A story following a young man named Sven that's based loosely on Greek mythology.
Sven was laying down on the bed with his arms around Helga, as she rested her head on his chest. She's trailing her hand around Sven's abs as they talk.
"I definitely wasn't expecting that. I'm not complaining though." Sven said with a smile on his face.
"I"ve wanted to do that for a while but wasn't sure how to approach you about it. Did you like it?" Helga questioned.
"Yes, it was amazing. I didn't know something could feel that good. I'm glad you're experienced." Sven replied
Helga went quiet for a second, before elbowing him in the stomach, and quickly get off the bed. She started to get dressed and walked towards the door. Sven had the breath knocked out of him, and took a second to recover.
"You're a dumbass you know that!" Helga scolded before storming out.
Sven started scratching his head wondering what set her off. As he was getting out of bed to go after her he noticed some blood on the furs they laid on. He quickly geared up, but by the time he was out the door, she was gone. While walking down towards the stairs he noticed the man from last night. He could hear him bragging from downstairs about his adventure last night. The man looked completely healthy. As he was walking out of the inn he overheard a man yelling about being attacked by a weird creature in the woods.
"It took him off I swear! We were riding through a narrow pass in the forest and started hearing giggling in the trees above! Then the next thing we know, a woman with wings as forearms swooped down from trees! She grabbed him with her talons and ascended back into the air! Then blood began to rain from the sky as some screams were heard before drowned out by crunching sounds!" The man shouted trying to get everyone's attention.
"You've been putting the funky shrooms in your soup again haven't you Olvir." Mocked a man.
Sven walked towards the man and asked.
"Where was this?"
"It was southwest of here, about two days travel. You believe me right? Either way, I'm getting off this godforsaken land. All the riches in the world aren't worth this." Olvis replied as he gathered his belonging and left.
Sven quickly left the inn and began searching for Helga.
Helga was storming around the market.
'That damn moron. Did he really think I was that kind of girl? Just who could I bed back home? The only people I lived around since awakening was my grandparents, and Lilith. After I finally made a step in the right direction I go and hit him. Well serves him right. He better be coming after me.' Helga thought to herself glancing around looking to see if he was.
Sven finally sees Helga at a distance. He runs up and starts thinking about how to apologize. Before letting himself be known. He thought about all the gold he was given before from Lilith, and Thorkell. He started to look around the market for someone who sold jewelry. After a few minutes, he found a stand. Browsing the jewelry for several minutes before the merchant noticed the size of his wallet.
"How can I be of assistance today young man. Anything you looking for in particular?" Asked the merchant.
"Yes, I am. What would a woman like?" Sven asked.
"If it's a lady you're trying to impress then going expensive is usually the best way to impress her." The merchant said trying to get as much as possible.
He quickly pointed him to the expensive section. Sven looked over the items and noticed some necklaces. He saw a gold necklace with a blue gem in it. Helga's eyes were blue its something Sven had always remembered. He points to it.
"That one there"
The man spots the one he's wanting and quickly picks it up.
"That's a good eye young man. It's a solid gold necklace and has a pretty big sapphire in it. It's not something I come across too often. It's ten gold pieces." The man said.
It was indeed a nice necklace, but he was overcharging Sven. Hoping he wouldn't notice. Sven not having a good concept of how much money is worth he agrees. Opening up his pouch he pulls out ten coins and grabs the necklace. The merchant was overjoyed with such an easy sale and thanked Sven for his business. He puts it in his bag then quickly walked away to catch back up with Helga. Finally, he gets back behind her to tap her on the shoulder. Helga turned around swiftly.
"I'm so sorry Helga. When I was about to chase after you I noticed. I just assumed you were experienced cause you knew what to do so fast. You had every right to get mad and hit me. Can you forgive me?" Sven asked.
Helga was trying to stay mad but when she saw Sven it faded away. She leaned in to kiss him.
"It's okay ill forgive you this time. You took way too long to catch up though." She joked as she punched his armor.
"I would've gotten here faster, but I overheard a man talk about being attacked out in the woods. He said it was a bird-like woman. Do you have any idea what it could be?" Sven asked.
"Some people panic see wings, and immediately think bird. That's very rude! A sphinx has wings, sirens, and harpies do too." Helga replied with a slight attitude.
"He also mentioned that they took off with them. Then him being able to hear the sound of them eating him. " Sven said.
"It's definitely harpies because sphinx will always hunt alone. Plus sirens don't eat humans. They usually just enjoy seducing, and killing them." Helga said with confidence. Trying to show off her knowledge from Lilith.
"Yeah they do seem to enjoy that, but why didn't you kill me after then?" Sven teased as he took off down the road that leads out of town.
Helga took a minute before she realized what he meant. Her face went red. Both from anger, and embarrassment. She took off behind him swiftly. Planning to make him regret ever saying that.