
The Fake Queen

From a dead soul to a queen,Given a second chance by the Gods Xenah wakes up as a princess,soon to be queen, In her past life she was a....lets says cornman because she corned people and she dressed up as a man,so one day the men caught her and she ended dying She had made the wish to live so as to keep on enjoying life to the maximum but another woman in the same kingdom, made a wish to die because she had nothing to live for Thats how she swapped souls with the soon to be queen and she woke up as someone's soon to be wife........Craaaap She made the decision to hide the fact she is a fake and enjoy life as a queen but some people just wont let her that is how she enters into mission 109,the mission to destroy and enjoy, Married now to this handsome man who has no control over his kingdom,she doesn't want to support him because she wants power and authourity,she is cunning and she has to to keep it that way, ******* "Do you know me?"a man who they called the masked warrior asked "Ammm..."she was on the ground why was this masked man coming after her, drinks,she came out for some drinks, and it is as if she had killed someone, but why does his voice sound soo farmiliar,he raised his swords ready to cut her in pieces Before he did that,a man shot the masked man and kicked,and with that she ran,ran so fast and the man who had shot tha fast man started running after her,she ran as quickly as she could "Noo,I am not dying."she said as she ran and hid in a huge basket ***** "I want you"the man said as he kissed her "Please let me have you."he said, She had a tingle down there,it was pulsing and her body felt excited as her heart drummed out of her chest "Eli,dont let anyone but me call you that,i didn't like how it came from his mouth."he said as he traveled down her neckline, She moaned and quickly covered her mouth "Ohh no this cannot be happening *********Written by Yuri The King's Fake Queen or just the Fake Queen, **** She gets married to a secretive king who acts gay and stupod but the man is as fucked up as hell,he is rude,mean ,clever and nothing close to nice but ge has to protect his kingdom through evil means and he swore he would protect it no matter what

Yuri_Ty · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Playing with my heart

"You stupid woman."a man said as he pushed a figure down the floor,the woman looked at him,the man put his hand on his waist and closed his eyes and took a deep breath in

"Listen Eliyah...."he said going down to her and cupped her cheek with his hand "It's nothing,you are just marrying him,it doesn't have to mean anything."the man said the woman looked at him "Do you lobe me Azael." she asked and he stood up "What do you mean?"he asked "I want to know,do you love me?"she asked again in a broken and shattered tone as tears rolled on her cheeks "Eliyah I...."he started but inturrupted him already guessing the answer to her question, "Why?,"she asked in a low tone filled with heartbreak "Why are you playing with my heart?"she asked him again "What did i do to deserve this."she asked,

"Eli,what are you saying ofcourse i love you,you are my life darling."he said "Then why?"she asked again "Why are you letting me marry him,a person i have no feelings for,why,?"she asked yelling and he walked closer to her "Baby,its because i love you."Azael said "You dont,you are manipulating me,you are using me and playing mind games with me,you dont love me Azael."she said and his eyes flashed anger before hiding it with a smile and cupping her cheeks with both hands

"Eli,please listen to me."he said in an obvious fake sweet voice "No."she said as she took steps far from him,"If you dare step out of that door then i fuckimg swear it is over between us."he said she stopped at the door before taking the step and leaving,she went to her house after that and she ended up hearing a conspiracy planned by her father and the king's grandmother

"I want to see the king."he said to one of the soldiers,the soldier looked at her from top to bottom she was dirty and filthy and her hair looked worse than bad but suprisingly she was still beautiful,he raised his brow after seeing she was barefooted and her feet looked sore obvious from a long run,but before he could say anything a maid in a pink attire came to him "Sir.Adam"the maid called him before whisphering in his ear

"Ok,let me go call him."the soldier said and the maid had taken her to a pool place,before entering there was a glass door and the place was fancy yet simple,

She ahd fallen for Azael,nine years ago,he was the only guy who was ready to be her friend when Isaac had left slowly their friendship turned to love,but she wasn't ready to submit her body to him,he was her prince charming and all she wanted to do was marry him,but her father Lucas Edward arranged for her to marry the soon to be king,so she decided to run away with Azael,far away,,but the man pushed her away telling her to marry telling her to marry the king for his money and power,she denied and decided to leave but Azael told her if she left it was over between them,when she arrived home she heard her father saying....

"Dont come with me."a man said in an all serious tone and waljed in the glass door to the pool place,that was all he said and his soldiers obeyed they turned around facing the hall as the man entered the pool place,a woman was standing there her back on him "Do you have something to say to me?"he asked her making her turn around,she was beautiful she had chocolate brown hair it was like a pale chocolate and dark chocolate all at teh same time,huge dark eyes taht had gotten fluffy mayne she had been crying,her slim body showed tenderness and innocenve but he couldn't find himself liking this beauty

As a crown prince,he became awfully irresponsible but when it came to his kingdom and authority he was a king,a warrior and a coldhearted monster,many knew him as the lazy crown prince but no one knew he was the...So apparently he trusted no one and he kept his guards up and acted as if they were down but he loved enjoying women,escorts for the night were the real deal

She looked at him and bowed,he nodded his head when she looked up "Do you love me?"she asked him in a desperate tone 'One person just one person to love himshe was broken inside and she needed a shoulder to cry on her darn feet hurt because she had run all the way here she took steps closer to him and touched his palm

"Please just once say that you trust me please."she said as she broke into tears "What happened to her?"he asked himself as he looked at the strange acting woman infront of him touching the palm of his hand 'Is she inlove with me?'he asked himself and he slowly pushed her hand away from his palm making her look at him stunned

"Once just once say that you care for me and save me from the deep hole please."she said again 'What the heck is wrong with this woman,has she gone mad,ooooh this is bad."he talked to himself,he looked at her and she was in tears 'Trap,they were setting him up,'he said in his head as if he finally reached the reasonable conclusion for this whole drama facade 'Edward'he yelled in his head,that man was a cunning fox did he send her here to lure him into a darn trap?,he concluded and anger filled his eyes "You shameless woman dont you have any shame?"he asked her looking at her he turned around to leave but she went so far as to hug him from behind,he hated liars and this woman was among them

"Dont leave please try to trust me,i-i i will die."she said but he pushed her and she went falling to the ground "Pffft."he laughed "I wouldn't care a foot if you died ,You and your father are fucking golddiggers,so keep away from me,married or not i will never love you."he said she cried waht will she do

Her father was planning to make a false accusation on him that he was a drug user and he has been sneeking drugs to Dane,so the man was unable to fall inlove,she wanted to save him she was willing to give her heart to him,maybe it was her she was ill fated

The man turned around and just as he was about to reach the door he heard a splash and he quiclkly turned around,had she jumped?,he aske himself "Fuck."he cursed and walked to the water and then he saw her figure floating on the water, "Fuuuck."he cursed again and threw himself in the pool taking out the pale figure