
Bold Step

its Sophia Walker, I need to take this call" Kyla said breaking free from Greg's grip

"One minute..." She said and walked out of the room.

"Hello Sophia" she said

"My father wants an explanation! "Sophia said.

"He wants me to know the exact reason I refused to marry Ryan, what should I do?" She asked worriedly

"Well, you should tell him about DJ" Kyla replied

"What?!"Sophia exclaimed

"You know I can't do that" she panicked

"Oh really?" Came Kyla's reply

"Shall I help you? She asked, but Sophia kept mute

"You know it will take me less than a day to broadcast your relationship with DJ to the whole world. Your lover will be so happy, you both can express your love for eachother without any fear of who's going to oppose your relationship. That way your father can finally understand the reason behind your refusal to marry Ryan, isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"she said, but Sophia was lost in thoughts.