
11. Chapter 11(2)

"I know... I'm... happy I got to see you again..." she whispered.

She noticed the American appear a bit uncertain, so she decided to ask the question before he said anything.

"You... still want to get married?"

Dennis blurted out "Of course! You?"

"Mm-hmm..." she said, pressing her head onto his chest again.

Dennis let out a relieved breath.

"We have one more operation and I still have to get some things in order, but..."

"It's alright... I can wait... just come back to me, please?"

He looked at her red eyes, an ever-present tired expression on them that mirrored his own.

Dennis softly passed his hand through her hair, saying "Of course."

"Orville!" Tom called.

"Go... I need some rest, too..." she said, though looking at him expectantly.

"Yeah... yeah... good night." He said, letting her go and taking a step back, quickly kissing her on the cheek before pulling away entirely.

She smiled slightly, face turning pink, as she closed the door.

"Boy, you're such a kid!" Tom muttered as Dennis walked after him.

"Shove it, jackass, I didn't force your freckled ass to tag along."

"Someone needed to make sure you got back to base on time. You're welcome, by the way."

Dennis didn't reply, glancing behind him.

"Did you even kiss her goodnight?"

"I don't kiss and tell."

"Well, you're marrying her."


Tom was silent for a moment, eyeing the younger Ranger as they walked down the dirt road.

"You're really from the country, huh?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Pretty sure you're celibate, and you're clearly controlling yourself around her. That cause they teach y'all to wait down south?"

Dennis was quiet for a moment, considering it.

He finally said "One month ago she had bruises on her neck and legs that made me feel ill, God only knows how she managed for three years of... that. I'm more than happy holding her if she's uncomfortable with anything else. 'Til then, I'll wait."

"Can't relate. My girl's all over me when I'm in town... sleepless nights aren't so bad with her around, that's for damn sure."

"You're marrying a hussy?"

"I'm marrying a girl who's crazy about me."

"She slept with you before the wedding?"

"Maybe... jealous?"

Dennis didn't reply.

Saigon, Republic of Vietnam

July 2nd, 1964

10:00 AM

"Then I suppose we're done here?" the American president sighed.

The leadership of the Republic of Vietnam appeared disappointed, the American generals appeared disappointed, the president of the United States appeared disappointed, and the Chinese representative appeared disappointed... but the Soviet and North Vietnamese representatives appeared content.

Yet no one objected.

"Right then... the elections will be monitored by third parties..."

Which will likely result in a communist victory...

"...they will take place this August, and everyone will be allowed to campaign..."

Including the communists...

"Depending on the choice of the population we will move forward, and regardless of the victor, we assume the opposition will not be persecuted?"

"Of course." said the Northern representative.


Some words were exchanged, some deals were made, but it was very clear that the only people who came out of the meeting content were those of the Soviet and North Vietnamese governments and their supporters. Americans didn't want to lose any ground in the ongoing war against communism, and now he'd effectively guaranteed they'd lose Vietnam to it, which could mean that the leaders of the capitalist side would be persecuted despite the promises of the North.

Not that they don't deserve it to a degree... then again, the North isn't exactly better.

Really, the only hope they had was the potential that this would be resolved peacefully given how many people had grown to support the slightly more united north due to the brutality of the unstable south, something that could allow a genuinely peaceful reunification between a nation that had been divided by two ideologies. Most of the allies the United States had weren't complaining from the looks of it, but if looks could kill, the South Vietnamese leadership appeared to have given the American president a death glare.

Not an undeserved one.

They were abandoning them for all intents and purposes, but what was the alternative? Divert more troops and escalate the situation into a major war? Perhaps if the Gate hadn't opened that would have been an alternative, but as it stood, it was better to avoid a major war now.

Especially with the war against the "Empire" over with an overwhelming victory.

"Oh, mister president!" a somewhat accented voice chimed in.

"Huh? Oh, hello, Mister Gromyko."

"Hello, hello... Secretary Khrushchev wishes to send his congratulations to you on handling this situation, mister president."

The president forced a smile, saying "Well, I'm happy we're able to avoid bloodshed where possible. In the end, people should choose their own destiny, should they not?"

"Indeed. Indeed, it is." the man said, also forcing a polite smile, trying his hardest to come off as warmer and friendlier as he said, "Now, if I may, we're rather curious about the possibility of letting in some scientists and researchers... perhaps a camera crew or two."

Ah, by "scientists and researchers" you mean spies and subversives, and by a "camera crew or two" you mean weapons and propaganda?

"Oh, well, that shouldn't be a problem. We were able to end the war rather quickly thanks in part to support from several individuals within the other world. There are plenty of scientists interested in crossing over to research this new world, so I'm sure we could figure something out." he replied, the friendly demeanor hiding his clenched teeth.

The fact was that, despite all outer appearances, despite his want of peace and his going against his own military officers, the young president was still staunchly anti-communist and very much in favor of stopping it where possible. The soon-to-be-lost South Vietnam might even be the push needed to get other nations in Southeast Asia to fall in line, potentially strengthening the anti-communist forces to more effectively put a stop to its spread, as if saying "either you help yourself or fall by the wayside".

But that was a battle for another time, as he glanced at the green trees outside the government building, he was reminded that he still had a lot of work to do at home, the news still ringing over the airwaves.

Kanppnai Region, outskirts of the Tuba Mountain Range

"So... the second cute girls with animal ears get involved we all get equal rights, is that it?"

"You already have equal rights, Sooty."

"Oh, then I guess Kennedy's civil rights act is just to protect those equal rights we always had, eh?"

"Oh, shut up, so a few hicks down south don't like you and suddenly it's like slavery never ended, right?"

"Jesus Christ, Collins, Callahan, can you two shut up?!" Dennis blurted out. The hot sun above them already had the men sweating buckets, the BDUs already soaked through, and their M16s clearly too hot to carry normally, and as there was currently no hostile contact, were kept on their backs, despite the eerie feeling the dead region of the mountain gave them.

The somewhat older Ranger huffed, saying "What? It's not like we're doing anything much."

"Yeah, come on, man, we're just discussing the latest from back home." the somewhat younger dark-skinned man replied.

Dennis said, "Well, knock it off, you're giving me a headache."

"Pfft, yeah, white boys tend to get headaches over this."


The dark-skinned Ranger chuckled to himself.

"Perhaps you'd prefer we switch it over to your rabbit." the older man sat on the rocky ground, stretching as he said, "So, tell me something, do they eat their own excrements like regular rabbits or what?"

Dennis stared at the man with a perturbed expression, the early morning sun not helping matters.

"It's a genuine question."

Dennis said "Last I checked, the only similarity they have to our rabbits is that the ears and tail. They're not hairy like the wolfmen, they're not disturbing mutations like the Haryo... they don't even have vocal quips like the cats. They're pretty normal people. Sure, their hearing's better than ours, and with training, they're stronger and faster-"

"And the breeding?" the Ranger with the name Callahan on his BDU asked.

"Still takes nine months, the main difference is a high likelihood of twins."

"Oh, just that."

Dennis rubbed his temple as he stared at the dead landscape around them. Choosing to change the subject, he turned to the dark-skinned Ranger, saying "Hey, Collins... tell me about you negroes in the Carolinas."


"Is it cooler than this?"

The dark-skinned man shrugged, saying "I wouldn't know. I signed up before my parents moved there. We lived in Alabama before... I guess it's about as hot, though."

Callahan said "Alabama... What did you think of the governor?"

And back to politics... ugh...

"An ass with a mouth. I take it you like him?"

"I hate our politicians in general, so no... that's the thing about me. I hate everyone equally... Orville, where's your family from?"

"I'm as American as apple pie." Dennis groaned.

Callahan made an odd face before saying "Then I take it you're self-righteous and that's why you're marrying that girl. Think you're some kind of hero, too, right? It's how we Americans think so obviously... self-righteous morons, the lot of us."

No one spoke, the other two Rangers staring at him.

"I'm including myself in that. See? Hate everyone equally. Don't hide it, either. It's healthy living."

"Jesus, who raised you?"

"Virgin Mary's Orphanage in Cleaveland. Come on, it's better to let out what problems you have than to bottle 'em all up, don't you think?"

Dennis said, "Yeah, but my only problem right now is waiting with you two motor mouths for the other squads to give the green light so that we can get out of this hellscape."

Alex walked up the trail then, radio on hand.

"Orville, anything?" he shouted.

"Negative. Nothing alive far as we can tell." Dennis called.

"It's just to confirm. They were doing some sweeps higher up... I think we're almost done here."


I just want this op over...

He glanced at the sky, trying to ignore the many wild wyverns that circled above, knowing they were under the control of that "apostle" but appeared agitated anyway. As if they'd figured that something was wrong, but being ordered to remain in place. Allegedly that was the reason there were now Long Rage Patrols being pushed into the area and why down in the lower parts of the mountain scientists were looking into the local flora and fauna.

At least what was left of it.

Gisselle stretched, muttering "Do they really believe their technology is capable of stopping even the Apocryph?"

Rory only said, "I'm no expert, but if it works, then it will be a good thing, no?"

Gisselle shrugged, watching the men take samples from the dirt and pick up the dead plants. The men muttering things, looking concerned as they did so. She heard a few mutter things aloud, some more concerned than others, discussing the possibility of some "poison gas" under the ground or "a deadly chemical leak of sorts", whatever those words meant.

If it was, indeed, the Apocryph, then it would spell trouble for even them, surely.

But they'd surprised her before.


8:00 PM

Glad their unit hadn't been needed longer, Dennis hopped off the UH-1, feeling the still hot air of the evening made worse by the heat from the helicopter's engines. He removed his helmet, passing a finger through his recently cut hair, noting his captain in the distance.

"So, how'd it go?" he asked once he was within earshot.

"Uneventful. The area was bereft of life. Callahan and Collins are both a pain. Glad they weren't with us at the capital."

"Oh, well that's just how some people are."

"Right..." he sighed, more exhausted than anything, his mind wondering why men who were older than him failed to act as mature as him despite all of them having completed the Ranger course.

Rhodes said, "Hey, I got some good news for you."


Rhodes only handed him some papers.

Dennis winced, grabbing them as everything else suddenly became a secondary priority.

"My wife's also heading over. She's been studying up the local dialect, so if Miss Tyuule has some trouble with English she might be able to help her out."

"Captain, I..."

"No need to thank me, yours was easier than Hastings. Miss Tyuule is at least openly interested and is already working with us to a degree, so it's not as difficult to get some of the information necessary."

"Thank you..." Dennis said.

"Well, you're very welcome. Now, you need to start coming up with your plan. Anyone wrote back?"


"Hmm... so, what are you going to do?"

July 10th, 1964

Dallas, Texas

6:00 AM

The post office was just opening as Dennis got there, glad to be first in line. Some of the early risers were already reading the newspapers, the recent passing of a certain act through congress still had the public discussing it left and right.

"Yes, how may I help you?" the clerk asked in a somewhat tired voice.

Dennis said, "I'm Dennis Orville, I got a letter a few months back saying there's a package for me?"

"Oh, you're the soldier stationed across... right, right, I remember the man who left it here. Just a moment."

The man walked away from the front desk and out a door.

Thirty seconds later he was back with a package.

"Here you go, mister Orville, if you could sign here, as well..."

"Sure, thanks."

Dennis did that, taking the box with his free hand and walking out of the post office.

Captain Rhodes was waiting, arms crossed.

"Got it."

"Alright, great... you open it yet?"

"Maybe I should open it at the hotel? Not sure what's in here..."

"Alright, we can get a bite to eat there, too. The shop opens in an hour, I reckon."

"And your friend?"

"He'll see us later today... then, maybe, you'll be married by this time tomorrow. My wife should be here pretty soon, too."

"She knows the language?"

"Well enough."

"Cause I could pick up Tyuule and-"

"Nonsense, Orville. The groom cannot see the bride twenty-four hours before the wedding. Even if your wedding is going to be small and... relatively short, we shouldn't throw out all traditions, now should we?"


7:00 AM

When informed of the tradition of the groom not being able to see the bride a day before the wedding, Tyuule almost laughed.

This isn't an arranged marriage!

It was an odd reminder that these two worlds weren't entirely different, with the practice apparently being descended from arranged marriages in the past, similar to how they still did it there. Still, she had to admit that it was an interesting cultural aspect. She was walking down the still mostly empty street when she heard a familiar voice.

"So, you're heading out?"

Tyuule turned around, seeing her boss- well, now-former boss, waving at her while walking over, a small bag in his left hand.

"Hello, Chef Haru." She said.

"You don't work for me anymore, no need for formalities." the older man sighed, a look of worry on his face. "So, you're really heading across?"

Tyuule said "Yes... thank you for hiring me."

Chef Haru said, "I plan to have room still if you ever need work."

Tyuule smiled, saying "Thank you. Genuinely..."

"I mean it, if he ever tries to hurt you or if you think you're in danger... I'll be here. Business is good."

Her smile wavered ever so slightly, but she was steadfast.

"Thank you."

The man nodded, and then said "Here. I made you and your betrothed some rice cakes as a parting gift... take care, miss. I wish you happiness."

"Thank you!" she repeated, taking the bag, staring at it as her former boss walked away.

Wish you happiness, huh?

Her smile faded ever so slightly.

Dallas, Texas

7:30 AM

Dennis walked into his motel room and stretched, placing the package on the bed, sitting down next to it. The only noise was the traffic on the streets outside.

Rhodes was on a payphone downstairs... "coordinating".

Better get it over with.

Dennis began opening the package with a tired expression, unsure of what exactly Jones had kept from him as he pulled back the tape and opened the cardboard flaps.

He blinked as he saw a small book atop an envelope.

The 18-year-old picked up the book and flipped through it.

Mom's diary? What the hell?

Another envelope fell from the book onto his lap.

He picked it up and tore it open, this time recognizing the handwriting and the date.


To: Dennis Orville

Hello, I hope this letter finds you well...

I suppose that isn't the best way to start a letter. I apologize. The men made me see a doctor and the news isn't good. I'm writing my thoughts down, entrusting Terry to give this to you once you're back, assuming I don't see you before.

Dennis, I never wanted you to be a soldier. I thought we'd paid enough. Your uncle in Europe, your dad in Korea, I thought that was enough. I can't say I'm not afraid of where this path will take you. But at the same time, I can't help but feel that you were always going to go down that same, rocky road your dad took when he was your age. It isn't easy, and I don't have much that I think will help you on that path. You were with me for so long, you know how difficult it could be, and we were blessed to have dear friends who were helping us every step of the way.

I worry about you, day and night. I pray you don't get separated, I pray you don't become isolated, I pray for you to seek others out.

Oh, I suppose that's one piece of advice I can give: find someone to be with! Even if you don't go back home, or move away, don't isolate yourself.

It was at that point Dennis wasn't able to read past as his vision became too blurry to make out any other words. His throat had tightened, his breathing had grown ragged, and just as the dam he'd been building up for so long was about to burst, the door swung open.

"Orville, I- you alright?" Rhodes asked.

Dennis composed himself as best he could, saying "Yeah, captain... turns out it was a letter from ma and... her journal... I think there's some money here, as well. I just opened it."

Rhodes eyed the younger Ranger for a moment.

"Oh, are you Orville?"

Dennis looked up, glancing at a short woman right behind Rhodes.

"W-? Captain?"

"Oh, right... this is my wife." Rhodes said, putting an arm on the woman's shoulder, smiling softly.

"H-hello..." Dennis said, his grief pushed aside by the surprise, and partly as some realization hit him.

"Hello, I'm Noriko."


"You have everything you need?" Parna asked.

Tyuule nodded, fixing the buttons on her light pink sweater as she approached the entrance to the Gate between worlds.

"You have the picture of the woman you'll meet?"

"Yes... one Noriko Rhodes. She's apparently a touch short, so she may be easy to find."

"Oh, she's also Japanese?"

"Indeed. An interesting people, I suppose. Chef Haru, now the wife of captain Rhodes..."

As the bus that took civilians through the Gate came into view, Parna stopped.

"Will you return?" the dark-haired girl asked.

Tyuule looked around her, the military buildings surrounded by untouched nature and distant mountains that kissed the bright blue sky above were a beautiful sight, certainly one she would miss. But as she glanced to the north, the painful memories washing through her once more, she forced herself to only say "I don't know."

Parna said "It's alright if you don't... I know you're helping those of us that are still around... I don't blame you for what happened, but... some are still grieving."

"Yes... it's better this way. Parna... thank you."

The dark-haired girl only gave her a bright smile in return.

Tyuule boarded the almost empty bus and sat on the back, noting the other passengers were mostly a few exhausted-looking American soldiers, some glancing at her, others closing their eyes and trying to sleep it seemed. She glanced out the rear window as the bus began to move. The transition from the road into the Gate and the Gate itself was palpable as the ground became far smoother and the sky behind her vanished into the dark void of the Gate.

Her heart was pounding. This was it, after all. There was no going back. The young man who had helped her was on the other side, waiting for her.

She glanced at the ring on her finger once more.

Mother... father... would you want this?

After a short drive, the sun shone onto the bus again, and the doors were opened.

She walked out and looked around.

The buildings around her were certainly taller, and yet...

This isn't alien...

"Hello!" a voice called.

Tyuule glanced around and saw a short woman waiting near a guard post, the white helmet on the MP almost being knocked off when the short woman raised her hand and waved, accidentally hitting the white M1 Helmet.


The young man only huffed, walked over to Tyuule, saying "Papers?"

Tyuule was only carrying one bag, and she was quick to locate and hand over her identification.

The man looked them over, said nothing, and nodded her ahead, Tyuule walking past the entrance towards the short woman.

"Miss... Rhodes?"

"Yes... you're the future Miss Orville?"

"I... am..." she mumbled, feeling her face growing warm.

Noriko laughed.

"Well, come along then! We need to get you ready, do we not?"


"Clothes, a haircut... though you have the hair of a supermodel..."


"Is English alright?"


"Okay, 'cause I have this book just in case you don't know a word or two. Father always told me to be prepared. Now, come along, I know a place."

Thus the white-haired girl found herself sitting in a small hair salon, the stylists apparently fascinated by her rabbit ears and lengthy silver hair, not batting an eye at the terrifying machinery and strange chemicals they used.


Only a few streets away, Dennis Orville and Thomas Rhodes stared at the older man with a bald head as he read over the papers on his desk using some almost comically large reading glasses. The office, adorned with several certificates and the Texas flag, was cooled by the air conditioning system.

"A rabbit?" the judge asked.

Dennis suppressed the urge to call the man blind, while Rhodes said "Stan, come on. She's clearly a girl."

"I'm aware, and I'm aware of the recently passed act... I can't exactly deny you service just because she's not fully human..."

"Stan, you're a judge, and you helped me with Noriko."

"You and Noriko are a different story, this... kid, enlighten me, how many kids do these women have?"

Dennis said "Sir, with all due respect, they're not that different from us. Twins are common, but that's about it. Pregnancies still take 9 months-"

"Oh, really? My pastor said they'd spread like actual rabbits."

"Based on what?" Rhodes asked, a friendly smile badly hiding his bemusement.

"Well... she's part-rabbit, isn't she? I can understand someone being black or yellow, but scientists can't explain that."

Dennis said "I hear the one theory has to do with the fact this other world has some abnormalities, like supposed magic. Maybe the Demi-humans were the product of an old experiment, maybe not, but the point is that they're people, right?"

The judge sighed, saying "Another theory says they're devil spawns... but I never questioned their humanity, I just worry that this may be too much for a kid like you to handle. Even if her rabbit traits are limited to the ears, being married isn't easy. Are you sure about this?"

Dennis winced.

He'd not only completed the Ranger Course but fought in three out of the four major battles of the war.

"Sir, I passed the Ranger course... I think I can handle this."

The judge looked at him for a moment.

Then, with a low chuckle, he said "Well, wives are different, son... but if you can get her in here, say... tomorrow morning I'll officiate the matrimony. Wait, you're Baptist, aren't you?"

Dennis said, "Yes, sir, but since I don't have any family left, I figured this would work a little easier."

"Hmm... okay, then we'll do it at my church. Tomorrow's Saturday and as long as I don't tell my pastor about the whole... bunny-girl deal... he won't have a problem with it."


"Don't look at me that way, boy, do you want to marry this girl properly, before God, or do you just want to sign a paper and be off to the bedroom?"

Dennis only said, "Before God."


"T-thank you, judge." Dennis managed.

The older man only shrugged, grabbing the office phone.

Rhodes led him out of the office, saying "Well, that went better than expected."

Dennis said "Yeah... I thought we'd have to look further for a judge to officiate it... I didn't think I'd even be able to go to a church for it."

"Yeah, I knew Stanley would come through... eventually..."

As they exited the building, Dennis noticed a newspaper stand being moved to the door. It was a local headline about an attack on an NAACP office. It seemed someone had tried to firebomb it with homemade explosives and gasoline. He paused, trying to read more of what he could without picking it up.

Rhodes noticed, and said "Come on... you have enough on your mind without worrying about that."

Dennis said, "Yeah... but I should still keep it in mind."


Several streets away, Tyuule was trying to get used to the massive presence of automobiles as Noriko kept analyzing her hair.

"I mean, it came out great!"

But they only washed it and straightened it a bit...

"I wish I had the time to take care of hair like that, honestly... so what kind of clothes do you like?"

"Um... I guess I don't have much of a preference..." then, gripping her sweater, said, "Though I do like these light pink colors."

"Hm-hmm. They go well with your white hair... I think we can find something nice for you before tomorrow."

The remainder of the fact she and Orville were about to officialize their relationship made Tyuule's heart accelerate again.

"Miss... Rhodes?"


"What was your wedding like?"

"Oh, not really magical... I didn't marry Tommy for love, to be honest."

"Huh?" Tyuule winced, suddenly worried about the man advising and helping in their wedding.

Noriko sighed, saying "Don't get the wrong idea... I do love the man... now. You've heard about the war?"

Tyuule nodded another car speeding by.

Noriko said "Well, I was still a child when it really heated up... my dad had a business in Korea, a nation near us, and we were doing alright, though I'm sure the locals didn't like us all that much... we were an Empire, we had colonized them, and my dad only sold to fellow Japanese. Obviously, they didn't like us, but I never realized it. I was sheltered."

Tyuule felt a pang of sadness. The fact that empires like the one that had destroyed her people were technically made up of normal people like the woman talking to her reminded her that, through her actions, she had ripped away many sons and daughters of entire families. She wasn't innocent whatsoever in the scenario, yet she'd been allowed happiness.

She pushed the thought aside, listening to Noriko continue her tale.

"Well, the winds were changing by the time I was ten, and my father decided to return to Japan. The very day the Americans dropped their atomic bomb no less. Even if he'd changed his mind with the news, we would have been forced back to Japan regardless of his decision and we thankfully were back by the time the war had ended, long before another war began in Korea."

She let out a sad sigh, saying "Life was hard those early days... I remember some of my older friends decided to leave with the first American who was willing to take them. I was too young, of course, but... my family was still struggling when the war in Korea started so even if things were improving, they weren't easy. Tommy was stationed with a few other units in Japan before shipping to Korea, and he met me in my father's shop. As the war stagnated, he would always come and visit me. Mother and father encouraged it, and... well... once he became an officer, the deal was sealed, so to speak."

"He bought you?"

"What? No... well... I'd be lying if I said the money wasn't a motivation but the fact is that it was a good opportunity, and he was good-looking so... I guess you could say it was a marriage of convenience for me, but he's a good man. Better than some of the ones my friends married. One still refuses to tell her parents she divorced him after a year."


"It's why I understand why the Army doesn't make it easy for guys to get a wife overseas."

Tyuule was quiet for a moment, the two women walking down the sidewalk, ignoring the occasional double-takes of passersby.

Noriko then added "Chin up, the way he looked, I'd say you two are an exception all your own. Plus, now that this Civil Rights Act got through, people can't deny you because of how you look! Coming to America has never been better!"

Tyuule smiled slightly.

"Oh, speaking of, I'm sure you'll love the gals at Fort Benning. We have this little group where we meet every-"

"Gals? As in... soldier's wives?"

"Ah, yes... we help each other... it's better than to spend your man's tour alone, especially if you have kids."

At the mention of kids, Tyuule felt her heart accelerate.

Washington DC

"And the south?" the president asked.

"Not too much resistance overall, and private businesses are seemingly going along with it, but... well, there are concerns about possible restrictions placed on voters, and we have quite a bit of opposition both within our own party and out of it based on how far the act can extend."

"Well, of course... election year..."

Even if they don't plan on repealing it, their opposing it could gain them some votes...

"That and, some Republican opposition-"

"I thought they mostly backed the bill."

"They do, but some are also concerned with the potential extension of federal power."

"Hmm... Goldwater?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, in that case, we'll have to prepare out counter-arguments if he's going to try and play that card. Honestly, I would have preferred the idiots who would call me a secret socialist or something. Less complicated, less of a headache."

"Actually, sir, we have plenty of those from our own party due to the recent communist victory in Vietnam. That and... well... it seems the victory had inspired other communist movements in Asia, but particularly..."

The president glanced at the paper.

"Thailand?" he asked.

"The Communist Party there has... become much more outspoken and if the Chinese are willing to give more support to gain an ally..."

"Damn... we can't solve one problem without two more popping their heads up."

"The brass is already discussing diverting what we had in Vietnam to Thailand and making a stand there."

"A stand, huh? Stop the dominoes from falling..."

He glanced at the papers, a tired expression on his face.

It was far more feasible. Vietnam was a divided nation that had suffered too much, but Thailand was a touch more centralized and its communist insurgent could face more effective opposition if their threats were ever acted upon.

At the same time...

"What about the Gate? We can't just hand it all over to the UN, it's our responsibility."

"A hands-off approach might be better now that the war is over and we have no serious opposition. Plus, we can consolidate the new territory and begin focusing there while the UN does more to police areas outside of it... it's been working so far, and we've beaten whatever challenges that self-proclaimed goddess threw at us."

"Don't remind me... and the supposedly deadly mist?"

"We're researching it, sir. The girl, Miss Lalena... she's working with our scientists-"

"Maybe the opposite is true." the president said suddenly.


"Maybe the hands-off approach should apply here... to a degree... maybe..."

"Well, we have the volunteer numbers to send significant aid Gate-side and abroad, mister president."

"True... true... I'm just a touch tired is all. Speaking of Gate-side, how are the war brides doing? I hear a few were brought home this last week."

July 11th, 1964

Dallas, Texas

"Alright, that officiates it... you may kiss the bride." the judge said with a sigh.

Tyuule nervously turned her head somewhat to the side and closed her eyes, letting her lips meet Orville's.

Noriko clapped cheerfully and Rhodes nodded.

Other than that, the church was empty.

To say it was a typical wedding would be inaccurate. There wasn't a wedding dress, the groom in his Class A Uniform and the bride in a simple church dress, there weren't any flower girls or bridesmaids, no organ playing Here Comes the Bride, the marriage license was to be signed there and then by the only two witnesses that were available that day, and the bride had bunny ears that would likely have been sacrilegious if they had been fake.

Judge Stanley only rolled his eyes at how red the girl's face was as she pulled away from the kiss.

These are just kids... I give it a year...

Rhodes however walked over and patted his Ranger on the back, saying "Well, congratulations, you two!"

"Thank you, captain..." Dennis mumbled.

"T-thanks..." Tyuule whispered.

"Aw, you two are so shy... stay like that, I want a picture!" Noriko exclaimed.

Tyuule made a noise as she covered her face, Dennis looking away from the fairly small Kodak camera.

Rhodes put his arms around the two, saying "Come on, pictures last longer! Say cheese!"

"See you kids, soon!" Rhodes called.

Dennis shut the car door the second Tyuule did, the newlyweds sitting stiffly in the car seats.

Noriko and Rhodes waved them away as the 18-year-old drove off in the relatively new Chevy.

Once they were on the road, finally on their own, it was Tyuule who said "So... um..."


"Was that your... first kiss?"

Dennis only said "I... think... I don't suppose I can count an old aunt who kissed me when I was five, can I?"

She giggled slightly, almost bubbly, saying "No. You had an aunt like that?"

"Only saw her a few times, but yeah... could you... tell?"

The girl's smile diminished as she said "No... I couldn't."

As they got on the highway, Dennis took his hand off the gear shift and placed it on her own, which she happily took.

Dennis then said, "So... how's my country treating you so far?"

She said "It's... interesting. It's similar to back then and... not. I got a few odd looks, but they referred to me as miss or ma'am instead of beast or rabbit. Miss Rhodes- Noriko, she's... she's from Japan, and... interestingly, she didn't get harassed, being part of an enemy nation... the former enemy nation... people appear to be more polite here."

A sad look manifested in Orville's eyes, his mind going back to some of the darker news he'd heard. Keeping his eyes on the road, he said "I guess that's one way to look at it."

Tyuule eyed the road by them, saying "It's hard to imagine how faster transportation actually is... even when you told me, I didn't expect it to look like this."

Dennis smiled.

Wonder what President Eisenhower would think of that...

They passed a sign that read "I-20" and sped past it, along with many other cars coming and going from the city that connected one world to another.


8:00 PM

The drive had been uneventful and long, Tyuule having fallen asleep by the time they got to the lonely house that stood on its own. As his hometown was on the way to their main destination, they had decided to stop and pick up some things before continuing. Dennis hoped to be in and out relatively quickly, but Tyuule waking up and stretching. She followed him inside, Dennis moving up the steps.

He said, "I'll be right down, but feel free to look around."

Tyuule nodded and looked around.

The counter and chairs were moved aside, an emptiness lining the main floor. There weren't many pictures on the surprisingly clean walls, one was of an American soldier in full uniform, one was of a young woman and a baby, one of all three, and a single one of a somewhat younger Dennis.

"How old were you in this picture?"

"Four in the family portrait, twelve in mine!" he called down.

She smiled, noting the innocent grin on the younger face.

Dennis walked down the steps with a box, saying "Ma wasn't much for taking pictures, but we had a camera for trips and stuff... plus, some emergency cash."



"I'm curious about that, actually... I saw many interesting photographs in Dallas."

"Well, it's a career."

"Really? Then maybe I can-"

Tyuule's ear twitched.

"You okay?"

She said, "Car... coming this way..."

Dennis groaned, placing the box down and reaching inside, grabbing the M1911A1 and the magazine on it.

Tyuule winced at the weapon, Dennis said "Just in case." as he inserted the already loaded magazine.

"I know, but... do you think someone would come after me? Now?"

Dennis felt his mind go back to the newspaper he had read and Hasting's words.

He said, "Maybe not... probably not... still."

Dennis saw the headlights out the window before hearing the truck.

His eyes darkened ever so slightly.


"Your neighbor?"

"Yeah... the guy who kept mom's things away from me out of spite..."

"Do you think he'll apologize?"

Dennis placed the M1911 back in the box and closed it, saying "In case he doesn't, I'd... rather not ruin our first day together by getting us in trouble."

Tyuule only nodded and gave him a soft smile that helped him relax.

The old truck parked next to their car, and the door popped open.

"Orville, you there?" Terry Jones called in a hoarse voice.

Dennis opened the door and stood there for a moment.

"Jones... evening."

The man half-smiled before looking away, seemingly ashamed.

"Uh... Chuck called me; said he saw a car coming up here and... I... I want to apologize in person... I wasn't thinking straight that day... it..."

Dennis stared ahead, shocked at his own apathy over the situation despite knowing he should be angrier. As if he'd grown so numb the betrayal didn't really bother him as much.

So, he said, "Forget about it... how are your boys?"

"Ah... they're... they got stationed in Korea... They... Oh, hello."

Tyuule had been standing behind Dennis, Jones only now noticing the white-haired girl.

She waved slowly at the older American.

"Who's... your...?"

Dennis only held her hand and said "Tyuule."

Jones' eyes went wide, noticing the wedding rings glimmer in the light for a second.

"Well... Dennis Orville, this... I'm sure your mother would be... proud."

The girl appeared a touch shy, but he had to admit she was attractive despite the... rabbit ears.

Looking around, he asked, "You two... leaving?"

Dennis said, "We're just picking up some things before going on to Atlanta for a bit..."

Jones shifted in place, saying "Would you... like to come over? Have a quick dinner?"

Dennis glanced at Tyuule, the girl looking unsure, but before he could decline, she said "I wouldn't mind."

8:34 PM

Terry Jones had a wife, Dennis knew, but how physically tired the woman appeared was something he hadn't expected. She was skinny, her features stretched and lined with a sad look, not unlike some artistic depictions of an elderly grandmother.

And yet, all that vanished when she saw them.

"Oh, dear me, hello, Orville! Terry said you might come to visit! Come in! Come... hello."

Tyuule held on to the young man, the fact her ears were visible seemed to put people off more than she had anticipated.

"That's Tyuule... she and Dennis got married earlier today."

"Hello..." she said slowly.

The older woman only said, "Oh, bless your heart, that boy was always so alone working with his mother every summer instead of being with boys and girls his age... we worried he might've had an Oedipus complex!"

"A what?" the newlyweds asked, Dennis less out of ignorance more out of disbelief.

"Vick, come on, let's not-"

"And I do hope this sorry animal apologized, to you especially." She said, wagging a finger at her husband.

"I... he... did... it's water under the bridge, ma'am."

She huffed, saying "Good... well, don't stand out in the cold, come in!"

Tyuule glanced at Dennis as they walked through the screen door, asking "What's an Oedipus complex?"

"When a little boy never grows out of their phase of wanting to marry their mother. It happens."

"Oh. Does it now?" giving Dennis an odd look.

Dennis opened his mouth to deny the allegations, but Vicky Jones interrupted him.

"Oh, I'm just teasing, sweetheart... by the way, your English is incredible."

At that, Tyuule moved a little closer to Orville, saying "Well, he helped me a lot."

"Really now? Oh, you must tell me about it!" she said, taking Tyuule's hand and pulling her away.

Dennis opened his mouth to object, but Jones came in with two cans of cola, saying "Here, dinner will be ready soon... let the ladies chat..."

Dennis eyed the man, Tyuule smiling at him as if to say I can handle this. With a shrug, Dennis took the Cola can and followed Jones outside, the temperature dropping as the door closed behind them. They stared at the stars for a moment, neither speaking, Dennis not particularly caring much it seemed.

Jones finally decided to break the silence.

"So... wife?"

Dennis didn't reply as he took another sip, letting the wedding ring speak for itself.

Jones didn't react as he looked over the yard, almost entirely devoid of anything between the fence and the nearby forest.

"Her English is good."


Jones turned to the 18-year-old, saying "Dennis, come on, I'm trying here."

The kid stared at the ground for a moment, not speaking.

Finally, in a tired voice, he said "Me, too."

Neither man spoke for a moment. The Georgia breeze carrying a low whistle implied a potential coming rain.

Dennis took a breath, saying "Don't really know what to say. Thanks for watching the house, I guess. I assume it wasn't dusty and infested because of you?"

Jones shrugged, saying "She was a kind woman, it's the least I can do. I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Don't. I don't want to hear any apologies right now, alright, sir?"

Jones laughed dryly.

"You're a grown man already, no need to call me 'sir' or... anything like that."

Dennis didn't reply.

The older man shifted in place awkwardly.

Finally, he said "How bad was it? Over there, I mean."

Dennis turned to him, glaring past him with a look not unlike that of a frustrated yet confused child as if he didn't know where to begin or even if he should say anything.

"That bad, huh?"

No reply.

Jones sighed, saying "I'm not going to say 'I told you so' but... to be fair, you did have other options." then, realizing what he'd just said, quickly added "There I go again, running my mouth. I'm sorry."

Dennis didn't reply.

Jones said, "Look, I won't blame you if you hit me."

"I'm not an animal. It was bad, but... I'd do it again." came a dead serious response.

"Of course, you would. Army sets you in your ways, makes you feel like you're part of something..."

He glanced at the house behind him.

"Of course, you actually got something out of it... didn't ever meet someone who married a girl overseas."

No reply.

He added, "She is drop-dead gorgeous."

No reply.

"Hmm... I'm assuming this is your first time, so my advice is to let her on top as it gives you a better view of her-"

Dennis choked on the cola and began coughing.

"Woah, easy, boy, easy!"

With a huff, and wiping his mouth, Dennis quietly said "I don't understand you..."

The older man sighed, saying "I suppose... most of the guys I knew back in the navy couldn't help but talk about their girl and... well... I apologize."

"Navy... yeah..." and then chuckled.

He glanced behind him at the home.

"I want her to be happy... safe... after all of that, I..."

Jones nodded slowly.

"You hear about the Birmingham bombings?"

Nodding again.

"Scares me... scares me a lot... even over there, fear of ambushes, fear of sneak attacks, monsters, actual dragons... the idea I could be going out and then have everything ripped away from me back home... where it's safe..."

The image of his mother flashed in his mind.

"Scares me..."

Jones offered a sympathetic smile, saying "It's the cost of any fight... justified or not. I like to think that things are getting better, though. Thirty years ago you could sweep a lynching under the rug, and now... now the party of the KKK pushed and passed a bill to help those very people that were once at risk."

"I thought you said-"

"I said I didn't think some fights were worth it, not that none are... I'm not going to ask, but gauging your reaction and the girl's demeanor, I take it she didn't exactly have it easy back there."

Dennis didn't reply.

Jones only said "I may not agree with the war or our nation intervening where it shouldn't... that's just me... but you take comfort in knowing that you did some good. I'm sure your parents would be happy about that, I reckon."

At the words, the 18-year-old felt his throat tighten, so he opted to stay silent, the stars above twinkling ever so slightly in the cool night breeze.

Atlanta, Georgia

10:00 PM

After the dinner and another uneventful drive, the couple got to the state capital, the place where a certain civil rights leader had been arrested during a sit-in during the 1960 election. The city was now relatively quiet, although that was more than likely due to the light rain that was falling that night.

They got to a recently constructed motel and got their room.

And now Dennis found himself alone outside the room, fiddling with the key as he spoke on the payphone, his heart pounding.

Over the phone, Rhodes said "Just take it easy. Noriko and I will get to Fort Benning tomorrow. I also got a call from a friend of mine, and he thinks he can accommodate things for you two before we ship back out."

"Alright, thank you, captain."

"Other than that, try to relax..."

"You... can tell?"

"Yeah, but I can figure why... unless... did the staff look at you two funny?"

"Not really, Tyuule kept her hat on, and the guy at reception didn't seem to care... I'm just... nervous."

"Hey, keep in mind, this is a first for you both. I'm sure she's nervous, too. Word of advice, take it easy, and..." switching to a whisper, he said "Relax, you'll both be more comfortable by the second time. Good night!"

Dennis hung up the payphone and let out a worried sigh, walking down the well-lit hall, rubbing the back of his head. It had been both a short and a long day and he was exhausted in more ways than one.

The trips, the arrival, the media presence, the wedding, visiting his empty home, the wedding, talking to Jones, the wedding...

He paused, glancing at his ring, holding it briefly.

Don't get cold feet now...

He opened the door to their room, slowly, seeing her by the half-open window, her hair flew in the late-night breeze present in the balcony, the rain receding.

She was still wearing her dress.

He glanced at the pair of beds, unsure if she would be entirely comfortable sleeping in the same one, let alone... sleeping with him.

At least that first night.

Dennis took a breath and closed the door behind him, asking "You okay?"

She turned to him, smiling warmly as she said "Yes, thank you..."

He walked over, standing next to her, unsure if he should wrap an arm around her or what. Noticing the 18-year-old was a bit uncertain about what she was comfortable with, Tyuule stepped closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

He sighed, relieved.

"Your heart is pounding..." she said after a moment.

"Well... that's... it's because I'm with... you..." he said lamely.

Tyuule sighed, saying "Don't pretend to be tough around me, I'm nervous, too..."

Dennis said "Look, I'm... really happy to just have you. If you don't want to... well, there are two beds, and the bathroom has a door if, so I can take some blankets and-"

She grabbed his hand tightly, pressing her face into his chest, saying "I want to... for the first time I... I want to be with someone... I won't let what happened before stop that."

He held her there for a moment, remembering that fateful night where he'd promised to hold on to her no matter what.

She shakily asked him "Are you comfortable?"

He pursed his lips, nervously saying "Yeah, I just... I've... never..."

He let out a dry laugh.

"Is it strange I'm more nervous now than I was seeing you walk down the aisle?"

She smiled, saying "No."

His smile faltered slightly, a sad look in his eyes.

Cars passed below, people talking could be heard in the distance.

After a moment, she spoke.



"Jones... he asked you if you had any regrets. You told him you did but that you'd still do it all over again."

Dennis nodded, not entirely surprised she'd heard the conversation.

"I wish I could have done more, I guess... I wish I could have said more to my mom before leaving, had I known..."

He turned to her then.

"I don't regret being with you, and I would do it all again."

He felt her grip tighten around his hands, a sad expression on her face.

"I love you." He said in as genuine a voice as he could bring about before closing the distance between them and pressing his lips to hers. A somewhat awkward task, neither of them used to the act, but as she returned the kiss, it was obvious both were willing to learn.

Tyuule pulled away from the kiss after a moment, taking a small breath of fresh air.

She held his hand tighter as if to make sure she wasn't dreaming, her tired eyes drifting down to look at the city before turning back to him.

The night felt far more peaceful than any she'd had back home despite the louder noise.

"I don't regret this, either." she finally said, turning back to him.

Dennis swallowed, but pushed on, pressing his lips against her own again, his half-open eyes never leaving hers, as he pulled her closer. She could hear his accelerated heartbeat, noticing hers was moving even faster. She shut her eyes tightly then, trying to focus on her sensation of his hand on her own, his free hand on her hip, pulling her closer, and his warm lips on her own.

To finally be able to after so much time had passed.

This... this is...

She pulled away again, gasping for air, Dennis mirroring her as he seemed almost out of breath himself. She covered her mouth, the intensity of the moment being something she simply wasn't familiar with, leaving her not a little insecure. After catching his breath, Dennis noticed her expression.

"You okay?"

"Yes, it's... I'm not used to... t-this." she stammered, face growing redder, heart rate going higher, body temperature rising.

"Do... you want to stop?"

Tyuule shook her head, quickly pressing her lips to his.

She forced her mind not to think of the awful memories, choosing to instead focus on the young man with her. His warmth, how he held her, how he was kissing her... he was clearly not used to such interactions but, in a way, neither was she.

It's alright... this is alright...

She didn't pull away, putting a foot forward, leading him to the nearest bed by awkwardly taking a few short steps, something he didn't seem to mind as he moved with her, happy she took the lead. Unlike the many times Zorzal had tossed her or dragged her into his bed like a toy he could discard at any moment, Dennis held her close as she sat him down, letting her straddle him, neither wanting to break the kiss just yet or let the other go, but the need for air made that impossible.

Dennis pulled away then, taking a breath, looking at her as if unsure of what to do. Then, as if making a decision, he moved to kiss her neck. She was somewhat startled by the action, but as his hands began pulling at her blouse, his right hand reaching under it, cautiously feeling her skin as if afraid of hurting her, wholly unlike anything she had experienced, and despite her own insecurity, she welcomed it. He wasn't tearing her clothes off, or beating her, biting her, demanding she perform, or even focusing on himself. He was cautiously feeling her, letting her decide how far it went, and while that could be explained by his inexperience, she remembered he also wanted to make sure she was comfortable with everything happening.

She couldn't hold in her own gasp as his hands moved over her body, and his face glided to her chest then, pressing against her with a sigh. He slowed down there, listening to her heartbeat. She caressed the back of his head, playing with his hair, pulling him into a gentle embrace, happily accepting him.

After a moment, he lifted his face to hers and kissed her again, tenderly.


Her eyes met his own, tiredness in both of them, welcoming the respite after everything. Tyuule felt his hands move again as he tugged at her blouse again, a wordless query. She slightly pulled away and nodded. He began to slowly undo the buttons to her blouse. At this, she quietly shuddered, though if it was out of fear or something else, he didn't quite know. As the buttons came loose and pale skin was slowly exposed, he faced her again.

She was clearly expecting him to do it but was also nervous.

This is a first for you both...

Deciding not to hold off any longer, he completed the task, helped by her lifting her arms before holding him again.

Now he stared at her.

Definitely human...

She didn't say anything, nervously holding on to him. She didn't cover herself, nor did she squirm away. For once, she had chosen who she showed herself to, throwing what fear she'd had to the side, but entirely unsure of what to expect now that another boundary had been crossed.

"Tyuule?" he said after an eternity.

"A-ah?" she barely managed to vocalize.

"You're okay with this, right?"

She nodded and said, "M-mhmm... ah!"

Dennis had suddenly pulled her closer so their bodies touched, which had startled her. She only pouted at his amused expression, her ears lowering back.

You really are like a schoolgirl...

He pressed his lips to hers again, feeling her warmth closer than before as she happily returned the kiss, a little more intensely than earlier.

Tyuule felt his right hand begin to softly move across her figure, moving down further, following her legs, caressing them, feeling her skin, and seemingly tracing their length before lifting her skirt ever so slightly, and then, slowly, surely...

Tyuule pulled away, gasping and taking ever heavier breaths. She shifted her position slightly, guiding his hand while pushing herself closer to him, pressing her already flushed face against his. Dennis took the opportunity to focus on the side of her he hadn't kissed yet, her arms tightening around him.

She mewled as he focused solely on her, kissing her cheek, and her exposed shoulders, apparently enraptured by how soft her skin was. There was the physical pleasure of course, but the fact he was going so far for her once again, after going through so much already made her want to hold him tighter than before, not just lean on him to enjoy some respite, but actually cherish him as she couldn't help but tear up, finally being with someone she could hold on to.

The conversations during the mission.

His efforts to help her throughout.

The night she felt him near the breaking point and the night he held her.

I love you...

With a sharp drawing of breath, her back arched, her body seized over and Dennis wasn't sure how to react as she shook and shuddered as he held her, holding on to him tighter, taking heavy breaths as she did so, her face pressing into his shoulder, as if too embarrassed to look at him. After a blissful moment, her breathing steadied and she slowly pulled back to face him, face flushed, heart racing.

Dennis almost asked if she was alright, but she kissed him first.

Now she was tugging at his shirt, and he didn't complain, pulling it off and tossing it aside. Her bare chest pressed against his own, and she moved him down onto the bed. Just as suddenly, moving further over him, albeit slowly enough that he could react when she moved to kiss his neck.

"Hey, hold on... hold on!" he said quickly.

She stopped, looking at him.

"I... uh..." he choked out.

"Hmm?" she asked innocently.

He looked petrified as he muttered in a voice she could only describe as vulnerable.

"Slow down..."

Tyuule smiled slightly, resting her head on his shoulder. She moved his hands over to his, getting his attention. At first, she thought he wanted to touch her, but he surprised her. Dennis took a shaky breath and began passing his hand down her back, pressing her closer to him again. He didn't speak, feeling some of the remaining scars on her skin, a painful reminder of the cruelty she'd come from, and his face twisted slightly, his eyes expressing a sense of hurt that he wasn't sure he could convey.

He almost jumped when her hand pressed against the side of his face, where he'd needed stitches after that day. She pressed her forehead against his, a sad look in her eyes that he could only imagine was a reflection of his own.

Right, we're in this together...



"I'm alright..." she said, firmly.

He nodded.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and shifted slightly as if just getting comfortable in her current position over him. The young American shuddered, stifling a sound from his throat, and a look of silent panic on his face.

She opened her eyes and switching to English, nervously whispering "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah..." he managed, his breath catching before he pressed his hand to her cheek.

She blinked, somewhat confused before realizing the cause for his reaction. She smiled, taking his hand and pressing herself against him a little more.

"It's okay." she breathed.

"I know... I... I love you." he managed before pressing his lips to hers again.

Tyuule wasn't entirely sure when they actually began making love or if there had ever been a line to cross. Her parents had never told her enough to have a frame of reference, and she knew all too well that what Zorzal did to her was by no means "making love", so that wasn't much to go on, either. All she knew was the level of intimacy and closeness she was experiencing there and then was far beyond the meaningless night of pleasure her people were known to sometimes take part in, where both partners would separate and continue on their own way the morning after, Tyuule remembering the vows they had both read.

'Til death do us part...

By now they were both in a similar state.

Clothes had been discarded, their breaths had become heavier, and they both held onto each other as if the other was their lifeline.

In Tyuule's mind, that description wasn't entirely far-off.

She pulled away from yet another kiss then, looking down at him, watching how he tried to keep himself with some degree of restraint, arms holding her. As she looked into his eyes, seeing how they weren't just looking at her body, his breathing ragged and heavy, a worried look as she shifted her position again. She felt her breath catch in her throat. Her grip tightened further, and in response, so did his, the intensity of the moment catching up to them like a surge of electricity, passing all too soon.

They both remained there, holding one another for a moment.

Her lip quivered, the barriers she had put up to maintain her outwardly cold nature long gone, but the realization hitting her then. She wasn't alone. She wasn't being tortured. Here and now, she wasn't hated or seen as a traitor. Tears began to fall then, a couple landing on his shoulder as she tried to compose herself.

"Tyuule?" he asked, his expression worried.

She laughed quietly.

"I'm alright... I'm just... happy." Tyuule shakily breathed, trying to wipe away her tears.

He held her there, caressing her and gently passing a hand through her hair, not saying anything. Tyuule felt her heart relax at the action and moved to meet his lips once more. Her tears trailed down her face as he returned the kiss, but she clutched his hand tightly as they remained there.

With a shaky breath, Dennis slowly pulled her back onto the bed, and she moved to his side, resting her head against his, her tears finally stopping.

Nervously, she breathed "I love you..." and closed her eyes, face resting on his chest, a degree of happiness to everything despite the road that led them there.

Dennis remained there, not wanting to let her go, his eyes staring at her pale figure now softly breathing as she relaxed and began to fall asleep.

She's still here... you didn't lose her...

The memory of the long-dead Emperor nearly killing her had shaken him to his core, but at least for now, he could be content with holding her, slowly falling asleep to her soft breaths.

8:00 AM

Her eyes opened slowly and she found herself in an unfortunate position.

She was comfortable, resting her face against his chest, hearing his heartbeat, feeling more than comfortable resting where she was. She also had to use the restroom.

With an internal sigh, she sat up, pausing briefly to look at her sleeping lover. His face was pressed against the pillow in a rather silly position that she wasn't sure could be entirely comfortable. The young man had been left out of breath and exhausted it seemed.

Husband now...

A part of her still worried she was dreaming, but she suppressed it and left the bed, doing her best not to wake him.

Dennis felt his eyes open but didn't see anything except pillow fabric, which was a reminder of where he was. He craned his neck up and saw the bed empty beside him. Glancing at the bathroom door near the entrance and hearing the shower on, he allowed a sigh of relief as he laid back into the bed.

It was an oddly euphoric feeling. He didn't feel like he had so much accomplished something but felt great all the while. As if everything was right in the world. On the other hand, there was a sense of fear and concern for the future he couldn't just ignore. Oh, he wouldn't let it ruin things, but it was on the back of his mind.

The door opened and he turned to see her. She was wearing the bathrobe that hung on the bathroom door, loosely tied around her waist. She smiled nervously but approached him.

"Morning." He said.

"Morning!" she repeated, closing the distance.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but when she got on the bed and crawled on top of him, pressing her nose against his, he really couldn't help his accelerated heart rate.

"Sleep well?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck similar to what she'd done the previous night, he instinctively placed his hands on her hips as if it was part of some dance recital.

"Y-yeah..." Dennis breathed, his heart pounding on his chest as he looked at her eyes, but his mind was focusing on how she was pressing herself against him once again.

Relax, you'll both be more comfortable by the second time...

He moved to kiss her but was stopped by the girl's hand moving over his mouth.

Tyuule only smiled slightly, saying "Good... now you should really wash up."


She only pointed at his mouth. Dennis paused, realization taking a minute to come over him. He wouldn't pretend he had a fantastic sense of smell, but he knew damn well one didn't just wake up with good breath, and given how heavily he'd been breathing two seconds prior... He closed his mouth and shut his eyes, visibly embarrassed.

Tyuule's smile widened somewhat.

"Right..." he muttered, glancing at the section of the robe concealing her chest just enough.

"I didn't say you should wash alone..." she whispered, pressing herself against him and meeting his lips despite her previous actions.

After a too-short shower, Dennis stepped out of their room, fully dressed, Tyuule following after him.

"So, where first?" she asked, quickly grabbing his arm as she moved the sun hat over her ears with her free arm.

He looked at how the hat went over them and said "Well, we could go see some of the historical sites that aren't too far away, once we get breakfast, of course... you sure that hat's comfortable?"

She took it off, her ears perking upwards as she said "Touch them."

He blinked.

He passed his right hand through her white ear, nodding at the soft fur on it which was in complete contrast to her otherwise entirely human figure.

"Soft..." he mumbled.

"Exactly. I can wear this just fine."

He looked at her, unable to hide his worry, which was something she quickly noticed.

"We'll be fine. This isn't like back there." She said, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Yeah..." he muttered, holding her hand.

The Newspaper article about an attack on a Negro Church had him worried as it was, but the reaction of the people back home was far more concerning.

Still, no one had tried anything despite him not exactly being secretive about Tyuule's identity.

"Guess I'm still in soldier mode... I'm sorry."

A look of concern on her face appeared before she moved up to press her lips against him once more. She remained there for a moment, unsure of what else to do now other than try to help him out of this mental state as he'd helped her.

After pulling away, she whispered, "Don't apologize... come on."

He was still in "soldier mode" as they sat at a booth in a restaurant.

It wasn't very full, and it certainly wasn't the "whites only" establishment he had seen in other parts of the south, but there was clearly a sense that the new law was taking effect, and people were just starting to get used to it.

The waitress at their table had a smile was a bizarre mix of confusion and politeness.

Tyuule didn't seem to pay her any mind as she tried reading the smaller letters on the menu, which were good for practice, Dennis assumed.

He glanced at the waitress with uncertainty before settling on a simple phrase.

"We're ready to order."

That got the young woman to snap back into her role in the dramatic stage of the workplace and quickly asked "What would you like?"

Understanding that, Tyuule said "This..."

She showed her the menu and pointed to an offer for a breakfast for two, which included bacon and eggs alongside a cheese sandwich and French toast. The young woman smiled, equally polite, equally awkward, and perhaps not equally diligent as she took the order and walked away. Dennis made a face, eyes widening and then relaxing as if he had sighed, but not quite.

Tyuule said, "These menus are a bit more colorful than the ones at Alnus..."

Dennis nodded, smiling slightly.

"You never got to try French Toast?"

"No. That restaurant didn't have that while I worked there. It was mostly seafood."

Dennis smiled, saying "I think it's good, but I prefer pancakes. Add some syrup and... it's better than porridge."

Tyuule blinked.

"If you hadn't noticed we're very talented at coming up with sweets."


She glanced behind him, seeing the little boy at the booth further back staring at her.

Immediately self-conscious but not about to let her nature ruin her day, she smiled and waved.

The little boy hid behind the person Tyuule presumed was his mother.

Kids are still the same...

She smiled softly.

July 15th, 1964

Fort Benning, Georgia

"What about... this color?" Dennis asked, handing her the catalog.

Tyuule put her catalog down and looked at it, nodding before saying "It should go with the rest of the home, yes?"

Dennis shrugged, saying "I'm not much for decorations, to be honest."

Rhodes said, "You realize it's just a couch, right?"

Noriko pulled at the captain's ear, saying "Hush, she's learning."

Tyuule said "I know how to buy things, I'm just not used to so much choice. Hey, do you think this would look better on a picture?"

Noriko smiled slightly, saying "See? Learning!"

The home was one among many in the American base and belonged to Rhodes and Noriko. As it turned out that there was a waiting period for approval so, once Orville had to head back, Tyuule would likely have to stay behind for a while. Preferably, she would stay with someone they could trust. Preferably somewhere safe, and preferably somewhere she could be in communication with the armed forces to assist with any questions of her people now that they were being incorporated into the nation. Since Fort Benning had several families of soldiers that could support each other...

Well, then the answer was obvious.

"So, what couch should we get?" Noriko finally asked.

Tyuule said, "Well, this model looks relatively comfortable and aesthetic."

Noriko looked it over and her smile widened.

"Thank you for your help here, Tyuule."

"No... problem?"

Rhodes sighed, saying "Alright... I'll get on the phone."

"Thank you, honey!"

Rhodes sighed and walked off, Noriko giggling as she followed after him.

Dennis mumbled, "You think she set this up?"

Tyuule only said "Possibly, but it's only natural to get a third opinion to decide if a couple is unsure of what to do."

Dennis nodded, and finally said, "So... how does a house like this feel?"

Tyuule looked around at the wooden furnishings, the glass windows, the strange mix of humility and luxury. It wasn't a mansion but it was, by no means, a tiny dwelling for the plebians in the Empire.

"It's... homely." she finally said, "I wouldn't mind living around here."

Dennis smiled, saying "I'm glad... I don't want you uncomfortable or anything once I... go."

The smile vanished.

She glanced at him, noticed quickly how nervous he was about heading back to his duty. She moved closer to him on the couch and laid her head against his shoulder, unsure of what she could ever say, deep down knowing there was nothing to say. All she could do was stay and do her best to be there for him, the same way he couldn't just say something to make her feel better, but by being there for her, he could actually help her.


"I don't regret choosing this." She said.

Dennis only nodded, aware of Rhodes and Noriko in the other room.

Imperial Capital

Pina followed Diabo on the horse as she observed the rapidly constructed factories on the outskirts of the city, right above the area the Red Light District had once stood, the rubble now cleared, and the area quickly becoming filled with the almost alien equipment and machines as the men from the other world worked on the early attempts at modernizing this other world.

She saw some kids glaring at the machines.

Diabo said, "I take it you're happy about this?"

Pina replied with "We need to catch up, otherwise how will we maintain our own sovereignty?"

"True... however, do you not worry the people don't want this?"

Pina glanced back at the group of children who were glaring at the workers from another world.

"I do... I can only hope they understand that working with our former enemies is how we can move forward."

"I agree, I just worry it won't be an easy path... even after that display of power, many still resent these men and their ways..."

Pina nodded, a sad expression on her face.

"We can work together to mitigate this, of course. Two rulers are a touch more capable than one if you ask me..."

"Yes... brother, have you read the reports on the coastal cities?"

"Yes... I wanted to talk to you about that. Should we divert more men and prepare a naval assault on the pirate islands or-?"

"I was thinking we work with the Americans... show that now that the war is over there is no animosity. It may not stop the hate for those who lost their loved ones, but... it should be enough to show that they are beneficial to us and aren't going to be a hindrance."

Diabo nodded slowly, considering the prospect.

"Well, that's an interesting idea... But isn't their government in an election year?"

"Yes, but to my understanding, it is far more organized and less chaotic than the elections and senate races from here." She said confidently.

July 20th, 1964

8:21 PM

The television blared in the dimly lit room as an early debate was broadcast to the American people.

"Now, Senator Goldwater will have you believe that the act is going to cause trouble down the line. That using federal power for such a purpose is dangerous. That perhaps it is better to allow our society to gradually change without the need for legal action. The problem with that line of thinking is that it fails to account for the suffering of American citizens. Are the American people supposed to stand idly by and allow injustice to continue?"

"Senator Goldwater, your response?" the moderator said.

The Senator from Arizona said "I think most if not all of us are against injustice, and my opposition to the Civil Rights Act was not because I oppose the concept, let me be clear. My problem is the growth of the federal government and the potential threat it could become. I believe racism is an evil practice, and I believe the American people see it that way as well. In my own hometown, we had almost no segregated shops or whites-only areas because it is fundamentally insane that you would deny service to an entire group of people over something as silly as a person's race... but I also believe that it is the right of the citizen to choose who he associates with and who he decides to do business with. If someone wishes to commit economic suicide, that's their prerogative."

The young president quickly said "But what if their decision affects other individuals unjustly? Should a son have to go tell his father that his wife died because the only pharmacy that sold the necessary medicine didn't serve his kind?"

"That's horrible, I just don't think the solution is government intervention. I believe we should encourage the citizens to act on their own. Supporting businesses that aren't segregated is one way-"

"Is the election of politicians that support these policies not the citizens acting on their own?"

"Man, it's getting more heated than the 1960 debates..." Rhodes muttered, sipping some coffee.

Dennis said "I didn't actually catch it. I heard Nixon wasn't all there and that's about it."

"Eh, maybe, but still... what do you think? Kennedy or Goldwater?"

Dennis shrugged, saying "Mom told me she voted Nixon but I have no idea what his policies were... don't follow politics enough, I guess."

Noriko walked in, saying "Well, I'm more worried about the deal in Asia."

Rhodes sighed, saying "Come on, we just pulled out of Vietnam. Odds are things will relax for a while before the commies decide to start things up again."

The line caused Tyuule to shift a touch closer to Dennis.

The phone rang in the hall, Rhodes sighing as he got up.

Dennis noticed Tyuule's ears perk up slightly, and he placed a hand over them. She pouted at his denial of her attempt at eavesdropping but didn't say anything.

Noriko, noticing, said, "Hey, Tyuule have you been denied service outside?"

"No, not yet at least. So far most people I meet are polite."

"Hmm... same. But clearly, this stuff happens."

Dennis was about to speak when Rhodes walked in.

"Orville, got a minute?"

Dennis nodded, Tyuule sitting up and glancing as he got up and followed his captain outside. As the television continued to show the debate, Noriko saw the girl's expression grow ever more worried.

"What is it?" she whispered.

Tyuule only said, "They have to head back."

Noriko said, "Oh..."

Tyuule sunk into the couch.

"He'll have to be gone for months..."

"Hey, we'll help each other, remember? And the war is over."

The white-haired girl nodded slowly.

Dennis walked back in then.

Tyuule forced herself to look at him without worry.

He said, "Captain Rhodes got called back... apparently there's a mission specifically for our unit."

July 21st, 1964

Dallas, Texas

6:00 AM

Dennis adjusted his helmet and did his best not to look at the girl holding onto him.

Tyuule didn't want to let him go but forced herself to as the time passed.

It is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer...

He said, "I'll write to you..."

She nodded.

But this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested!

Dennis glanced behind him, the entrance to the Gate awaited him there as other men came out, some reporters, some military officers.

"I'll see you as soon as I can, okay?"

She nodded, hugging him tightly once more, saying "I'll wait... you come back."

This country was conquered by those who move forward... and so will space.

The couple winced, noting that a reporter had snapped a picture of them, the man sheepishly stepping back at the glare he received from the Ranger.

Dennis sighed, kissed the girl he'd married, and did an about-face before walking off.

Because that challenge is one we are willing to accept.

Dennis sat on the bus, eyeing the city behind him, Rhodes sitting next to him.

As the bus moved into the Gate, Rhodes said, "We'll be back soon. They'll be fine."

"Yeah... I hope so, captain."

The energy, the faith, the devotion... which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it.

Noriko started the car with a sigh, Tyuule sitting on the passenger's seat, eyeing the window, listening to the radio as the President's speech continued.

Noriko said, "Hey, Thomas hasn't let me down, he'll bring them all back alright."

"I know..." Tyuule sighed.

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

The Radio cut slightly and a man's calm voice said "President Kennedy finished his speech in Chicago which was an interesting amalgamation of his previous speeches earlier this week prior to his debate with Arizona Senator Goldwater. The debate had appeared impromptu as Goldwater's nomination for the candidacy of the Republican party's was still being challenged by..."

Noriko changed the channel, saying "I wish the news didn't try to be so gloomy all the time."

Tyuule sighed, saying "You should hear the words across the gate... street performers had to read announcements, sometimes wearing ridiculous makeup."

Then she laughed, genuinely. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of optimism. Even if it was all ripped away, for a moment, she'd regained a little of what she'd lost.

Her mind briefly going back to her parents teaching her how to write so long ago. Her mother, always a tired expression but a brave smile, her father, always direct and serious, her brother, usually energetic, oftentimes curious, staring at her with his own reddish eyes as he quizzed her on whatever they had been taught that day...

I miss you... I miss you all so much...

But for once she didn't think about them and desire nothing but destruction.

For once, she could smile again, watching the still-rising sun on the horizon.


7:30 AM

Dennis Orville followed his team around the far more well-built Army base that surrounded the Gate between worlds. The base had been paved, the barracks secured, the land cleared... as the Rangers walked towards the command center it was clear that a turning point had not only been reached, but they were well beyond it.

Alex said, "I hear it's pirates."

Tom said "Pirates?"

Rhodes sighed, saying "Yeah... apparently near the coastal cities."


Dennis huffed, saying "Let me guess, the Princess wants us to try and figure them out peacefully?"

Sean said "Hey, who knows? Maybe we'll meet our very own Anne Bonny!"


The older Green Beret captain interrupted as they got to the building "I think the brass wants to test some of the more... exotic... recruits."

Rhodes said, "Captain, long time no see. How's the arm?"

"Told you, I've had worse... now come on, this is straight from the top and we'll definitely need your translator."

Dennis nodded and quickened his pace, still taking the new sights around the base. He noticed a few men in blue, the UN presence now very much extended to other nations as exploration and scientific discovery required more security, and quite frankly it did seem the lands beyond the Mountains and imperial weren't exactly "civilized" in a way that made them safe to travel. He noticed a group of Warrior Bunnies in Army BDUs chatting, M14 rifles slung on their backs, a badge on the uniform identified them as a local unit, the likely older of the two had white streaks of hair mixed with brunette.

One with brown hair made eye contact with him, recognizing him, but staying silent.

Delilah shifted slightly as she observed the Americans walk into the building and sighed.

She glanced in the direction of the Gate and sighed with a degree of melancholy and frustration.

One day... I'll find you... one day...

She turned to the other Warrior Bunnies, the girls now assigned to a military unit, and said "Let me know how easy these men are. I haven't bothered with them yet."

The younger girls blushed, causing Delilah to huff.

"Come on, are you already forgetting your culture?"

The youngest one said "N-no... but... isn't it a bit inappropriate to do that with your fellow soldiers?"

"Who cares? Who's gonna stop you? Men are men, aren't they?"

The other one said "Ah... well... we'll see, I guess. See around Delilah."

She only huffed.

I guess they're having more of an effect on the others than I thought... oh well. It could be worse...

Dennis kept walking, trying to keep his mind off the girl he left a world away.