
The Fan(GL)

This story is about two women who always found and loved each other in every lifetime but not meant to be together. This story is about two people who fell in love at the wrong time and opportunity. It is the love of two women named Freen Sarocha, a servant and Rebecca Armstrong, daughter of a noble foreigner. Their love was not accepted and understood by the people in the 16th century that brought them to disaster and death. But even death cannot stop their love because it not only overflows in their hearts but also in the depths of their souls. This is because of the red thread that binds their souls that no matter what happens at any time they will still find each other. But this connection is just a part of Freen's life to teach her a lesson that until she overcomes it will just happen again and again in a cycle. Just like she would repeatedly see her beloved Rebecca die in her arms in every timeline. But the last time Freen died, she found a way choosing to live in the opposite situation, is this the time that she can finally change the course of their story? A/N This is a freenbeck fanfic story this is my first time doing a fanfic. I just can't get over yet with this two so I decided to write a fanfic.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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55 Chs


Rebecca's POV

''Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to get out of this mansion with your people? ''I said it calmly but firmly.

''Rebecca, I can't do that.'' Nop's only answer was with pleading eyes.

''Why not? '' I ask. Nop hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice filled with sadness. "Because I care about you, Rebecca. I want to protect you, even if it means staying in this mansion."

''Protect me from what? ''I ask confused. Nop took a deep breath before answering, his voice tinged with unease. "There have been reports of suspicious activity in the area. I fear for your safety, Rebecca."

''Are you inventing things now? Just to cover my parents intention to not let me have my freedom just once, even if it's the only thing I ever ask before I let them ruin my life by pairing me with random men that would benefit their own agendas, I say, "Rebecca, I understand your frustration, but I assure you that my concerns are genuine. Your parents may have their reasons, but my priority is your safety. Please trust me on this."

''There you said it. So is it true that my parents have something to do with your appearance? I thought you were by my side. Why are you doing this to me? ''

''Rebecca, I understand that this revelation may be difficult for you to process. I want you to know that my intentions have always been to protect you and ensure your well-being. While your parents may have played a role in our arrangement, my commitment to you remains unwavering. Please believe me when I say that I am here for you, no matter the circumstances. ''

''Could you just tell what is really happening here? '' I said, looking into his eyes, I know there's something more to this.

He looked away and then looked down. He gripped the fork in his hand tightly. He was about to say something when a certain person came, bringing dinner.

Tom Yum Goong, a spicy and sour soup with shrimp, and Pad Thai, a flavorful stir-fried noodle dish, are two of my favorites. I know Miss Nam might have requested this dish for me. I could smell the fragrant aroma of the dishes as they were placed on the table.

I swear my mouth waters as it is placed in front of me. But I remained composed, as I don't want this woman to think I have forgotten what she did in the grassfield.

Nop smiled at her and thanked her. '' Hmm..This is delicious. You really are a good cook like your mother, Freen, Nop comments, as he has already tasted the food. Freen then smiles at him while scratching her neck.

And I put my spoon down with force, and it fell on the floor, causing a loud clatter.The two flirts in front of me at the table turned to look at me, startled by the sudden noise.

''Rebecca, are you okay? What happened to you? Nop asked, came to me, and checked my hand that had been spilled with my hot soup broth. I'm fine, I said to Nop while Freen was just looking at me with a fake worried face. I crossed my arms and stared at her.

What a waste! The food looks delicious, but I am pissed.

'' I don't like the food; It tastes bad, I said.

''What, but it tastes good? Nop defended.

It really tastes good; I just wanted to express my frustration about spilling it.

Because how could she flirt with everybody?

Is this her job here? flirt with everyone? Are we paying her to flirt? I couldn't help but wonder if her behavior was part of her job description. It seemed excessive and unprofessional to flirt with everyone, especially if we were paying her for a different role.

''Rebecca, this tastes good. What are you saying that this tastes bad? '' I snatched the soup bowl from him .

'' Now what? You spilled it? '' I groaned .

'' But you are the one who snatched it; I thought you didn't want it? '' He rebutted .

'' What's mine is mine !! I exclaimed, frustrated by his response. "Just because I didn't want it doesn't mean you can take it without asking. It's about respect and common courtesy, I exclaimed.

I hear a giggle from an annoying girl.

''What are you laughing at, huh? ''

She looked at me innocently and

Oh, please, that trick won't work on me.

'' Clean this! ''

''Not you.'' I said when she attempted to clean the messed

 ''Nop, clean that.''I said firmly.

''What? Nop retorted, annoyed, and I just glared at him. I grinned as he obliged .

''Irin,'' she said, leaning her face close as she was just standing near me.

''Yes, Lady Rebecca? ''

''Tell that flirty girl to stop flirting, cook some food for her, and bring it to my room, I commanded.

''Yes, Lady Rebecca.'' And she obliged and talked to Freen .

And I got up and started walking to my room.

Irin had just finished assisting with cleanup when we heard a knock. At the door, I can hear her talking a little.

As she closed the door and returned to me carrying a tray of food, I caught a whiff of something very alluring.

She placed the tray on my bed. and I couldn't help but admire the presentation. The aroma of the food made my mouth water, and I couldn't wait to dig in.

And she opened my eyes and twinkled. It is Gaeng Keow Wan, a fragrant green curry with chicken, and Pla Rad Prik, a crispy fish topped with spicy chili sauce. These dishes were meticulously prepared by skilled palace chefs using traditional techniques and fresh ingredients sourced from the royal gardens. The vibrant colors of the curry and the perfectly crispy texture of the fish were a feast for the eyes. The combination of flavors in each dish promised to be a culinary delight, and I knew that I was in for a truly memorable dining experience.

I didn't waste time and immediately dug into the fragrant and tender chicken, savoring the rich blend of spices that danced on my palate. The Pla Rad Prik was equally impressive, with its delicate balance of heat from the chili sauce and the succulent flakiness of the fish. Each bite transported me to a world of royal indulgence, where every ingredient was carefully chosen to create a harmonious symphony of flavors.

I burped as I finished all the food in just a moment. I never thought I'd eat that much, and I couldn't help but marvel at the culinary expertise that went into crafting such a delectable meal. The experience left me with a newfound appreciation for the artistry and skill behind Thai cuisine.

''What are you doing here? '' I asked, as Freen was looking at me with a smile. Where is Irin now, that woman who left me with this witch? I can't believe her.

That woman will pay.


The next day came, and Rebecca was still thinking about how to make Freen pay for the kiss. And because she was again speechless at Freen's skill at cooking food, she saw the latter cleaning the floor, and she purposely spilled some water on the ground to make Freen slip and fall.

''Oops, Rebecca said to Freen with a sly grin as Freen's feet slid out from under her. "Be careful next time," she added, suppressing a triumphant smile. As Freen struggled to regain her balance, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had successfully taken revenge on the woman but was still not done.

But before she managed to get past, Freen purposely tripped Rebecca, which almost made her fall directly to the floor, but Freen's fast reflex wouldn't let that happen.

''Lady Rebecca's .'' Irin screamed in horror when she saw Lady Rebecca was about to fall but gasped as she saw how Freen managed to catch Rebecca quickly and safely in her arms.

Freen's left leg is supporting Rebecca's back, besides her arms that catch the latter while her other leg is kneeling on the floor .

Lady Rebecca was cutely closing her eyes out of fright from her fall.

''I won't let myself fall. Of course, we should be together for justice. Don't worry; I'll always catch you. dear lady

''ฉันจะไม่ปล่อยให้ตัวเองล้มลง แน่นอนว่าเราควรร่วมกันเพื่อความยุติธรรม ไม่ต้องกังวล ฉันจะกอดคุณไว้เสมอ ผู้หญิงที่รัก'' Freen said with a smirk when Lady Rebecca opened her eyes Realizing she's safe.

Of course she didn't understand what Freen had said, but she still turned red like a potato because of their faces again, plus their position is awkward for two women.

And it reminds her of their interaction at the grass field.

Pissed again, she pushed the beautiful woman away from her, which caused Freen to finally lay on the ground laughing at the latter. which made the latter grumble in frustration with clenched fists.


She purposely called Freen to come to her room, and she made Irin help her get some flour and eggs in a bucket. Irin was suspicious about what Rebecca would use those for.

A sly grin appeared on her lips when she heard a knock.

She Immediately hid herself in the bathroom and pretended to be taking a bath.

Freen heard a faint answer from the inside, and she comfortably opened the door. Little did Freen know, as she stepped into the room, that Rebecca had planned a devious prank. 

As Freen was about to enter, Rebecca's heart raced with anticipation, eager to see the look of shock on her face when she discovered what was waiting for her.

But Freen didn't continue ,she saw a glimpse of the bucket above her tied .Instead she stayed outside and waited beside the door. A few minutes pass and a raging footsteps and door was abruptly ,

And there , Lady Rebecca was, bathing in a bucket of flour with eggs in it .


The bucket fell on Freen's head as she purposely push Lady Rebecca to save her from the bucket

''You tricked me!!'' Lady Rebecca's enraged voice.

She was about to slap Freen but just quickly hold her wrist . She uses her other hand but Freen again catch it and holding both the lady's wrist. Cutely glaring at her while looking to the beautiful thai maid as Freen is taller than her and again pissed Rebecca off being born short.

 Rebecca's knees weakens when Freen gave that smirk again.

''Let go of me '' Rebecca tried to free herself from Freen but Freen is way more strong that her instead Freend lead her to the wall and pinned her hands above head.

Rebecca's heartbeat goes fast as Freen face getting closer to hers , in Freen's mind she's goin crazy as she still don't understand what the kiss was for . It didn't let her sleep for almost a week now the taste of lady's lips stayed with her. It doesn't go.

''AAAh-MMhhhhmp''Lady Rebecca's screamed was quickly covered by Freen's other hand that gives the lady a chance to pushed her and dragged her out of the room and the lady closed the door .

Both of them unconsciously leaned their back to the door holding their breath.

''ทำไม'' Freen whispered before she completely left  the room. While was still wondering what's wrong with her being weak to that girl  .

''I can't believe I wanted that to happen.'' She said to herself before she decided to clean herself.                                           


The next day, Freen was cleaning the stairs, and the lady was just watching, waiting for her chance to see the result of another prank. Freen was finally on the final five steps when she slipped and slid funnily to the floor. Lady Rebecca burst into laughter again, unable to contain her amusement at Freen's comedic fall. Irin rushed over to help Freen up, concern etched on her face once more.

While Miss Nam shook her head at Rebecca's continual pranks, she couldn't help but secretly find them amusing as well. However, she knew that Freen's safety should be the top priority and decided to have a serious talk with Lady Rebecca about the consequences of her actions.

''What? '' Lady Rebecca? Miss asked as she saw how the old lady looked at her with concern.

''I know what you are doing, Rebecca, and while it may be entertaining for you, it's important to consider the potential harm it can cause. Freen could have been seriously injured in that fall, and we need to think about the consequences of our actions before we act, Miss Nam said sternly, her voice filled with genuine worry for Freen's well-being. Lady Rebecca looked taken aback by Miss Nam's serious tone, realizing the gravity of her pranks for the first time.

''But she's not. I know what I am doing, Miss Nam. I've been doing these pranks for a while now, and Freen has always been fine," Lady Rebecca replied defensively. "However, I understand your concern, and I will be more mindful of the potential risks in the future."

Miss Nam couldn't believe what she just heard from Lady Rebecca.

'' In that case, I am going to withdraw her from her duty, Miss Nam firmly said.

''No.'' Lady Rebecca quickly disregards Miss Nam's statement.

''Why? '' Miss Nam's question made Rebeca speechless.

''Just because I want to , was the only word that came out of her mouth.

Miss Nam shook her head and helped Freen, clearly disappointed in Lady Rebecca's decision. She had always believed that Lady Rebecca was a responsible and thoughtful person, but now she questioned her judgment. As she walked in Freen's direction, Miss Nam couldn't help but wonder how this incident would affect their working relationship in the future.

Freen looked in Lady Rebecca's direction and saw the woman grinning at her, but this time she had enough and grinned back at Lady Rebecca. That made Lady Rebecca feel something shift in her confidence and demeanor, giving her a look that looks like it has something not good to do but she continue to walk away with fake confidence thinking did she really go overboard now?

The next few day passed, Miss Rebecca was now ready to go take a bath on her own with the warm water she had commanded to prepare.

And she did go to the bathroom, and



''Get away from me, waaaaah.''

''Waaa help help help !!!