
The Fate of Two Souls

A young girl in her early 20th have been stuggle through life. Diagnosed with stress and depression she could not what to do until a figure who's identical to her wore a mask revealing the truth from her past and give what decision for her future. What's her fate, actually? Can the girl in mask be a friend or a foe? Would she trust this person or revealing her true form?

Skyringames · sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Denial (Rewritten)

In a world filled with buildings, cities and modern life. A place for everyone to grow up from childhood to adulthood. No harm can stands in their way. Or so she thought...

Rinark, a 20 year old girl have finished her second semester in her college and took a one month break at her home. People in her neighbourhood always knew that she was a cheerful and a nice person. However, deep inside of her she wasn't. No matter how many times they being nice to her, she had the urge to pretend and hide her sourness. To be fair, Rinark wasn't like that when she was a child. So what had changed her?

Rinark was in a pharmacy trying to buy some medicine. Her parents believe that she had diagnosed with stress and depression. Of course, Rinark thought of that this is more than just some of diagnose. "...Thank you" After she paid the medicine, she stumbled a figure someone who looks like her.

"W-who are you!?" Her eyes shocked. She rubbed her eyes but the figure is nowhere to be found. Who the hell was she...?

Rinark went to her home when she was greeted by her mother.

Rinark: I'm home

Mother:Welcome home, sweety. (kisses, Rinark's cheek)

Rinark: (brushes off) Stop it, mom! I'm not a child anymore.

Mother: (pouting) You usually like it, when you were a kid--

Rinark: (shout) NO, I'M NOT!

Rinark pushes back her mother, angrily. Her mother began to worried looking at her distressed daughter.

Mother: Sweety, is everything alright?

Rinark wanted to scream but instead she finally calm herself

Rinark: Yes, mom... I'm... I'm just tired...

Mother: Rinark dear, I know you. You can't just kept this feeling away from your mother. Just tell me--

Rinark: I'm fine... Look mom I'll be heading to my room.

Mother: But, what about lunch? Yknow you can't keep skipping meals young lady.

Rinark: Is just.. Look I got to go

Mother: Rinark--

With that, Rinark when upstairs into her room. Frustrating, she mumbled "It's not like you care or anything...Why do you have to pretend like you care..?" Rinark went to her bathroom and took a quick shower. Moments later she dressed, she took some medicine (painkillers) from her bag.

"So tired...why does my parents always pretend to care for me..?I wonder if they remember the past that I went through? Still is not like I have any friends or any relatives to understand my pain...Humans never care for eachother. Only to live for power and greed. Most people die by their families or friends or any relatives for their twisted pleasure. Tch!...Would it be nice to end my life. If they don't love me, they would have abandon me and left me to die...or get an abortion...I think it's better that I'm no longer exist in their family."

Tears falling from Rinark's face as she lay down on her bed. She swallows some pills and drinks a bottle of water. "Still I rather die painless, rather than live suffering.." to hear A few minutes later, she went to sleep.


Mother: (calling)Hello, mother. Yes don't worry, we will visiting you soon. I even cook something for all of you.... Listen I know you're worried about Rinark. And I know she wasn't seem to be happy all the time.... Perhaps she needs some time to calm herself. I understand that this isn't your fault. I'm pretty sure she's been through a lot.

She wonders why what became of her daughter.


Rinark was still sleeping, after her breakdown. She wouldn't bear to here from her mother again. As she was dozing she suddenly hears a rail sequel. She tried to ignore it but it was even louder. Finally, she decided to woke up. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked. She wasn't in her room nor her house. She was in a train.

Rinark: W-whats going on..? Am I in a BULLET TRAIN?

Someone's tapping behind her shoulders. Rinark was shocked when she turn her back.


???: Hello~

Rinark look at the person. Behind of her was a figure who's identical to her except she wore a robe and a mask. Rinark can't tell the person's expression but she can tell that the person seems to be happy.

???: You've awake! I must apologize that I scared you is just.. You look cute when you're asleep.

Rinark gave the stranger a confuse expression. She looks like her, she sounded like her but somehow her expression seems to be joyful.

???: (laughs) Haha, sorry. I haven't introduce myself to you. You may call me the Host. As you can see I'm the conductor of this bullet train. And I'm here to help you~

Rinark:...Help me..?

