
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

https_alfx · Fantasie
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13 Chs


[ Aiko's POV ]

I had two more days left and let me tell you, I was feeling kinda sad because I will be leaving my home that I have known for so long and going to a foreign place but tonight is my departure party so I am glad I get to see everyone before I go.

Thankfully though, my best friend moved there a while ago. He was a transfer from our Suna University of Arts, we used to be so close. He is the only reason I am okay with moving to Konoha.

His name is Sasori and he is currently studying at The University of Konoha with one of his friends that he made there who is also a transfer, I think his name is Deidara or something.

I am currently packing but right now I had to take a break to pick an outfit for tonight, I am guessing I would need to dress in a casual but dressy outfit now.

I don't usually dress fancy but at an event of any kind I ditch my flats and go all out. My party glow up is really something. I put on a shiny gold jumpsuit with matching seven inch stilettos and I let my long brown hair loose with a dazzling gold choker and a designer purse.

I believe Sasori's friend would call this the bomb! The party is being organised by my lovely friend Kankuro and I am really excited because his adorable little brother Gaara will be there.

Last thing I do before leaving my apartment is to spray some perfume and then I head out.


I get to the party a little early but Kankuro, Temari and Gaara were already there. The first thing I do is run to Gaara.

"Wow...you forgot about me! He is such a lady magnet even at this age...hmpf.", Kankuro said sarcastically as laughed in response as I hugged Gaara tightly. He smiled a small cute smile.

I then went to greet Kankuro and Temari. We all had a big celebration as some of my other friends showed up and we finished at around midnight seeing as I still had some packing to do. I got home and packed a few more things in my bags before heading to bed.

- - - - -

[ Third person POV ]

Itachi got home from University. He has been so busy lately and lots of things have been on his mind including having to look after Sasuke for an extended period of time which reminds him how long will his parents be gone.

He walks into the kitchen and his father is already home. "Itachi, I want to talk to you about something."

He looked up. "Yes, father?"

"You see, we will be gone for six months and by the time I am back I want to start working from home."

"Well, six months is a long time but I am sure I can manage and I will be responsible enough."

"I know you will but the reason I am telling you this is because when I return I want to step down as Executive director. Itachi, I want you to take my place.", Itachi's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Me as the executive director?"

"Yes and Madara wants you as his next CEO, he asked Obito and Obito seems to like indirectly leading the company. He doesn't want to be the CEO."

"And Shisui?"

"Well, you know him. He likes handling the Finance department, he recommended you anyways, when you graduate this year you are to join. You will start off as executive director and then you shall become CEO."

"Father, but what about Indra or Izuna?"

"As I have already said, they all recommended you!"

"But I am still in university, I have no experience."

"That is why you will start off as Executive director.", Itachi just sighed in response. He wasn't quite expecting such a turn of events. Is he up for it or is everything moving too fast.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

The day is finally here, the moving truck has arrived and I get in my purple Lamborghini, ready to hit the road. I put my sunglasses on my head and start the car. It's a long drive but hopefully we will make it by night seeing as it's only 5 AM now. I had said my goodbyes to Kankuro and his siblings.


We are finally here at the gates of Konoha. The guys from the moving truck continue down the road and we eventually end up outside a big white Mansion...well the Mayor sure lived in luxury.

I walk up to the front door and knock but there is no answer so I get my key out and start to unlock the house while the moving guys park the truck and start offloading my stuff.

I walk in to the most beautiful house I have ever seen. There was a spiral staircase with a crystal spiral chandelier and a huge TV, if you could call it that and as I made my way upstairs there were three woman standing there.

One of them said, "Oh! You must be Aiko...right this way.", They seemed to be house-keepers of some sort. They ushered me to a large elegant bedroom as the moving guys walked in placing my boxes against the wall. The house-keeper called me out across another room.

"Master hasn't been the same...he's quiet and cries a lot...please, help him.", I give her a small kind smile and respond, "I will help him return to his usual self and I will take good care of him...I promise."

She nods smiling sincerely as I turn and knock on the door, I hear a small sniff and a faint "Come in." I walk in and see a small orange ball on the bed, it was the boy Naruto. I walked towards him sitting next to him on the bed as he turned giving me a fake smile, it was so obvious he's in pain, I reached over resting my hand on his shoulder, "You don't have to pretend to me...I can see you are sad, I will help you through this, I promise you can rely on me for anything."

He turned and leaped into my arms and just stayed like that for sometime, I smiled a little sadly. I have always loved kids but I have never had to deal with a broken child and this action ensured me I will treat Naruto like a son. He eventually looks up at me and smiles, "Thank you."

I eventually had dinner and head to bed.

- - - - -

Well, Naruto is really sweet no doubt he just needs to pass his grieving stage to get back to his cheery playful self.

Today I wanted to bond with him, I was thinking of things we could do together and I thought why not ask him.

So I head to his room to wake him up, he was sleeping peacefully, his messy blonde hair peeking from above the luxurious duvet. I walk up to him and pat his shoulder softly as he shifts slowly and suddenly his big blue eyes open, he looks like a little angel.

I smile at him and say, "I thought we could have a fun day out, what do you think?", he looked hesitant at first then slowly nodded obviously just trying to be nice but this is my first plan.

I need to get him out of the house and to have some fun he needs a break from everything that reminds him of his parents. I tell him to get ready and come down for breakfast as I leave the room.

In the meantime I call Sasori and let him know that I have arrived, "Hello." he answers. "Hey ya, Sasori."

"AIKO! Heyyyy!"

"I called to let you know I have arrived at Konoha!"

"Well, that's amazing and all but I wanna come see you and you have gotta meet my friends."

I laugh and then respond, "Well, I will definitely come see you as for your friends...we will see."

"Okay, that's good enough for me, Ai."

[ A/N: 'Ai' is the nickname for 'Aiko' ]

I chuckled softly responding with a, "Okay talk to you later, bye."

"Bye bye, Aiko."

Naruto arrived downstairs briefly and had his breakfast. I was wearing a black leather Jacket with black denim pants and a belt with a big silver buckle and a black T-shirt and black leather combat boots and some shades (Cuz she is so chill and her style is like a cold mafia, idek why) and a ponytail with the sides and top of my hair leaving the rest of the hair down and two strands of hair fall on my face.

As we head out the door Naruto wearing his orange jumpsuit unzipped with a white T-shirt inside and a gold chain and blue high-tops. Who let a six year old have such a fashion sense.

As he heads out the door with me following, we hop in my shiny purple Lamborghini.

"Nice car!", Naruto shouts as I giggle.

"Meet Violet, my most prized possession.", he smirks as I drive off blasting some bashing music.

We head out to a restaurant called 'Ichiraku's', apparently Naruto loves it. As far as I am concerned this kid has a good fashion sense, sense of taste and he likes Arctic Monkeys...we wll get along just fine.

We get up and I pay as we head out to the mall, we end up buying some video games. I managed to get Mortal Kombat and Tekken.

We headed to the Manga shop and saw this cool manga about Ninja's and this boy who also liked Ramen so I resorted to calling Naruto 'Ninja' as a cute nickname, he seemed to like it.

We then headed to drop him at his godfather's house, his name was Iruka Umino and not gonna lie he was pretty handsome, he had a ponytail and this amazing tan and a scar across his nose.

He was really sweet and after dropping Naruto off for a few hours I headed to meet Sasori at the Arcade with his friends. I got in my car and drove off to the arcade.