
Chapter 228: Corrupted Blood _1

Translator: 549690339

Under the cover of night, the Bloodthirsty Killer God's inquiries, laced with fear, reached the ears of the assassins lurking nearby.

"Am I hearing things? Is the Bloodthirsty Killer God actually afraid?"

"He has always been fearless of heaven and earth, even death doesn't scare him. What is it about Ye Ming that can make the Bloodthirsty Killer God quiver with fear?"

With puzzled looks, everyone continued to watch the battle, and up to now, no one dared to step forward.

Ye Ming gave a faint smile and said, "I know far more than just that, so do you still want to continue?"

The pride deep in the Bloodthirsty Killer God's bones was thoroughly shattered. At this moment, how could he dare to confront Ye Ming? His only thought was to run, to flee the grasp of this devil.

It all happened in a flash. In an urgent scramble, the Bloodthirsty Killer God got up swiftly and bolted into the distance.

His fighting spirit was completely gone, and he dared not fight Ye Ming anymore.