
A Chance

Catherine sat alone in the living room reminiscing her last conversation with Ryan.

"This can't be happening" she finally voiced out.

"It's so lonely without him, but I can do nothing about it either" She said. She looked at her cell phone and reached for it, but her mom's call came in almost immediately.

"Mom..." She spoke softly when she had taken the call

"Hello Catherine" Mrs Stuart spoke

"Your dad and I won't be home until weekend, please don't hesitate to go on a date with Louis Grosvenor as agreed. I made reservations in a classic restaurant, the address has been sent to your cellphone. I have informed Louis as well, so he'd come pick you up at 8 pm. You'll receive a package soon, you should..."

"What package?" Catherine asked with so much disgust in her tone.

"It's a gift from Louis, I'm guessing it's a dress, so make sure you wear it for the date, please don't disappoint me...."