A story following a young man named Sven that's based loosely on Greek mythology.
"Has anyone been able to find where that aura came from? " Thor asked.
"No, it was to brief, but I will send more men to search the earth." Asta replied.
"Failure is not an option, and Lord Odin has begun to become impatient. He foretold Ragnarok would be in this era and given the odd aura released last year I believe him. We didn't spend all these years rebuilding, recruiting, and manipulating humans to fail now. Every day more people begin to worship Christianity. Our immortality will begin to weaken soon if this keeps up, and then we will share the same fate as our ancestors. We need results now!" Thor demanded
Sven was in a loss for words. His father never mentioned him being found on a mountainside. His mother did always say he was a gift from the gods. So it may be true. 'What reason would he have to lie to me?' Sven thought to himself while trying to understand why they never told him.
"When I was young they even tried to recruit me. I almost took them up on it but wanted to help guide my people instead. We will need to be wary of them finding out your existence. They may interpret you as the serpent. You are not ready to stand against them, and they will not listen to your words if you don't have the strength to make them hear it. I will need some time to prep the cultivation chamber. I believe it will help you find the piece we are missing. Is there anything you need assistance with beforehand? " Mikom asked
"Can you tell me why I haven't been able to breakthrough in cultivation? I can't even use runes properly. " Sven replied.
"Runes? Is that what your mages call them? When magic was first taught glyphs were carved while pouring magic into an item to help it absorb lunar energy. As the three bothers went on to spread their teaching around the world. Every society adapted the magic in their own way. The language it's carved in doesn't matter, it's the intent, and energy you pour into the word. I've lived a long life, and still see new methods for magic. I recall a man with Lilith even calling them talismans, and used paper as a medium. It was rather effective to my surprise. You should be able to use the basic trinkets that empower weapons durability. Even normal warriors can wield these. As to reason you can't use magic it's because you're a dragon. You are already a primordial force of power. Wielding the elements should be natural to you. You can absorb lunar energy since you seem to be in a human form. However, you need not resort to our methods. I hear you engulfed the arena in flames with ease. Maybe you prefer fire, but you should be able to use more than that. Give it time, and work on visualizing your intent before expelling the energy. Your existence is a special one even among the great gods of the past. Your tie to Gaia is a powerful, and direct one." Mikom explained before standing up.
"Sorry, my knees aren't what they use to be. Prolonged sitting can be difficult. I must go outside, and discuss a matter with Kimi. It will take a few days for the right conditions for you to enter the chamber. Your free to do what you like until then. " Mikom added with a smile before leaving.
Sven was still trying to wrap his head around his parents not telling him they found him. After a few minutes, he decided it didnt change the way they cared for him. Erik gave his life for him. As far as Sven was concerned he truly was his father. He began to leave the cave, and he saw the two talking. When he was starting to walk by Mikom called out to him.
"Kimi here would like to join your group and travel with you when you leave. She is a very talented mage and my most gifted disciple. I believe her fate is connected with yours. Would you be okay with this?" Mikom asked.
"I don't mind at all. Is this what you want though Kimi?" Sven asked noticing before she didn't seem to like talking to him.
"Yes." Kimi replied while continuing to avoid eye contact.
She seemed red and more embarrassed than usual. Sven couldn't help but wonder what they talked about before he came up.
"She is a very shy girl so don't take her lack of words personal Sven. I have also taught her the glyphs I've used to set up this place. So she could aide you in your travels if you were to ever hit an issue in communication, or need to fortify an area. I'll be off to start the preparations needed. " Mikom said as he walked back to town.
"Since we're gonna be traveling together we should talk a little more. Can I ask where you're from?" Sven asked.
"I was born here. My parents passed when I was really young, and Mikom raised me after that. " Kimi replied.
"Sorry about your parents. I lost my mom when I was young so I know the feeling. If you ever need to talk about it you can. Also fair warning my companions can be a little rowdy so sorry in advance." Sven said as they both walked into town.
Kimi didn't respond to Sven. While they were walking he tried to make small talk a few times. She either responded very shortly or not at all. It was starting to get a little awkward. As they were coming back to the cabin about to go inside. Nadia saw them and ran up. She was waving at Kimi and briefly hugged her before focusing on Sven.
"Nice to see you again Sven. I see you met Kimi already. Was hoping to introduce you at some point anyway. Where did you two just come from? Doing something naughty in the woods Kimi. " Nadia teased with a lewd grin on her face.
Kimi's face brightened up fast, but she said nothing.
"We were just coming back from a meeting with chief Mikom. Kimi is gonna be joining me in my travels from now on." Sven replied.
"You're not gonna leave me out now are you?" Nadia teased as she came in to embrace him.
Sven was expecting his body to freeze again, but to his surprise, it didn't. Ever since he woke up he's had a weird feeling in his body.
"See your the only man who can handle my unique body. It's fate that we should be together." Nadia said before kissing Sven. He could feel the same allure from the nymphs they saw when arriving here. Sven began kissing back. Wanting to use the charm as an excuse, but the truth is he liked it. While they embraced and continued kissing Helga was walking back home when she saw this.
"Sven!" Helga yelled as she began running to him. He quickly looked over and had a tingle of fear run down his body.