
The Few Followers of Naia

Two loving Goddesses once gave life to the people of Greater Eldstone where the groups of followers lived in peace for centuries. Only for one man to change all and pin the assassination of the King on the followers of Naia.

Tsuragi0 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


New to town. Barely any belongs. One young adult and one older, possibly a few years or simply a more mature face. One hybrid, one full-bred human.

Releasing a sigh I placed down my quill, setting it straight on my desk, everything neatly placed with purpose. Knowing Vayle this wouldn't be enough information but it would be difficult to stay hidden and get the small details of their lives at the same time. Getting close was an option as long as I came off friendly, maybe as a tour guide? No, what was there to even show in this backwater town they haven't already seen.

" This is pointless, I could have just dealt with them the minute they slept," I said out loud.

My job was simple. I ran the information guild in the town, being a small branch dispatched from the northern capital. From a poor child to a petty thief and mercenary for hire to an informant and investigator, what has my life become honestly? Sitting back in my chair I removed my thin-framed glasses, gently placing them down as my other hand pinched the bridge of my nose. At least I no longer needed to worry about grey hairs forming, turned 32 last season and even before then my hair had already been speckled with grey.

Being a hybrid myself I understood both sides of the equation. Hybrids are total freaks of nature but so is the magick some are born with. I was a more common species of hybrid, an owl to be specific. It was always seen as a blessing in the town I grew up in and as a thief, my unbeatable eyesight and hearing were a gift from Naia. In truth, it has cost me more than it saved me. I've heard the unspeakable and seen what most would call nightmare fuel and it was, waking up in a cold sweat has become my normal. Seeing things a child should never have to in their life will always follow you to the grave.

The door slowly creaked open as an officer slowly stepped in, being as quiet as he possibly could.

" Sir, Maud gave us some info on those new men." He said standing at attention.

" Alright, speak,"

" The two men have paid for a room in the inn, just one night at the moment. But they were told about the request board."

" Hm.. alright that'll be enough, you should clock out for the day, it's late," I said as I rose from my seat straightening out my overcoat. I slowly packed my satchel with work papers and notebooks. As much as I'd prefer to sleep at my desk I was prone to a more nocturnal sleep pattern keeping me up past the normal times. The main doors closed behind me as a knight locked them shut for the night, the town was quiet, almost a ghost town. the only people still on the streets this late were the odd drunkard and the late shift knights. The streets were lit by a select few street lamps and the soft blue light of the moon, a full moon. Goddess Naia was looking over this town.

Again a short chapter, i really struggle to write in Klaus's PoV but as the story progresses it gets easier :)

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