

The Field of The End was only Short story, it was only the Beginning of the Protagonist before the main story, I wrote this first so there's no Confusion on why the protagonist is like this and why his knowledge on this and so on. Shin was a kid in a Abandoned ruined he was adopted by two couples who were unable to have a Childrens themselves. They treat Shin very well and educate him on many things, both in life and Academics, but then he lost everything in just one week. This one is already completed, I will Continue this One in another Novel with A same Characters and add a new for now I will focus on something and continue this Novel. — MIJ

Mijume · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Beginning of Ruined Hart Quela [2]

After 128 hours had passed, Hart Quela lay in ruins, its once towering structures reduced to rubble. Amidst the devastation, the UM multiplied unchecked, fueled by the panic of the populace who found themselves trapped with nowhere to flee. Many met their demise, consumed by the ravenous monsters whose numbers swelled with each passing hour.

Abandoned by his own soldiers, the obese Commander fled in a desperate attempt to escape. His lumbering gait betrayed his fear, but his efforts proved futile as the UM closed in, tearing him apart and transforming him into a half hybrid of man and beast.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Shin stood amidst the carnage, his form cloaked in the green blood of the UM and the crimson of fallen comrades. With grim determination, he retrieved the bodies of his fallen allies, honoring their sacrifice amidst the chaos. Counting each fallen soldier, Shin meticulously gathered approximately 2,000 comrades, searching for the other 583 who had fought by his side. As he laid their bodies to rest in a single location, it stood as a solemn memorial to their bravery and valor in the face of overwhelming odds.


Shin dedicated hours to the solemn task of locating and retrieving the bodies of his fallen comrades, painstakingly collecting each dog tag as a tribute to their memory. With reverent care, he placed these tokens of remembrance in his toolbox, a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by his fellow soldiers.

Removing the military uniforms and boots from the fallen, Shin left them partially unclothed before solemnly setting them ablaze. As the flames consumed their garments, he watched with a heavy heart, honoring their sacrifice in the only way he could.

With his comrades' belongings in hand, Shin embarked on a somber journey into the heart of Hart Quela, his steps measured and purposeful. The stench of death repelled the UM, granting him passage through the abandoned streets.

Arriving at the center of the fallen kingdom, Shin erected a makeshift memorial, fashioning crosses from nearby debris and impaling them into the soil. Each cross bore the uniform and dog tags of a fallen comrade, a poignant symbol of their bravery and sacrifice amidst the devastation.

Shin meticulously dug a grave and erected a large sign bearing the inscription: "THEY'RE THE HEROES WHO PROTECTED THIS FALLEN KINGDOM WITH THEIR LIVES. PLEASE PAY RESPECT TO THEM." With solemn reverence, he ensured that each fallen soldier received the honor they deserved.

Having completed his solemn duty, Shin departed from the ruined kingdom, setting forth on an unknown journey. For two weeks, he had painstakingly searched for the bodies of his comrades, removing their dog tags and uniforms, and crafting individual crosses for each fallen hero. Now, with his task complete, Shin left behind the remnants of war, carrying the memories of his fallen comrades with him on his journey into the unknown.

As Shin continued his solitary journey, he relied on the same survival instincts he had developed as a child, consuming the flesh and blood of the UM to sustain himself. Walking tirelessly, day and night, he covered countless kilometers over the course of two weeks. Along the way, he encountered numerous UM, but Shin's sharpened senses and instinctual combat skills allowed him to swiftly dispatch them, tearing them apart with ease.

Despite the harsh conditions and relentless march, Shin's body seemed impervious to the elements and physical harm. His consumption of UM flesh and blood had endowed him with a resilience beyond his years. The manaclues that once encircled his chest now flowed throughout his entire body, enhancing his strength and endurance.

Unaware of his destination, Shin pressed on, oblivious to the changing weather around him. As he walked, the temperature dropped, and the once-clear sky became obscured by swirling white flakes. Snow began to fall, blanketing the landscape in a serene yet chilling embrace.

This is... Snowflakes...

Shin found himself mesmerized by the snowflakes melting in his hand as he continued his solitary journey. Lost in his thoughts, he wandered aimlessly, oblivious to the passage of time. Days blurred into weeks, months, and eventually, over two years passed as he trudged on, surviving on whatever sustenance he could scavenge, even resorting to consuming the remains of UM corpses along the way.

Finally, Shin stumbled upon a colossal black wall of unfathomable height, an unexpected barrier on his endless trek. Exhausted and disoriented, he collapsed to his knees, overcome by fatigue. To his astonishment, the wall parted, revealing a group of women clad in unfamiliar uniforms crafted from advanced technologies and various materials.

"Who are you?" The woman in the middle demanded, her voice firm and commanding.

Shin remained silent, his expression unreadable as he raised both hands and placed them behind his head.

The women approached cautiously, their curiosity mingled with a hint of apprehension at Shin's unusual demeanor. However, the woman in the middle strode forward with determination, her sword pointed threateningly at Shin's throat, ready to slash his throat against any potential threat.

"Your Objectives? Where did you came from?" The woman Firmly asked Shin.

"I walk and walk and lost the track of time, I'm from HQ Kingdom." Shin truthfully answered her. Shin knew that it would be pointless to Lie on these people. Also Shin completely given up on his Life, He has nothing now. He don't have family nor friends only himself again, all alone.

"Restrain that guy and Bring him inside." The woman turn her back to Shin and Led the inside the Giant gate.

Shin completely silent seeing such a place exist.

"Your objectives? Where did you come from?" The woman's voice was unwavering as she interrogated Shin.

"I walked and walked, lost track of time. I'm from the HQ Kingdom," Shin replied honestly, resigned to his fate. With nothing left to lose, he saw no point in lying to these people. Alone and adrift, he had no family or friends to protect.

"Restrain him and bring him inside," the woman commanded, her decision final as she turned away from Shin and led the way through the towering gate.

Shin followed in silence, his gaze sweeping over the unfamiliar surroundings. A sense of resignation settled over him as he entered this new realm, unsure of what awaited him within.

As Shin followed the woman with the commanding presence, his eyes fell upon a striking figure among the group—a girl with blonde silver hair, clad in a black uniform exuding an intense aura. Despite the gravity of the situation, Shin couldn't help but notice her strength and beauty, her red eyes mirroring his own. There was a magnetic pull between them, an unspoken connection that left Shin both intrigued and unsettled.

"This place is called Jupoun, the Jupoun Empire," the woman stated with authority as they made their way toward a prominent building adorned with a large flag bearing the nation's emblem—a white background with a red circle in the center.

As they walked, the woman continued to provide explanations about their homeland, detailing its history, customs, and traditions. Shin listened attentively, absorbing the information about this new world he found himself in, his curiosity piqued despite his inner turmoil.

Jupoun is depicted as a vibrant nation filled with bright lights, falling snow, and a massive steel wall protecting it from monsters outside. This portrayal highlights the contrast between modernity and tradition, with the steel wall symbolizing Jupoun's resilience against ancient threats.

Shin were amazed with expressionless face, While walking inside the large building it all white with a Thick pillar strengthening the building structures.

The Woman brought Shin into a second floor. The second floor containing a 4 doors/ 4 Rooms in Shin's perspective this second floor where the Colonel's office is but The Woman brought him in the Second room and made Shin on his knees.

The woman in the Chair smoking a tabaco she stretch her both arm and Stroke her Silver BLONDE hair and smirk.

"So? What's this?" The Woman Asked.

"Colonel. Maria, this man were outside the Wall he said he was from the HQ Kingdom." The Woman who led Shin into this room report it flawlessly.

"I see... Eleina, I thought you brought a Boyfriend" The Colonel teasly said. "As your mother I'll be gladly to meet him" the woman with a same traits as the woman earlier said.

"I'm gonna excuse myself." Leave them alone.

"So... State yourself."

At the first glance this woman seems fierce but inside she was Lazy and soft because Shin can Judge this woman she was Nervously Lighting the Tabaco but cant light it up.

With that Body language Shin knew that this woman was not really a experience in this Major.

"Shin Azrael, Code Name: Shinigami ,Age... I forgot but I leave the Kingdom at 2140 in HQ Calendar. I'm a Captain of Spearhead Squadron."

Shin Detailed state himself in front of the Colonel woman, and so the Woman was stunned for a Time being. While the Woman was stunned Shin take a Sneak peek on the Window and saw a Beautiful scenery more than what he saw earlier.

(To be Continued.)