
The Great Collapse

This story begins on a planet many light-years from Earth known as Zavoc. On this planet fighting and death isn't hard to come by. Following a great planetary war over an increasing lack of resources which eventually lead to most of the planets livable regions being decimated and many lives being lost. During all this fighting many advanced and deadly weapons were unleashed destroying and changing almost all of the life throughout the uninhabitable zones as they now call them. This went on until finally almost no livable regions remained.

Following the use of these weapons many of the plants and animals living in these zones became feral and slowly started to turn into grotesque monsters. In this darkest hour now know as The Great Collapse all of society was changed in a bid for peace many of the worlds leaders came together for a solution. Most of the planet killing weaponry and technology's were destroyed and many laws and restrictions were put into place against them. This ended up sending them back to the dark ages. So this is where the true story begins. In the aftermath of all of that death and destruction rose four mighty and powerful kingdoms this was known as The Great Divide.

To ensure that nothing like this happened ever again The Great Divide was another part of the solution provided by the old leaders. It split the remaining land that could support normal life equally amongst the remaining leaders following the war. This ensured that at least for some time there could be peace across the land and a time of rebuilding. During this rebuilding 4 kingdoms rose from the ashes each with their own unique people and society. Now this is where the fun begins nearly 100 years following The Great Collapse the peace is being tested and it would appear another war may be festering over the horizon.