
From Four to Two

Ryan arrived at the restaurant Kyla had picked out. As he walked through the doors, Kyla waved him wearing the brightest smile.

"Hi Ryan" she said when he had taken his seat opposite her.

"You look stunning tonight" Ryan complimented, and Kyla blushed even more.

"Thanks" she replied casually.

"Let's get down to business" Ryan said but Kyla spoke up

"Hey ...hey...hey, relax. Let's grab some food, I'm starving!" She said.

"Oh...my manners!" Ryan replied

"What will you like?" He asked passing the menu to her.

"I'm craving Lobster Frittatas, it's a pity it can't be sold at such a small restaurant." Kyla said.

"How about we visit Le parker Meridian hotel some day so you can have your fill of it there." Ryan said.

"Really?!" Kyla exclaimed in excitement

"But it's so expensive there, how can..."

"It's nothing Kyla, I can at least do this little for a good friend " Ryan replied. Kyla beamed.

"Catherine is really lucky to have you you know" she said, but Ryan replied

"No, I'm the lucky one here Kyla. I'm not able to get rid of certain challenges in my relationship with Cathy, but she's being understanding and patient with me. I don't want to loose such an amazing soul to anyone." He said. Kyla reached out to him from across the table and held on to his hand

"That's the more reason you have to sacrifice anything and everything to be with her don't you think so?" She asked

"Yeah! I'd do anything just to be with Cathy" Ryan replied.

"That settles it then" Kyla said.

"I'll have this she said pointing to one of the dishes on the menu"

"Make it two, and serve one to go" Ryan said.

"Who is it for?" Kyla asked with a bit of jealousy in her tone

"Cathy" Ryan replied with a smile.

"I'm sure she'd like this" he said again, but Kyla struggled to hide her envy.

"Alright, that's been taken care of, now can you tell me what exactly happened?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"The thing is, Sophia has agreed to help us" came Kyla. Ryan beamed

"Excellent!" He exclaimed

"This is the best news I've heard in forever, thanks so much Kyla, how did you manage to persuade her?" He asked

"Well..." Kyla struggled for words

"Before that, she mentioned something important."

"Tell me" Ryan replied, but Kyla hesitated.

"Seriously Kyla, you can tell me anything" he assured her

"She asked me if you've considered the deal between Walker Airlines and ASD, she told me if her father calls off the wedding that the deal will be off as well." Kyla said, and Ryan lowered his head in frustration.

"I've got a plan though" came Kyla.

"My father and I have figured out a way to keep the deal without your marriage to Sophia, and I have also gotten her consent on this, if only you'd be cooperative." She said. Ryan stared blankly at her with his brows furrowed.

"Don't keep me in suspense Kyla, tell me" he said.

"It's a bit demanding, but if you could brazen yourself for this, you'd be with Cathy in no time." She said

"I'll hear it" Ryan spoke again.

"We....well....um...I..I figured your father might not necessarily be interested in whoever you're getting married to, It's the deal he's after." She paused

"Okay??" Ryan said urging her to continue

"I have successfully gotten rid of Sophia from the picture, what remains is the deal. I told my father about it, and he told me he will figure out a way to gain President Walker's trust and have him hand over the matters of the deal to him. So now, you don't have to worry about the contract anymore." She said.

"Awesome!!" Ryan exclaimed in excitement

"I owe you big time Kyla thanks so much" he said

"It's okay, what are friends for?" She replied.

"Kyla, I believe this isn't everything you called me out to tell me" Ryan spoke observing her countenance

"Yes" Kyla replied

"I asked you to brazen yourself because it will not be an easy task to gain president Walker's trust, or to get him to hand over such an important project to someone from ASD, I'm talking about my father" she said. Ryan understood exactly where Kyla was headed, and immediately he asked.

"What does your father ask for in return?"

"The position of the CEO of one of the branches of ASD" she voiced out. Ryan kept mute, lost in thoughts. But after what felt like forever for Kyla, he replied

"I give you my word Kyla, if your father manages to get this deal from president Walker, I'll make him the CEO of ASD" he said sternly. Kyla beamed.

"Thanks Ryan, finally I can breathe. My father will be happy to hear this" she said. Immediately, something struck her mind, and her smiles disappeared.

"You shouldn't involve Catherine or Greg in this just yet" she said.

"Why?" Ryan asked

"We've never kept anything from them in the past" he said with a frown

"I've got my reasons Ryan, this could end up being jinxed, besides you could surprise Cathy with this when our plans are successful." She said. Ryan thought long about it, but finally he gave in.

"Fine then, let's do this, let's take the circle of four to Two, but just this once." He said

"Yes, just this once" Kyla replied with a coy smile across her face. The waiter brought their food, and as they ate, they discussed other matters concerning their engagements and how they wanted their weddings to be like.

Finally it was time to go home, and Ryan had to drop Kyla off at her apartment before heading home. He was so exhausted that he totally forgot he had ordered takeouts for Catherine.