Growing up in the Imperial Capital. Argo never expected anything save for a life of betrayal and intrigue. But it all changes, when he is bestowed a title and fief, sent to the outskirts, abandoning his Imperial duties and his right to inherit in exchange. Where the sea meets the shore, will he be able to have his happily ever after? //// For Author Updates: //// Enjoy.
9th Line.
A street where the stone became unnaturally paved, compared to the shabby cobblestone paths that predominantly spread throughout the whole city making bumpy carriage rides into a flying coach in difference.
The building built of stone turned into building with mahogany wood used as supports, and for the sake of stylizing everything, with it being a difficult import due to the forestless nature of Hacuray.
The roofs were curved with some sort of sleek blue, red, and some places black materials making up the shingles, creating a vibrant area with banners in front of stores with writing and promotions, as well as hawkers shouting at the people passing by.
By comparison, the 9th Line stood as the greatest commercial district in the city.