
The Fan(GL)

This story is about two women who always found and loved each other in every lifetime but not meant to be together. This story is about two people who fell in love at the wrong time and opportunity. It is the love of two women named Freen Sarocha, a servant and Rebecca Armstrong, daughter of a noble foreigner. Their love was not accepted and understood by the people in the 16th century that brought them to disaster and death. But even death cannot stop their love because it not only overflows in their hearts but also in the depths of their souls. This is because of the red thread that binds their souls that no matter what happens at any time they will still find each other. But this connection is just a part of Freen's life to teach her a lesson that until she overcomes it will just happen again and again in a cycle. Just like she would repeatedly see her beloved Rebecca die in her arms in every timeline. But the last time Freen died, she found a way choosing to live in the opposite situation, is this the time that she can finally change the course of their story? A/N This is a freenbeck fanfic story this is my first time doing a fanfic. I just can't get over yet with this two so I decided to write a fanfic.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Old Letter

Freen's POV


''Ready the fireflies on release. '' I can hear them on my earpiece as I am waiting for the signal that Becky puts the lamp at the window as the script instructs.

Supposedly, someone should be the one who is going to release the fireflies, as they have a certain technique of angles to make the fireflies look magical.

But the moment Becca put the lamp up, the images flashed through my brain. 'God, she's beautiful in her 18th-century night gown.

''Ready '' Director Wuttapong signals the staff, but I immediately grab the Jar of Fireflies and let the fireflies in.

This is how I exactly thought in my mind.

The fireflies flew. I looked in Becca's direction, and I saw how her eyes lit up with wonder and awe. The soft glow of the fireflies illuminated her face, creating a breathtaking scene. It was as if time stood still, and in that moment, I knew I had made the right decision to release the fireflies.

And if I could have a chance to live where I exactly did this, I would still do the same, just to see the look of pure joy on Becca's face. It was a simple act, but it brought so much happiness to both of us. The fireflies danced around me, creating a magical atmosphere that I will never forget.

And out of pure joy, I fell in love with them and my heart for the first time in a long time, like it had been weirdly reawakened. The soft glow of their tiny bodies illuminated the night, filling me with a sense of wonder and awe. It was a moment of pure serenity, where all worries and troubles seemed to fade away. As I watched Becca's eyes light up with delight, I realized that sometimes the simplest gestures can have the greatest impact on our lives.

And I close my eyes and wish that if only things were simpler and less complicated, I could be transported back to that moment of pure serenity, where the soft glow of fireflies brought a sense of magic to the world. In that moment, I yearned for a life filled with more moments like these, where the beauty of simplicity could truly be appreciated.

Far from judgment

Far from threats

No deaths

Far from the chaos and noise of everyday life, I longed for a world where genuine connection and joy could be found in the simplest of moments. In that moment of pure delight, I realized that sometimes all we need is a peaceful sanctuary, free from judgment and threats, where life can be cherished and celebrated without fear or loss.

'And CUT!! ''

And that's it. I am back to reality again.

I was taken aback when Jim suddenly hugged me after a moment of silence.

''Wow, Freen, that was amazing. You made it so realistically magical. You're a real pro.'' Kade praised me while Jim was just nodding and clapping. I couldn't help but blush at the compliment, feeling a sense of accomplishment and validation. Jim's hug was a reminder that sometimes the simplest moments can have the greatest impact on our lives.

I just smiled at them as an answer, still thinking about the moment when the images flashed through my mind and I looked in Becca's direction.

She was kind of in a rush with Tee. I wonder what they are talking about. I looked disappointed, hoping she'd look in my direction, but no. It's like I am really the only one feeling all this deja vu through the whole set and shooting of this novel's film adaptation.

It's been happening for three months now. Which also escalated my feelings for her, and I am still not doing anything because of the whole Blew's incident and the death threats I am receiving. I have not talked to anyone about this yet, but I am trusting Mr. M. For this, I mean that he is the only person I can trust to do things that would make things worse.

And Becky has been acting weird. She used to be so friendly and outgoing, but lately, she's been distant and avoiding me. I can't help but wonder if something is going on with her that I'm not aware of. It's making me even more hesitant to confront my feelings for her, as I don't want to add any more complications to the already tense situation.

I wonder if she also gets anonymous letters of threats like I do. If she's experiencing similar issues, it could explain her change in behavior. It might be worth discussing our concerns with each other to find a solution together.

I excuse myself from everyone in the most polite and discreet manner possible. I don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself or make anyone suspicious of my intentions. And I find myself changing in my room in this mansion. My assistant helps me.

As I finished changing, I got out of my room and made my way to Becca's room to catch up. This is the only time that we can at least hang out with each other, as the others were shooting the scenes of Kirk and the other characters.

But unfortunately, she wasn't there.

''I am sorry, Freen. But Tee and Becky go out for a coffee.

''It's okay, Mee. It's not important. I was just trying to check in on her. Do you know when they'll be back? "I asked Mee, hoping to catch up with Becca later.

''Hmm.. I actually don't know. I am sure they will come later to rehearse their first scene together and the first appearance of Tee in the film.'' Mee explained.

I nodded, understanding that I would have to wait a bit longer to see Becca. As Mee continued to talk about the upcoming scenes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy building within me.

''Don't worry, Freen; I am sure you still have a chance.'' Meesaid with a teasing look.

''I'm sorry? '' I said, lost on what he meant.

''Freen, baby, I can see the way you look at each other. Nothing passes my gaydar.'' He said with a wink.

''Okay everyone, gather everything that Becky needs for her next scene..'' Mee commands his team as he turns his back on me.

I sighed and told him that I was going, and he answered with a nod. As I walked away, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Maybe Mees' comment had some truth to it, and I needed to confront my feelings head-on.

But with all these issues, it is hard, especially when Blew and mine's fans club. Are you kind of blaming me for what happened to Blew?

I decided to go out of the mansion to get some fresh air.


  Becca's POV

''Now I remember where I saw him,'' I whispered to Tee.

''Can you please tell me why we are even hiding here? Spying, Mr. Cutie? '' Tee asked, obviously not liking the idea.

''This is why he looked so familiar.'' I continued

''He was that subtitute professor of philosophy when I was in college,'' I explained, my memory flooding back. ''And we're not spying; we're just... observing.''

''Observing what? ''Tee asks confusedly while killing the mosquitoes that are lurking around us, making an annoying sound.

She looked at me in disbelief.

''What? '' I ask, confused, why she's giving me the look.

''Becky, you are the one tailing the guy and stalking him here behind the bushes with all these mosquitoes. I don't even know why I came here with you,'' Tee said, rolling her eyes. "I mean, who does that? It's just creepy."

''Because he is fishy. '' I said again trying to make see my point.

''Just because he is baby face,doesn't mean he is weird you know.'' Tee trying reason out again.

''That is not my point here'' I said in a high tone.

''Then what?!'' Tee said in a more high tone vice.

''Tee.shh.'' I said, covering her mouth as I saw Mr. Cutie/the writer finally out of the maiden's room.

''Come on, let's get in," I said, opening the window of the maiden.

''What the hell, Becky, what are you doing? '' Tee said in panic.

''Relax.I got this.'' I said as the lock clicked and I got in. Tee hesitated for a moment before reluctantly following me through the window. The room was dimly lit, filled with the scent of lavender, and adorned with antique furniture.

''Can you tell me what we are looking at here? '' Tee asks again, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of unease. I glanced around the room, taking in the atmosphere before responding, "We're searching for any clues or evidence that might help us solve the mystery surrounding Mr. Cutie's disappearance."

''Come again? Didn't we just follow him here? and watched him get out of the room? '' I raised an eyebrow, puzzled by Tee's confusion. "Yes, we did witness him leaving the room, but something doesn't add up. There must be more to this than meets the eye."

''Becky, are you even hearing yourself? I don't get you. Can you explain to me first what's going on here? '' Tee asked, clearly frustrated with my cryptic statements. "I understand your confusion, but remember the secret passage we found in this room before when we were just starting our shoot in this mansion?''

''Mhm. What about it? '' Tee answered.

'' Well, don't you notice that it is not here anymore? '' I said, pointing at the spot where the secret passage used to be. "It's like it vanished into thin air. I think there's something hidden here that we haven't discovered yet."

She lit the spot with her phone like I did, and her eyes got wide.''H--how did this happen? '' She asked, her voice filled with disbelief. "I mean, it was just here. ''

''Exactly.'' I said. ''There must be some sort of mechanism or trick to make it disappear. We need to investigate further and find out what it is.''

''So, why do you propose that this has to do with Blew's supposed murder case? '' Tee asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Well," I began, "if there's something hidden here that we haven't discovered yet, it could potentially be a clue or evidence related to Blew's murder. It might be connected in ways we can't fully comprehend yet."

''I still don't see the connection between the guy who shot Blew. And I am sure everyone will find out about him anyway when Blew wakes up; you know he is not dead; he is just in a coma.'' Tee reason out and be skeptical.

''Exactly why we are her; he is in a coma, and no one knows who that guy is going to kill next before Blew wakes up with all those death threats being sent to Freen and everyone else. I agree with you; it's crucial to investigate any potential connections between Blew's murder and Gunner. We need to uncover the truth before any more harm is done. '' I said, and I continued, "It's possible that Gun Man may have some involvement in Blew's coma, especially considering the death threats being sent to Freen and others. We can't afford to wait for Blew to wake up before taking action. We need to gather evidence and find out who is behind all of this before it's too late."

''Does she even know that you knew about this? When did you even start wanting to become a detective? '' Tee's sarcastic comment interrupted my train of thought. I took a deep breath and replied, "No, she doesn't know yet. As for when I started wanting to become a detective, it was after witnessing the injustice and corruption in our city firsthand. I couldn't stand by and do nothing anymore." My philosophical answer to her comment seemed to surprise her.

She rolled her eyes. '' HAHAHA. funny.'' I shrugged off her sarcastic laughter and started finding something that would open the passage through the other room, and I caught something on the side of an old closet.

I put my phone in my pocket, and I pulled the piece of paper that was stuck on the side of the closet. It was under the stand of the closet, so I tried to lift the closet. I was struggling at first, but Tee helped me lift it up, and I was able to pull the paper.

Tee and I looked at each other for a moment when I unfolded the paper. It was a faded handwritten note, or is it a letter? A very old letter?

We could hardly make out the words, but the delicate handwriting and yellowed paper suggested their age. Curiosity piqued, and we both leaned in closer to decipher its mysterious contents.

''It's an English letter.'' I whispered, my voice filled with excitement. The letter seemed to be from a bygone era, with phrases and expressions so old.

''I think we should leave now.'' I suggested. As I felt something cold brush against my shoulder, a shiver ran down my spine. The letter held an eerie presence, as if it were whispering secrets from the past.

''That's the most good idea you ever suggested.'' Tee said with a nervous laugh. The atmosphere in the room had suddenly become heavy, and I could sense Tee's uneasiness as well. We carefully placed the letter back where we found it, making sure not to disturb its ancient energy any further.

''Come on.'' Tee whispered, shouting as she was already out in the window. But I can't stop myself, so I grab the paper again,put it in my jeans pocket, and follow Tee outside the room.

''What are you two doing here? ''