
The Fallen Alpha.

To Sloane, she was a human girl who was cursed by the heavens. Death to her loved ones always seemed to follow her despite how innocent or antisocial she was. Her life had been filled with darkness ever since she was a child, and she never knew the reason why. After her encounter with the southern werewolf tribe's prince, Nathan, her life is further pulled into an inescapable abyss. She learns why her life had always been miserable and realises how much of her life had been built on lies. All her experiences while growing up as a child, had always led to life walking all over her. The more she learns, the more steps she takes which always led back to the words Nathan told her whenever she was discouraged "Turn your kindness into your greatest weapon" A fallen fighting to reclaim what she has lost. A naive girl turning into a decisive woman. That was who she was and who she slowly became. Her experiences with Nathan, became the stepping stone for her to become a powerful queen. She is the fallen alpha

Nicky_Fresh · Fantasie
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108 Chs

Chapter 61: Haven't Found Who To Hate

"I think I'd like to have a go on the doll" Timothy said while raising his hand

"Go ahead" Dante said as Timothy stood up from his seat and walked to the center

"Are you sure about this, Tim?" Priya asked "I thought you weren't a fighter"

"I'm not" Timothy said "And I don't want to hear any of that shit from the human that's put my life on the line"

"Geese. I was just worried about you" Priya grumbled as she tapped on the screen and a doll appeared in front of Timothy

Timothy walked forward and placed his hand on the doll and it lit up

'I wonder what it's going to turn into' Priya thought as the light started to fade 'Who does his heart hate?'

When the light completely faded, the doll stood still but nothing happened. It still looked the same and there was no sign of anything happening.

"Why didn't anything happen?" Mackenzie asked the question on everyone's mind

"That was unexpected" Rielle said as she stood up and peeked at what Priya was up to "It's surprising to find a demon who has nobody to hate. Especially when demons are naturally filled with negative emotions"

"Are you a pampered brat?" Zoe asked with a straight face

"No" Timothy answered "I simply dislike conflict and hope I'm never involved in it.....because, I don't know how to fight. I know I'd lose before the battle even began"

"So you're a coward" Zoe said

"That's actually something I hate being called" Timothy argued "The men in my family aren't born to fight. We have brains but no brawn while the women are the exact opposite"

"Hey" Lilith shouted "I'm not stupid"

"Politically, you're not" Timothy said "But on normal stuff, yes. Yes you are"

"Meanie" Lilith mumbled "I'll laugh when the doll wipes the floor with you"

"If you're done with your siblings spat, you'll let us finish" Zoe said and the two kept quiet

"Priya....have the doll activate it's automated mode" Rielle said "Just because his heart doesn't have someone to hate, doesn't mean he won't ever hate someone. As far as the doll lit up, its automated mode can still be activated"

"Oh" Priya let out as she looked away from Timothy and tapped a few things on the screen before moving it away from her face

The doll suddenly moved and without Timothy being able to react fast, he was punched right across the face. He was already bleeding from the corner of his mouth but his sister was laughing without control.

"Seriously brother, you're making the other boys look bad" Lilith said "This was why I told you several times to train those muscles of yours. Or what, are they for show?"

"And you wonder why I said you're naturally all brawns" Timothy said as he cleaned the blood and put his hands up in fists

"Tim, your stance is off" Lilith said as the doll threw a punch and Timothy blocked it with one hand. "At this rate, you're gonna leave-" she was about to finish when, the doll kicked Timothy in the shin, then gave him a thigh kick, before punching him right in the head "Too many openings" she completed her sentence as Timothy's body fell to the floor completely knocked out

There was silence for a while before Christian let out an open chuckle

"That was hilarious" Christian shouted while laughing "Knocked out after five hits"

"Are you even sure you're a werewolf?" Rosco mumbled "Are you even an alpha?" he sniffed the air "Your scent tells me you're an alpha. Maybe I should get my nose checked"

Timothy's injuries healed in a while and he was up again

"What happened?" Timothy asked

"You got your butt handed to you by a doll, that wasn't even your most hated enemy" Nathan said irritatedly with his arms crossed "It wasn't even fully activated. Are you even an alpha?" he asked "Even if you're not a fighter, you should at least know a bit of self-defense. Yet, I wonder how you don't even know the basics. Which also leads me to wonder how you've managed to survive and keep your position as alpha" he went from staring to full on glaring which made Timothy gulp and clench his fists

'As expected of the southern prince' Timothy thought as he got off the ground 'No sugarcoating. Just plain rude with a hint of mean' he picked up his doll bag and walked back to his seat with his head lowered

As soon a he sat down, Dante looked at everyone who had already fought and looked at those who had yet to fight. He realized there were really more girls than there were, boys.

"It seems like two girls will have to fight before the boys is every turn" Rielle said

"No" Zoe said while looking at her "We only need two sets to be like that, then things can go back to normal"

"Well, you heard them, who wants to have a go?" Dante asked and Cassandra happily walked up to the center 'Why are these girls so eager to fight their worst enemies? Even I'm afraid of the dolls' he shook his head as Cassandra touched the doll and it lit up without changing

"Another one?" Priya murmured before setting the doll on its automated mode

Cassandra took a stance and when the doll moved, about to punch her, she spun and used that as a chance to shift the doll's fist to the side before kicking the doll's chin with all her strength. Due to the fact the doll mimicked living beings movements and actions, it recorded Cassandra's hit as a knockout.

"Yay. I win" Cassandra said before the doll turned into a bag and she picked it up

"No damage was done to Cassandra but she still excelled to level two" Dante said "Congrats" as soon as he said that, Cassandra went back to her seat and was replaced by Natasha

Another doll appeared and Natasha touched the doll. It lit up... but didn't change.

"It seems like the new set of people have never stepped into the heat of battle" Dante sighed and as the match began, it ended with Natasha's win.

She had used the exact same moves as Cassandra. Except this time, instead of a kick to the head, it was a kick to the gut, followed by a head slam to her knee.

"Demon twins. They remind me of Gemini" Rielle said as she wrote down Natasha's level two, and Natasha went back to her seat.

"I bet Nathan trained them before this" Dante said while glaring at Nathan as Clark stepped up

A doll appeared but Clark didn't touch it "Just write level one for me. I'm not suited for hand to hand combat" Clark said

"Are you sure?" Tory asked

"Very sure" Clark said "I know I can't fight and I don't want to get my ass beaten like boy wonder, over there" he gestured to Timothy and the doll in front of Clark turned into a bag "Thanks" he said as he picked it up and went back to his seat while Mary replaced him on the field

"I'm ready" Mary said and a doll appeared in front of her. When she touched it, it lit up but nothing happened. Even Mary was confused; she herself knew how many enemies she had. 'Maybe, I never really viewed those that hated me as my enemies' she thought, with a shrug

When the doll started moving, Mary dodged many times but was later kicked in the gut and sent back. She flipped in midair and landed steadily on the ground. She ran towards the doll and as it threw two punches, she jumped and grabbed the doll by the head before slamming it into the ground. The doll's head was three inches inside the ground and the fight was recorded as her win.

Jerald looked at Alexa and Fernanda "I almost forgot that that these women are from the military"

"Have you seen the women of the southern and northern tribe, fight before?" Allen asked "It's mostly women that are commanding officers"

"Yikes" Jerald exclaimed as he watched Mary pick up her doll bag and sit on her seat like nothing happened

Brianna stood up and faltered to the center. When the doll appeared, "I'm sorry. I can't fight. I'll take the level one any day, any time" she said and just like that, she was marked level one and came back with the doll bag happily

'You know, you're unbelievable' Brianna heard Allen say through telepathy and she pouted

"Alright" Jerald exclaimed as he stood up "It's my turn" he walked yo the center

"Don't get beaten up too badly" Rosco murmured however, just like he thought, Jerald gave up without even touching the doll and came back to his seat with his doll bag in hand. "How the heck is a coward like you, even my brother?" Rosco asked in disbelief


"I'm out of here" Rosco said as he took over on the center

"Are you sure about this?" Dante asked as a doll appeared in front of Rosco

"Of course" Rosco said before touching the doll. It lit up and shrunk to his size but didn't do anything else.

And just as the doll was about to move, Rosco took a deep breath, swiftly moved all his strength to his leg, and gave the doll a heavy roundhouse kick. The doll was sent to the floor and it was a win for Rosco.

Everyone else looked at Jerald who had given up without doing anything

As Rosco came back with his doll bag and sighed before sitting next to Jerald "Can you, for once in your life stop hiding your strength?" Rosco asked before glaring at Jerald "It'll get you killed one day"

"I have such an observant younger brother" Jerald said with a chuckle and a smile

"So annoying" Rosco murmured before going completely silent

"I wanna try" Lilith said as she stood up before looking at Timothy "You wouldn't mind, right?"

"Don't destroy the field. A simple win is good enough..." just as Timothy was in the middle of his lecture, he saw that Lilith was already fighting the doll and he sighed

Just as the doll was about to punch Lilith, she diverted its hand to the side and with force, slammed her palm on the chest of the doll. The doll stopped moving completely and fell to the floor.

"Is this good enough, brother?" she asked and Timothy silently nodded as his sister happily took her doll bag and went back to her seat

"So, the two of you are in the 'My younger sibling is better than me club'?" Zoe taunted while looking at Timothy and Jerald

"It's only Tim who's in the club" Alexa said "Jerald....is just messing around"

"Caught in the act" Jerald said as he stuck out his tongue playfully

"That, looks scary" Kayden and Giselle said at the same time

"It's a fun play toy. You'll love it" Lilith said

"Gorilla woman" Kayden mumbled and he felt as though daggers were directed at the back of his head

"Lilith, don't" Timothy said

"But Tim, he started it" Lilith whined

"Sit down" Timothy said and she puffed her cheeks "No more insults"

"So, are Kayden and Giselle trying it?" Dante asked

"Being at level one is good enough for me at this moment" Giselle immediately said

"I don't want to get beaten up. I just got here" Kayden said

"Dad, Mum, can I have a go?" Mackenzie asked and everyone worriedly stared at her

"No" Nathan said bluntly

"You can have a go if you want" Sloane said and everyone stared at her. They all thought, she would be against it, completely. But now....

"Sloane, she spent a long time in the-"

"Nathan, please, let her" Sloane said "I trust that she can handle it"

Nathan stared into her eyes for a while, "I give up with you two" he murmured with a frown as he looked away and Mackenzie happily went to the center