
The Fake Queen

From a dead soul to a queen,Given a second chance by the Gods Xenah wakes up as a princess,soon to be queen, In her past life she was a....lets says cornman because she corned people and she dressed up as a man,so one day the men caught her and she ended dying She had made the wish to live so as to keep on enjoying life to the maximum but another woman in the same kingdom, made a wish to die because she had nothing to live for Thats how she swapped souls with the soon to be queen and she woke up as someone's soon to be wife........Craaaap She made the decision to hide the fact she is a fake and enjoy life as a queen but some people just wont let her that is how she enters into mission 109,the mission to destroy and enjoy, Married now to this handsome man who has no control over his kingdom,she doesn't want to support him because she wants power and authourity,she is cunning and she has to to keep it that way, ******* "Do you know me?"a man who they called the masked warrior asked "Ammm..."she was on the ground why was this masked man coming after her, drinks,she came out for some drinks, and it is as if she had killed someone, but why does his voice sound soo farmiliar,he raised his swords ready to cut her in pieces Before he did that,a man shot the masked man and kicked,and with that she ran,ran so fast and the man who had shot tha fast man started running after her,she ran as quickly as she could "Noo,I am not dying."she said as she ran and hid in a huge basket ***** "I want you"the man said as he kissed her "Please let me have you."he said, She had a tingle down there,it was pulsing and her body felt excited as her heart drummed out of her chest "Eli,dont let anyone but me call you that,i didn't like how it came from his mouth."he said as he traveled down her neckline, She moaned and quickly covered her mouth "Ohh no this cannot be happening *********Written by Yuri The King's Fake Queen or just the Fake Queen, **** She gets married to a secretive king who acts gay and stupod but the man is as fucked up as hell,he is rude,mean ,clever and nothing close to nice but ge has to protect his kingdom through evil means and he swore he would protect it no matter what

Yuri_Ty · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Lets Get married

"Princess,wake up,"a voice called and Eliyah woke up finding Elsa standing with the food tray and a kid that stood behind her,she looked scared,then Elsa bowed and she nodded "My greetings your highness."she said "Hmmmm."Eliyah answered not exactly knowing how to respond to that "Who is that?"she asked and Elsa looked at the kid behind her "This is a maid,her name is Elizabeth but we call her Lizzie."Elsa answered,the kid looked twelve years old,and she was a maid,the royals were just cruel,

"Am let us get you ready,my lady."Elsa said "Ok where are we going?"she asked "The king is supposed to meet with you for early breakfast and you shall have lunch with him to,but you shall be having a family dinner later on."she said making her aware that she had her whole day planned,today her plan was to act like she belonged here,she bathed in some rose fraganced water and she smelled delightful but yesterday they bathed her in honey fragance water and she smelled sweet,

She sat in the mirror with a fancy robe and that is when she saw her face,she looked beautiful without any makeup she had dark eyes pale and dark chocolate hair and her face features were delightful,Elsa applied red lipstick on her lips and beige eyeshadow with some makeup on the cheeks,this was her dream life she never did apply makeup but it was her dream to be treated like a queen while at it.

Elsa was her personal maid along with the child,she asked about the other woman that had been there when she woke up and that woman was the King's grandmother royal maid,she was the head of all maids in the palace

She was dressed in a dark long dress and her make up made her look like a queen,she wore some highheels,silver painted,it was too much for her but she liked it,she stood up and they walked outside,to a place close to her room it looked like a garden and lots of women were standing around,a low table arranged specifically for two people,that had two bed mats as chairs,,it was nice it felt like one of those bars she used to go to,she stood to place as a man dressed in a king attire walked in,he was beautiful,he was grey eyed and he looked like a god,his facial features made every lady in that area whispher as he sat an umbrella was opened to prevent him from the sun,she sat down following the man and an umbrella was opened for her to,

She felt like she had seen this man before but she couldn't point where...wait a minute,the idiot who had kissed her when she woke up,Ohhhh he looked so royal now,and handsome to,

He had a powerful untouchable aura around him,But then he smiled a goofy smile and touched her hand,she tried to pull it away but he pulled it back to his palm "I am so glad you have recovered."he said and signaled a guard behind him then maids came holding lots of gifts,after that a maid quickly came and bowed to them then she dropped on her knees to pour the tea,'Ohhh now she understands,this creep is the king."she said "Pffft."she laughed and looked at the other side,He took a sip of the tea "Don't you like the refreshments.?"he asked and she looked at him then she slammed her hands at the end of the table.

"Enough."she yelled and Alex flinched "You."she directed her finger to him but then to another place behind him,and she stood up, "Water the flowers properly."she said,"Ohh,ok,you-your highness."the man in his old age answered "Hmmm."she nodded,and the king followed to her "Is everything alright Princess?"he asked "Forgive me your highness,but i have no intention of forgiving any wrong action done."she said and he nodded understanding propably that the threat was made for him.She was right this man was no idiot like how he acted to be,"Let us have some tea."he said and they sat back down "You didn't do that to me did you?"she asked,if she was staying at such a corrupt place then she needs to eliminate her enemies and one of them was sitting right infront of her,as she moved her palm to hold his,he looked at her startled for a second but then he hid it with a goofy smile,she was right this man was no good,no idiot,she said in her head as she smiled 'I was right this girl is not at all naive,she is a cunning woman,'he said in his head

He put other hand on top of hers "I am glad you are okay."he said she placed her other hand on top of his,again making it all hands "Me too,but that defienetly does not mean i will leave whoever did it unpunished,"she said and removed her first hand then signaled him to remove his,

He removed his hands and nodded then he smiled again and she did to,"We shall talk more at lunch,please have your rest till then,goodbye my princess."he said and held the table as support to stand up she held his palm again holding him down "Let us get married."she saidd statling him 'He didn't do it,this man didn't push her,he looks secretive and really clever but nothing like a murdurer so he probably isn't the one who attacked her so marrying him would be good wether he is a good or bad man what she needed now was power,i n order to last in this crafty place,she did not need a machine to see this man has money and power,so much better than sitting around doing nothing,but they shall have a little agreement only if he agrees."she thought "What do you mean?"he asked "Agreement,let us have an agreement that we would get married but we won't touch each other,"she said and he sighed "You should rest princessa."he said but she held his hand again "Just think about it."she said but he removed her hand away from him,not playing nice anymore he said with a harsh tone "I have no benefit marrying you,"he said and smiled "Princessa."he finished and stood up to leave then he saw Yuna there,he nodded at her and she nodded to,but he saw the pain in her eyes,and it angered him