
The Fated mates

The enmity between the Redmoon pack and Silvermoon pack has been going on for over a century now. The war was expected to end or at least subside after both Alpha's find out that they were fated to be mates but to everyone's surprise, the opposite happens. Kira and Damien hate each other, so much so that they will never accept that they're fated to be together and will fight against their fate. Damien already has who he loves and is unwilling to let her go for a nonchalant, hothead that happens to also happen to be an enemy. Kira, as much as she always wished to meet her mate, hates the thought of ever being with an arrogant and rude man like Alpha Damien and to top it off, he's the enemy. They're always brought together by one thing or the other. Can they really fight their fate and stay as enemies or will their fate ge

DaoistpaI7jP · sci-fi
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25 Chs

Chapter 20

"You're confidently telling me that your people didn't do this? How are you so sure though? Who else would daringly walk into my territory and kill my men without considering the consequences of their brashness?" He hissed and Kira mentally face palms herself.

Damien's unreasonable hate has definitely blinded him to the point where he can't even tell the difference between a werewolf attack and an attack from something or someone else.

The red spots on their necks, the dryness of their bodies coupled with how pale it had become so quickly are obvious signs that a werewolf was not responsible for this.

"I gat to ask Damien, are you stupid, blind or do you simply choose to be both?" Kira fired at him in frustration.

"Take a look at these men and make use of those owl eyes of yours. Are you really of the belief that a werewolf could do this to a body without leaving one obvious scratch? Can't you see how pale their bodies are? The red marks on their necks? It's almost like every single drop of blood in them had been drained out and instead of noticing this, all you want to do is throw the blame at me to satisfy your stupidity." Kira said to him, not bothering to filter get words.

Hearing all this from her, Damien took a closer look at the bodies and as much as he hated to admit it, it seemed as though she was right. His men had turned pale way too quickly, they had no obvious scratches which is unusual since they would have definitely fought back and the worst part, they looked like they had their bloods sucked out of them and as far as he knew, werewolves were no blood suckers.

Damien knew she made sense but then again, who else would do something like this? Who else would want to murder his people and why?

Kira seeing the red marks on their neck could immediately connect it to the marks she had seen in her dream and this made her even more uncomfortable.

"Are they really here?" She wondered to herself.

"The creatures cursed by the sun." She muttered to herself as it actually dawned on her that it wasn't daytime and the sun hasn't been out for the last three hours which means, there's a huge probability that her suspicions are accurate.

"What did you say?" Damien asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing important. Just putting it out there that my people did not do this so drop that accusation immediately." She warned.

"I did tell you, didn't I?" Draco chimed in earning a frown from Damien.

"Then who did?" Damien asked, directing his question to no one in particular.

Kira shrugged. " I also have no idea to be honest but we can always try to find out." She replied.

"Any ideas on what you think we should do about this Draco?" Damien asked.

"Well, it is the first time I'm seeing something like this happen but like I mentioned earlier, I don't think the Redmoon pack is in any way responsible for any of this. We can't say though, it could have been done by some other pack. You know some packs are quite mischievous and this may be their way of trying to cause even more damage between both our packs." Draco replied to him.

Damien was quiet for a while as he thought of how to handle the situation. He knew it wasn't impossible to get attacked by other packs but he couldn't help but wonder why or how in the world they were able to kill them in such a clean and undetectable manner?

"I think I'll have to investigate this myself, Draco. Tell Silas that I want a full report on the exact location the incident took place and exactly how the bodies were found." Damien instructed.

"He already did Damien. According to his reports, they were found a few feet away from the west wing border and their bodies were lying around a little too carefully according to him." Draco answered.

"Carefully? What do you mean?" Damien asked.

"He just said they didn't look like they struggled. Almost like they were killed in one position." He replied and Damien sighed.

Kira would have cared less about the incident but knowing well that there is a possibility that the incident might involve this supposed cursed creature, she was willing to join the investigation and see for herself if suspicions were accurate and also know what they were and how they looked like.

Kira cleared her throat, "Huh, if you boys don't mind, not like I care if you do, I want to be a part of the investigation so I can clear my people's name once and for all." She said to them although that was only partly true.

She only wanted to know what she would have to deal with really they are the ones responsible and she also could not foolishly let go of the golden opportunity to rub Damien's foolishness in his face after he finds out that indeed she was correct about her pack being innocent and also about the innocence of actual werewolves.

Damien scoffed, "Don't be a clown Kira. Why in the world would I let you get involved in our personal affairs? Remember, I do not trust you one bit."

"Besides, how can I be so sure you are not only offering to help so you can hide whatever evidence that could implicate your pack?" He asked with a questioning brow.

Kira clicked her tongue, "You know the problem with you? It's that you refuse to have an open mind to anything. Come on Damien, asides the fact that I'm your mate and might I add, your rightful Luna, I also want to know what it is that's after your sorry ass so I can protect my own people. So cut me some slack and let me do what I want!" Kira yelled in frustration, raising her hand up in the air dramatically.

Damien let out a dry laugh. "My rightful Luna? Really Kira? Slipped in the conversation like I wouldn't notice? Anyways, get that delusion out of your head cause you and I are just impossible." He replied snappily and Kira could not help but laugh at the fact that he actually took her seriously. He was way too easy to irritate and rile up.

"I don't give two fucks what you think Damien and I stand on what I said. All I know is I want in on the investigation and that is that, if you wanna keep disagreeing, then you can sit this one out baby boy and let Draco and I handle it, understood?" She fired back at him, not waiting for a reply from him before walking out of the courtroom and back to her quarters or as she would call it, her beautiful prison.


"You might wanna walk faster cause we don't have all day. Just in case you haven't noticed, it's getting dark out here and we can't find anything if it's dark." Damien chided childishly for the umpteenth time.

Kira was already tired and exhausted and Damien's nonstop rant wasn't helping her at all. They have been walking back and forth through the forest to find something that could maybe point them in the direction of the murderers but they had nothing so far. They had visited the area where they were killed but surprisingly, there was absolutely nothing to find. Almost like whatever killed them was invisible.

"I'm thirsty Damien." Kira complained.

Damien halted in his tracks. Kira, who hadn't noticed that he had stopped walking, ran into him and hit her head against his rock hard body causing her to groan in pain.

"Fuck!" She winced in pain, rubbing her head in a circular motion to ease the pain.

"That's what you get when you don't watch where you're heading." He said to her with a small laugh and Kira scowled.

"You shouldn't have halted just like that dummy. Didn't even notice." She hissed.

"Of course, you wouldn't notice. I'm starting to wonder how someone as lazy as you wants to lead an entire pack. What makes you think you're Alpha worthy?" He said and Kira fumed.

"You know, it's funny how I thought you were all that since all you ever do is brag about how strong and intelligent you are but trust me, whoever gets to know you personally would come to realize how much of an all talk no show you really are." He spat out and Kira's head immediately ached with rage.

On several occasions, her heart would ache whenever he said hurtful words to her. She wasn't sure why that always happened but she knew she shouldn't be affected by his words as he didn't matter to her.

"The day..." Kira is cut off as Damien pushes her to the ground very quickly.

She was shocked by his action and the first thing she thought was that he had wanted to kill her until she looked up and saw his shirt all torn up with scratches on his body and blood dripping down his arms.

She turned her attention away from him and noticed the wolf growling right behind him. Her eyes widened in shock as she realised they were being attacked by a rogue. Although this wasn't the first time she had come across a rogue wolf, the situation had happened so fast and she definitely wasn't expecting to get hurt or have Damien get hurt.

"This is what happens when you are not ready." Damien said through gritted teeth before getting on his feet to face the wolf.

Kira was still on the ground trying to comprehend everything.

Just then, three other wolves came out of hiding, immediately surrounding both Kira and Damien.