"Sir- Emperor!" Dennis said, feigning shock.

"Evening..." Zorzal said politely.

Clef, however, quickly said "I saw the... Lady Tyuule walk around here."

Dennis frowned, feigning confusion as he glanced at Zorzal who only returned an almost understanding smile, as if he didn't believe the chef for a second, but was humoring him.

Dennis turned to the chef and said "Sorry, sir. I did see her earlier, but-"

"Why did she come here?" Clef asked, once again not permitting the American to control the conversation.

Zorzal only sighed, clearly frustrated.

Dennis quickly said "She delivered a message from the emperor, sir. I-"


"Something about a special food he was curious about for the victory-"

"Yes, yes, the victory dinner, I'm aware of that! Now, where is Lady Tyuule? Is she still here?"

Zorzal shook his head, speaking before Dennis, saying "Clef, if she was here, she would have already come out. Any idea where she might have gone, Son of Tobias?"

Dennis scratched the back of his head, saying "I wouldn't know where she might've gone, your majesty. Isn't she reviewing some information for tomorrow?"

Zorzal sighed, loudly.

"Yes, she certainly could be doing that, but she wasn't in her office... perhaps she's busy with something else... damn it all, I don't want to rely on some concubine for tonight..." he sighed loudly.

Dennis noticed how the man's face contorted slightly in anger.

Instead of exploding, Zorzal happily said "Sorry to bother you, cook! Have a good night's sleep!"

"Thank you, emperor."

Zorzal walked off while the head chef remained glued on the spot, as if in shock.

Clef glared at Dennis with a fury the American didn't entirely understand but was already used to by this point.

Clef took a step forward suddenly, jabbing a finger at Dennis as he spoke barely above a whisper.

"I know you're hiding her."

Oh, go to hell.

Dennis didn't react.

"Step aside."

Dennis took a step forward instead, blocking the doorway and slightly pushing the head chef an inch back.

"I'm getting really tired of your accusations, sir." He whispered.

"Then you shouldn't act so suspiciously..." Clef said, unphased.

"I don't think you understand, chef. I'm very... extremely... exhausted of your accusations and unfounded allegations." Dennis whispered, happy to let some darkness seep into his words, the only torchlight in the hall already adding to his dreadful expression.

"Are you now?" the Chef replied, unphased.

Dennis smirked, saying "Yes, sir. So, starting tonight, unless you have some serious evidence of the wrongdoing you accused me of... I won't be cooperating with your questions anymore."



"Then perhaps I should involve the praetorians."

"Go ahead, but I'm done cooperating for the night. You can rail against me all you want in the kitchen, but not in my quarters."

Clef eyed the 18-year-old for a moment before manifesting a polite grin.

"She's back there now, isn't she?"

Dennis didn't speak.

"You're trying to protect her, aren't you?"

No response.

"Is it pity? Lust?"

No response.

"You care about her, do you?"

Utter silence, but to Clef, the contemptuous glare coming from the young man was proof enough.

"I've only seen men get this defensive when women are involved, child. Oh, you'll get your due, but... if you're enjoying her then by all means... enjoy her while you can."

The man turned and walked down the hall, leaving the American to glare at him as he left.

Dennis shut the door in anger.

He took a few heavy breaths, concealing them as best he could.

"So... which is it, Orville?"

He turned, the girl still under the bed, peeking out, head resting on her arms, hiding most of her face.


"Why are you going this far for me?" she asked, lowering her gaze, hiding her reddening cheeks despite her knowing he wouldn't be able to see her embarrassment in the darkness.

"Because you helped me, too."

Dennis walked over to the chair, sat down, took a breath, and promptly changed the subject.

"Come on, you're going to catch a cold..."

She stared at him for a moment but didn't say anything else.

He saw her figure move out slowly, with little motivation.

As she was standing up, he said "You can sleep on the bed, I'll keep watch."

She said nothing, sitting on the bed, facing him.

Silence reigned for a moment.

"You'll stay awake?" she finally asked.

"Trained to."

"All night?"


Another pause.

Her face reddened further as she said "Come here."


"Come here, please. Sit." she shakily said.

Dennis didn't ask any questions; he simply stood up and walked over, sitting to her right.

She nervously leaned on him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"You'll... you'll help my unease?" she managed to ask.

"You helped me... I want to help you." He replied in a shy tone.

She heard his heartbeat accelerate along with her own.

"Please don't leave this spot... just for tonight?" she asked.

He responded by putting his left arm around her, moving her head from his shoulder to his chest, trying to show that he was already committed more than she could imagine, praying he could do enough.

The action surprised her, but she felt so emotionally exhausted her eyes only widened slightly before almost closing again.

"Thank... you..." she said in English, finally closing her eyes and quickly drifting off into exhaustion-fueled sleep.

Dennis swallowed, emotionally exhausted himself, as well as heavily concerned whether what he was doing was proper or not.

Despite his experiences back home, he'd never been in a situation remotely like this. Usually, girls were supposed to be cheerful, always smiling pretty, giving cookies and sweets. He knew the fairer sex was also supposed to be more emotional if high school had taught him anything, but the emotional weight the girl here was carrying was not only heavier than his own, he doubted she'd survive if left alone.

His mind conjured up images of her holding Zorzal back, perhaps stabbing him in the chest as bombs fell on them, perhaps grabbing him and slowing him down just enough for napalm to reach them both... Or worse... perhaps she would mortally wound him and he would kill her by breaking her neck before dying... a villain's end to a villain's story.

His jaw clenched, angry at the world he was in and the story it had set up for the poor girl he was trying to hold on to more than anything else now.

Please, stay with me.

Bouro felt his jaw clench so hard it chipped a crooked tooth, which didn't really bother him as he could always just regrow them with relative ease, but still, his frustration was overflowing at the sight.

Partially, it was jealousy.

This brat has her asleep next to him and isn't even touching her?! Wasteful little...

More so, however, it was the fact that everything he had planned had been shoved aside like nothing.

If Emperor Zorzal does as she intends... not only will he die and hand the Americans total victory, it will be impossible to... damn it all!

He glared at the American in the darkness and decided that enough was enough.

He stood and slowly made his way to the door, exiting without being noticed as his power allowed for others to not notice small things like a door briefly opening and closing silently. He then made his way to the emperor, a plan formulating in his mind as he walked through the cool night breeze. He walked past the grumbling chef, several praetorian guards doing their rounds, none noticing him or paying him mind.

Such was the benefit of being part of the Haryo Tribe.

He observed the night sky, the soft breeze dissipating as he continued making his way around the palace, eventually arriving at the emperor's dorm right as the young man approached, frustrated, mumbling out loud to himself as he crossed the torch-lit hallway.

"When I find her, I'll make sure-"

Bouro sucked in a breath and put forth his most subservient voice forward as he spoke.


Zorzal jumped, looked around, finally seeing Bouro.

"Y-you! You're... you're Bouro, yes?" he asked after a moment, surprised by the pig-like creature kneeling before him.

"Yes, your majesty... I bring grim news!"

"Save it, I'm in no mood f-"

"Emperor, it concerns lady Tyuule!"

Zorzal froze.

"Where is she?!"

"Out in the fields... she is... she had asked me to deliver the final numbers of tomorrow's Army... but as I approached, I..."

He stifled a giggle, passing it off as a pitiful sob.

"What?! What's the matter?!"

"I saw her... speaking with... with an enemy."

Zorzal winced.

"What?" he said, seemingly in disbelief.


Zorzal lifted his hand and said "No... no, that... that doesn't make any sense."

A look of shock and fear spreading along his face and to his body as the young emperor began to nervously tremble. If his nearest advisor could betray him, then...

Bouro smiled inwardly.

"Emperor, she seemed... out of it... it's possible the enemy can use magicians to hypnotize people and she was brainwashed."

Zorzal winced, quickly turning like a child and asking "Is such a thing possible?"

Bouro said "Certainly if one is talented enough and the target is mentally weak. One of my own agents can do as much, but..."

He had to think fast to make himself appear as innocent as possible.

"But... what I saw... frightened me... Tyuule handles all the intelligence you receive so that you are not bothered by my presence, and I apologize-"

"No need... but if Tyuule was brainwashed then... then we need to snap her out of it! How can-?"

"That's the easy part, Emperor. Humiliation is the key to that." he lied, and then, in a low voice, he whispered, "the problem is that she may have told the enemy our plans..."

Zorzal huffed, saying "Cowards... damned cowards!"


"Do you know where these enemy cowards are?!"

"I... unfortunately I only have a vague idea... one of my agents was killed investigating something in the Red-Light District." he lied, "I found her body yesterday... it's possible a small enemy force is in the capital, but exactly where they are-"

Zorzal raised his hand again, saying "Understandable... we shall force Tyuule to tell us where they are."

"Shall I go fetch her, then?"

"Oh, no... if you're right about this, then she'll be back tomorrow... no, I want you to bring your best... interrogator... we'll give the people a real show tomorrow."

Bouro only grinned.

He knew very well what the emperor meant by "interrogator", and if Tyuule really was so devoted to the mission that she would accompany the emperor to ensure his position on the battlefield, then there really was no need to take her then...

However, there was one problem with the plan...

"Understood, Emperor," Bouro said and then vanished from Zozal's eyes.

The young Emperor looked at the night sky and smirked.

"Clever little cowards... but cowards nevertheless!" he mumbled aloud to no one, in particular, entering his room and for once sitting down to put his ideas to writing, planning gleefully for his inevitable victory over the cowardly, pathetic, quite frankly embarrassing enemy from another world.


"Nora! Nora, get over here!" Bouro angrily called outside.

The woman appeared from the shadows, groaning the phrase "What is it?"

"We have three other men in the capital, three of them, I want you to take them and kill the unit of Americans secretly hiding in the palace grounds. Discreetly!"

Nora stretched, asking "Discreetly?"

"Yes... I want to be able to claim we had nothing to do with the attacks or Zorzal finding out. That way we can play both sides no matter who wins, so I suggest you plan accordingly!"

"Sire, there's only a few hours until sunrise!"

"Indeed. Can you do it tomorrow? Preferably after the emperor begins his march?"

"Probably... Kucy tried sneaking near them so how would-?"

"The brat that ruined Kucy's plan isn't in the capital and those men don't have any demi-humans near them!"

"Certainly, but... what about the American?"

Bouro only grinned.

"I'll talk to his good friends in the kitchen, of course!"

6:00 AM

Her eyes fluttered open slightly, her head still resting on the American's side, though his heartbeat had relaxed since she had fallen asleep.

She saw he was still awake, still in the same position she had left him on.

He hadn't tried to do anything to her, his arm still around her, holding her, keeping her warm.

She'd purposefully let herself be as vulnerable as she could ever be, and he hadn't betrayed her trust.

She listened to his now relaxed heart, feeling as if she would burst into tears there and then. She desperately wanted to, as well, but...

"You're awake?" he asked, audibly tired.

She only nodded.

"Good... do you still want to stick with the plan?"

She didn't speak.

"I can still get you out of here right now."

"Then Zorzal will suspect something... I still have a duty to do."


She finally said, "But you'll help me?"

He turned to her, his tired eyes regaining some shine.

"Yeah... I'll be right behind you."

"You'll get me out?"


"And then... you'll tell me?"

"Promise. Once I get the proper information, which should be at Alnus... I promise I'll tell you."

She studied his face.

He wasn't lying or trying to cover up anything, his face looking more worried for her sake.

She shakily stood up.

Dennis quickly said, "I'll take you to the royal pain... tell him I found you, that you're not feeling well."

She stared at him.

"Look, he may not care, but if he's scared of catching something, odds are he won't touch you yet."

Her face reddened again. She didn't feel right knowing the American knew about her situation with the Emperor. She'd rather he never find out, yet here he was, going the distance for her even though she didn't think she deserved it and knowing full well what the beast of that man forced her to do most days.

Dennis forced a smile, saying "Good, keep blushing like that. It'll make you look feverish."

Her cheeks reddened further and she frowned at him.

"Come on... this ends today, right?"

She didn't say anything, moving to the door, listening intently while Dennis went to the radio.

"Stalker 1, this is Trojan, reporting in."

"Good morning, Trojan, how's the situation?"

"All good here, Stalker 1. We're set to follow the Emperor and evacuate the VIP if he refuses to surrender."

"Copy that, we'll begin things on our end. Good luck. Out."

"Good luck, out."

Turning to Tyuule, he said "All good on our end. Anyone outside?"

"I can't hear anyone nearby... we should move now."

"Right..." Dennis said, standing up and holstering his pistol under his tunic.

Tyuule stared at him for a moment.



"Thank you..." she breathed.

Dennis shook his head, patting her back, saying "Thank me when we're safe."

He walked next to her, half escorting her as they moved through the mostly empty halls of the palace grounds. The roman palace appeared entirely peaceful in the early morning hours, with no one walking around. Dennis kept his pace with Tyuule, the girl's head tilted downwards, as if ashamed. If it wasn't so risky he would have tried holding her hand, but alas...

She stopped suddenly, ears twitching.

"He's nearby..." she said in a tired voice.

Dennis only nodded.

Moments later they heard his footsteps, and with a nod, Dennis took the lead.

"Emperor!" he called.

"Huh? Ah, there you are, Tyuule!" Zorzal said in a calm voice.

Tyuule was silent, but Dennis quickly said "I found her near the steps coming up the hill, emperor! She looked a bit sick, so-"

"Of course, of course. Tyuule are you not feeling well?" the emperor asked, slightly shoving Dennis aside as he hugged the girl tightly.

"I'm alright, majesty." She said, her body shaking against her wishes.

"Oh, my... you're clearly... unwell. You're shivering like a wet dog! Perhaps I should take you to the healer... maybe we can delay the march... Thank you Son of Tobias. Come along, Tyuule."

Dennis only nodded slightly, his jaw clenching as he saw the prince pull the girl away.

Tyuule turned to look at him one more time, flashing him a look of worry.

He returned it, looking just as worried.

And then she was out of sight.

Dennis felt let out an angered growl.

In a way, he was as helpless as Tyuule said.

There was very little that he could do now other than stick to the plan and hope the arrogant prince didn't hurt her.

He turned around and dashed to his room.

He ran down the hall, down the stairs, and then-

"Off in a hurry?"


Dennis froze and obediently said, "Yes, sir."

August smirked, saying "You know, someone like you that hates food so much... I always wondered why you were here."

Dennis frowned.

Before he could ask anything, he was shoved forward from behind.

Dennis whirled around, confused.

Chef Clef walked over, frowning.

August grabbed him and jabbed the blade of a kitchen knife against his neck.

Dennis froze in place, raising his hands in surrender.

"Alright, American... enough games..." Clef growled.

"See him?" Clark asked as Drew began to wait for Dennis to arrive back at his room.


Drew frowned.

The Emperor was already heading out of his palace, so what exactly was taking Orville so long to resolve? Weren't they going to track him together to save the VIP as they exited the capital?

The breeze caused the leaves on the trees above them to rustle as the branches shook.

"Could he have taken another route?"

"Check with Stalker 3." the beret sighed.

Clark went on the radio as Drew began going through the scenarios in his head.

Orville's a Ranger, not a Beret, but the kid isn't a slouch, and he sure as hell isn't going to abandon the mission. Maybe he's-?

He froze as a shadow came over him, barely visible in the shade of the trees but noticeable enough to get him to react.

He turned, barely in time for a weight to fall on him and a stinging pain to run up the side of his body, possibly missing his vitals, damaging them.

All Drew knew was that it hurt.

The hooded figure was grinning as it removed the knife and went to stab him again.

Clark didn't even get to scream as the knife went into his neck and silenced him in an instant. Had he screamed, he would have found the assassin's hand already over his mouth, its long fingers covering it with ease and its long claws burying into the man's face, preventing all forms of resistance from manifesting.

Drew's eyes widened as he saw exactly what was happening.

The Haryo Tribe!

The one above him removed the knife from his side with terrifying velocity. A smaller creature, covered in bandages with greenish skin and reddish eyes that reflected an image of Drew through blood-colored lenses.

He had less than a second to react, adrenaline kicking in.

He gripped the M3 as the knife came down again and ignoring the burning pain on his side, lifted it and squeezed the trigger, the .45 ACP rounds piercing his attacker and killing him before he could stab him a second time. The second attacker was quick on his feet, lunging at him, and all Drew could do was squirm away, adjusting his aim as he tried letting out another burst of gunfire, the assassin moving quicker than that and jabbing the knife into his arm. Drew held his screams and used the injured arm to hold on to the attacker. The creature winced as if it didn't expect that and quickly began struggling to get loose.

One-handed, he managed to squeeze the trigger again, the 3-round burst killing the green-skinned attacker in an instant.

Drew got up on pure adrenaline, rushing to his partner only to freeze as he saw the third figure standing there, holding their radio in her furry hands.

Nora sneered at him before throwing the radio at him.

It missed, going over his head, but slammed into a tree with such strength it broke into pieces.

Nora growled, revealing a blade and throwing it at his chest.

Norra didn't miss.

Drew clutched where the blade stabbed but didn't falter, swaying slightly in place as red blood seeped to the dirt.

Nora huffed, saying "Impressive! Still standing after all of- oh!"

He fired from the submachine gun, the shapeshifter vanishing into the brush, but not before yelping and falling over.

Drew glanced at the blade in his chest and promptly removed it, no blood oozing out.

His dog tags had stopped it from piercing his skin, the blade getting stuck on the fabric of his clothes. still, drops of blood from both his wounds were dropping to the floor at a rapid pace. He glanced behind him at the radio.

It was in pieces.

Drew glared at the yellowish bloodstain on the ground and darkly said "You're not... getting... away..." before beginning to limp out of the forest.


Tom finished cleaning the M60 and let out a tired sigh.

Outside the men could faintly hear the cheering crowds and fainter still, the marching legions.

Hastings said "I won't miss this place... I just hope Persia's okay once I get back there."

Tom didn't speak.

"You think the little kid's okay?"

"Charlotte? Yeah... you didn't see her that day, but... kid's a fighter. She'll be fine."

Hastings frowned, saying "She shouldn't have to be."

"Well, what can you do? We didn't make her a slave or anything."

"I know, it's just... generally I'd rather kids not have to live in... you know."

"Well, someone ought to get you, James Hastings, an award for being a fantastic peace seeker! Bravo! Bravo!"

"Shut it... I just want to go home. This place... it gives me the creeps when it's all quiet like this. Like everyone died."

Tom didn't reply.

From the door to their hideout, Rhodes, Sean, and Alex walked out, dressed in full gear, rifles on their backs.

"Anything from the Berets, captain?" Tom asked then.

Rhodes shook his head.

"Both stalker teams failed to call in after their first check-up with Orville. We're linking up with their captain, heading to the palace... it'll be awkward as hell with all those people out there, but we have Alnus on the radio in case things go to hell."

Hastings almost asked if something could have happened but chose to remain quiet.

It was a stupid question.

"Right, you guys hold the fort... hopefully it's just faulty equipment and we don't have to bomb this place to hell."


Tyuule's heart was pounding as she looked at the crowd as the army marched down the street.

People were dressed in their best togas and tunics, neatly cleaned whites or bright colors, women throwing flowers from the upper floors of the homes... even the plebians appeared to be excited for the inevitable victory that was supposedly at hand. Some waved banners or signs in celebration from the building's windows, and Zorzal waved to every one of them in childlike excitement, grinning from ear to ear, laughing and blowing kisses. Not content with a simple horse, Zorzal had commissioned a large wooden platform to be built on wheels so his generals and his nearest and dearest could be easily recognized as "the important ones" in the crowd. The Generals near her waving in a much more reserved tone.

Tyuule stood rigidly still, however, finding it difficult to focus.

Promise me we'll talk...

Her heart rate accelerated.

Why does he have to wait until after the mission?! Something to look forward to or not... I just want this all to be over...

She felt her cheeks grow warm as she stood on the sides, happy to allow Zorzal to continue his grand delusion. She could imagine many things... maybe he would secretly steal her away and take her someplace where it would just be the two of them, or maybe he would show her some possible job for her that would bring them closer together.

That was a nice thought.

Having someone, anyone else to be with, to genuinely care for.

Her mind drifted to her parents chatting at their palace when she was still a child. The warm smiles, the tired but still dedicated gestures...

She missed that.

She missed them so much.

Would she be granted a portion of that lost happiness again?

Even if she didn't deserve it?

Maybe Dennis didn't actually want to talk to her, or if he did, it wasn't anything major and was just a cruel strategy to keep her from trying to end it all alongside Zorzal.

If that was the case it was working.

Regardless, she knew it was something as the American had yet to lie to her, and whatever it was it had worked in the sense that she wanted to live to find out.

She swallowed, hopeful but, worried.

Let me help you...

Surely, whatever it was, wasn't that serious, right?

What if it was a small gesture to make her feel better?

What if he was lying about how important it was?

But what if...?

She rubbed her shoulder, nervous.

Not having any experience with romance, at least, any real romance.

Oh, her mother had told her stories of arranged marriages and how beautiful they could be, and she knew her brother had some relationships that went beyond the physical, but what had she experienced in her short life? She hadn't married, and aside from her father and brother, the only warrior bunny males she had met were a few soldiers from other tribes she hadn't interacted with, and that had been during the invasion. She was fully aware of the rather "open" means for which her people found mates and had children, but she'd never been able to experience any of that. How could she have? The Empire took everything away from her.

Her heart sank as she found herself remembering the painful memories.

As it turned out, she really was a maiden when it came to certain things.

But what were the odds he was searching for anything like that, anyway?

I don't want you thinking I don't like you...

She thought of the way he looked at her then. It was certainly different than the way Zorzal looked at her. He was usually worried around her, and at the same time... glad? Comfortable?

Was she comfortable with him?

I... wouldn't mind...

She considered this possibility just as Zorzal stopped waving at people and whispered something to a nearby General.

"Halt!" came the unbearably loud order from right next to her, immediately snapping her back into the present.

The soldiers nearest stopped walking, and officers in the distance repeated the order.

The army stopped marching almost immediately.

Tyuule blinked in confusion.

What is he doing?

Zorzal loudly shouted "My beloved citizens!"

A loud cheer erupted from the civilians, Zorzal taking it all in.

Her eyes darted every which way as a feeling of dread came over her.

This... this isn't right. There was no planned speech, why-?

As if to reinforce her concerns, two legionnaires stood right next to her.

She froze in place as dread crept up her body.

"Today is going to be a great day! The enemy of the Empire shall be defeated and we shall once again regain the peace they so cruelly stole from us!"

More cheers.

Bellows even.

"However, it was recently brought to my attention that there was, in fact... a traitor in our midst!"

Tyuule felt her blood go cold at the words.

She held her breath only to feel like her heart was about to explode from her chest when Zorzal turned to look directly at her.

He grinned as he said, "Or am I wrong, Tyuule?"

Tyuule opened her mouth, ready to respond when the two legionnaires grabbed her arms and pushed her down.

She yelped, the heavier men almost breaking her ribs as they put their combined weight on her already weakened body to the floor of the wooden platform.

"E-emperor- what are you-?" she tried, but could barely breathe the words out.

Zorzal shook his head, saying "Honestly, I'm just surprised it took you this long."

"Oh, your majesty, you know the theory of her brainwashing isn't impossible." a familiar voice whispered as the crowd went rabid, yelling things and demanding her death.


"True... true... but still. To go this far? Especially now? It's disappointing, really."

The other individual huffed.

"M-majesty?" she tried, her mind suddenly crashing to a halt as she saw who was now standing next to the emperor, sneering at her.

She knew she never could fully trust him, but the way Bouro had spoken, she had at least believed he also hated the Empire. He'd gone so far for her, brought her so much vital information, had been so subservient...

I'm such a fool...

Zorzal didn't seem to notice Tyuule's look of despair.

"You know, I thought giving you a chance was enough. You never revolted or complained despite everything I did, you never tried anything... I must say, it made our sessions less fun, but... I thought I could trust you. I really did." he spoke as if she'd slapped him, indignant and shocked.

Tyuule's eyes widened as the soldiers stood her upright and brought her closer to Zorzal, her eyes never leaving the familiar figure of Bouro.

"But worry not, I'm a merciful ruler..." he whispered before turning to the crowd.

Bouro only giggled.

"Citizens of the empire! Behind me is a figure I'm sure you all know! Tyuule! The barbaric queen of the savage warrior bunny tribes I conquered! A cowardly, traitorous queen who was frightened by our great armies she came running to us, begging for mercy regardless of what her people wanted!"

She stared at him, unblinking as the man spoke with such strength and vigor she felt like an insect by comparison.

"In the end... well, let's just say the empire gained many valuable slaves and many, many quality concubines."

Several laughed, others groaned.

Tyuule felt like yet another dagger had been buried in her chest.

"But of course, I wasn't so naïve as to trust her... in my time with her, I tested her more than any of my slaves! I made it clear what few of her people remained were at my... our mercy; the Empire's mercy. I secretly left documents revealing the fate of her people, number of slaves sold, executions, deaths... and what did this queen do?"

Silence, the crowd expecting an answer.

"Absolutely nothing! Not once did she ask about her people, not once did she try to strike me... there was absolutely no resistance from this so-called queen! I ask you what does this say about her?!"

Tyuule listened to the murmurs grow ever louder.


"Pure evil."

"What a coward."

"Selfish beast."

"A traitor of the worst kind!"

Zorzal's voice then broke in.

"So, I wasn't surprised when it was revealed to me that she was secretly working for the enemy from beyond the gate!"

Several loud demands began to ring out, with many outright demanding her execution, or given a coward's death, or thrown away already, being the clear liability that she was.

"Yes, yes, I know! But I believe something else..."

Tyuule didn't react as he unsheathed a blade and pressed the sharp end against her arm.

"I believe she became enamored with me!"

The crowd fell silent.

Tyuule could feel the soldiers' eyes roll harder than marbles on an incline.

Zorzal continued, "After all, I saved her, did I not? Was I not merciful in not striking her down the instant she came begging for help? Especially after all her savage soldiers did to my army? No, this young flower was frightened of what was to come after her family died and left her alone... so she became madly in love with her savior. Is that so insane?"

She didn't speak, no longer looking at him, feeling entirely numb.

"So then... why betray me? Betray the empire, perhaps... but betray me?" he asked loudly.

Turning to back to her, he pressed the blade against her upper arm, cutting not deep enough to sever it, but enough to draw blood.

She didn't react.

Zorzal loudly said "I believe someone from within has brainwashed her! Look! She doesn't react when injured!"

Quietly then, he said, "If you tell me who did this to you and where they are, we can pretend this never happened."

Her lip quivered less out of fear and more out of realization. There was never any hope for her and she was foolish to even consider it.

Yes... this is how it's supposed to end for me.

"So? What will it be?"

I'm sorry, Dennis...


"Chef, you're mistaken!" Dennis tried.

"Say that again!" August growled, pressing the blade further against the American's throat.

Dennis felt his heart accelerate to the point he wondered if he could compete in the Olympics as he quickly said "Chef, why would I be an enemy? I do nothing but obey-"

"Like any spy would. You had us quite fooled..." the older chef sighed.

"What are you talking about Chef Clef?! You've been suspecting me from the start! Wouldn't the real spy take advantage of that?!"

"You have quite the mouth for a farm boy... a bit snappier than most. I always wondered why you appeared more intelligent for some things than others."

You God damned-

The chef pushed the door open and August shoved Dennis inside.

August looked around, grabbing the leather bag on the bed.

"Things from home?" he asked.

Dennis fell silent, his mind desperately trying to find an out as the chef tossed the bag to Clef and the head chef found the American books, studying them in confusion, slowly passing the pages as he studied the foreign object.

"What kind of parchment is this? It's..."

"It was in the market! I bought it with my own money, so what's it to you?!"

Clef only said "Interesting language being spoken here... and a map of some other world?"

Dennis only said "That one's not mine! I've never seen that before!"

August pressed the blade further into his back then, cutting the skin enough so it bled; a tiny spot of red appearing on the kitchen uniform.

"I'm really tired of you, so lie again and I'll flay your arm first... pour salt over the muscle, make sure it hurts... then feed it to the pigs. Don't worry, our healer will make sure you live through it, and I'm certain the pigs will appreciate how I can make even your arm tasty."

Dennis only managed to say "But- Ah!"

Pressing the knife deeper into the American's back, drawing more blood, August hissed "Enough with your lies!"

"A-aright! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, don't hurt me!" he screamed, not having to pretend to sound meek, pathetic, and scared.

The truth was he was barely holding it together as it was.

His mind was refusing to settle, the reality of his situation was making it difficult to focus.

August didn't press the blade further.

Dennis said, "I'll tell you all I know, I promise... just... please... stop..."

Clef looked at August, then at Dennis.

Clef nodded.

August released the American, shoving him to the floor, hard.

I need you to be strong, kiddo.

Dennis shakily checked his back, his jaw clenching in the flurry of emotions going through him.

He wasn't bleeding too much to be a concern, but it still hurt.

Letting the kid begin standing up, August frowned at the glare the young traitor was giving him.


Dennis stood up slowly, shakily taking deep breaths, facing the book on the table. His mind briefly going back to the white-haired girl's sleeping figure.

"Answer, boy!"

Immediately Dennis whirled around and violently slammed his fist into August's head with a right uppercut, immediately following it by crashing his left hand into the man's face with all the strength he could muster, slamming the chef into the doorframe as the man failed to react on time, caught entirely off guard.

Clef loudly cried out "Guards!"

Shaking his right hand, Dennis briefly turned his attention to Clef with fury and hate that he had been suppressing for far too long.

The chef only frowned, taking a step back as August easily regained his composure, beginning to stand up.

"You'll die if you keep-" Clef began.

Dennis didn't let him talk.

The jig was up.

Dennis glared at the older man before turning back to the taller one, grabbing the M1911 and promptly bashing it into the man's skull over...

...And over...

...And over...

...and over...

Then August's hand grabbed his foot, and the American switched to kicking the Roman with all his might.

The Roman cook grabbed his leg then and forced Dennis to the floor.

"How... little... do you- ah!"

Shut up!

Dennis acted with his other leg, crashing it into the man's throat, managing to force the man to let him go. He stood up and took a step back, checking the gun as August tried to get back up.

He's not even bleeding...

Dennis quickly turned to face Clef who was only standing there, blade in hand.

"Tell him to stand down or else I'll kill you both!"

Clef only said, "You think I'm stupid?"

Dennis replied by pouncing on the older man, grabbing the knife, and wrestling the knife away from him with ease.

August began to get up, but by this point, Clef was on the floor, and Dennis had the blade in his hand, pressing his right arm into the man's neck with more force by the second.

August reacted, grabbing the stool and rushing towards him.

With a look that could only be described as exasperated, Dennis stood up and pointed the M1911 at August, squeezing the trigger.


August took a step back, both due to the bullet having grazed his temple and because of the thunderous explosion that caused it when he was mere inches from Dennis, something the young Ranger fixed by quickly backtracking to the corner of the small room, keeping the Colt aimed at the taller man.

Clef coughed up as he began to get up.

Dennis only said, "Both of you, on your knees."

August only shakily did as told, as Dennis, sticking to the walls of the room, swiftly moved to the bed, reaching the radio, never taking his eyes off the two men.

"Stalker 1, do-?" Dennis froze as he saw the cable connecting the microphone was almost gnawed to nothing and the radio itself had some scratch marks in the front, and when he turned it on its side, he saw that it was dented, as if someone bashed it into the floor repeatedly, more than likely damaged it to the point it would make communication impossible. As he checked the main battery box, he noticed it had been scratched and torn, cracking vital parts of it.

Worse, he could tell it had been done very recently.

Which meant, it had to have been done by someone who could easily sneak in and out without anyone noticing.

Bouro... you son of a bitch!

He turned to the two men now glaring daggers at them.

If there was a word for the amount of hatred the young American could feel for the entire population of the enemy nation, he didn't know it. He would have been fine with evacuating Tyuule and just nuking the capital.

He wouldn't have cared one bit if the city was left to starve.

But all that had to be pushed aside, because if Bouro had betrayed him then not only was he in danger but the entire operation.

He got up, looking at them and the door.

Clef did not react to the fury in the American's unblinking glare.

Dennis looked away.

He gunned it for the door, M1911 on hand.

Then two praetorian guards opened it, spears in hand.

Dennis froze.

Both soldiers looked confused.

In an instant, he turned the gun on the cooks taking a step back, yelling "Take a step forward if you want them to die!"

The men stared at him.

The praetorians had every advantage here even if Dennis was the one with the gun. They had all the options. One could charge him while the other ran for backup, forcing him to expend even more bullets and cause even more of a mess, or both lunge at him, closing the distance before he could shoot them both and bury their spears in his chest. He could shoot them, but at this point, he wasn't sure if he could; partly because he couldn't afford it, and partly because he a part of him didn't want.

To his surprise, the older of the guards dropped the spear and raised his hands, signaling for the other to do the same.

"Good... good... you." he pointed to the younger praetorian.

"Go over there and make sure they don't move."

The young soldier in purple turned to the older guard who only nodded.

"If they move this entire castle will be destroyed, so don't move until told otherwise, understood?!" he growled, trying to sound intimidating.

It didn't fool anyone.

"And you... you come with me..." he said, pointing at the older guard, grabbing the damaged radio, and slinging it over his shoulder.

"You coward-!" August began only to be silenced by the young praetorian, the young man hissing "Fool! Do you want to die?!"

Dennis didn't smile, grabbing the older man's shoulder and pushing him forward.

Once in the hall, the older praetorian asked "Are you helping lady Tyuule?"

"Shut up."


"I said shut up!" Dennis growled, crashing the M1911 against the man's backplate, a metallic sound echoing in the halls.

The man said nothing as Dennis continued taking heavy breaths, his mind wild as he wondered if Bouro had carried out some larger plan.

If he was on his own.

Only one way to find-


The sudden burst of gunfire brought his attention to the grounds outside.

They both stared into the nearby brush, noting some movement but nobody in sight.

More gunfire.

Dennis's eyes widened before he realized what he saw.

Glancing at the grass, he thought he'd heard something, realizing too late what it was as he was tackled to the ground.

He swung and kicked and tried to get the invisible weight off him, suddenly seeing the member of the Haryo Tribe, which meant little as the knife began to get jabbed into his neck.

"Hold still!" she hissed.

Norra whirled around, seeing the American Beret limping towards her and she moved quickly to use the younger Ranger as a shield, but the brat was struggling.

Drew steadied his aim with the M3 but wasn't as fast as the Praetorian.

The old man picked the shapeshifter off the ground and slammed her into a nearby marble column, Dennis stared, eyes wide.

Before she could get up, Drew unloaded the remainder of the magazine into the shapeshifter's head.

Norra stopped moving.

Drew collapsed.

Dennis shakily got to his feet and ran to the Beret, ignoring the growing crowd of guards and palace staff looking on in horror at the carnage.

"Hey! Hey! Goldwater!" Dennis checked the man over.

Drew only let out a groan, muttering the words "Clarke's dead... three of them attacked us in the forest... radio's busted... you?"

"Busted radio, too..." he said quickly, noticing the amount of blood loss on the young man. "Bouro backstabbed us... We have to-"

"Get outta here, you have to... to get the word out to the others... maybe we can still trick Zorzal..." Drew tried, weakly.

"Do you need a healer?"

Dennis whirled around, glaring at the Praetorian.

He had many questions, but right now he couldn't afford to spare the time.

"Help him! Now! I... I have to..."

The older man kneeled next to him, saying "I'll do my best. Now take this..."

The praetorian took off a ring and handed it to the American.

"It will tell them that I sent you. His majesty's guards will let you through to him, so... please... Stop his majesty before he destroys our army. I know what we've done but there are good men-" the praetorian but Dennis stopped him.

He took the ring without a word, turning to Drew and saying "I'm going, guard here says they'll-"

"Yeah, I heard... go... I'll hold the fort..." came the weak reply.

Dennis felt his jaw clench as he ran off.

As men lifted him, the Green Beret shakily asked the old praetorian "You some kind of traitor or what?"

"I was with his majesty when he massacred that woman's people... I lost good men because of his brash decisions... if you Americans have a plan for saving this nation's men from their own rulers and this... destructive culture of war and conquest. Treason or not, I'm saving my country."

Then with a somewhat sly smile, he said "And helping you here will also serve as a potential bargaining chip."

Drew only allowed a low chuckle as he was taken to the healer.

It seemed people really weren't all that different.

"Tyuule, I know you're just playing with me, so just stop. I don't want to do this, either." Zorzal said just loud enough for her to hear over the chanting crowd.

She didn't respond.

She felt wholly numb.

Perhaps it was appropriate.

The person most responsible for the death of her people was, in the end, herself. Had she perhaps coordinated an evacuation, or maybe gone underground... even if the result was the same, she likely wouldn't have suffered as much for it. Perhaps just done what Orville had suggested that first night and just leave with the princess instead of maintaining a shadow campaign to get revenge.

If anything, going against tradition made it clear that this world was punishing her.

Why fight it?

Why even reject it?

She continued looking past the emperor, trying to remember the fantasy that had always been a fantasy.

She didn't speak, her exhausted look being enough for the young emperor.

Zorzal frowned, not looking at the crowd, but loudly saying "Perhaps she thinks us fools! Perhaps she wants to pay for her crimes but thinks we won't punish her!"

She heard Bouro chuckle as the crowd erupted once more, demanding her blood.

Once again, Zorzal tried to convince her, smiling as he whispered "Tyuule, I know you don't want that thing violating you... just give it up and we can go back to the way we were."

She wanted to scream at him, she wanted to mock him, laugh in his face, she wanted to call him a coward, she wanted to cry, she wanted to see her family again... but she didn't have the energy anymore.

She remained silent.

Bouro felt such ecstasy he cared nothing for the rest of the mission.

Even if the Americans found out, or were victorious, he was now in a position of leverage and the biggest obstacle to putting the Haryo tribe in control of the Empire would be tossed aside, as he fully intended to make sure the fallen queen did not survive the ordeal, he intended to put her through. With the Americans that knew of him dead, he could easily manipulate things to not only come out on top but better than before!

The only obstacle then would be to get Princess Pina to marry one of his people... easier said than done, but why sweat such details?

Then, silently, a primeval part of his mind began to scream that he was in danger.

He turned around in time to see the cold barrel of an American handgun zero in on his face.


His eyes met the American's and his blood ran cold.

"Wait! W-!" he attempted to scream, raising one hand to cover his face, a vain attempt at negotiating for his life, perhaps the one thing he genuinely valued.

Dennis Orville didn't really care.

There was a thunderous -CRACK- as the M1911A1 was fired directly into Bouro, startling the crowd, the American climbing onto the mobile stage from its rear. He glared at the pig-faced creature writhing on the floor, clutching his face. Seeing Bouro wasn't dead, the creature wailing on the ground as the first shot had clearly hit the side of his head, he fired again straight into the large, pig-like animal.

And again...

And again...

Each time everyone around him recoiled.

To the crowd, it sounded like lightning had struck, the smoke from the gun only adding to the realization that some kind of enemy magic was at play, but what exactly it was couldn't be known yet.

Dennis didn't really care.

He whirled around to face Zorzal, inserting his remaining magazine into the handgun in one swift motion; a fury burning in his eyes.

8 rounds left...

"If anyone moves the emperor dies!" he shouted, pointing the M1911 directly at Zorzal's chest.


Tyuule felt tears begin to manifest in her eyes as the American glared at Zorzal with hate and fury she had only seen in herself. She felt his eyes meet her own and to her own inner turmoil, saw him quickly soften his glare, as if it hurt looking at her.

She wasn't surprised that his eyes quickly turned back to face the emperor.

Zorzal on the other hand was blindsided.

"D-Den? W-what are you- what are you doing?" he said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

Dennis pursed his lips but stayed firm.

"Hand her over, Emperor. The war is over. You can march out and see for yourself, but you need to hand her over to us."


"I'm the enemy spy! I'm the one who works for the Americans! She's vital enough to us that we're demanding you hand her over."


"The war is over, emperor! You won't face any resistance on your way out! Just hand over the slave."

Dennis felt some comfort as he sensed the crowd beginning to agree.

Get rid of the traitor, get rid of the Americans... a good deal.

"Or else what, boy?!" Zorzal demanded.

"Or else more people will die. Even if you win, you'll lose many more than if you just hand her over right now."

"And how am I supposed to trust you?! A farm boy with a cowardly toy? Look around! You're surrounded!" Zorzal shouted, dramatically waving his hand over the army ahead of him, the soldiers only then preparing their arrows.

Dennis ignored it.

"You will guarantee Tyuule and my colleagues are allowed to safely exit the capital. Otherwise, we will cause as much destruction as we can and kill as many people as we can."

"You're bluffing!"

"Look around you, Emperor! Your entire army is gathered here, all the people backing you, your supporters, your merchants, your blacksmiths, your generals... everyone helping you fight this war is right here. Even if we're only armed with these cowardly toys, how many could die before you overwhelm us?"

Zorzal took his eyes off Dennis and looked around.

He wasn't wrong, indeed everyone vital to his plans was in the surrounding area.

Dennis pressed the point home.

"Emperor, just hand over the slave! Your people want her dead, why not hand her over to us? Get rid of her and be done with it! No one else has to die!"

Zorzal scoffed.

"Spoken like a tyrant, eh? Do you think you can bully us? Bully the greatest force in this continent?"

Dennis felt his jaw clench as Zorzal removed his blade and grinned as he looked it over.

You are not the victim here!

As he prepared for a fight, Zorzal surprised him.

"Alright, Son of Tobias... Guards! Release her!"

The men nervously did as told, standing back and quickly releasing Tyuule, the girl standing up slowly as Zorzal began to loudly speak as he swung the blade around without any real care.

"Well done! You caught us off guard! You killed the one person that may have known more, you put me in a position where you could have gotten anything you wanted... but you made one mistake."

Tyuule froze as Zorzal put his arm on her shoulder.

"Don't you-" Dennis began, Zorzal cutting stopping him.

"Ah-ah-ah! I won't harm her... Tyuule, take this blade."

Tyuule looked at the weapon, then at Zorzal.

Zorzal didn't even bother looking at her, eyes fixed on Dennis as he said "Remember, boy, Tyuule is my slave. Her mind belongs to me, her body belongs to me, her soul belongs to me! You may have been ordered to take her, but deep down, in her heart of hearts... she knows who she conquered her... who she belongs to."

He turned to Tyuule then, smiling devilishly as he said "Tyuule, my little bunny, prove your worth."

Turning again to Dennis, he said, "Kill him."

Tyuule stared at the emperor as he put the blade in her hands.

She felt the blade's hilt, the strange metals that forged it, the expensive decorations...

She glanced at Dennis.

The American slowly shook his head, eyes wide and worried.

Tyuule's face slowly contorted into a pained smile as memories of screaming families were snuffed out. Lives, by the thousands, extinguished, ripped away, snuffed out before they could even develop. Atop the ones responsible, one was specifically grinning the entire time at the suffering he had brought upon her people, and in a way, he still ruled her mind, her body, and soul, but there was more to it.

I want to help you.

There was no way he would honor the American's request of a safe exit.

They were surrounded.

Even if the Americans were all over the place, ready to counter Zorzal's troops, they could easily be overwhelmed, or at the very least, not get out unscathed.

She began to laugh softly, her body shaking as she gripped the short sword.

The tears flowed as she looked Dennis in the eye as a mixture of despair and hope gripped her like never before.

Despair because this was the end of her story, hope because maybe she could do one good thing in death.

There was much she wanted to say.

Much she thought she could have said had things gone differently.

How naïve...

She uttered one word in English and did her best to ignore him as she acted on the opportunity that she'd been craving for years, knowing it would kill her, but happy someone had given her the option to have a happy ending despite how destructive her heart was.


An imperial short sword is different from the blades my people used...

She whirled around as fast as she could.

Normally we use a sharp dagger or a heavy longsword...

She positioned her legs to better thrust the blade.

Father always taught me that when it came to engaging armored enemies, you should aim for these weak points in their armor...

She forced the sword forward with all her might, the iron meeting Zorzal's armor with a loud CLANG.

I was never that good at it...

She stared unable to breathe as the blade pierced through the armor, but Zorzal, less out of training and more out of sheer instinct jerked back, the blade barely cutting into him as he forced it aside.

Zorzal stared at her in as much shock as he had the American behind her.

No one moved for a second.

But only a second.

"Tyuule... y-you!"

He grabbed her arm before she could attempt to stab the blade into his neck, pulling her and into his fist, slamming it into her face as he knocked her to the floor, a fury overtaking the young emperor.

"After everything I did for you and your people?! Here?! Now?!" he spoke rapidly, like a spoiled child having a tantrum while listing everything they hated, his face reddening in a rage at the attack.

He grabbed her neck before she could say anything.