
The Fate System

When Lucious Grey dies a slow death in a dungeon, he thought that would be the end. But fate had other plans. Now, in the useless body of a minor antagonist from his favourite novel, Lucious must do whatever he can to quickly rise in power For the fate of the world depends on it. ------------------------ Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/46xHNXThKd Notice: there will be some strong language and adult themes

Reldy_XD · Fantasie
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68 Chs

Chapter 12- Outbreak part 2

One hour ago.

That dire wolf wasn't as strong as I thought. After a few minutes of fighting, he managed to stab the dire wolf in the heart.

Thanks to all the other monsters that attacked him during the fight, he could feel his strength and speed increase.

Lucious also noticed his Lightning wave getting slightly stronger with every cast.

I should fight swarms more often; my stats are increasing like crazy. It wasn't long before the weakest of the horde had been wiped out.

He took a deep breath and steadied his breathing, activating his Savek's breathing technique: first form to replenish his spent energy.

As he did, he cut down two more goblins with a single strike.


[All of Host's stats have reached their maximum limit]

[Please form an aura core and mana core to continue your progress]

Perfect. With them at the upper limit I can begin tempering my body to be the way it was before I died.

Before he could temper his body with the techniques he was taught on earth, Lucious had to push his strength to the very limit.

This process was excruciatingly difficult on earth as he had no system to speed up the process.

For now, I should retreat and let the guards do their bit while I rest. At least that was his plan.

However, reality was cruel, and a large shadow was cast over him.

Lucious didn't need to look up to know something was approaching at a rapid speed so he stepped back as quickly as he could.


As he did, a giant boulder smashed into the ground where he was stood. It was easily the size of a small house, and the debris flung in all directions.

What the fuck?! He barely had any time to think before another one came crashing down.

Lucious ran towards the horde of monsters in case a third one fell and made quick work of those who tried to stop him.

Where the fuck did, they just come from? Whatever was responsible seemed to have stopped for now and Lucious quickly retreated towards the village.

"What you did was reckless and impulsive. But you also cut down their numbers by half with that impressive performance.

My men and I should be able to finish them off." The guard commander scolded and praised Lucious upon his arrival.

Without another word, the guard commander readied a bow and launched an arrow along with the guards.

Lucious ate the last of the fruit he scavenged from the forest and had a drink of water as he took a quick rest.

This battle is as good as over, but what caused the boulders to fall from the sky? No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't think of any monsters in the horde that could be responsible.

"Lucious!" A faint voice called out to him. Turning his head, Lucious saw a familiar elf running his way.

"Liara? I thought I told you to wait in the store."

"I learned the healing spell from the spellbook and came to help." She replied with a determined voice.

She was getting anxious as time went on and wanted to help however, she could.

So long as she stays behind the wall and doesn't go up there, I guess it'll be ok. Lucious thought as he saw her expression.

Now, system, show me my stats. He was excited to finally have maxed out stats for his current stage.

[Level: 10]

[Exp: 0/14000]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 600/600]

[Aura: 400/400]

[Energy: 250/250]

[Strength: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Stamina: 50]

[Endurance: 50]

[Intelligence: 50]

[Perception: 50]

[Charm: N/A]

[Skill Points: 35]

[Stat Points:90]

Perfect, I can finally start forming my aura core. As he checked his stats, he could hear a few screams from the wall.

It wasn't long before some of the guards started sustaining injuries now that Lucious stopped to rest.

"Are you OK?" Liara said as she saw claw marks on a guard's face as he was carried to safety by his comrades.

More and more were sustaining injuries, so Lucious decided to go back to the battlefield and help them.

"Don't move around so much. Small heal." As Lucious went to fight, Liara began healing a guard.

Her spell wasn't strong enough to fully heal the injuries, but it was enough to close the wounds and stop the bleeding.

"Thank you very much miss." The guard said while blushing slightly at having a beautiful elven woman tending to his injuries.

She quickly moved on and began healing one guard after the next, oblivious to the little fan club that was forming.

Lucious on the other hand was rampaging through what was left of the horde.

Two dire wolves with goblins on their backs charged towards Lucious but he easily cut them down.

He then moved towards an ogre, its skin was a muddy brown and it towered over him. It had muscular arms and legs but was very slow.

So strong, and yet it means nothing when you can't land your blows. Lucious thought as he slashed its leg.

It swung its massive club at Lucious, but he easily dodged it and grabbed his sword in a reverse grip.

Lucious cut its heart with snake strike then fired a fire shot at the injury as he moved away.

The ogre fell to its death with a loud thud and the last few monsters who survived retreated.

"Like I'll let you!" Lucious yelled as he cast multiple lightning wave and lightning shot spells.

His torrent of spells killed most of the fleeing enemies but some managed to escape.

[Mana: 0]

His overuse of mana however, caused him to pass out.


Liara screamed out at seeing him collapse. The guard commander quickly restrained her before she tried jumping over the wall to reach him.

Despite not knowing him for very long, he was the first friend she made who wasn't family and he helped her discover her talent for light magic.

"Open the gates and bring him in." He barked his orders to some nearby guards as Liara calmed down.

Once he let her go, she followed the guards out the gate to help carry him back inside.

"It's ok, it's just mana depletion. A mana potion and rest are all he needs." One of the guards said as they lifted him up.

"Hurry and take seventy percent of the bodies and place them in storage rings to preserve them. They will be given to the one who saved us."

The guards groaned but carried out the commanders' orders nonetheless as they dragged their tires bodies back to the battlefield.

"That elf... she called him Lucious..."