
4. Chapter 4(1)

Chapter 4

Good Soldiers

April 4th, 1964

Imperial Capital

11:00 AM

Dennis couldn't help but keep his eyes on the decorated walls within the palace.

They were certainly an impressive structure, even by modern standards.

He had seen a few big-screen movies that took place in the ancient world, The Ten Commandments, the 300 Spartans, and most recently Jason and Argonauts, all fascinating films with technical achievements the American couldn't even begin to wrap his mind around.

And even those looked fake compared to what he was seeing now!

The walls were clearly marble, there were obviously expensive drapes hanging everywhere, many purple to demonstrate the wealth of the empire, complemented by the golden ornaments on every corner and the floor was decorated with a more than likely expensive red carpet.

All in all, this was definitely the result of an empire gaining complete power over the land it occupied.

And yet...

Screams briefly filled his mind, and he immediately shook the distracting thoughts aside.

Of course, his job was not to admire the architecture but to get to the kitchen and blend in as best he could.

Once there, he saw many people in white cooking clothes running from one end to another.

A tall, bald man approached him, saying "Are you Den?"

"Yes, sir."

"Go over there, the chef says you could help us with something."

"Yes, sir."

He turned to obediently go where he was told, several people bumping into him, one angrily cursing at him despite his efforts to stay out of the way.

He took a deep breath as he found his way to the door, opened it, and promptly got slapped in the face by the Chef named Clef. The older man was waving a parchment in his hands.

"We need these ingredients for tonight's special feast immediately! Head to the market, buy them, and bring them here before noon!"

Dennis took the list and quickly said "Yes, sir!"

"And once you get back you better start working on whatever garbage you plan on serving! At least the princess will get what she wants... Understood?!"

"Yes, sir!"

"...well? GET TO IT!"

And off he was, pretending he cared about the authority of the chef.

Deep down, Dennis hated cooking for a variety of reasons but as a Ranger and now as the "inside man" on the operation, he had to go along with it.

He exited the palace just as Princess Pina Co Lada and Hamilton entered the Senate building.

Pina couldn't help but focus on the architecture in order to distract from everything being on the brink of collapse.

It was certainly an impressive structure; its architecture had been the fruits of the arduous labor of imperial architects eons ago, and legends had it the original emperor had been murdered in a building just like this one, fighting bravely to ensure his sacred duty was fulfilled. Back then it had been a battleground for blades and fists.

But now it would be a battleground of orators as the fate of the Empire was decided by the great minds of- oh who was she kidding?

At best, she would find enough supporters to stop organized attacks on the Americans as they tried to take control of the area surrounding the capital, pacifying all who got in the way.

Eliminating those who pushed them...

The Senate room was large, comfortable, and filled with noise as men debated over this or that, not so much the present crisis that no one seemed to be concerned about, partly thanks to her father not sharing the information with anyone outside his generals.

The time for politics hadn't arrived yet, and she calmly took a seat, Hamilton standing next to her.

Pina observed the Senators, none of whom had any idea how large the losses of the Empire were.

Hamilton nervously spoke then.

"Did you speak to her?"

Pina sighed in defeat, a new habit Hamilton had quickly noticed, but not one she could argue against.

We're beaten on all sides, the only thing that's yet to be determined is how badly.

"Yes, but she has no interest in helping us save the Empire, only destroy it... I think she'll happily work with the Americans, though. If anything to protect her own people."

Both women glanced at the armor hanging on display in the room. Its golden plates were a sign of royalty amongst the now nearly exterminated bunny warriors, and the armor was now there to commemorate the Imperial victory over such foes.

To the two girls, it was a reminder of what could potentially await them if they didn't play their cards right.

"Kid make it okay, captain?" Tom asked Rhodes and Sean as they entered the room.

"Yeah, but I have the feeling our guys were seen."


"Just a hunch... Did that dog man walk 'round here again?"

"Yeah... a little while ago. Haven't-"

There was a loud knocking on the door.

Rhodes turned as Sean grabbed his handgun and placed a hand on the wooden frame.

He gently opened the door.

A very tall, very intimidating four-armed man stood at the entrance.

Two upper arms crossed.

Left lower arm on a large mallet, right lower arm on his hip.

"Hello. I don't think we've met."

Sean spoke then.

"Hello, sir. Can we help you?"

"Certainly, I represent-" the large man tried to step inside, but Rhodes got in his way.

Sean quickly said "Sorry, sir, we can't exactly allow anyone inside right now. It's quite dangerous."

The Large man smirked.

"Right, right, right, I take it you men don't like running in circles, so I'll make my point quickly. Master Basara is a merciful man, so whatever business your people have here, he gets a sixth of it. We'll send someone later today to collect, so try to earn some. You have a boy working in the palace, so don't bother hiding anything."

Sean only said, "Of course, sir."

The tall man frowned at the visible lack of intimidation in the men but left all the same.

Rhodes closed the door with a huff.

"Well, fortunately for us, we have exactly what he wants. Professionals like him never get paid enough."

He opened a nearby suitcase and looked at the manufactured "riches" the United States government had prepared for them to exchange for goods in the capital.

"We're just going to give them all that loot, captain?"

"Oh, just for the moment... we stay low for now; this isn't exactly our purview... yet. Let the Berets do their thing, we're just backup. April 11th is going to be an interesting date, though."

The men nodded as Hastings drew a circle on the date with the word "boom" written in all caps.

"That said... Alex, get on the radio and let the Berets know of our visitor... I'm thinking we could follow him around later. Doubt he's difficult to miss."

Senate Building

"Order! Order! Salve Augustus!"

The room erupted into a single "Salve Augustus!" as the Emperor entered and sat on his throne in the Senate room.

Today he would inform them of progress against the foe from another world.

Today Pina had the chance to make her opening case as the week commenced.

A senator by the name of "Dussie" called the meeting to order and gave the floor to one of his fellow senators, an elderly man named Cicero.

"The question on all our minds has to do with the obvious: the arrival of an enemy from across the Gate a little over two weeks ago and their subsequent defeat of our main army."

"As well as the destruction of the Allied Armies." Emperor Molt said in a calm tone.

The Senators gaped at the statement.

Oh, they were somewhat familiar with the Imperial Army's defeat at Alnus, but that the much larger armies of the Allied Kingdoms would also fall in such a short period of time was not only unheard of... it was entirely unthinkable!

"They also took Italica yesterday." Emperor Molt added, an eerie calm in his voice.

One senator by the name of Casel immediately jumped at the opportunity.

"Have there been attempts at peace negotiations?"

The Emperor replied with an indifferent "No."

Pina immediately blurted out "Not true!"

All eyes turned to her.

The Emperor sighed, saying "From their side, daughter." and then to the Senate, "They sent a request to negotiate with my daughter who met them at Italica, but you could hardly even call it that."

Senator Dussie quickly said "If they're so powerful, why bother negotiating? If they had some trouble with our armies I could understand, but they seem to have been able to conquer territory with great ease! Certainly unlike anything we have ever seen if the information is to be believed. Why bother with negotiations if they're so powerful?"

The implication was obvious, but Pina had no intention of letting them believe for a second that this was an enemy that was limited by the rules of war that commanded their lands.

She spoke quickly and with what authority she could muster into her voice.

"Because they do not wish to continue the war!"

Once more, all eyes turned to her.

She ignored them.

"Father, I tried to tell you yesterday, but they were not halted, they chose to halt."

A worried murmur began to spread.

Before anyone else could interject, Pina continued.

"By the time I arrived, they had taken the city of Italica, not by force, but because our armies abandoning the region left them at the mercy of ever-growing gangs of bandits that were bolstered by our deserting armies!"

Just tell them the truth, Pina... what else can you do?

"Lady Myui had allowed them to take the city because she had no choice if Italica wished to survive the Brigands. The men I saw fighting to take the city numbered in the thousands, the few men from beyond the gate that protected it were only a few hundred in number, and they held it! They could have waited for the brigands to destroy the city garrison or wait for their main army to better take the city, but instead, they sent men to defend it as fast as they could once the situation was made clear to them! Members of the Senate, the men we are facing do not wish our destruction, they're only doing what's expected of any nation after they were attacked without provocation!"

Senator Casel then quickly turned to the Emperor and said "That begs the question, Emperor... why did we attack in such an unprovoked manner?"

Several senators muttered in agreement.

The emperor huffed.

It was a valid question.

"The attack needed to be a surprise because the generals advised that it would guarantee success. Regardless of what sort of people lived beyond the gate, they told me that they would instill fear and destruction that would force any people to negotiate. Clearly, that assumption was incorrect."

Casel didn't shrug it off, however.

"Then why have we not negotiated since? Both armies sent to Alnus have been obliterated, with many breaking and deserting! Given the fact they took Italica peacefully and put their own men at risk in order to protect it, I would argue that we're being foolish in not negotiating! Emperor, surely you can see that this is unsustainable!"

"I can... and the reason should be obvious to you, Senator Casel El Tiberius."


The dark tone with which the emperor spoke was not one to be challenged.

The Emperor stood before speaking.

"If we show weakness, they will do to us that which we have done to so many others before."

In response to the silence in the room one senator, an older man said "Slavery or extermination!"

There was no response for the moment.

Molt sat back down and with an air of sudden calm, he said "Precisely. My daughter has seen what they can do. She may speak of their bravery and their heroics of a few hundred men holding the city against a foe numbering in the thousands, but that only exemplifies how dangerous they are to us! In two weeks, they have defeated two of the most professional armies in this world, taken a city built to sustain heavy attacks, and held it. They're halted now because they are overstretched, which is why we must act decisively. The likely reason they did not raze Italica to the ground is that it surrendered and was under the threat of enemy attack, which paints a very clear picture that we are dealing with an empire, not unlike our own."

"Father, I apologize, but I must clarify that they have halted out of choice, not some necessity!"

"No, that's just what they want you to think. Any leader worth his weight in gold would make sure you fool the enemy into a false state of security, and THAT is what they are trying to do, dear daughter."

Pina lowered her head, unsure of how to argue, especially since, in a way, he was right.

The Americans were very much trying to fool them into a false sense of security in order to avoid more bloodshed, but she couldn't just say that and expect her father to suddenly agree and go along with their negotiations, let alone their demands for surrender.

Was there nothing she could say to prove to her father that pursuing war was a fruitless task?

"Do we even know that much? They allowed the princess to live and come deliver a message that, according to you, emperor, makes them look weak. Why even risk that? Why have her even negotiate? Why not have her come with news of some large defeat and fool us into sending more men for them to slaughter? Why risk looking weak, Emperor Molt?"

Molt frowned at Casel.

Again, a fair question.

The only possible counter was a contradiction.

Either this enemy was an almost invincible force that needed to be feared and fought in an unorthodox way, or they weren't any of that and were actually not out to exterminate or enslave them, which made his scorched earth tactics entirely pointless.

To his surprise and annoyance, his son came to his rescue.

"Because they aren't actually that powerful. Everything we have seen certainly paints an invincible enemy... but how many of those have we promptly exterminated?" Zorzal said with a confident grin.

He unsheathed his sword and pointed at the armor of the beaten Warrior Bunny.

"Many before me said that taking the lands of these head hunters was impossible! That their chaotic savagery was too much for any army... until I tried and proved them all wrong! Now the warrior bunnies are not only enslaved, their lands are empty! Perfect for future settlements and bases! And what of times past? The conquest of the orks? The taming of wild dragons and wyverns? Need I remind you that wyvern scales are STILL almost impenetrable to anything but the toughest ballista?"

Several senators mumbled amongst themselves in agreement.

"What my father knows and understands is that the enemy is overstretched! What enemy wouldn't after all that they've done? These are great tasks they have accomplished, we must give them that at least, but at what cost? They're desperate, so they open a door to try and get out of this conflict early... or perhaps buy time. All we need is to push them a touch further and they will capitulate! Our armies may have been defeated, but not entirely! How many soldiers arrived back on our doors that day? They are still ready to fight in the name of the empire!"

He then turned specifically to Casel.

"And Senator, in regards to your questions, I'll repeat myself... the enemy... isn't... as powerful as we thought. They're desperate. They're overstretched and their weapons can only get them so far. We still don't know exactly how many of them have been killed or how many of their war machines have been destroyed, do we? They are powerful, yes... but not that powerful. This request for negotiations is all the proof we need of their weakness!"

Pina sat down in defeat.

Sure, she could correct her brother.

She could provide the exact number of American losses in the "war" thus far...

No more than eighty wounded men, many of who would be fit for combat in a short time.

That was it.

But what would that do without evidence?

Make her look like a traitor?


Convince her father of negotiating?

Doubtful... in fact, that earlier outburst worried her.

He hasn't mentioned any counterattack... has he?

As she considered this, Casel spoke.

"Then surely there is no harm in asking what they want."

"As my sister has made it clear, they want us to come to the negotiating table... they probably believe we're shaking in our beds, covers over our heads like panicked children who still fear the darkness. We must show them that we are still resolute in our will! Still holding on to the will of resistance! Going to the negotiating table is all the evidence they'll need to conclude that we are on the brink of collapse! We should prove them wrong by standing in defiance of their pathetic request! Demand they send someone to negotiate!"

Several senators cheered.

Pina cringed.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore "But if we don't at least try speaking with them then how will we ever end the war? Are we really just going to do nothing?"

As if to confirm her cry, Molt said "We will continue discussing the subject as the week continues. My generals and I are working on a strategy that I need to discuss with you all no later than this week. Thank you all. Do stay for tonight's feast."

"But father-"

"We will discuss this matter further... but not today," he said, a dark finality in the words.

Senator Dussie quickly said "Today's meeting is adjourned. Salve Augustus!"

"Salve Augustus!"

Pina fought her tears of frustration.

How can I get through to them?

How the hell do people live like this?

Dennis awkwardly moved past the crowds, carrying the supplies for the Royal Kitchen with an expression as if he were about to bite someone's head off.

The streets were filthy in literally every definition of the word. They were filled with waste from horses, animals, people, smelling much worse than any farmhouse he had visited in Georgia, and Dennis had worked with many.

Something about the number of people must add to it...

Then there were the people... oh, the people.

He was more disgusted than amused as a half-human, half horsewoman, walked past him, smiling as he stared at her existence.

Dennis didn't know how to feel about all these varying races of... humans? Monsters?


He glanced at the centaur only to notice the main cause of his disgust.

She had a small chain around her neck that was held by an older man who was clearly leading her around like a regular horse.

Dennis reminded himself that this was a land where slavery was not only legal, it was normal.

The centaur didn't even appear unhappy, and the American could hope the older man was at least kind to his slaves, but the concept disgusted him on a level that he had a hard time comprehending.

His eyebrow furrowed; his eyes focused on the road while his mind analyzed the reality around him.

They're a backward people, that's all...

He finally made it up the steep hill that led to the royal palace and made his way to the kitchen when the man named "August" stopped him at the door.

August said nothing; silently observing the American.

Then, with a deep voice that worried Dennis, the man said "Ingredients?"

"Right here, sir," Dennis replied, handing the bags over.

The man took them and angrily said "Why do you, one who has no passion for the art of cooking, cook?"

Dennis smiled politely, suppressed the urge to tell the man to mind his own business, and quickly said "I aim to please, sir. If the princess wants me to cook, I'll cook!"

The man nodded slowly and let him into the kitchen.

"I'll cook. You handle the cleaning."

"I was told I had to cook some-"

"After I finish." the man said in a threatening tone.

"Yes, sir."


The kitchen was much less occupied now and he found the area reserved for him.

He did his best not to think of the dead bodies he had seen in Alnus and Italica as he prepared the meat.

He also did his best not to think too much of his late mother cooking dinner back home.

Dennis failed at both endeavors but managed to get his work done.

Trade City of Italica

Shaun happily bit into the cooked steak as he angrily demanded answers.

"Let me get this straight... We're moving out already?"

The other soldier only said "Yeah, the brass wants to get rid of whatever's left of these merry thieves as soon as possible. Odds are we'll be heading out tomorrow. Why else are those Marines stopping here?"

"After all we did the last two days? Can't we just stay here?" Shaun groaned, waving his hand around.

Italica was a perfect mixture of rural and urban, with the buildings stuck together, but giving enough room for plant life to grow, and the mansion the head of the Formal clan had allowed the Americans to use as a command center was luxurious despite the primitive technology.

Of course, it wasn't like there weren't issues.

The catgirl named Persia very clearly looked forlorn once James Hastings left. She absentmindedly watered some plants, clearly thinking of the American pervert she had marked as her own in order to finally find somewhere else to live a happy life.

The other soldier shook his head.

"That cat bitch really fall head over heels for that guy?"

Shaun shook his head.

"Other way around, I reckon. That Ranger clearly seemed interested, but she told me she wanted to get out of here."

"Shoot, I bet she can find a guy that'll take her easily enough! Ears and tail aside, she ain't too bad to look at."

"Yeah, ears and tail aside. It's like saying the Indians were a noble people, human sacrifices aside."

The other soldier chuckled, but then got serious.

"You didn't see much action the other night, right, Robinson?"

Shaun nodded.

"Yeah... well, I did... I don't get these freaks. They charge us, charge our guns... I mean you saw the cleanup, we've had to bury them by the thousands twice now and they're still coming! We blew them to shreds with grenades and they still came! What does it take to get them to understand?!"

Shaun said, "Death was a part of daily life in Ancient Rome, you were supposed to be a man and take it."

Glancing at the girl on his purview, Shaun couldn't help but feel the weight of everything happening.

He added "We have to change all that. If we have to beat them to death with it then so be it."

The other soldier sarcastically said, "What is that, black man's burden?"

"Man, shut it. If they don't want out help then they don't have to take it, but the area we control has to be better than even this."

"Yeah... one can hope... hey, you spoke to that princess. Think she stands a chance at negotiating peace?"

"Not in a million years."

Casel Residence

12:30 PM

"Ah, Princess Pina, what can I do for you?" Senator Casel asked as the young princess entered his room.

"Senator... I know you greatly opposed the invasion across the Gate when father announced it some months ago." Pina said in an exhausted tone that the Senator took note of.

"Yes. I always thought it was dangerous and can't for the life of me comprehend why they didn't scout ahead for a few days. From my understanding, they only heard people were celebrating something and decided to immediately attack." he said, sitting down on a chair on the balcony, overlooking the city.

A single dragon rider flew in the distance.

Pina said, "Then you must be the first to know... the war is lost."

At this, the old man turned to her in shock.

The nineteen-year-old princess had a look of defeat that he had only seen on those who had lost everything.


"They told me I had a week to convince father and the senate to come to the negotiation table, but even if I managed to do that I know now that it won't do any good! The Americans want total surrender, no terms or conditions!"


"The enemy from beyond the gate... they're not out to exterminate us, they're not out to even entirely destroy the Empire... just father and those who orchestrated the initial invasion. They told me to try, but that they didn't have much faith... now I see why," she said, tears beginning to manifest.

"Oh... does your father know?"

"No. If I told him their full intentions he would lose his mind. He seems to both believe the Americans are powerful enough to exterminate us, but not powerful enough he can't defeat, but I have no idea what he intends to do!"

Casel thought about it for a moment before a dark realization came over him.

He stood up and walked to his desk, looking through some parchments.


"I received this later from a friend two days ago, he lives not too far from Italica... here."

Pina took the letter and read it over before going pale.

The retreating band of soldiers passed through Coda Village and warned us to stay hidden away as many soldiers deserted and were now scattering across the lands, destroying everything they can in order to prevent the enemy from resupplying and pillage what supplies they can take on their mad retreat away from Alnus. Worse, I fear the emperor may have ordered such measures be taken should the Army be defeated. The village has been left untouched as of this writing, but rumors of the situation have made us weary and many are planning on evacuating... we just don't know where it's safe as it seems the empire is adopting a policy of scorched earth...

I would appreciate what information you can give me, as I do have several students of Rondel that rely on me.


Cato el Altestan

"Scorched earth... of course," she whispered.

"Worse, with numbers like the ones you described hit Italica, they could wage full-on Guerilla war with low costs and high rewards."

Pina looked at the man, confused.

Casel only sighed before sitting back down.

"Years ago, while trying to tame the orks, a few that weren't so stupid decided to stop attacking our men head-on, focusing on ambushes, surprise attacks... we had to exterminate many of them. It was a costly war."

He shook his head.

Pina said "Then... but if Father goes through with that, he'll make things far worse! If he somehow forces the Americans to start fighting to the death... the amount of destruction... the people... I can't let this happen!"

"I'll speak to some of the senators tonight... but princess, I highly doubt your father will bother negotiating, let alone surrendering. He knows what he's done, he knows they're coming for him and his generals, and he knows he was too arrogant."

Pina sank in her chair.

"The Americans figured that out, too... they plan to kill him if he doesn't surrender in the coming weeks."

Casel frowned.

"I thought you only had one week."

"That's what hurts the most. They intend to evacuate any pro-peace senators by the end of the week. That way, they can focus on killing those who wanted the war and still have a ready government once it's over..."

The senator hid his surprise.

They've considered things so that they win no matter what happens. If no one sides with them, they would simply defeat us with force. By having several senators side with them and look for peace, they'll win and have less work to do in rebuilding... it's what we would do if we were in their situation.

Casel said "Then we must try to avoid that outcome, even if it's unavoidable. Try getting through to your father. Arrogant or not, he's intelligent enough to know when he's defeated if he's not doing anything about this.

He pointed to the letter that had come from a small village.

"The question is if he actually ordered it..."

Imperial Palace

Molt Sol Augustus sipped his wine with some degree of calm, now more than a little confident he didn't have to destroy his capital city.

The Haryo tribe had sent him several reports of the enemy presence in Italica and he was somewhat pleased with the information.

Enemy overstretched, tending its wounds.

It seemed that arming the brigands had worked much better than he had anticipated.

It mattered little how powerful the enemy was, as long as it was human.

In fact, he found it interesting that these "American" soldiers had no demi-humans or monsters in their ranks.

Certainly, they were advanced if their war machines were anything to go by, but still human at the end of the day.

Still, that also made them all the more dangerous.

He recalled the campaigns against some of the dumber denizens of the continent. Subjugating them had been a simple matter of showing how pointless resistance was... as well as enslaving most of their population, but that was how wars were won in this world.

I cannot allow that to happen here...

He absentmindedly tore apart the parchment and dropped it to the street below, sipping his wine and watching his city.

Drew Goldwater considered this even more of a sign the man had to die.

He pulled away from the scope of the M1903A4 and slowly moved back under the bushes, nodding to the man next to him.

The American Green Berets was barely over a decade old when the Gate opened. Inspired by the resistance groups that fought against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during the Second World War, the United States decided to devote some of its resources to elements of the military that would operate behind enemy lines and carry out much more unconventional missions than what the main Army would do.

Thus, the Green Berets were born on June 19th, 1952... technically.

The truth was, they didn't adopt the "green beret" until 1954 with the express purpose of setting them apart, and a certain general had shut down such a decision not long after the "First" Special Forces Group settled on the apparel.

It wasn't until 1961 that the current president decided to not only bring the beret back, he had even called it a "symbol of excellence".

Now the Army had its distinct Special Forces, ready to face down and eliminate whatever challenged they face.

Which, at the moment involved hiding in some brush for several hours, spying and identifying targets of interest for the coming attacks on the capital city of "The Empire".

Unconventional warfare indeed...

Now the second soldier crawled slightly in the brush and took aim, but not with a firearm.

A few almost indiscernible "clicks" from the camera later, and the other Green Beret nodded.

Drew silently and slowly turned to look behind him at the city stretching out below the large hills that the more important government buildings were built on.

The whole place is designed to be a nightmare of urban combat... no wonder armies back in the day stuck to long sieges.

He then turned glanced in the general direction he knew some of the Rangers backing them were staying.

Of course, we have to take control of the red light district, which means...

His mind turned to the frustrating information on the "Basara" gang that controlled most of the outer parts of the city.

He didn't make a sound as he pondered the multiple ways they could take them out in one go.

6:00 PM

Imperial Capital

Red Light District

Sean did his best to ignore the slaves in cages begging for help in a variety of languages, many of which he didn't understand.

The dirty cloak he was wearing and the large had to mask his face irritated him, but it didn't matter as he was able to blend in amongst the many, many unfortunate people who were stuck in the dirty streets of the poorest part of the capital.

The nearby commotion was being caused by several large men with intimidating looking weapons protecting a small gathering of men who were arguing.

Three large heads of the "Basara" crime family, confidently flaunting their wealth and power in front of the people they controlled.

One particularly desperate man, keeping a safe distance from the armed guards, begged for some food for his family.

When ignored, he resorted to insults.

Sean shut his eyes as the man's tongue was tossed into the dirty street a few minutes later.

The fat man in charge loudly spoke, tossing the tongueless body aside, wiping his very shiny blade on a towel.

"I am a merciful ruler! If any of you wish for mercy you may receive it! But I am also a responsible ruler and I cannot allow such brazen acts of disrespect! I hear your cries, but know that we are currently at war with an enemy that is not known to even the tops spies in the Empire! Maybe soon we will have more hardship!"

A few brave people began to yell and cry out in protest.

"If you cannot feed yourself then starve to death!"

Sean only made a mental note of the heavy man.

Target located...

The largest of the three was the very important figure of "Basara".

Seeing more than he needed, he walked back to their main "headquarters" a few miles away.

Two other men wearing similar cloaks met him at the entrance and said nothing as they let him into the mostly deserted building.

Tom turned, M60 fully assembled and aimed at an open window.

"You see the fat bastard?"

"Yup... cut some poor bastard's tongue clean out when the guy called him fat. We should make them priority number one."

"Who Basara?"

Tom and Sean glanced above them, seeing James Hastings peer down the steps.



"The fellas over the waves agree. We take control of the Red Light district and we get a clean entry and exit to the capital."

"Plus maybe do some good. People here are starving and it doesn't feel right leaving things like that." Sean said with a sigh.

Tom added "Can't get too friendly there, buddy. There's a lot of kitties here, and you should know what happens when you feed a stray cat."

"Hey, man, can you stop talkin' about them like they're animals?"

"They are."

"They're human beings, same as you and me. Right, Hastings?"

"Yeah, but... gotta be honest, in the time I spent with Persia, she does show some cat-like capabilities that would baffle biologists."

"But still human."


Hasting's shrug at the end did little to convince the sniper.

With a shake of the head, he said "Medieval society or not, we've gotta show we're better. They're people, and I for one plan on winning the hearts and minds fight of this war."

He tossed the cloak over himself once more, grabbed some of the food his MCI included.

Tom shook his head "Come on, man, a bullet would be preferable over that grime."

Sean said nothing.

Rhodes opened the door.

"Captain." Sean recognized.

"Sean... see anything?"

"Confirmed the Basara family's headquarters, nothing unusual. Thinking of sharing some food with the locals, get their hearts and minds."

Rhodes nodded slowly.

"Berets are also going on patrol. Stay within the vicinity, we'll keep an eye out."

"Hoo-ah," he replied and exited.

Hastings said "Radio's confirmed the Emperor is still here. Hasn't flaked out on us yet."

"Good. Guys just set up some supplies on the building across the street. If we get raided we'll have a good place to fall back to, as well as a good outpost to keep an eye out on these crime lords. Dennis check in yet?"

"Yeah, he's settling in on the kitchen. Hates it. Also, there's some big feast going on in the palace. Something about the senate getting together."

Rhodes raised an eyebrow.

A feast? What for?

8:00 PM

Dennis felt his eye twitch involuntarily as yet another noble pinched his cheek.

"I must say, princess, your choice of servants is quite commendable. He's healthier than some of the nobles here!" the man said, releasing the American's skin.

"Well, I picked him for his cooking skill!" Pina added nervously.

"Oh? A child such as this can cook? Let me try!" the presumed wife of the senator said, reaching for the "burgers" Dennis was politely offering with a forced smile on his face.

The fat woman who looked more like an effeminate man took one of the "burgers" Dennis had cooked up, taking a quick bite, and nodding.

Choke on it.

"Hmm... it's good! I'm sure you'll be a great cook someday!" she said in such with such obviously fake praise Dennis felt insulted.

Like a good soldier, however, he simply gave his best smile and said "Thank you, madam!"

The pair left then, at least the woman seemed to finish the "burger" he had made in a bite or two.

Pina sighed as she moved closer to the annoyed American.

She whispered "It's not good... father thinks negotiating will only result in us losing and being exterminated. I fear he wishes to burn the empire down instead of surrendering."

"Well, that's that, then," Dennis whispered back, not really caring about what happened to the old man discussing things with his officers, more concerned with not drawing attention to himself by talking with someone as important as the princess.

Lady, come ON! And I'm not even a trained spy!

"I also spoke to the captured queen... I think she'll happily work with you."

Great! Get lost!

The princess continued.

"She wants to destroy our empire. I can't exactly blame her after what happened to her people..."

"Huh, my kind of ally." Dennis allowed himself to reply as he tried to play it off as him offering her a "burger", hoping she would get the message and stop hanging around him in public.

Pina frowned and quietly muttered "I thought I was your ally."

"Don't kid yourself. You're a puppet at best."

She responded by slamming her foot on his exposed toe and walking away.

Dennis clenched his jaw at the pain but refused to let out anything resembling a complaint, he even smirked slightly.

At least it looked like she was insulted... and won't draw attention...

"What'd you tell her?"

He turned to look at the young Hamilton, the girl still in her knight's uniform, which the American had to admit was oddly attractive. Plus...

Someone I can talk to without drawing attention to myself.

"Told her she wasn't so much an ally as a puppet," he said, smiling.

Hamilton frowned as well, but instead of kicking him, she angrily whispered "Why are you people so disrespectful towards authority?!"

He stared at her for a moment, surprised at the question, but understanding once he realized that this was a backwater civilization that had no understanding of concepts such as God-given rights like freedom of speech... or the fact that she was dealing with an American.

Dennis replied accordingly.

"Sorry, but I wasn't raised to bow before royalty. We don't have kings or emperors in my country, and we're the most powerful nation in the world."

"That doesn't explain the lack of respect!"

"What you call respect I call attacking my freedom... just call it a cultural difference. I can express my discontent with your princess the same way she can express her discontent with my superiors. I don't plan on hitting her over the head with it, we're still allies, just don't expect me to treat her as anything else."

Hamilton huffed, clearly wanting to argue but knowing she shouldn't draw attention to the American.

"Why'd they have to send you?" she sighed and began to pretend like she was examining the food he was serving.

"Probably cause I'm the one who bests speaks your tongue. Why'd your people attack my country?"

He added the last question hoping he would start some kind of conversation with the somewhat cute knight, but a part of him decided it likely wasn't worth it.

The girl frowned.

"The emperor said his generals advised a surprise attack in order to shock your people into submission. It's worked before, even if it's a foolish tactic." she said, taking one of the "burgers".

Dennis shook his head.

"Last time a country back home surprised us with an attack we obliterated an empire."

"You have empires in your world?"

"Had. We destroyed them all."

"Wouldn't that make your nation the empire?"

"We're a Republic, not an empire."

"But your nation controls large swaths of land, yes?"


"And it's the most powerful nation in your world, yes?"



"A few."

"Your nation is an empire."

Now Dennis scowled at the girl.

The triumphant smile she returned somehow bothered him further.

Wait, is this her way of flirting?

She took a bite from the burger, shook her head, and said "It's passable at best. Learn to cook better." before placing the bitten burger in his pocket.

Nevermind. What is it with these people finding new ways to piss me off?

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with having an empire. Don't see why you're so defensive, Den."

"Empires enslave people. You alright with that?" he replied in a much darker tone than he intended.

The girl looked perplexed, although less because she didn't know how to answer and more because she knew her answer would bother him, and right now she couldn't afford to bother her princess' "ally".

Wiped that smirk off your face, didn't it?

The action didn't make him feel any better, however.

As he finished the thought, Pina began to walk towards them, interrupting whatever answer the cute knight could have given him.

Internally, Dennis bemoaned the interruption, externally, he raised an eyebrow as the princess stormed the table grabbing several drinks.

She grabbed a glass of wine and gulped it all in one go.

Then another...and another...

Then she grabbed another one and took it with her.

Dennis muttered "Impressive."

"Your Majesty?" Hamilton asked, following.

"Silence. My brother decided to bring his toy tonight..." she said angrily, glancing at the 18-year-old.

Dennis replied by staying silent.

I know you savages keep slaves, seeing it won't exactly lessen my opinion of you people.

In fact, there was some degree of subtle discontent that Dennis noticed as the crown prince entered the hall, which at least raised his opinion of the locals.

Until the aforementioned crown prince opened his mouth.

"Greetings, fellow citizens!" Zorzal called confidently... and loudly.

Dennis had never actually heard someone who sounded so irritatingly pompous!

That's the crown prince?

The reaction of the attendants wasn't exactly encouraging as some greeted him with enthusiasm while some seemed disgusted, but not for the reasons he suspected.

Dennis heard a few people quietly mumble "why does he carry her around?" and couldn't help but feel a touch disgusted with the amount of value these people put over their heads. Demi-human or not, he assumed people would at least feel sorry for her. But it seemed like they were more concerned with her presence ruining the feast.

Not that he could see either the prince who they were hoping would be easier to manipulate than his father or the former queen who was supposed to help them later.

Dennis kept his eyes open and after a moment the crowd parted slightly and he could see-


Dennis felt his heart sink with pity as he saw the white-haired girl.

She was wearing ragged sheets to preserve some degree of modesty, barely hiding her unmentionables, her hands bound by a rope as the prince led her around with a look of triumph. He glanced at her legs and immediately saw the bruises, some healed, others, particularly around her upper thigh, appeared sickeningly recent. She kept her head down, her ears lowered back in clear submission.

A slave.

Dennis lowered his own gaze, focusing on the food he was to serve, and forced himself to stay still.

It's normal for them... it's normal for them...

Part of him wanted to go and offer her some food, remembering stories of American GIs giving food to starving survivors of the Nazi Concentration Camps, but he had his orders and he doubted it would be appropriate to offer the slave some food for no reason.

Stay put and look pretty!

He forced himself to remain as if nothing was wrong.

Nothing at all.




"Well, who are you?"

Dennis turned his gaze to meet eye to eye with the crown prince.

Behind him, he saw the slave girl, eyes staring at the floor, and behind her, a short distance away, the red-haired Princess looked she had almost spat out her drink as she saw her brother stand so close.

Pina felt panic unlike any she had felt before.

If that American runs his mouth and insults my brother... AAAAAHHHH!

She forced herself to remain calm and composed, observing the situation from her position near the table, wondering if she would have to intervene. She listened in, hoping she wouldn't.

"I'm Den, son of-"

"Are you a new cook? I haven't seen you around." Zorzal interrupted.

"Oh, yes sir! Got hired earlier today!"

"Ah, that may explain why you looked so confused when I brought her in! You probably don't recognize her." the prince said, laughing loudly as he yanked the fairly short rope forward and pulled the girl ahead of him like one would an uncooperative dog.

Hell, even dogs get more respect than this...

Externally Dennis maintained a somewhat confused expression.

Internally he was seething as he got to see the girl up close.

There were bruises on her neck, her rags were tattered, barely held together by ripped up pieces of cloth...

The only part of her that seemed unharmed was her waist-length white hair, as if, despite being a slave, she was allowed to clean and bathe.

Probably to keep this bastard from catching something... Just bear with it... just bear with it... you're a Ranger, not an angry brat...

He managed despite the crown prince forcefully pushing her in front of him, presumably to give Dennis a better look as he, for lack of a better term, "showed her off".

"See, this little lady right here is the former queen of the Warrior Bunny Tribes!"

Dennis made eye contact with the girl.

Her eyes were a deep crimson and looked like she hadn't slept at all in days, but she seemed composed and not entirely submissive. Some might even say the eyes held an almost imperceptible threat as if they were calculating the various ways of killing someone.

A slave, but not mentally.

He then turned to the prince and forced himself to look impressed.

"Then... that makes you-"

"Yes, Zorzal el Caesar! The one and the only crown prince of The Empire!"

Good God, do you introduce yourself like that to everyone?!

"W-wow... your majesty, I never knew!"

"Yes, the one and only!"


"Do you know the story, young Den?"

Don't want to...

"I've only heard rumors... that they fought savagely as you led the armies to conquer them. Is this what such a... a savage look like?"

Somewhat to his delight, the girl briefly frowned at being reduced to the title of "savage", which Dennis took to mean she wasn't as beaten down as he had first thought, which was, overall, a good sign.

"Well, I've been working hard to civilize her. And her warriors were formidable. It took my all to defeat them with cunning strategies and decisive attacks. See..." as Zorzal began going on a rant, Dennis kept his eye on the bunny girl.

He was, again, relieved to see the girl appear, even for just an instant, irritated at the ramblings of her oppressor.

She still has some fight left in her. Good.

"...which forced her to surrender, I might add! My expedition expanded the Empire's territory and gained us many slaves! And she... she is my trophy," he said, passing his arms over her body like a car enthusiast inspects a new paint job.

"Incredible, your majesty! I only heard parts of the story back on the farm."

"Ah, a farmer! Simple people. Tell me, what do you have there?"

"Oh, nothing fancy, just something Princess Pina asked me to cook for this event. I'm incredibly lucky to meet so many important people in one day... I guess there's something to like in the simple things. Would you like to try some?"

"Oh, my... sister... yes... let's see..." Zorzal glanced at her, somewhat confused.

Pina appeared flustered before she quickly said, "I like his cooking is all!"

Zorzal turned to look at the "burgers", frowned, gave a polite smile, and said, "Thank you, but I already ate... perhaps Tyuule would like to try some?"

The bunny girl looked at the prince, who gave an eerie nod.

Yes, I allow you to eat something I may not like, pet.

She took one of the bread pieces stuffed with cooked steak and bit into it.

Dennis forced himself to maintain a friendly smile as he asked "Well, how is it?"

Before she answered he spoke, saying "Please, be honest, I would really like to know what you think! If anything, to improve my cooking!"

The cooking I hate...

She stared at him with indifference before saying in a monotone voice.

"It's unremarkable."

Well, I asked.

Zorzal laughed.

Dennis said "Well, I'm learning..." trying to sound embarrassed.

"Ah, see? A savage wouldn't know! Give me one." he said, taking one and biting into it.

"It's... passable. Ah, but you're learning! Be a great cook, Den! And consider that an order from your future emperor!"

"Y-yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" he said as the prince turned away, seemingly satisfied.

Up yours...

Tyuule followed the prince away wondering about the looks the young man was giving her.

She almost stopped dead in her tracks when she thought of the brief sentence by the young man.

Princess Pina asked me to cook for her...

She turned to look at him.

His dirt-colored hair was somewhat messy, his skin was fair, and he did look like a farm boy. Many of the palace servants were exactly that, and he somewhat blended in with them, but...

She made eye contact and noticed that he raised a hand and waved it slightly, a cautious look on his face.

A look she recognized from her days as queen, specifically nervous individuals bringing reports from the battlefield to her.

That's a soldier!

Her heart began to accelerate as she considered the possibility of vengeance finally being within her grasp.

So soon... she wasn't even fully certain he was one of these "Americans" but the possibility gave her a feeling of hope she hadn't felt even after hearing about the Imperial Army's defeat at Alnus.

She managed a weak, but hopeful smile which she quickly hid as Zorzal began showing her off to another noble one who unfortunately seemed interested in her physique.

She did her best to ignore where the prince placed his hands as he glorified the massacre of her people and how her body now belonged to him.

9:10 PM

Sean shook his head as the girl shakily bit into the wet, canned tuna he had given her.

Maybe Hastings has a point about cat people... or just... the people here in general.

Nobody spoke to him, nobody even acknowledged him.

They took what they could and didn't ask questions.

Yeah... a medieval society...

He turned only to double back as a winged figure strode down the street, eyes set on him.

He didn't move, wondering if he was seeing things.

She said nothing as she approached, the smell of sulfur reaching him before he could see her properly.

She said nothing as she came into full view, her blonde hair matching her golden, feathery wings, she turned to look at the young girl.

Then she asked, "Did he feed you?"

The girl shakily nodded.

She turned to him, blew some smoke in his face, asking "And who are you?"

He had to close his eyes as he switched to the local tongue, something he barely dominated as it was.

Now he had a nearly naked angel standing in front of him, smoking some kind of opium.

"Sean's my name."

"Shay-on? And what exactly are you doing here?"

"Family... moved here recently. That building."

He didn't like the smile in her voice.

"Ah, the new people... are you... from the other world?"

At this he opened his eyes, very much aware of the Rangers keeping an eye on the street, more than ready to cut this woman down should he give the signal.

He didn't reply.

She didn't move.

Finally, she said, "Perhaps you are not used to the local tongue?"


She shrugged.

Then she said "Well, if you understand anything, understand this... the crime family of Besara is the only thing keeping people from escaping the red light district... if you are here to take control, then I suggest you completely destroy his headquarters. I can draw a map for you if you want." she said, breathing some smoke into his face.

Sean blinked.

The woman took the young girl by the hand, and then said "I don't know if your people are better or worse than the Empire that backs him, but if you're feeding children like her, then at this point I'm willing to take the risk... see you around... shay-on."

With that, she walked away, turning a corner and disappearing.

Sean blinked again.

Then, for the first time in a while, he grinned.

Huh... score one for hearts and minds!

11:00 PM

Drew and several men exited the wooded area near the palace.

All of them were armed with an M3 submachine gun, with the exception of Drew who was carrying the still older M1903.

Beefeater stood near the edge of the woods, several Rose Knights with her.

"Did you get what you wanted?" she asked as silently as she could.

"Yes. Hopefully, we can avoid more bloodshed,"

He spoke in the strange Latin the people spoke with caution, not wanting to mess up his words.

Though that's nowhere near as unlikely as stopping bloodshed with this Empire.

"The princess worries we'll have no choice but to fight." the short-haired woman spoke.

"A very valid point." the Green Beret replied, mounting the horse she had brought them.

"Is there anything I can tell her?" she asked.

Drew said, "Tell her not to give up, but to be realistic."

"What does that mean?"

Drew rubbed the back of his head, saying "It means that she should expect failure. Tell her to focus less on stopping the war and more on finding people willing to side with her."

The knight looked at him in shock before lowering her head.

Drew only shook his head.

"Let's go, fellas."

The men split off, making their way back to their little sections in the Red Light District in groups of two, leaving the Rose Knights on their own in the night.

"Are you going to tell her?" one of the shorter girls asked Beefeater.

She only replied with "Well, I'm the senior officer here... guess it falls to me."

11:30 PM

The door to her cell was closed behind her and she sat down on her bunk, still sore from the amount of hurt the prince had put her through.

She had seen the man stressed out and she had seen him overconfident and she could now determine that he was much worse when he was overconfident.

She passed her hand through her left ear, the muscles flinching involuntarily at the touch.

She grimaced.

When are they going to appear and put that bastard in chains?!

Her thoughts quickly shot back to the young man who had offered her some food.

Well, he offered it to Zorzal but also gave me some... he even seemed happy when I took some.

She wanted to know now if he was just a naïve farmer who the princess hired on a whim or the American the princess had told her about.

Her lip quivered slightly as the possibility that her wish was much closer to being granted before it turned into a cruel smile.


She felt the disgusting presence enter her cell and shut her eyes.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"There is a new hire in the castle. He works in the royal kitchen, yes?"

"I'm not certain. My spy networked has been focusing on tracking the movements of the invaders."

"I saw him today at the Senate feast. I believe he's one of them."

The creature below her did not respond.

She said "I want to know for certain. His name is Den, son of something or other... It's likely a false name. Please locate him and tell him I sent you. That we want to work with him."

After a moment, the creature said "As you wish, your majesty." and disappeared.

Tyuule laid herself back on her wooden bunk and closed her eyes, hoping to find out more sooner rather than later.

It was a good distraction from the pain.

11:58 PM

"...Yeah, he just started groping her. In front of this one guy who seemed to enjoy the display. Heard his name is Ori, he deals in slaves, specifically demi-humans. Could be a target you guys hit..." Dennis spoke into the radio, rubbing the dust and grime off his legs.


"If I may speak freely, Stalker One?"

"Go ahead."

"I think we should get that queen out of here along with the princess."

"We won't force her to work with us, but if she chooses to then we'll use her."

"I know, but... wouldn't someone... lose it a bit after all that abuse?"

"Maybe, maybe not. It may sound cold, kid, but her mental state isn't exactly a priority right now, only if she can help us or not. She proves she can't then we'll get her out, but if she can then we'll use her to end this war faster."


Dennis shook his head, a part of him uncomfortable with the idea of using an enslaved girl, but knowing that the mission was more important. Still, whatever attitude of "wonder" or fascination with this other world he might have had once was long gone.

His mind briefly went back to the exhausted look in the crimson-colored eyes of the slave.

Can't do anything about that... not now, at least.

The Green Beret on the other end of the radio said "Seems like Prince Zorzal's got an ego that needs constant reassuring. I'll pass the information along, but it sounds like he'll be much easier to manipulate. You're doing fine, kid."

"Thanks. I'll keep you posted Out."

Dennis "hung up" the radio and hid it behind the slab of wood and stone that was his "bed".

Lord, I can't believe I miss the bunks at boot camp...

He blew the candle out and rested back on the wood, closing his eyes.

As soon as he did a voice woke him.


It spoke in perfect English.

His eyes shot open like rockets and he bolted upright on the bed.

Dennis tried to see any shapes in the darkened room, left hand on the Colt, ready to draw it and fire, right hand slowly reaching for the radio, flipping it on just as the voice began to speak again.

"You're new here, aren't you, Den son of-?"

"Who's there?" he spoke cautiously in the local tongue, still gripping the holstered handgun and worrying he was being set up.

"A messenger from someone you may know... I'm curious to know if you're working with the Americans."

"It ain't exactly polite to ask questions of someone without introducing yourself first."

"Ah, yes... my name is Bouro, I work for Queen Tyuule, the slave you met today, and I was tasked by her to ask you if you're with the American soldiers coming through the Gate in Alnus."

Dennis didn't reply, noting the figure was on the opposite end of the small room.

The entity continued speaking.

"However, it seems that this is the language of Americans... I believe as much... what should I tell her majesty?"

Dennis slowly stood up and moved towards the wooden door, standing in front of it.

Whatever was in the room with him, he could feel it, as if it was just in the corner of his eye, but he couldn't actually see it.

"Ah, you're worried I'll... rat you out? An interesting idiom, but no... we have no intentions of stopping you. Quite the opposite, in fact."

The American didn't reply.

"Come now, her majesty could use the good news."

"Show yourself." Dennis finally said.

"I'd rather not."

"I'd rather you do because otherwise this whole operation will get called off and she can kiss her chances of avenging her people goodbye."

There was silence for a moment.

Suddenly a match was flicked across the floor, illuminating a small section of the stone wall, revealing a disgusting pig-like face staring at the American from the darkness. Its toothy grin and single undamaged eye, the cloth covering his other like a primitive eyepatch sent shivers down the spine of the American as he looked at the creature and did his best to hide his shock, his hand gripping the colt tightly.

Dennis didn't move.

"This is why I operate from the shadows... I promise, your secret is safe with us... now, what should I tell her majesty?"

Dennis stared at the creature, noting he hadn't mauled him to death despite very clearly having the teeth to do as much... he decided on a simple message.

"Tell her not to send you again until we agree otherwise... tell her I'll meet her at the end of the week... Now get out."

The Creature stood up, standing a few inches taller than the eighteen-year-old.

It opened the door and exited the room.

Dennis shuddered as he didn't hear a single footstep walking down the hallway.

He immediately went to the radio.

"Stalker 1, please tell me you picked up all that."

"Barely, what the hell happened?"

"Some... thing showed up in my room. Said it was sent by that rabbit. Mentioned some kind of tribe." Dennis did everything to not sound agitated.

You're a ranger, you can handle this! ...No, you can handle communists charging by the thousands, not whatever the hell that was!

There was a pause on the other end.

"Stalker 1, you copy?"

"Yeah... stay put. We're going to proceed with the plan with caution. He said he was on our side, right?"


"Then we'll have to trust it wasn't lying. We'll ready an evacuation plan for you in case he wasn't. That aside, we proceed as planned."

"Copy. Uh- Stalker 1, did he speak English when you heard him?" he asked.

"No, it was more of that quasi Latin. I barely understood it. Did you hear it in English?"

"Perfect English... he even said he wouldn't rat me out!"

Another pause.

"Well, we've encountered a few individuals capable of speaking English... we'll have to get back to you on that situation."

"Copy. Out."

Just when I think this world could be manageable... damn it all.

"But... he is an American?" Tyuule spoke slowly, hiding her excitement.

"Yes, your majesty."

For the fifteenth time.

Tyuule covered her smile with a hand, but Bouro could still sense it.

"This is happening much faster than I anticipated. And he said they would speak to me by the end of the week?"

"Yes, your majesty."

She hid her excitement.

The former queen could only imagine what destructive plans this force from another world could bring to fruition, how much misery they could cause her captors, and...

What do they want with me?

A part of her wondered if they would take her as a slave, though if the way the young man had spoken to her was any indication, the Americans would likely be far more tolerable than the "prince" she had to deal with on a daily basis.

Screams and sobs shook the walls suddenly, and she turned her attention to the noise.

"You are so damned pathetic!"

"M-mercy, your highness, I- ah!"

The girl was thrown not too far from Tyuule's cell, hitting the ground with a sickening noise that only garnered pity from the fallen queen.

But only a little...

Tyuule was another one of the man's slaves, the same as the girl in front of her.

Tyuule was far more bruised than she had been only a few hours before, the same as the girl in front of her.

Tyuule didn't really feel much for her fellow slaves, more than likely the same as the girl in front of her.

Zorzal grabbed the woman's hair and violently dragged her to a nearby cell, tossing her inside.

Then, turning to the guards who were nervously following behind, he shouted "If she speaks to you or to her, kill her. She has disappointed me one too many times."

Tyuule only shook her head, the prince not seeing her as he stormed off, leaving the poor girl crying as quietly as she could.

She heard one of the guards say "How come he only gets like this when he's in a good mood?"

"He has dozens of women at his disposal; you think he cares about breaking them? Whatever his tastes, if they can't handle it, then he has no reason to keep them around." the other one replied.

Deep down, a part of the bunny girl wanted to help the crying girl, tell her hope was close, but she knew better.

Despite all the hopes she imagined she had, she knew she should be more skeptical.

Trust is what led to where I am now...

April 5th, 1964

5:42 AM

"Help... me..."

Dennis opened his eyes and felt like vomiting.

Outside the small street-level window, the very first rays of sunlight were beginning to shine. He rubbed his hair and slowly allowed the nauseous feeling to pass.

I'm alive... Okay, that's a good sign.

He stood up, his nausea gone, now replaced with a headache, and tied the ancient sandals onto his feet. He picked up the radio as we walked to the wooden table where sat down.

"This is Trojan, how copy?"

"Good morning, Trojan. Still alive I see."

"Seems so, seems so. At least for the moment... any news?"

"Got attacked last night."


"Easy, son, it was that gang of thieves we were warned about. Broke a few windows and told us not to stiff 'em with our payments. Guess they wanted more money."

"You don't think that... thing... from last night might've pushed for this?"

"Nah, this was an attack meant to scare, not kill. We didn't even have to shoot back it was over so quick. Plus, once Saturday comes, they'll probably cease to be a bother."

"Ain't that the truth... any new orders?"

"Nah, we're just observing at the moment. The main force started making its way from Italica. Radio's up and running... just sit pretty, kid. Things get ugly, we'll get you out."

"Right, captain... I better get moving. Don't want chef pain-in-the-ass to have a reason to complain."

"It's only been a day, how bad is he?"

"He's a clown... I'll keep you posted, captain."

Dennis stretched, hid the radio, and exited the room.

He found August waiting for him outside.

The tall man walked over and calmly said "New list of things to buy."

"Yes, sir," Dennis replied curtly.

"Be quick."

"Yes, sir!"

"Do it in one foot."

"Yes, sir!"

Dennis quickly lifted his left leg behind him and held it with his left hand before taking the list and hopping away as the cook laughed loudly.

He didn't care if it was mocking or not, a part of him remembered his officers doing similar things to the recruits at boot camp, and he got a dumb smile on his face as he hobbled down the stone halls.

"What are you doing?"

He stopped to stare at the young knight.

"Getting some ingredients for the chef, ma'am!" he replied curtly as he continued to hobble in place.

Hamilton blew some hair out of her eye and said "Right, the princess is meeting with more senators again today... she wants your presence."

Dennis stopped hopping and said, "She wants me there?"


"What, is she slow?"

"What?" Hamilton asked, more unsure of what the American meant by "slow" although she suspected it was more insolence from the other world and a culture not raised to respect its rulers.

The American spoke quickly.

"Think for a minute the problem of exposing the American ahead of time."

He'd speak as quietly as possible, trying not to come off as hostile, but knowing he failed in that effort.

Hamilton only said "She just told me to tell you... listen, she's desperate, you don't have to agree with her, but please show her some respect. She's a royal member of the family and currently the only one actively seeking peace."

"Yeah? Is that what you want, too?"

"Certainly. I don't want my country wiped off the map!" she hissed, also coming off as hostile.

Dennis crossed his arms, saying "Well, there's not much I can do to help either of you. I have to make some good impressions on the head chef, and the guys in the city are actively carrying out reconnaissance for next week. Going with the princess will only needlessly risk our positions for when this little peace talk fails."

"You really have so little faith in her majesty?"

"Yup! Sorry, beautiful, but your princess has a snowball's chance in hell at stopping the war given how hellbent on fighting your Emperor is. I recommend you and your girl scouts get ready for an evac and pray your emperor sees reason before the rest of us get here."

Hamilton only sighed, angry at multiple parts of that statement (some of which she didn't fully understand, but knew were disrespectful) but choosing to ignore them.

"How exactly am I supposed to tell her that?"

Dennis gave her an exasperated glare as he said "Remind her it's a war! Did she think we would just roll on our backs like a dog just because she wants us to? Did she think we would just call it a day and go back to that hill and wait for her to somehow convince everyone that we're not out to fight a war?! She said she could do this, tell her to toughen up and do her job. None of us expect her to actually succeed, but that's no excuse!"

Hamilton winced as the young man whirled around and stormed off.

She glanced down the hall and said "Sorry, princess. I tried."

Pina walked out from the corner, adjusting her combat skirt to distract from her own fear.

"He's right... I agreed to this. It's a miracle they even considered giving me this chance. But I don't know what to do at this point."

"Didn't Senator Casel say he would speak with some supporters?"

"Yes, but it's my father I worry for the most. He isn't acting like himself."

That last part wasn't entirely true.

Molt Sol Augustus was a man of cold pragmatism. A part of her knew that he would burn the empire down himself if it meant he could defeat the enemy without losing his power. But the man hadn't seen the amount of power the Americans could bring to bear, and she worried it would still not be enough.

Father, how can I save you?

Outskirts of Italica

6:00 AM

Shaun observed the plumes of smoke grow closer as the UH-1 began to descend into the remains of the small village.

"What'd you reckon did all this?" one of the members of the 7th Cavalry asked.

He didn't reply, the helicopters' engines pushing the smoke away.

He hopped off the chopper and shook his head.

"This place is dead, man."

There were a few structures still standing, albeit still somewhat on fire. As if the fire from other structures took its time to spread to these other much further ones. Now it was set on fire, and if the skeletal remains of other wooden homes were anything to go by, not much would remain.

There was a body hanging from one of them, a wooden sign written in dark lettering that could have been blood or ink, and Shaun wasn't sure which would be worse as he nervously read it.

"Robinson, what's that say?" his lieutenant asked.

Shaun pointed to each word and read it little by little.

"It says... this is... not... your... land. Go... back... men in green."

"Like... Martians?" another soldier asked, likely to distract himself from the destruction around them.

The lieutenant shook his head, saying "Radio!"

Another soldier turned to him.

"You can read that?"

"Words are all messy, but it's clear enough. See? It's not much different from our books back home."

He pointed at one letter that looked somewhat similar to the letter "D".

Or was that an "O"?

"Yeah, well... looks like these savages have made their way through here. Just when I thought I'd get some rest, too."

"Well, the Marines can take it from here... I don't want to... uh... hey Shaun?"


"What's... this say?"

Shaun turned, noticing the man staring behind the home.

He walked over only to be met by several bodies, two men armed with swords, three with pitchforks... all turned into a bloody mess, the message above written on the wall of the home.

Shaun shuddered once more.

"Says this is war..."

He glanced at the dead, noting they were all technically armed, and all of fighting age, at least one guy looked a bit too old to be carrying a sword, but there he was.

There was a fight here... short one, sure, but a fight nonetheless.

The other soldier's mouth twisted into a grimace, he shook his head and quickly walked off.

Shaun did the same as he quietly thought to himself.

Okay, you want war? Just you wait. Wonder how you'll react to napalm.

Behind them several Marine trucks rolled in, young men with M14s hopped out.

He smirked, knowing the reputation of the Devil Dogs.

As Shaun moved to keep up with his group, a squeal turned everyone's attention to a girl who was riding with a Marine officer.

She was small, couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen, her jet-black hair almost touching the floor, and her odd dress was... well, odd. It looked almost like it had come out of the Victorian era, but not the fancy, conservative, well dressed upper echelons of British society from the time, oh no, this was a dressed that would more than likely be worn by the denizens of the local brothel, and the shortness of the skirt may have been too much for even that!

Who the hell is this?

What then disturbed Shaun further was that the girl suddenly began yelling in perfect English.

"Please, First Sergeant! I-"

"The answer is NO!" the Marine barked, stepping out of the jeep, the girl seemingly crying in frustration as she followed him, hand tugging on his combat jacket.

Upon seeing Shaun staring at them in confusion and perhaps a little judgment, the pale man said "What are you looking at, Sooty?!"

"I-" he began only for the man to interrupt him.

"Forget it... Where's your officer?"

"Up ahead, he-"

"Good. Watch her!" then turning to the crying girl "And you stay with him until I come back!" the young man ordered before marching off.

Shaun doubted a Marine sergeant could order him around, but for starters, he was in no position to argue, and at the same time, he was perplexed at the teary-eyed girl.

Are they abusing her? I know the Marines have a reputation for being sadistic, but this seems like a bit much.

With an uncertain sigh, he reached into his pocket, grabbing a chocolate bar before asking the little girl "You hungry?"

"Not the kind of hungry a child like you can satisfy," she replied, sounding more mature than the American expected and genuinely disappointed as she ignored the candy he had just offered her.

"Uh... alright... So, what exactly are you?" Shaun asked, not particularly surprised the girl wasn't entirely human. Given the number of people with monster-like features, he wasn't surprised by anything at this point.

The girl gave him a tired sigh, saying "Apostle of Emroy, Rory Mercury, but... that doesn't really matter right now. Why are all you warriors celibate?!"

He ignored the last question and said "Are you like... a magician, or-?"

"Magician! Are you stupid? I send the souls of fallen warriors to their afterlife! They pass through me and I feel them going through! Usually, I can satisfy myself in battle, but you men are so... so... good I don't get to have any fun! And then men like him deny me?!" she growled almost like an animal.

Now the American was entirely at a loss.

Souls? Satisfy? She's not suggesting...

"Wait... wait... wait... fun?"

"My, aren't you a curious child?" she spoke in a sultry tone; Shaun noticing that the color of her lips subtly changed.

That alone set off more red flags than a Red Square Victory Parade, but he didn't move, as if he were frozen in place.

She took a step forward, and the soldier began to internally panic, knowing something was wrong with this girl, but not having the slightest idea what.

Before anything happened, the Marine Sergeant along with Shaun's officer in the 7th, First Lieutenant Dominique, walked over; the sergeant yelling over the nearby helicopter's still running engines.

"Don't you go trying to corrupt him, too! You keep your distance or we'll keep you from coming along on missions, am I understood?!"

At once, the little girl straightened, albeit disappointed.

"She makes any advances on you?" the sergeant asked.

"No, sir." he lied, partly because he didn't want to embarrass himself by implying a girl like that could intimidate him, partly out of fear of whatever this cursed child could do if he pissed her off.

"Good." then turning to the girl "Keep working on that self-control, I'm sure our doctors will find a cure for you soon."

"I am not sick!"

"I did not ask for your opinion! Now march!" the man ordered, shooing the girl away.

Despite the look of seeming annoyance, the girl complied and walked away from the Cavalry members.

"What the hell was that about, el tee?"

Dominique said "The Marines found her on that first recon op. She's apparently supernaturally strong, carrying some battle ax twice her size, and weighing in over two tons."

Two tons?

"She said something about being an apostle."

"Yup, which is why she speaks English so well, I suppose. Also, why she's trying to shag the Marines. I hear in the days before our good Lord priestess and female apostles of pagan religions like her were essentially whores with a holy blessing to sleep around."

"Oh, but none of the Marines are interested because she looks like a kid," Shaun said, understanding the girl's confusion with the men not being interested in her advances.

"That and... from what Sergeant Crawford over there says, she's simply creepy. Another reason not to envy the Devil Dogs... let's go, we have work to do."

"We're moving out?"

"Heading to the forest over there to establish the perimeter. Our war-hungry psychos are out there... somewhere... we just have to find them."

Shaun watched the forest in the distance, right by the mountains.

"Napalm would be nice right about now..."

"You said it. Let's go."

Washington D.C

11:00 AM

"The images are, of course, disturbing. Mister President, we believe that even with the surrender of the Empire we'll be dealing with isolated incidents of violence that will need to be handled quickly." the secretary of Defense said.

The president scratched the back of his head.

"The mountainous region isn't helping. These areas are filled with caves and forests they can use to their advantage, and while we can always ignore them, they'll use them to carry out major attacks as long as they're there."

"The Japanese did the same back then... bombing the hell out of them wasn't working all that well, either."

"Well, sir, back then you didn't have the bombs we do now."

"No, our bombs were slightly less sophisticated, but they still did the same and they still failed the same. I would rather we don't set up a situation where those mountains have to be permanently sealed off due to leftover ordinance, understood?"

The Secretary of Defense sighed, but one of the generals in the room chimed in.

"We already have Long Range Platoons being used in the capital along with the Green Berets, and... at least this mountain section here can be blocked off. Instead of moving to the capital, we could focus on neutralizing hostiles around it, securing villages-"

"That's what we were planning on doing!" another general protested.

"Yes, but hear me out... we focus more on protecting the civilians and securing their villages and cities. We pacify the regions we know are dangerous to travelers and let the capital believe we've been halted. We have men on the inside ready for just that, correct?"

The Army general immediately said, "Yes, but we only have one man on the inside, and he's not exactly trained in espionage, he's just an Army Ranger that can speak the language well enough to blend in."

"But we have allies in the capital, do we not?"

The Army general said "A few, Mister President. Princess Pina is working with us, but she's trying to find a peaceful solution and we plan on evacuating her and most of our allies once that line fails, and we have reason to believe it will fail. Their Senate meeting failed to reach any form of agreement on negotiations. They believe nations only negotiate when they're at a disadvantage and are waiting for us to make the first move."

The President rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"So... if we make the first move... and demand they surrender they'll simply laugh at us... but if we bomb their capital..."

"We have reason to believe they will initiate a much larger and far more destructive scorched earth campaign. We're already dealing with the remnants of their armies destroying villages and attacking cities... as well as salting the earth where they can. And these are a few thousand of them. If Emperor Molt is willing to go so far as to destroy his own capital and people..."

The other general immediately said "All the more reason we must make them think they have a chance of winning. This was already partly the plan. All I'm saying is that we should take our time pacifying the region surrounding the capital. They don't have radios and rely on horses to get their information. We already had a small misinformation campaign planned, why not extend it? It'll buy us time, save lives, and we make our hold on the land stronger."

The president said "I think I agree. But this is a plan that can go wrong in many ways... we'll need to make sure Mister Molt doesn't get suspicious."

"We plan on neutralizing him immediately, sir. He's naive, but not incompetent. The armies we faced were very well trained. We have reason to believe his heir, on the other hand, isn't quite so keen on the matter."

The president took a breath, glancing at some of the photographs he had gotten of the aftermath of the battle of Italica.

His thoughts went back to the many American civilians who had been ruthlessly cut down without reason or consideration.

As president, he'd had to make many ruthless decisions himself, the largest of which could have easily sparked a destructive world war that could have ended life as they knew it.

He sighed, realizing that this was different, and his decision would make or break the lives of many civilians who likely knew nothing of the modern world.

"Alright... do it."

He glanced at the newspaper on his desk.

Questions raised about the humanity of "Half Humans"

"Hey, Rob?"

"Yes, Mister President?"

"How's a trip to the main base across the Gate sound?"

The Secretary of Defense immediately blanched.


"See, I was thinking I could go and talk to the refugees, the troops... hey, maybe we can even schedule it so that it happens on the 11th! Samantha, let me have a look at my schedule!"

"Mister President, it's still technically a hostile area, your security-"

"Robert, it is a United States base of operations only one mile away from Dallas, troops arriving daily with as much security as we have at Point Charlie... you're about done with the construction for the main runways for God's sake! If it isn't secure then what does that say about your officers?!"

"But sir..."