
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

https_alfx · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Happy or not?

"Well then, instant Ramen it is! But wait, don't you have to cook?"

"We do, but...what 'Master' says, goes and if master wants instant Ramen, that's what they get."

"I see...well what flavor of instant Ramen can I get you, my lady?"

"I would Iike a beef, kind sir."

"Well then, one beef instant Ramen coming up, my lady.", Itachi said as he went to the kitchen for a while and returned with two big bowls of instant Ramen.

"One chicken instant Ramen for me and one beef instant Ramen for you, my lady."

"Why, thank you, kind sir.", I said as we both laughed and started eating in a peaceful comfortable silence with a few words exchanging in between.

"That was lovely!", I exclaimed louder than intended as we started cleaning up. "Well I do have a secret that I will only share with you, my significant other."

"Go on, kind sir..."

"Miso paste!"

"Miso paste?"

"Yes, my lady. Miso paste is amazing in the instant Ramen."

"Wow, I would definitely try that in the future!"

"Good, now let's go. There is this new movie I saw the other day on Netflix so why don't we watch that before we head to bed.", he said as I got up stretching relaxingly only for him to poke me in the belly button.

"Hey!", I said in shock. "You are not supposed to stretch after eating.", he said as I pouted, following him to the couch jumping on him.

"I knew I was better than the couch.", he said smugly. "No, I am just keeping insurance!"

"Of what?"

"If I fall off to sleep, you won't leave me here.", I said smirking as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I can just roll you off me."

"In that case..", I said hugging him like a Koala bear.

"Awwww, my little monkey..."

"Oi, I am not a monkey!", I said pouting again as he chuckled choosing the movie as we both started watching.

- - - - -

[ Author's POV ]

Aiko woke up to silent breathing on her neck, warm hands drawing circles on her thighs exposed below her shorts. Her eyes fluttered open to the warm sunlight peaking into the luxurious bedroom. The first thing she noticed were the black locks falling on her face, the face nuzzled into her neck and her legs tangled with another's.

She shifted a little causing the hand drawing circles in her thighs to stop as she heard a deep voice begin. "You are awake...", he said, kissing her neck lightly.

- - - - -


The movie had just finished and Itachi just switched off the movie. "Aiko.", he called. No answer.

"Aiko.", no answer.

He turned his head only to see her sleeping peacefully. An idea popped into his head as he softly pressed his lips to hers, moving them slowly as her eyes shot open widening a fraction then he pulled away smirking. "Is that what I have to do to wake you up?"

"If that's what you are going to do to wake me up, I might just fall asleep more often.", she said, smirking back.

"Tch...you don't have to fall asleep for me to kiss you."

"Oh, yeah?", she said before smashing her lips into his as they both moved in sync, this time though things went a little different because the sweet kiss soon turned very passionate and next the thing Aiko felt was Itachi's tongue swiping her bottom lip as she granted access, opening her mouth wider as she felt his tongue sweep through her lips dancing with her tongue as he explored her whole mouth. She felt her so lost in the kiss, however the phone rang at the worst time possible.

Itachi looked at her with half lidded eyes as they pulled away and he reached for the phone, "Hello?"

She couldn't recognize nor hear the voice on the other side till he said, "Mother?"

After a long conversation Itachi had with his mother, Aiko was finally ready for bed and she got off the couch only to feel two strong arms wrap around her as Itachi kissed her cheek, "I am sorry, I took so long."

"You haven't seen her in like four months, why are you apologizing?"

"Awww...well you are sleeping in my room, right?"

"Uh, okay."

"You sound unsure."

"It's just this is the first time we will be-"

"Sharing a bed?"


They both headed upstairs and got ready for bed after which they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


- - - - -


[ Aiko's POV ]

Since we haven't been out in a while, Itachi and I decided to go out for dinner tonight but first we would relax walking on the beach since we had no other company. We missed both boys, especially since they were always with us.

- - - - -

[ Sasuke's POV ]

I spent the past day with my uncles and my cousins would show up every so often. Currently, all of us are at the beach and all these women kept drooling at my uncles and cousins, I just rolled my eyes.

I miss Itachi, Aiko and Naruto, we have grown very close these past four months. Suddenly, I see a familiar set of people...Naruto and Iruka sensei.

- - - - -

[ Naruto's POV ]

I spot a familiar Ravenette and I run straight towards him. "Itachi!", I scream running towards him.

- - - - -

[ Itachi's POV ]

I see Naruto running towards me as he screamed for me. I chuckled, lifting him into the air only to see another familiar little boy running towards me, "Naruto and Sasuke, what are you two doing here?"

"I came here with Iruka...", Naruto trailed off.

"And I came here with uncle Madara, uncle Izuna, Obito and Shisui. Grand uncle Indra is at home."

"Wow, I never took them as the beach type...", I said, thoughtfully as both parties started approaching.

Just as they arrived, my plus one came back from the ice cream shop. Both boys ran straight to her, hugging her as she laughed handing them our ice cream as I smiled...she is so thoughtful.

Eventually, we all ended up walking together. Obito walked in front next to Shisui, carrying Naruto on his shoulders as Sasuke sat on Shisui's shoulders. I felt Aiko's hand brush mine and I took the chance to intertwine our hands as she leaned on my shoulder.

At about 4 PM, we all headed to our respective homes. As soon as we got home, I sent Aiko to the kitchen for tea. When she was gone, I ran upstairs and pulled out a black dress with a pair of stilettoes and a black hand bag, I bought these for Aiko for the date.

Then I left them out on the bed just as Aiko walked in, her eyes widened, "What is all this?"

"Your outfit for tonight.", I said smiling as she set the tea down then walked over, throwing her arms around me, "Why do you spoil me so much?"

"Because you spoil me so much and because I love you, my angel.", she just hid her face in my jacket.

"Stop being so cheesy.", she said as I laughed. I cupped her face, "Let's get ready, okay?"

"Hai!", she said, kissing me quickly as we both headed to get ready.

Aiko walked out of the shower, her hair was wavy, she had the dress on...it looked so good on her and clung perfectly on her hourglass body.

I watched as she walked over to the dresser and started doing her make up, it was so interesting to watch her. She saw me through the mirror and patted the seat next to her as I sat, watching her put some skin colored cream on her face along with some other powders.

Then she used some black stick to stab her eyes which confused me but it was interesting to watch. We then headed out the door to our date.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

We headed to a restaurant that confused me because everything there was sweet, "Uh Itachi, this doesn't look like a restaurant..."

"Oh, it is. It's a full dessert course restaurant."

"Seriously?!", I said beaming with joy.

- - - - -


[ Itachi's POV ]

"Aiko has always been a weird girl, she strongly believes that the meal is only as good as the dessert in fact if she could only have dessert for dinner she probably would.", Sasori said to me as a piece of advice.

"Wait, what's wrong with that?"

"Not you too...", Sasori sighed, rubbing his face in defeat. "I swear you both are going to give each other diabetes."


- - - - -


[ Itachi's POV ]

I saw the bright look on Aiko's face as I grabbed her hand and walked into the restaurant. We took a seat by the window and I sat down opposite to her, "I heard from Sasori about what you always wanted to have for dinner, so…"

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!", she said enthusiastically. "When did he tell you this though?"

"Some time ago..."