
The Fallen Deity

A war had broken out in the heavens and the mortal realm. The war in the heavens was quickly ended with the deaths of all but one Deity known as Alex. During the war in the heavens Alex was injured and found themself in the mortal realm. The only downside was that their power was nearly gone. Follow Alex on their journey through the mortal realm, eventually gaining their power, and deciding whether to ascend back to the heavens or to stay in the land of the mortals. (Everything in this novel is original. If found anywhere else it is advised to remove it due to copyright.) (P.S. might get a little gruesome at some points... not all mortals are kind.)

FreddyDeathBear · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The War of Gods and Kings (Part 1)


Explosions resounded throughout the Sky, whilst wars were waged below. To any normal person who lacked faith, this phenomena was nothing more than terribly timed weather.

Thousands upon thousands of people in ironclad armour wielding swords could be seen no matter what direction you looked. The sea of warriors were crowding a large City, battling throughout the streets.

This was a city known for its wealth and the freedoms people had here. It was called Siralef and it was the capital of the Kingdom of Drogmar. The Kingdom of Drogmar was one of the current top power's on the continent. The King known as 'Darius the Brave' was leading the army currently defending Siralef and its people from the neighboring Kingdom of Stolace. Stolace, unlike Drogmar, had a higher restriction of rights the lower your status went. The King of Stolace was known as King 'Rolfgar the Cruel'. The two kingdoms were at odds due to the ideals each had believed to be the most superior. Stolace believed that only those of noble bloodlines had the right to make decisions and be in positions of power whereas Drogmar felt that no one person, aside from the King, was above another. King Darius wore Steel armour with Golden Trims. He held a silver longsword with golden patterns decorating the blade. King Rolfgar was in the streets of the city viciously tearing through anything that came in his direction be they friend or foe. The only reason he showed up to this battle was because he was informed that Darius would also be participating and Rolfgar wanted to see the king killed by his own hands.


In the sky far above the realm of mortals, Seventeen deities, fourteen of which were covered head to toe in blood, fought fiercely for victory. The number from before had been more than triple the remaining deities but over half had already perished. There were both good and evil deities, as well as neutral deities that chose to abstain from this war. There were a total of Seventy-Three original deities, though the ones who had the littlest power had all but perished aside from Two who chose not to join this war. Originally any deity who died would just be resurrected after a certain time period had passed, but a strange incident which started this whole war had occurred. A deity had died and wasn't resurrected after that time had passed. After noticing this, an evil deity created an elaborate plan and murdered another deity. This was to not only increase their power, but also to deal a blow to those of a good alignment. Multiple incidents like this happened everywhere, which sparked the start of the war.

For the evil deities it was a war to gain full control and rid themselves of the ones who had always opposed them by helping a mortal interfere with their plans. For the good deities this was a war of survival and keeping the world from falling to darkness, but for the neutral deities this war was not something they saw the point of. There were a limited number of deities, and every deity that was lost would cause a following wave of disaster. Some mortals would lose faith in the gods if suddenly no prayers were answered. Others would take advantage and use excuses such as holy wars to pillage and murder since they knew they wouldn't be punished if there was no god to punish them. Though normally a year or so later the god in question would revive and the mortal who caused all of the suffering, should their deity be of good alignment, would be found dead the following morning, though the scene would not be very pretty. That is the wrath of a deity. But now there was no revival and the chaos that could ensue would be uncontrollable.

There was one neutral deity who was far stronger than the rest of the deities. Every deity that was involved in this war was afraid of them joining the opposing side. This deity was Alex. As they were the strongest deity to exist far surpassing any other deity in both power and intelligence, they were one of the biggest targets that threatened both sides. Even though they made it clear many times that they would not be taking a side in this war. Many of the other deities did not believe them. Alex was not too bothered by this though. They were the eldest, but also the most respected and feared deity. They were feared because no one was strong enough to defeat them in a head on battle.

There was an evil deity who was well aware of this fact. And in fear of them joining the other side decided to create a plan to remove Alex from the picture. They went to a deity who was of good alignment and made a deal to not fight each other and work together to remove this threat. The good deity, Alice, agreed to the terms and struck a deal with Mildred the evil deity. Although she was naturally on guard against any surprise attacks, she had believed this plan to be a good way to restore balance or even breach into the lighter side of the world. Having a neutral deity was never a problemless issue. Many of the neutral deities would cause chaos just for the sake of entertainment. Although they weren't evil they still made her job more difficult. Even if Alex wasn't like that, there was still the chance they'd do something. With their power though nobody would be able to stop them.


Back in the mortal realm the two kingdoms were fighting with all their might. One trying to survive while the other tried to destroy. Rolfgar was rapidly approaching Darius. Every two steps he would mutilate another person, leaving them limbless or cut in half.

He wielded a Great Axe that didn't really have any special engravings or decorations on it. It was covered in blood and random bits of flesh still hung from the head. Rolfgar was in a blood frenzy, killing everything that crossed his path. While he was charging at Darius and about to swing his axe, he was stabbed in the side by a normal low-ranked soldier. This surprised Rolfgar but due to his blood frenzy he barely felt it. It caused quite a bit of damage and lowered his mobility but it was not of concern to him. Rolfgar raised his axe and decapitated the boy. "A child… managed to hurt me?!" He laughed maniacally. "Good! Good! There might be some decent warriors in this city after all." Rolfgar continued to charge towards Darius.

Darius, who was defending his soldiers, was fighting several enemy soldiers at one time. He was pretty much nearly surrounded. Three of them charged at him at once, he swung his blade and the three fell simultaneously. The last five who saw this were stunned but regained their senses and blamed the act on luck. They all charged him at the same time far enough apart that not a single sword slash would be able to kill them all and at least one of them would be able to fatally wound him should they get close enough. In an instant he vanished. The soldiers stopped in their tracks and looked around. Then a soldier fell and his head rolled on the ground. Another soldier followed suit and one by one they all died with looks of horror on their faces. Darius reappeared moments after. Just as he was about to turn to check on his men he felt something was off and jumped to the side narrowly missing an axe crashing into his previous position leaving a small crater. Darius and Rolfgar had finally come face to face.


In the heavens above the remaining Deities, aside from the two who were working against Alex, and Alex themself, were fighting. Only two deities remained on the battlefield. One was good and the other was evil. In total seven deities remained. Two were fighting, two were scheming, and three were watching. The two deities who were fighting suddenly stopped. They looked at the weaker deities who weren't participating. Neither of the two other neutral deities were close enough for Alex to care what happened to them. After all they were a neutral deity themself and as long as it didn't affect them they wouldn't intervene. The two deities who were previously fighting charged the two neutral deities and killed them before continuing their own battle. Now there were only five deities remaining. All of a sudden Alex noticed movement in the corner of their eye. They turned and saw Alice motioning to them. Alex was a bit confused but followed her anyways, making sure to stay alert. After all there was a war going on and Alex had just witnessed two neutral deities being slaughtered in cold blood for no apparent reason. Alice started rambling on trying to distract Alex. Since she was a good deity she could not commit the act herself, so she was trying to lower his guard while leading him towards the edge of the Heavenly City. Alex wasn't entirely sure why they were walking the way they were. There was nothing over there to see, nor were there any places one could hide. A few moments later he felt the aura of the two deities, who were fighting before, slowly fade. Both of them managed to land a killing blow at around the same time. Returning to his senses he was stunned to see that they were at the edge of the city which led to the mortal realm. He had a small idea of why she brought him here and turned around. He was aware that she wouldn't kill him because of her alignment so he wasn't expecting to turn around and be pierced by a blade. Alice, or who was supposed to be Alice started morphing and changed their form back to the way it originally was. Alice came out from behind them a little while later with her eyes planted to the ground. She was ashamed of herself for this blatant plot, but wasn't regretful. She had to find a way to maintain the light and having a neutral deity was just too risky. She looked up at Alex and gave a smile of pity. The previous Alice who had just changed into their true form smiled and looked at the now kneeling Alex. "If only you weren't so neutral. You would've made a fine deity. Too bad all of that talent has now been wasted. Unfortunately for you everyone else is dead or in hiding. Though if they are, they'll soon be joining you." Mildred laughed. She looked at Alice before turning around to feel a sharp pain on her neck and see her body fall in front of her… headless. Mildred cursed for the last few seconds she had before dying. She was careless. Alice, seeing this scene, was terrified and realized just how strong Alex truly was. She started to turn away then felt a pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw a giant hole in her torso.

She looked in front of her and saw a spear sticking into a wall before it vanished into particles. She turned and looked at Alex in disbelief. Knowing she was about to die she decided to let go of her alignment and bring him with her. She casted a spell before falling lifelessly to the ground. Lightning struck Alex over and over again for what felt like years but in reality it was only thirty seconds. Alex stumbled backwards, and fell over the edge.
