
The Few Followers of Naia

Two loving Goddesses once gave life to the people of Greater Eldstone where the groups of followers lived in peace for centuries. Only for one man to change all and pin the assassination of the King on the followers of Naia.

Tsuragi0 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


I never knew entering a new town could be so scary. I've never seen that many guards all in one place, plus, the captain! That's horrifying. I understand people do not like hybrids for whatever their reasons may be but the captain herself is a hybrid. At least it was done and they let us in. the town itself was fairly rounded in shape it seemed. Surrounded by a thick and tall stone wall to keep the people secure as well as the guards seemingly stationed at every street corner. From the main gate, it was practically a straight walk to the town center, bustling with people and shops closing up for the day or just to take a late lunch. But what was most impressive was the massive water fountain and statue that resided in the center of the square. The fountain itself was impressive by sheer size, allowing people to sit on the edges to relax, but the eye-catching stone statue stood in the center a small plack at his feet.

Ser Thomas Formane, founder, dear protector, loving father.

A knight? Not even a high-ranking member judging by his armour, but he must mean a lot to put up a statue in the middle of town.

Cal tugged me off in the direction of the town's inn, a quiet little building, much older than the rest of the ones in town. The base floor was a simple pub with what looked to be a well-used stage against the right sidewall. the left side is where the front desk is but also doubled as a simple bar. The woman manning the bar was that type everyone envisions standing there, tall and curvy, maybe a bit more on the heavy side with well-rounded features that gave well to the aura she exuded. Red curls sat pinned up into some elaborate updo that looks amazing but is a style that only takes a minute to throw together. She slowly gandered up from the glass she was seemingly endlessly polishing.

" I haven't seen you, boys, around here, need some rooms," She started as she placed the glass on the counter and leaned ever so slightly over. " Or one?" She finished a small smirk forming, elongated by her blood-red lips.

" We just got here," Cal said as he walked towards the door, dropping my hand. " We don't have much in terms of coins so one room will do, is it two beds or one and is there a couch?"

" One bed, one couch, one silver a night." She responded as she opened a small drawer, a jingling could be heard as she did.

" One silver seems a bit expensive for such a small inn."

"It's how the world works boy, we all need to eat at the end of the day, pay up or ill have you escorted out."

Cal simply sighed and motioned me over. I quickly searched my bag for our coin purse. Silver is on the high end but not horrible. the conversion is rough, one silver is around 50 bronze, and one gold coin is roughly 25 silver. I'd love to have a chat with the person who thought that was okay and fair. Passing a silver coin to Cal I peered around the rest of the first floor, there wasn't much to look at other than the large piano sitting near the stage that was so out of place in this otherwise basic maybe poor looking inn.

" We will pay per night, we don't really have a travel plan, to be honest ma'am," Cal explained. Oh, shoot have they been talking? Should have paid attention to that.

" That's quite alright, if you need work I'd be happy to help you get one,"

" We would need high or immediate pay though... is there any job like that?"

Her face hardened for a slight bit, staring down at Cal, his lip twitching as it does when he's uncomfortable.

" There's one, it's not pretty but I believe you could handle it. Sally, the general store owner has got a notice board covered in general requests, anything from doing someone's shopping to hunting and killing a monster." She explained. Monsters, I never thought about that. Monsters can be one of two things, firstly they are hybrids who have decided to be more animal than human and have gone too far to be welcomed back into society, the second one is exactly what it sounds like when you hear monsters. Knarled ragged beasts of all shapes and sizes, some even able to use magick which used to be thought of as a hybrid exclusive thing.

" Should I just take the notices from the board?" Cal asked.

" Haha, no boy it's not that simple, you are from out of town so make sure you say that Maud sent you and she will let you touch the board." Maud finished. She finally placed a slightly larger than normal iron key on the table. " Your room will be the second on the right, up the stairs."

The door creaked open as Cal pushed through the entryway, the one-bed room was fairly sized with a large bed taking up the middle of the room, pushed against a wall. Along with the more simple amenities like a table and chair, dresser and the dreaded leather couch. The room faced the town center allowing a nice view of the horizon behind the town walls where I could see the possibly endless forests as well as the exciting townspeople enjoying the early evening air as the sun began to set which means we should as well.