

Lord Aredian stared at Ryan with an expressionless face.

"I got a call from Sophia's father" he said

"He called to apologize on Sophia's behalf. He told me his daughter will no longer be getting married to you." He paused and observed Ryan's countenance.

"I guess you're happy about this" he said as he reached out for his wine glass. Ryan however didn't speak a word in reply, and Lord Aredian continued.

"I thought the deal between the Walker Airlines and ASD will fail, but Mr Jordan, Kyla's father, figured out a way to keep the deal." He said as a smile brightened up his face.

"Walker told me his daughter pleaded with him to let the deal be signed. He told me he has handed the matters of the deal to Mr Jordan, and his daughter. Kyla Jordan, promised him something in return." he said. Ryan was lost in thought.

"Kyla promised President Walker something in return?" He asked, but Lord Aredian laughed