
6. Chapter 6(2)

"I told you, don't-"

"My family, my friends... they suffered- died... because of her. If your country believes in fairness, then why does she get to live when-"

"Delilah, that's enough!" Mamina said, trailed by another Beret.

The girl continued anyway.

"Parna... I had a comrade who gave up and came here to be a slave after being on the run with me... I never heard from her again. I looked, I tried... it's not fair... it's not fair that she died- that her family died... but that the snake responsible gets to live!" she cried out, tears streaming down her reddening face.

The 18-year-old swallowed, never having experienced anyone, let alone a woman, emotionally break down like that.

Quite frankly, neither had most of the soldiers there.

The idea of breaking down and crying in public was... rare, embarrassing even, for women as well. Perhaps it was acceptable if she was decrying out an abuser or an adulterer, but... to show such weakness...

To the surprise of the Americans, it was the older Beret, the one in charge who simply patted the bunny girl's back, shaking his head.

The girl shook her head and stormed off.

Mamina followed her, not saying anything.

The older Beret sighed, saying "War does that to people... can't blame her for demanding justice."

"Y-you can understand her, sir?"

"Not entirely, but... I've seen boys- men... same thing. Don't let it get to you, but don't bottle it all down, either. War is already enough of a hazard, don't need your mind turning on you, too."

Dennis swallowed at the advice.

He continued thinking on it as Sean led him away from the street they controlled and out into the main city streets, which were almost bereft of life, save for the small unit of soldiers patrolling and the few people guarding dead bodies as others tried putting them on carts, some soldiers helping the civilians in the later afternoon sunlight.

Law and Order had been regained in the capital indeed.

Dennis glanced at the corpses on the streets and tried to ignore the viscera.

It wasn't possible.

There weren't as many as he had seen at Alnus or Itálica, but it was still an awful sight.

"Reminds me of Itálica... what was the body count then?" Sean sighed, clearly trying to distract from the death and destruction around them.

Around them were a few soldiers, technically enemy combatants, clearing out the bodies one at a time and placing them on large carts.

Dennis sighed, saying "Don't remember... something like two thousand dead."

I Gotta keep my mind busy...

He gripped the leather bag he was carrying the books and maps in, feeling its softer texture in a sad attempt at distracting from everything.

It was all he or anyone could do.

Once in a warzone, one cannot afford to think of the awfulness of the constant death and suffering around them. Soldiers need their minds operating as efficiently as possible as hesitation, even for an instant, could easily mean death, and failure to be aware of one's surroundings could just as easily mean death... or worse. But as Dennis was discovering, paradoxically, if one didn't distract themselves in some way, or forced themselves to ignore the death and destruction, their mind simply wouldn't function properly either.

As the two Americans pushed on, Sean said "The Red-Light District's population... I think we should get them out of there."

"Huh?" Dennis asked, his mind busy on keeping him sane.

"Look around, man. This isn't like the historical Rome, this is... this is medieval. There's business, commerce, but people are born into their profession. From what I've seen, most of the people back there were born slaves, born poor, born... born in a bad situation without a chance at climbing their way up."

Dennis coldly replied "So are some people back home. Just because you give someone a chance doesn't mean they'll take it."

"Still, they should get the chance, shouldn't they?"

"Ideally, I suppose. Personally, I think they should've revolted long ago. Just because you don't have an opportunity doesn't mean you can't make your own."

"With what? Sticks and stones?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, college boy, but most of the weapons we're facing are made of sticks and stones."

"Yeah, and look at how effective that crap is against basic armor, let alone tanks and guns."

Dennis glanced at a nearby pile of bodies; a pair of legionnaires grabbing the broken clubs and daggers with little care as they tossed the weapons into a different cart.

Dennis said, "Well, those guys were like the Mafia, right?"

"Organized crime, yeah, but still. They had more weapons than the civilian population we're dealing with. Numbers and will to fight meant very little if you've got better trained and better-equipped troops. Why do you think all the slave uprisings before the Civil War failed?"

"I don't know, man. I'm just here following orders, not to get into philosophical discussions."

"Do you even have any aspirations?" he asked.

"I'd like to rise in the ranks... Colonel Orville doesn't sound right, but... hmm, maybe lieutenant or captain."

"So, you're serious about staying in the Army?"

"Oh, yes, sir."

Sean was silent.

"What about you?"

At that, Sean said "I want to teach Philosophy, maybe History. I originally signed up to pay for it but turns out I'm a pretty good shot, then I passed the Ranger Course, and... well, that Gate opened up, I figured I'd do a tour and see how this panned out. After this, I do want to try and teach history somewhere. Maybe settle down somewhere nice and quiet, you know?"

Dennis fell silent then.

Somewhere "nice and quiet" sounded nice, actually.


His mind drifted back to the previous night, how he had been entirely unable to sleep due to the silence making it impossible for his mind to drown out the unwanted memories and thoughts they brought with them.

At least with his fellow Rangers, he could talk and distract himself.

He grimaced.

Both men stopped when they heard someone sobbing.

Dennis didn't want to look.

He really didn't.

But he forced himself to.

The body of the woman he had seen earlier in the day was being pulled away by two legionnaires, a little girl wailing as they pulled her away.

"Damn..." Sean sighed.

Dennis eyed the almost screaming wails of the child.

She couldn't be more than four years old.

His hands balled into fists.

"Hey... Sean?"


"That grease gun loaded?"

"Yeah, but..."

"It's just in case... give me a second."

Dennis stomped over to the soldiers and switched to the local tongue.

"What happened here?" he said trying not to come off as hostile.

"We're cleaning up the dead bodies. What's it look like we're doing?" the soldier replied.

Dennis pointed at the girl.

"Her? What happened to her?"

"She was probably killed in the earlier battle today. Maybe not. Are you interested in demi-humans?"


Glancing at the little girl again he saw the almost imperceptible droopy brown dog ears camouflaged almost perfectly into her chestnut brown hair.

"Oh... yes, I am. I'll take her."

"You have any money?"

"I... Sean?"

Sean's lips formed a fine line as he quickly closed the distance and reached into his pocket.

"One gold coin, sir... for you and your men... slaves are in short supply, are they not?" Sean said slowly, pretending to smile.

The legionnaire took the coin and shouted to the man picking the crying child.

"She belongs to them."

The soldier didn't ask questions, walking over and handing the girl to the Americans, Sean picking her up with a sad expression as the child continued crying.

Dennis only nodded, saying "Thank you."

He was ignored.

Walking on, Sean now behind him, the little girl now screaming as the sharpshooter tried to comfort her.

The second they were out of earshot, though, Sean asked "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Your ancestors own slaves?"

Dennis groaned, saying "No, as far as I can tell they moved to the south after the Civil War. And hey, just because I'm from Georgia doesn't mean I look down on everyone, you know?"

"Eh... my own experiences beg to differ. You did seem kind of natural when you negotiated for her."

Dennis only returned a dark glare at his fellow Ranger.

"Just speakin' my mind. Not sure we can improve her conditions much more, though. Can give her food and water, at least... Maybe Misery can figure something out for her."

Dennis only silently nodded at that.

After not getting a verbal response, and after noticing the doglike features, Sean asked "You think we can give her some Hershey bars?"

Yeah... gotta distract from all this somehow...

The little girl continued wailing.

Switching to the local tongue, Sean asked "Do you have a name?"

The girl continued her cries.

Sean sighed, disappointed at his helplessness.

Dennis didn't comment.

Once at the Palace, Dennis walked up the hill and Sean went on his way, still carrying the small girl.

He didn't bother checking on the kitchen, more than happy to try to get some sleep before his little "date" with the white-haired girl was due.

He walked down the polished floors, past the patrolling guards, down the stairs to the rooms for the help, got to his door...

And promptly froze as he saw Tyuule sitting on his chair, looking bored as Chef August was sitting on the ground, Boro's hands on the man's shoulders.

Dennis opened his mouth, but Tyuule spoke first.

"Took your time, huh?"


"This man, your boss, so he claims... he was sneaking around your room, claiming to be searching for a missing knife."

Dennis immediately felt a chill go down his spine.

"I... did he find anything here?"

"No, but I believe his trouble stems from far more sinister suspicions."

"Don't talk as if I'm not here!"

Tyuule continued.

"You see, son of Tobias, this man believes you to be a traitor. That much is obvious. Are you a traitor?"

Dennis appreciated the way the woman worded the question, saying "Of course I'm not a traitor!"

August loudly said "Not a traitor? Who are you not a traitor for, Den?"

Tyuule ignored him, quickly saying "Chef, this little feud has gone on long enough. Clearly, there is no evidence either of you is working against the best interests of-"

"Will you let me talk?!"

Bouro moved his hands to the man's neck.

Tyuule slowly said, "I believe you have talked quite enough... in fact, I think you've broken quite a few laws by entering without authorization into this room."

"He broke in?" Dennis asked.

August opened his mouth to counter but went pale at Tyuule's dangerous smile.

A predator's smile...

"Son of Tobias... what shall we do with this man?"

Dennis didn't reply, turning to stare at August.

He could oh so easily get rid of him right there and then. Maybe this Haryo Tribe could make the man disappear. Removing a source of irritation.

"I... have no intention of reporting this. He is one of the people I answer to, after all... he can enter my quarters, as well. I believe he and Chef Clef pay for them, so... I don't want any trouble."

He noticed Tyuule's eyes get a curious glimmer as he said that.

"Alright then..." she said, snapping her fingers, Bouro releasing him immediately.

August stood.

He stared at the floor in silence.

Glared at Dennis, at Tyuule, back at Dennis... sighed, but didn't leave the room.

Tyuule smirked.

Finally, August said, "Tell me the truth, Son of Tobias..."

Dennis said nothing, clearly exhausted.

"Are you working for the enemy?"

"No." came the tired reply.

August said, "Why are you lying?"

Dennis said, "Why do you think I'm lying?"

August frowned, turned to glare at Tyuule once more before turning back to Dennis.

"Don't see her again."

"I don't think I can make that decision, sir."

August got uncomfortable close to him, saying "The warrior bunnies escaped when you distracted me. If you weren't in on it, then you surely helped them indirectly. I'm going to make you pay for it somehow and-"

"August, it appears you're forgetting your place. Need I remind you of it?" Tyuule asked.

August said in a cold, threatening voice "My place is being a chef in the royal kitchen. I cook for the emperor and his life is entrusted to me as much as to his bodyguards! Do not speak to me of where my place is!"

Tyuule replied with "Then I recommend you stop giving me a reason to remind you of it. There will be no punishment or paying for misdeeds. You've clearly proven yourself the aggressor in this situation. Should something happen to him, be assured you will be held accountable."

August's eyes didn't leave Dennis, noting the young man hadn't reacted.

He frowned, saying "Understood." and then left.

Tyuule was silent.

Dennis didn't speak.

After a moment, she said "He's out of earshot, but I'll be brief, the emperor is interested in hearing your nation's peace offering, of course, without the intention of accepting it. No real surprise there."

Dennis nodded.

She continued, saying "The subject of Tiberius and his guerilla campaign has not come up, unfortunately, but I'll see if I can find anything before tonight. The emperor may allow it to continue."

Dennis nodded.

"Finally..." she took a step forward, a look of extreme seriousness in her eyes, hoping to get a reaction from the American, "I'll be here at the decided hour to begin... learning... do you have what you need?"

Dennis nodded, showing her the leather bag.

"In there?"

"In here." he sighed.

Tyuule cleared her throat, saying "Good... that's good. I certainly hope your teaching ability is better than your ability to blend in. August and Clef are overly paranoid by design, but you can't just stay quiet like that."

"I can't exactly hope to convince them, ma'am. It's too suspicious."

"We could get rid of them."

"I'd rather not."

"Any reason?"

"Yeah. If August and Clef die while suspecting foul play on the highest level, Zorzal is going to have a lot of doubters at a time he needs people to have faith in him. It's more practical to leave them alive and just prevent them from finding out. Can you imagine how many people will be suspicious of you and him? I've seen the kitchen staff, they love August and Clef. I'm the outsider, it's only natural that they dislike me. As long as we keep it at that level, we should be fine."

"...he still gave you quite a beating."

"I don't exactly plan on that happening again."


Now Dennis smiled impishly, playfully asking "Why, Miss Tyuule, are you suddenly concerned for my wellbeing?"

Tyuule was taken aback by the tone in his voice and the strange smile he gave her.

I-Is he trying to flirt?!

Treating her like a person was one thing, worrying about her well-being was a different matter, but to so openly flirt with her?

She felt her face grow warm as she quickly sputtered out a response.

"O-of course I am! You're a vital part of the plan!"

Once again, he was entertained by her reddening cheeks but didn't comment on them.

Dennis only waved her away, saying "Well, thanks for looking out for me. I appreciate it. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get some rest before tonight."

She nodded slowly, turning and exiting the room, not saying anything else, which left the American somewhat disappointed, but he didn't say anything, so much on his mind already as he closed the door.

Dennis stood alone in the empty room then.

Not moving.

After a moment, he asked, "Anyone there?"




Deciding that he was alone enough, he shakily took a breath and reached under his tunic, removing the belt with the M1911 on it and placing it on the table along with the bag carrying the books and maps he would need.

The second he placed it on the table he collapsed onto the chair, his breaths shaky.

His mind strenuously replayed the images of the dead bodies from Alnus to Itálica to the capital, the smell, the pools of blood, the feeling of the death being on him any second, the dead civilians, the child screaming for her mother... his own late family... some of the last things he had said to his mother...

You don't have to-

I want to, ma!

"God..." he began, unable to say anything else as his eyes stared ahead unblinking.

He had managed to conceal his inner turmoil when people he knew, but now, on his own, it was damn near impossible.

Dennis shut his eyes tight.

Get up... mission's not over yet.

Tyuule's words briefly echoed in his mind.

You're a vital part of the plan!

He opened his eyes again, more than happy to think about the much more pleasant image of the girl's reddening cheeks.

Not entirely human or not, she was far more pleasant to be around than any of the "people" he had met so far in the "grand" capital of "The" Empire.

He forced himself to breathe slowly and calm down, shuddering as he began to slowly relax.

One could only "refuse to think about" a problem for so long, but so far, he was still in control of his emotions, which was more than he could say for some of the people that lived in this so-called "capital" city.

He ground his teeth together before standing up again and placing his hands on the wooden table.

I hate this God-forsaken place...

Alnus Hill

7:00 PM

"Alright, mister president, your ride will be here shortly."

The president nodded, turning to the Princess, who appeared infinitely smaller now.

To put it bluntly, everything was set.

US forces would effectively encircle the enemy forces based in the Dumas Mountain Range and neutralize them either through force or diplomacy. Messages had been sent to potential allies, something Pina would be helping set up, and once the threat of the guerillas in the mountains was done with, Zorzal would either be peacefully arrested and stripped of the rank of Emperor or be neutralized.

The plan was flexible enough, but it was the route they were going for at the moment.

Yes, the dark-skinned elf woman had given them an interesting opportunity in ending the war sooner, presumably by dragging the "Elbe Kingdom" into the conflict or at least getting them to assist them in a small way.

Scientists were of course, already beginning to flock to the main American base, among other things.

As the president stood near the entrance to the Gate, he saw several trucks exit it, one carrying troops, and several others carrying munitions that had a warning that reads "Flammable" on the outside of the crates.

A part of him was happy to have set some limitations on the Army brass, knowing some of them were likely seeing this scenario as little more than a training exercise and forgetting people's lives were on the line.

However, he was also glad to let the officers and soldiers just finish their job, and leave him to handle the politics.

It was so much easier to focus on one thing at a time.

"Have a safe trip back, sir." the red-headed princess said, clearly forcing a smile.

He wasn't entirely sure what else to say to her.

With a sigh, he simply said "Keep your chin up, alright? Remember the people we saw today?"


She nodded.

"You have to care for them now. People don't always know what's best, but it's worth considering that they do want what's best..."


"Yes, I... I hope I can lead them properly..." she said.

The President said "Hey, it's one thing to say it, it's another thing to live by it. But those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly... does uh... does that translate well?"

The translator sighed, nodded, and translated.

The girl nodded slowly, reminding herself of the responsibility she had just undertaken.

The military transport arrived, and she knew this was, as the Americans said "so long".

"Well, princess... it was a pleasure meeting you, but if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. Believe me, we'll be in touch."

The secret service agents shuddered at the last line but dutifully followed the president into his vehicle.

Pina waved as the vehicle entered the Gate.

...I have a lot of work to do...

Inside the military transport, the president let out a tired sigh as an aide gave him a bottle of pills.

"Sir?" the aide asked as the president gulped down several without water.

The man shook his head, sighed, and said "Headaches came back the second I started thinking of Washington... how are things back home, John?"

The aide only said "Messy. The South Vietnamese government is demanding a larger commitment from us in case they lose the upcoming election, and while you were out there were several attacks by unknown third parties on American bases."


"We know it wasn't the Soviets or the North, but the image it's presenting-"

"God! I leave the office for one day!"

"The... the Australians and Koreans are being very supportive of us."

"Yeah? Well, that's good to know. What does Rob think about the situation?"

The work of a leader was never done, it seemed...

10:00 PM

Dennis only raised an eyebrow at Tyuule's getup.

The girl was now wearing a cloak around her "uniform" to cover herself up more. Her smooth legs were still fairly exposed, though, and the way the cloak contorted to her body didn't exactly scream "modesty".

"W-what?" she asked, clearly uncomfortable.

Dennis didn't respond, uncertain of what to say, only staring.

He found himself entertained by her reddening cheeks but didn't smile.

Tyuule clearly didn't like wearing the skimpy outfit, and while she could pretend to be a confident, cold-hearted advisor to Zorzal when other Imperial citizens were around, now that she was alone with someone she could genuinely call an ally there was very little reason to keep up appearances.

Of course, she still couldn't let him think that. And the way he was looking at her...

"It's not like-" she began, but he cut her off.

"Don't worry about it. Come in." the American sighed, moving out of the way.

She didn't reply, entering the room, happy that she wasn't being asked the obvious "why are you wearing that cloak" question.

"Alright, here... got you a seat."

He moved the wooden chair over to the table.

It was more of a stool, but options weren't exactly plentiful for the American, and she knew that.

The girl sat down, adjusted her skirt so it didn't ride up in as dignified a manner as she could, and stared at the books.

Not wanting to draw further attention to herself, she quickly decided to comment on something else before the American sat down.

"Oh, these are... I recognize the letters, but..."

"Yeah, language evolves quite a bit in two thousand years..."

Dennis stared at the books as well, sitting down.

He turned to look at the girl.

Then back at the books.

My family, my friends... they suffered- died... because of her!

He frowned.

He glanced at the white-haired girl, her features not being those of a selfish monster, and yet...

He shook his head, saying "I can't do this..."


I need to know...

"What do we really know about you?"


"I'm including myself in this question because while the Army may not worry about this all that much, I sure do... so... what do I really know about you?"

Tyuule eyed him, her crimson eyes meeting his own, an unreadable look on them.

She only said, "I could say the same about you."

"Exactly. Apart of me thinks you're not too trusting of me, either."

He spoke matter-of-factly, as if emotionally detached, which somewhat disappointed her, but no matter.

Tyuule rolled the thoughts over in her head.

Certainly, a part of her thought the help she was receiving was too good to be true, but she didn't care if it meant the Empire would be destroyed. What more could they do to her that the beast in charge of the Empire hadn't already done? Yet this American, and his strange concern for her wellbeing as well as his own conscious objections to pushing things too far intrigued him.

Perhaps not as naïve as I thought...

She said "Perhaps. What do you suggest we do to remedy this little wedge in our little alliance?"

The possibility that the American was interested in her body crossed her mind and she braced herself for whatever he would say next. She was aware of the occasional looks he gave her, how his eyes seemed to sometimes wander, and she knew he was conscious of it as well, as he was quick to correct himself whenever they drifted.

Perhaps he wants payment in some form?

She braced herself as the American spoke.

"I think... we should... how do you say... break the ice."


"Excuse me?" she said instead.

"Well... not exactly breaking the ice, that's a saying back home. What I think we should do is ask each other questions and answer them truthfully... figures that if we both know each other's weaknesses we won't betray one another."

"I... huh?" no less confused.

The American pointed to himself with a look of discomfort.

"People back home call it mutually assured destruction. I can destroy you but you can destroy me, too, so we won't destroy each other as we both want to live."

She blinked.

"You... want me to answer your questions about myself honestly... and I can ask you questions about yourself and you will answer honestly? Have you been dishonest with me?" she asked, a dark smile on her face.

"I answer honestly, I'm sure you do, too... we've just been limited to talking about the mission."

Except when you show concern for my wellbeing...

She sat straight and said "Interesting proposition, but I already know your weakness. You're a spy."

"Not really a spy, just an..." he seemed unsure of the word, but eventually said "I'm more of an in-between for the actual spies... still, I have an easy out if you happen to reveal the truth. So do you, given your hold on the emperor."

"Boro's people have a far reach. If I wasn't on your side, I could have you killed with great ease... no, I already know your weakness... you can ask me for mine if you so wish. I promise to answer truthfully if it means anything."

Dennis noticed the girl's reddening cheeks in the candlelight and considered lightening the mood, knowing he was in full control now, which made him uncomfortable as he was talking to a girl who was currently enslaved by a man who abused her daily. Noticing the slightly discolored spot on her neck, he decided not to do anything other than skip to the point.

There was no point in "lightening" the mood other than to prolong the time without knowing the truth.

This is just for my own peace of mind, nothing more.

He spoke slowly and cautiously, making sure he didn't misuse the words.

"Alright... why did you surrender to Zorzal?"

She winced at the question, staring at him in shock.

"W-why are you asking that?!"

"That's not an answer." came the cold reply.


The girl slumped in her seat, looking far smaller than he had ever expected, her ears lowering less in submission and more in shame.

Dennis huffed, finding himself unable to deny those sad, red eyes evoked pity in his mind. But a part of him worried the girl was as dangerous as the maids had suggested.


"Look... I've been in this world a little over a month... everyone I meet makes it clear: surrender is a fool's game." He sighed, as if reluctant to admit any form of emotional investment in the girl.

"That's an apt description of myself back then..." came the tired, seemingly broken, reply.

"Yet Zorzal makes it clear that you begged him to spare your people in exchange for your surrender, which suggests something else. Why did you-?"

"Because I'm weak!" she blurted out, not looking at him.

Her hair fell over her eyes as she slumped forward, looking at the ground.

Dennis didn't move, unsure of whether he should comfort her or not. If she was the snake Delilah and Mamina described then surely, she deserved this, right?

That's not fair...

Tyuule sucked in a breath, slowly composing herself.

Finally turning to face him, she said "You probably spoke to some of my people... they're right. I did it for myself. I fooled myself into believing I was doing the noble thing, but the truth is... I was afraid."

Dennis said nothing, not yet believing her.

"Are there plains in your world?"

Dennis nodded.

"My people thrived in the great northern plains... tall grass, few hills, fertile land as far as the eye could see..." she spoke in a tired voice, the bittersweet memories clearly affecting her.

Dennis noted the look in her eyes as if some life had returned to her as she remembered.

"We weren't united, of course, or entirely peaceful. The Empire's claims of our savagery are not exaggerated. Tribes would hunt each other at times, more often than not for sport. They knew us as head hunters for a reason... even if many of us weren't."

Dennis didn't speak as she looked past him, staring at the small window.

"Mother certainly wasn't. As queen, she spent most of her time managing the areas where we could maintain some form of law and order, while father trained our soldiers. Brother and I were kept in mother's sight for the most part..." she sighed.

Turning to him again, she said "Brother died while traveling to the border and my parents both failed to wake up one day... seemingly passing away in their sleep."

Despite the painful memory, she stared at him, studying his reaction.

Despite the cold, seemingly uncaring look, his unblinking eyes told her he was listening intently, and the information of her parents had clearly brought the smallest hint of a reaction from him.




She didn't dwell on it.

Tyuule continued, saying "I never proved it was Molt ordering the Haryo tribe. Bouro certainly failed to confirm anything, but... I always figured it was convenient the Empire invaded just as my parents died and I took the throne."

Dennis rubbed his jaw, considering the possibility of her theory as the girl faced away, doing everything to hide how much the memory affected her even then.

"I was... foolish... weak... I said we would fight to the end- swore it... but... but then... then I saw combat."

Screams and roaring flames filled her mind and she shook her head, shutting her eyes tight as she forced the memory away.

"They ripped them apart... children I mean... they spared no one... our numbers were too small, and we couldn't win against them in any foreseeable way. At least... that's how I came to see it." she breathed.


"I was whisked away by my personal guard before I could see too much... I think they knew I was shaken by the experience... I was too young, too inexperienced... to me, seeing such carnage was... wrong. I was taken to the palace and kept with guards every hour, all while my people died trying to stop an enemy that couldn't be stopped."

She finally said "So, yes... I betrayed my people. I'm a coward, a fool, and a naïve idiot who trusted the enemy who slaughtered everything in sight. It's ultimately my fault my people were nearly wiped out."

Dennis didn't say anything, knowing she wasn't done.

"I ran away, snuck out at night, ran through the areas where the grass was tallest and I reached Zorzal's camp by dawn. I begged him to spare them... that much is true. I suppose... I suppose deep down I thought I knew what was best, but... I was a fool... I wanted for the carnage to end... I couldn't even achieve that."

Turning back to him with a dead look in her eyes, she said "It's why my own people want to kill me."

Dennis stared at her, silent.

She asked, "They ask you to kill me, didn't they?"

The American wasn't sure what to say.

She didn't speak, awaiting a response.

Finally, he settled on the truth and said "Yeah... said if possible that I shouldn't trust you or let you live."

Tyuule sank back in her seat with a sigh. The idea of the American putting her out of her misery felt appropriate somehow.

"Well, it's only fitting my people's vengeance comes to me as well as the Empire."

She spoke with a despairing smile forming on her face as she looked away, staring at the candlelight.

Dennis shook his head, something she seemed to ignore.

"But regardless of whether you trust me or not, I will destroy this empire if it's the last thing I do, no matter what it costs me."

"That's not fair."


"...it's not fair..."

"It wasn't fair back then, Orville."

"Not what I mean..." he said cryptically.

"What did you mean then?"

"You shouldn't... you shouldn't take the blame for this, it-"

"It's the truth. I was the queen; therefore I need to take responsibility."

She'd spoken with a finality that silenced him.

Neither spoke for a moment.

Tyuule noted the frustrated look on the American. As if what she told him was somehow in conflict with something else within him.

The American took a deep breath, never looking at her.

Dennis finally said "Alright. I left my mom for dead."

"You... what?"

Why is he changing the subject to himself?

"Didn't mean to, either, but I should've known better."

Now Tyuule wasn't sure what to reply.

Dennis said, "I'd been signed up for the army since I was finishing my... um... education... she didn't want me to go but she didn't say it, exactly, just... just gave me clues, you know?"

Tyuule said nothing.

"In the end, I went to train and left her all alone. Turns out she was sick. Didn't get home in time to say goodbye, either. So, the last she saw of me was when I left to train. I could have waited a year before going, but I wanted to be a soldier, even before the gate opened up. I was selfish." he spoke in a detached, almost exhausted voice.

"W-why are you telling me this?"

"No one knows about how I felt about it except me, and now you. Doubt you've told anyone how you felt about what you did either, so it's only fair I put it all out there if we're supposed to trust each other."

No response.

Dennis finally said, "I guess that's another weakness to know about me..."

Tyuule sighed.

"I suppose we're both just a pair of fools then..."

"Yeah, I guess..."

Neither spoke for a moment.

Pursing her lips, Tyuule braved the next question.

"What's your world like?" she asked, hoping to move on to a less painful subject.

Dennis rubbed his eyes, happy to change the subject.

"Uh... big. Complicated. We've explored most of it and are trying to send people out of it... there's no magic or monsters, just... people and animals. Actual livestock, not... different humans with animal features."

"I see..." she sighed, not so much interested in the other world as she was just trying to get her mind off things.


"What about your home? What was it like before?" Dennis asked.

Tyuule paused, considering it.

"I suppose it was quaint. Living as an important family meant my brother and I didn't have to worry about many things. Mother was always involved with us even if she had to work, and father would train our soldiers every day, though he sometimes trained us as well, just in case... we still ate together and... it was peaceful."

Her mother's often tired smile, her father's usually stoic demeanor always changed when the family was together, her brother's tired but always bright smile... idealistic memories riddled with nostalgia, she knew as much, but what more did she have?

She let out a melancholy sigh.

Dennis pursed his lips, finding his distrust in the girl disappearing by the second.

"Do you have kings and queens in your world?"

"A few... we have the queen of... England... uh... I think there's a king in Arabia... I know those names mean nothing to you at the moment, but... here."

He opened one of the books on a page with an odd picture that it took Tyuule a few seconds to recognize for what it was.

"A map?"

"Yup. This is a map of my world."

"The whole world?" she asked, impress.

"Far as anyone can tell. Probably some islands here or there we haven't added, but... pretty much."

She looked it over.

"Where is your country?"

"This blue mass right here. That's my country. The gate opened in the southern region... here..." he said, pointing to the tip anyone from earth would recognize as Texas, "And my home would be... around here... uh, this island here, that's England, they're an ally of ours, and they have a queen." he concluded, moving his fingers eastward slightly before crossing the blue ocean.

Tyuule's eyes drifted to the colorful splotches of greens and blues, settling on a red mass that seemed to envelop a large portion of the world.

"What country is this?" she asked, pointing to it.

"Our enemy. You don't have a word for them." the American said without much care.

"Well, what do you call them?" she asked, happy to move away from the painful subject of the past.

"The Union of So-bee-it So-shall-easts Republics..." he spoke in his language.

"A Republic?"

"In name only. My country is a democratic republic, so are most of our allies. They're... they're more of a... um... a single group has control over everything."

She only looked more confused.

"Uh... like, they don't think people should be individuals. They're practically subhuman."

"But they're human."


"And their nation is... clearly larger than yours."


"Are they more powerful?"

His mind briefly shot back to several news articles warning that a nuclear war would destroy the planet as the US and the USSR had an arsenal large enough to do just that.

The impish grin that manifested on his face as he began what appeared to be a long-winded brag about how powerful his nation disappointed the girl. It was bad enough Zorzal often went and did just that, but she shuddered at how someone from another world would carry it out.

"Nah, we could beat them any day we're the most powerful nation in the world and... well... Alright, in truth, it's complicated." he sighed and shook his head as his smile vanished, a long-winded diatribe against the enemy nation seemingly averted.


For Dennis, he knew jingoism could only get him so far. In an honest conversation, especially one meant to garner trust, he had to speak the truth, and the fact was he didn't know how a war between the United States and the Soviet Union would end.

"To be honest, I don't know the exact numbers. We're rivals, that's for sure. They want us gone; we want them gone... but doing so would not be worth the effort. I know we're not that far ahead or behind the other, though."

"Not worth the effort?"

"We don't want to destroy the world. Wars back home are far more destructive than what you can do here with swords and dragons. Even if we won, the destruction caused would just not be worth it."

Mutually Assured Destruction...

"...How so?" she asked anyway.

"Sixty million people died in a war twenty years ago, and that's when we created bombs that could obliterate entire cities in an instant."

"...oh..." she breathed, her eyes wide, amazed at the amount of death. A part of her was surprised powerful men would let high mortality stop their ambitions, but the unimaginable numbers listed by the American meant that even the most ambitious men would pause at continuing a war if it meant losing so many.

"Things have relaxed, though. There's trouble here and there, but... we're managing an uneasy peace."

She nodded, staring at the map.

"Must be nice..."

Dennis knew better than to say anything.

The poor girl had suffered through God only knew how much torture and was only now being given a way out, one she didn't seem as interested in taking without first destroying the people that caused her so much suffering, but...

At least she seems to be interested in getting outta here...

Dennis grabbed the first book and opened it.

"Any more questions?"

"...what was your mother's name?"


"And your father?"


"You have no brothers or sisters?"

He only shook his head.

"No family left at all?" she asked, suddenly surprised.

Dennis sighed.

"I got a few relatives further up north, though I don't know them all that well. I know dad had some cousins away up west, but I never met them. Mom had a sister in New York who used to visit, but I haven't seen her since dad's funeral..."

He huffed, a dark smile on his face.

"Yeah... I guess I don't really have close family left."

"...I see..."

Neither spoke, and time carried on.

Finally, she asked, "Was that enough?"

"...if you think it isn't I'll answer any question you have as best I can."

Tyuule was silent, unsure of how to feel that someone was genuinely trying to befriend her outside of personal gain. She could believe his superiors ordered him to be polite, or that perhaps his line of questions and answers were more to ease his own unease and mistrust, but...

Even if this is all a lie... it's nice to at least imagine he wants to help me.

She looked to the book, noticing the familiar letters.

"So... can you teach me the words for greeting and bidding farewell?"


As he began to explain, she winced, internally shocked.

"You alright?" he asked her.

"Y-yes! Please continue!"

"...alright..." he said, turning to the book, flipping through its pages of strange parchments, but even that didn't interest her.

No, what shocked her to her core was the fact that it had been the first time in a long time she had been able to focus on anything other than working to destroy the empire.

April 15th, 1964

11:00 AM

"Well, you look out of it."

Tyuule turned to Zorzal and immediately said "Apologies, Majesty, there are some minor troubles in the palace I'm trying to solve."

"Ah, yes... that chef August certainly gave our little helper quite the beating, did he not?"

"He appeared alright when I checked on him. I trust things will go smoothly now; I was just considering a plan if it does not."

"Good, good... you're so diligent it makes these idiots look bad."

The generals and their legionnaires in the room blinked, confused.

"Well, how's the process going?" Zorzal called, seemingly disappointed despite not knowing the exact information on how the legions had so far regained control of the chaotic streets in the capital.

Though Tyuule had to admit if the man was anything it was confident. He was seemingly so sure in victory he did not seem at all concerned for the result, as if he believed it was already a foregone conclusion.

The oldest man said "Most of the capital is already in order, Emperor. The slaves still in the capital have either been killed or recaptured, the fires have been put out and we have regained control of the main streets. Most of the work left is the cleanup."

"Most, yes, but the biggest sore is still a problem, is it not?"

"Actually, the Red-Light District has been far more relaxed in recent days. Ever since the enemy did us the favor of killing the Basara crime family, the criminal elements have been busy killing each other instead of causing us trouble."

Zorzal smirked slightly, saying "Excellent news! I suppose you're not as useless as I thought."

"Thank you, emperor!"

"Though you arrived a touch late... nevertheless, I'm curious about how soon we can send a message to the enemy. I want to humor their request for... negotiations."

"An excellent idea, your majesty. You'll appease the senate and finally get a glimpse into the mind of the enemy by speaking to them directly!" Tyuule spoke in a soft voice as she praised the new emperor.

Zorzal's response was to allow for a low chuckle to escape his lips before clearing his throat and saying "Yes, yes... so! General Rufus, I want a messenger to be sent to the enemy holdings with word that we specifically agree to listen to their demands... we don't want to come off as weak, now do we?"

General Rufus nodded slowly, his eyes darting to the white-haired girl with a look of uncertainty.

Her confident smile betrayed no emotion and he was left wondering how real it was.

"Finally, a counter-attack. Regardless of what the enemy says, we're pushing forward. I can assume Tiberius will do some damage, but I want a strategy that will involve us retaking the land my father and the idiots in the Allied Kingdoms lost."

Rufus said "Redistributing the legions may take some time. We already had hundreds of thousands of men at Alnus when they first arrived, and that army was mostly routed. Tiberius has elements of the northern legions which we could link up with... we would need some time to gather up the men."

"How long?" Zorzal eagerly asked; something that made Tyuule smile with glee.

Oh, you are so arrogant you'll run into the maws of death, won't you, you sniveling little fool?

"Perhaps a few months. Recruitment, training-"

"Have we not the legions in place up north and to the east?"

"Well, emperor, to move them here would leave our borders dangerously unoccupied. It can be done, but it will likely affect-"

"A necessary sacrifice! I want... I want to move across the taken lands like a lightning bolt! Swift, quick, decisive!"

Random, unplanned, and without aim...

"What I want is for the enemy to be overwhelmed and beaten."

"There is the possibility they'll want peace, emperor." an older general suggested.

Zorzal huffed, saying "They will only have peace if they return the land to us... am I understood?"

"Yes, emperor!"

Tyuule lowered her gaze to hide her vicious grin.

Oh, this is perfect! He wants war even more than his father! Unlike his father, he thinks he can win with what he has! Ah, this is just perfect!

As she considered this, her mind briefly shot back to the American teaching her English, and her smile softened ever so slightly.

I wonder if he would understand...

"Did my sister's order send a message?" Zorzal asked suddenly.

Tyuule quickly snapped back to reality, answering "Not to my knowledge."

Zorzal frowned.

"I don't know what to do with the Rose Knights. Their equipment is quite expensive, but they have little to no combat experience. They've been the one thing I'm not sure what to do with..."

Ah, of course, they are, you mindless animal...

"Ah, of course, loyal members of the Empire with good weapons... but they could still stir trouble if they disagree with your decisions."

"Exactly... I wonder if there is anything that can be done to ease such troublesome... patriots."

Oh, I'm sure you do...

"Well, your majesty, I promise to look into it. You have so many other important things to worry about, no?" she cooed, knowing full well it drove Zorzal wild.

The officers frowned in disapproval, not that Zorzal noticed.

Zorzal chuckled lightly, his reddening cheeks betraying his attempts at remaining stoic, saying "Well, indeed I do; indeed, I do... preparing the legions, planning my brilliant negotiations... of course, I could always leave such small tasks to-"

The door opened and in marched chef August with the Emperor's lunch.

"Ah, my good chef, August! How are you this fine morning?"

"Excellent, emperor." the man said, bowing as he placed the cart near Zorzal.

"Ah, it smells delicious, August. All of it!"

Tyuule eyed the chef.

The chef only glared at her before politely bowing and stepping back, letting the emperor dig in.

Zorzal said, "By the way, I hope your little feud with the new hand isn't causing any troubles."

August glanced at Tyuule, the girl returning an impish smile.

"There is no feud, majesty. Only a misunderstanding. I apologize."

Zorzal's smile widened.

"Great! What we need now is unity! Unity and peace! A concept I'm certain this enemy beyond the gate has no grasp of!"

As the emperor began his long-winded rant about his inevitable victory, Bouro spoke to her from behind a curtain.

"A messenger with information from Tiberius has entered the palace..."

Tyuule's eyes narrowed as she began to calculate a way to handle the situation.

Job's never done, is it?

He was not a man chosen for bravery, but for the ability to achieve his duty.

To run through swamps, fields, and bloody battlegrounds to deliver messages, to run, walk, and crawl if needed to get to his destination.

So imagine his surprise when instead of meeting the Emperor's advisors, he met the fallen Warrior Bunny Queen.

"Hello, messenger. Do you bring news to the Emperor?"

The young man only replied "For Emperor Molt's eyes, wench! Why are you-?"

Tyuule took a confident step forward, saying "Then you have a problem, soldier. The emperor died two nights ago. Emperor Zorzal will gladly listen to the message Tiberius wishes to convey."

The legionnaire winced.

"The... the emperor-"

"Dead. Cremated as per tradition."

Far be it his body be allowed to go back into the dirt to give back after all the bastard stole...

The messenger only slumped.

Tyuule, smiling politely said, "I will ensure the message reaches the Emperor."

"I would never trust a savage like you with such important documents. I will deliver this to none other than the emperor."

Tyuule's smile faded ever so slightly.

"I'm his advisor, you know."

"A savage is a savage. I don't care what spell you may have put the emperor on, but your kind is never one to have loyalties. We should have slaughtered you all and purged your cursed race from the land!" the man said in the exact tone...






...of the DAMNED Empire she had been subjugated by had used when speaking to her with little exception!

Zorzal had relaxed his verbal abuse, but it was still there, and while few dared speak to her, the contempt was always there, but...

Speaking to someone like the American, someone who spoke to her like a person...

Her jaw clenched, and she didn't hesitate.

The bunny girl swiftly snapped her fingers together, giving the man a cruel grin.

The soldier was no recruit, however.

He took a step back and opened his mouth to scream for reinforcements when the blade stabbed into his neck and his mouth was covered by the invisible hand of one of Boro's assassins.

She shuddered, staring as the assassin was careful not to allow the lifeblood to spill to the floor, manually breaking the man's neck with the blade.

Tyuule slowly picked up the parchment and walked away from the hallway, the assassins dragging the body away.

It wasn't lost on her that she was using the same tactics that destroyed her kingdom. Deep down, she didn't care. It was only appropriate after all. The Empire destroyed her through these means, why shouldn't she employ them as well?

As she opened the parchment, she briefly wondered if the young American would approve.

Why should I care if he would or not?

She did her best to push her feelings back down.

8:00 PM

Dennis flipped the radio on, saying "Stalker 1, how copy?"

"Read you loud and clear, Trojan. What's the word?"

"New emperor plans on sending a message to our side with intent to listen to possible peace talks... of course, he does not intend to commit."

"Good, we didn't plan on him agreeing to an unconditional surrender."

"Well, he still wants to pretend, and he's going to send the messenger out tonight. Also, Tiberius sent a message our resident bunny intercepted. They intend to booby trap the mountains to try and stop troops from advancing."

"Copy, Trojan. Will pass the information along."


"Hey, how's the tutoring going with the bunny girl?"

"She knows how to say a couple of words."

"Not enough to be an in-between?"

"Of course not, I gave her one class. She can't pronounce 'goodbye' properly yet!"


"What does 'under-stood' mean?" Tyuule asked in the local tongue.

Dennis didn't react, saying "Stalker 1, do we have any information for the Rose Order?"

Tyuule frowned at being ignored but didn't complain.

After a second, Dennis hung up, and said "Sorry about that... you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? The emperor is in a wonderful mood and I've been able to keep him distracted with official works. He's like a lost child in some ways, eager to feel like he's in charge. I have no doubts he is only accepting this offer to parlay because he perceives it as the right thing to do."

Dennis almost asked if the man had hurt her, but he noticed there weren't any bruises on her neck or legs... fresh ones, at least.

The girl then gave him an impish smile and asked "Why, Orville, are you concerned for my well-being?"

"Yeah, you're vital to the mission."

He repeated her words, though she relished the fact that his heartbeat had accelerated.

She sighed, her smile softening somewhat.

She knew his stares weren't the lascivious looks most of the men she interacted with gave her.

It was nice to have someone to just be with.

She didn't have to worry about Zorzal.

She didn't have to worry about doing as perfect a job.

She didn't even have to worry about her vengeance.

No, here there was some respite from all of that.

As she began to sit down, she could still hear the screams in the back of her head.

Her smile faded.

Respite... not salvation... that isn't an option for me.

But as the young man sat down next to her and opened the book, she couldn't help but wish it was.

April 18th, 1964

En Route to the Imperial Capital

10:00 AM

"Alright now, Bobby, you don't let him gain anything. You're supposed to play it like we're desperate for peace here."


"We want him to think he has control of the situation. The last thing we need is him getting smart and going along with his old man's plan."

"I know we're not out to bomb them all, but it is an option, Jack."

"An option that's the last resort. Look around you, these people don't even know what a steam engine is!"


"Look, we already won here, we just need time to actually finish things up."

"Right, right..."

"Sir, we're descending now."


Down below, Zorzal was grinning from ear to ear.

Senator Casel looked worried.

Tyuule had a look of indifference that hid her mind wondering about the American soldier helping her learn the strange new language "English".

I wonder what he thinks of his leaders?

The nearby senators observed the strange flying machine with awe.

The crowd in the city below stopped and observed with no less amazement.

As the machine Dennis had made her understand was a "helicopter" got closer, Tyuule found herself covering her ears, as the sound bothered her. Her kind was particularly sensitive to sound, something that made her wonder if Zorzal was so loud to irritate her further.

Even now she could hear Zorzal loudly proclaim "See? Do you see?! These men are nothing but shameful tinkerers! Look at that flimsy machine! Any one of our dragon riders could knock it out of the sky with ease!"

Oh, good luck with that...

The American representative hopped out of the machine alongside several American soldiers. Their green uniform and helmets were contrasted with their weapons which were clearly wooden and metallic.

Hmm... so that's what Orville would look like in uniform?

It was an odd choice.

As they got closer, she noticed that the helmets looked almost like a cap despite its obvious metal workings, and it was obvious the men had no body armor to prevent arrows or sword thrusts, no metal plates, no bronze shields, no magically enhanced chainmail. All they wore appeared to be for carrying equipment, not so much protection.


Zorzal loudly said, "Welcome to the capital, emissary!"

The man nervously glanced at the interpreter who spoke in English, Tyuule understanding a single word.


She couldn't help but smile slightly.

The senate was eerily quiet despite almost all senators being accounted for, and several guards also standing inside.

Zorzal sipped some wine and politely said "So, mister... Steven-son is it?"

"You can call me Robert." the man said with an uneasy smile.

The interpreter dutifully translated.

Zorzal laughed.

"Robert! Interesting name... are you a descendant of barbarians?"

Tyuule held in the urge to sigh as she knew the name was indeed that of what the Empire considered "barbarian" tribes. Old legends, but legends nonetheless, were still told in the empire of an ancient war that decimated their legions, and an even older foe that had bested them through treachery. Where or when this had happened nobody knew, but names spread around even two thousand years prior persisted to this day.

The American only said, "Perhaps long ago."

The Interpreter translated without looking at the representative, focusing solely on the Emperor.

Zorzal said "I see... well, let's get to the point, shall we? What do you want, exactly?"


The American said, "Well, we understand your father... permitted the attack on our nation to go ahead, encouraged more by eager generals-"

"Good men, ambitious... perhaps to a fault." Zorzal interrupted as the translator hadn't been able to finish translating everything.

Tyuule did her best not to cringe, having somewhat understood the American representative.

The man continued.

"Yes. Now, we know he's dead, as are most if not all the generals who pushed this invasion plan forward... Is that assumption accurate?"


Zorzal only nodded, still smiling.

"So... in the interest of saving lives, the United States is offering you, emperor Zorzal el Caesar, the offer to surrender and end this war. Over a hundred thousand dead should be enough, no?"

Zorzal laughed loudly and obnoxiously the second the interpreter finished translating.

Tyuule closed her eyes, tightly.

"Surrender? Surrender? Who do you think you're speaking with?"

The American blinked, perplexed even before the interpreter finished.

Zorzal shook his head.

"Honestly, if they're not even willing to admit defeat, then why send you in the first place? Are your leaders desperate to save face? Is that it?" he asked as if the idea of the Empire losing was as insane as a man walking on the moon.


The American only said, "I... don't understand."


"Of course, you don't. See here, Robert... the Empire is fully aware of how difficult this campaign has been for your tiny, squabbling, weak kingdom. How many of those hundred thousand dead are yours? How much have you lost in this conflict?"

Before either American could say anything, Zorzal turned to the senate.

"I don't need your answer because I can simply tell you! A week after your men supposedly defeated the undermanned army at Alnus, and the weak and ill-lead armies of the Allied Kingdoms, you were halted at the already undermanned city of Itálica by mere brigands!"

Several senators nodded nervously, some muttering an agreement.

Zorzal turned and said, "I do not believe for a second that you are in any position to request the Empire surrender, let alone make any demands."

The American nodded slowly as the translator finished.

Finally, he asked, "Then, if I may, your majesty... what do you propose we do to end this war?"

"Oh, respectful, eh? I like that. I like that a lot!"

Tyuule did her best not to scowl in frustration.

Zorzal sat down again, rubbing his chin.

Then, grinning, he said "Take your forces home. We can negotiate a better treaty in... oh... two months. Perhaps you can gain an outpost in Alnus and all those deaths wouldn't be in vain, yes?"

The American nodded slowly.

"Is... is that the message you wish to send my commander in chief?"

Zorzal laughed at the translation.

"Commander in chief! What a name! Ha! But no, to him... to him I suggest you tell him the following... word for word, interpreter."

The interpreter nodded.

"Tell your leader that should his cowardly little soldiers ever attempt to face the empire, they shall find no mercy. We are the most powerful force in this world, and any attempt to even insult that status shall be met with swift and definitive destruction and all of that shall fall on his head!"

Tyuule covered her mouth, hiding her grin as she continued transcribing the emperor's boast.

"Is... that all?"

Oh, don't get him started!


Tyuule couldn't help but pity the American representative. The young man was clearly patient and was kindly waiting for the pompous emperor to finish his rant and threats about how great the Empire was.

But it did make her job of transcribing all the more troublesome.

No matter, he was almost done.

"And they shall accommodate the damages through either gold or slaves! Understood?"

The American nodded slowly as the interpreter took a breath and finished translating.

"Emperor... if I may?" the American said after a moment.


Zorzal nodded.

The man looked around, calmly saying "What exactly would it take for you to surrender?"


Zorzal said, "Nothing can be done to make the Empire surrender or negotiate."


"I see... is... is there anything else to discuss?"


Zorzal grinned, saying "I think not! Any questions?"


The American smiled politely and said "I think that would be all, sir. May I shake your hand?"


Zorzal asked, "Are you of royal blood?"


The American shook his head.

Zorzal laughed, quickly taking the man's hand, saying "No matter! A nation that allows peasants to do such important tasks is no insult to me! Just look at my advisor!"

The American looked at the bunny girl.

Zorzal pulled him in closer for a bear hug that the older American felt could break his back. The emperor was almost unhuman in his physical strength.

He then said "I suggest you hurry back. Many here have a profound dislike of your people, and I cannot guarantee your safety in the city."

Thinly veiled threat... moron.

Tyuule did her best not to shake her head in disappointment.

Despite his bravado, Zorzal was making his destruction almost too easy.

She smiled at the thought.

Washington D.C

"That's it, then?" the president asked.

"It seems so, sir." Stephenson's reply over the phone sounded tired, exhausted even.

"Well, that's what we expected. I suppose we'll continue with the main plan."


"Well, take care of yourself, Robert."

"Take care, Mister President."

The man hung up.

Then he turned to his cabinet and said "Well, the war is still on, unfortunately."

A heavy silence fell over the Oval Office.

The secretary of defense quickly said "The men are preparing for an incursion into the mountains now that we mostly have it surrounded. The king of Elbe, Duran... he's agreed to talks... he is as concerned about the flame dragon as us... although I will mention that this dragon threat isn't something our officers are entirely certain of how to handle."

Everyone turned to the secretary, seemingly confused.

"Care to elaborate, Dick?"

The man sighed, saying "Well, it was able to survive hits from an anti-aircraft gun as well as a pair of tanks. Yes, it was severely wounded, but it still managed to fly off after burning down an entire forest. We're not certain if they have the firepower needed to-"

"It's a flying lizard! What do you mean they're uncertain of the firepower?!" the Vice President demanded.

"Well, sir... our air power is still severely limited in the region. Aside from a few squadrons of F-105s and Phantoms, many of our heavier aerial assets are still here."

"We have tanks, artillery, and bombs!"

"With all due respect, Mister Vice President, this... dragon is unlike anything we've seen before. The descriptions our boys and the survivors give... well, make it out to be some kind of flying warship. If we're going to kill it, we'll have to divert an extreme amount of firepower."

It was the president who said, "Would a B-52 cover it?"

A pause.

"I... perhaps, sir. We'll have to look at where the lair is, calculate the distance-"

"Get it done and send them what they need. It's not like those will be missed in Nam..."

He glanced at the paper on the desk.

Photographs of several Vietnamese protestors demanding American troops leave their country immediately.

The president sighed, but then asked "What about the princess's brother? The other one, I mean."

Imperial City of Proctor

The carriage swayed from one side to the next as it exited the large city.

The girl with tangerine hair only groaned at the mild discomfort it caused.

Honestly, nobility like her?

Getting dragged into such a situation?


"Dear cousin, why is it that we must move so quickly?" she groaned, passing her hand through her hair.

Diabo el Caesar only said, "We have to get to Alnus before my dear brother decides to make a move and sends troops out of the capital."

"You don't think he'll seriously try to imprison us, do you?"

Diabo only sighed, staring at the young woman.

"Lady, dearest cousin... I've told you if Father is dead, and Zorzal killed him as Pina suggests-"

"I don't trust Pina either."

"You think I do? Learn to think ahead, please! This is a unique opportunity."

Lady only huffed.

Diabo said "Think about it. I left a copy of the letter with Pina's seal in my room with explicit instructions for my servants to get it to Zorzal should they not hear from me within the week. If Pina tries anything with these... soldiers... then even if they destroy the empire, it will cause some damage."

"But why do I have to go?!"

Human shield...

"Because of your assertive nature, dear cousin! And think about it... if Pina is correct, then you helping her would pay major dividends in the future!"

Again, the girl only huffed, now saying "I don't like that she works with that harlot Bozes... but if it's such a necessity, then it's better than staying on the sidelines, is it not?"

"Exactly, dear cousin..." he replied smiling as genuinely as he could.

Truth was, he cared very little for the young woman he was just barely related to. But if these "Americans" turned out to be hostile, then having an extra hand in any sense would work. Despite her seemingly pompous attitude, Lady was, at the end of the day, a skillful enough individual to be considered fairly valued in the royal family.

And if it was Lady who decided to cause trouble... well, any Army could use a hostage for negotiations.

Assuming the Americans take hostages or that Zorzal would negotiate for her...

Diabo looked at the rolling green hills outside with worry.

He had been assigned to deliver some small documents for the city to potentially begin preparing for an evacuation when the capital was bombed, and his father murdered, and Pina, seemingly turned traitor.

Except, in this case, betraying the new emperor may be the best hope at surviving he had.

Assuming he and his cousin made it to Alnus.

A/N: Okay, time for the Tyuule rant!

You knew it was coming, I knew it was coming, let's rip that band-aid off real quick, okay?

Yes, I know, Gate has a LOT of characters that are underused and underrated, but there's only so many of them that actively do things that directly affect the plot, and she's probably the most important and the most ignored if you asked me.

No, it doesn't make sense that the JSDF did nothing with her. They knew about her, they had a guy on the inside, and they knew she was pushing Zorzal to be more destructive, and yet... neither Itami nor the JSDF takes her away from Zorzal with Noriko (or any of the other slaves Zorzal dragged in for that matter), Furuta did nothing other than occasionally listen to her after she actively pursued him and told him everything (which didn't even matter because he did nothing with what she told him), and the JSDF did nothing once they found out how she was vital to Zorzal's plans, and that's just incompetent.

I get that part of the reason the JSDF is limited in what it can do is simple politics (as well as the caricature of an international theater the author creates), but it seems like they could have done a lot to remedy that or even work within those parameters.

That aside, Tyuule feels like she should've been more than just a tragedy. Hey, say what you will about them, at least Itami's group got its development, closure, and a happy ending, most Tyuule got in canon was a broken neck despite everything she did and could have done. She even managed to (SPOILERS) kill Zorzal, something the JSDF failed to do on multiple occasions, which is just... astonishing. One lonely girl did what one of the best-funded military forces on the planet couldn't (or wouldn't). I know her image got redeemed after she died killing Zorzal, so that's something, but the fact her death could've easily been avoided really sours whatever positives came from it if you asked me. Yeah, she chose that ending given how consumed by destruction her heart was (according to her), but it seems Furuta (and the JSDF) did little to give her another option until the very end. I mean, how sad is that? Suffer for years, hated by the very people you tried to save, ignored by the people who are supposedly helping you, betrayed by your closest allies, and ultimately dying in the bloody arms of your abuser? Add to it the fact that her cries for help are (seemingly) ignored by even Furuta (seriously, where the manga is right now, neither he nor the JSDF have done much more than ignore her) the guy who's supposed to be her love interest, though I never saw any "romance" develop between them. Seriously, to my knowledge, the guy did very little for her until their last moments together in canon, and even that wasn't a lot ("Hey, get in this helicopter with people that want to kill you, trust me, you can help me in that restaurant I like to daydream about!"). Maybe there's something I missed, but from what I've read he doesn't even say "I'm interested in you" until their final interaction, and aside from "listening" to her, he never seemed to do much to help her.

Could be just missing some scenes, of course.

Still, the JSDF could have gained a lot from the former queen, but didn't... It's why a part of this fic is emphasizing how useful she would be to any genuine war effort.

I know some readers don't really like her, and that's fine. Trust me, I get how frustrating it is to have an enemy target be ignored in any form "because of politics". Hopefully, I can avert such a situation in this little "what if".

(Also, her light novel design is better than whatever they did in the anime, fight me)

...Rant over...

Not much more to say on this chapter, though. Bit of Air Cav tactics, a bit of CIA shenanigans, a bit of politicking, bit of relationship building, a touch of melodrama (hope that doesn't become a staple for this fic), and, oh yeah... backstory!

I didn't so much change Tyuule's backstory as I built a bit on what was established while staying within what's known from the main canon, such as the fact that her parents and brother died more or less around the time Zorzal invaded, which... well, implies several things, one of them being that she might have been quite young and inexperienced when she took the throne, which certainly makes sense given her actions, though the series never went into much detail about her exact age to my knowledge.

Still, given that she "acts like a schoolgirl" around Furuta in canon... well, more on that as the story progresses.

Thank you all so much for reading and keeping up with this fic! If there's anything you think could use some work (especially in the character department) do let me know, I really appreciate suggestions and criticism.

I hope to have the next chapter out soon!

See you!