

Nahor finally realized that he had fallen in love with Neya. He fully accepted it now.

He did not know whether Neya felt the same way for him.He could not 't just go and ask her that question.

He had to wait for the right time to ask her. But he could not figure out when that right time would be. He was not really sure of his feelings for Neya then but now he was . And he was going to make sure he found out whether Neya felt the same way for her. He was going to make sure that he also confessed his feelings for her. He just wanted to find the perfect time for that. He had been staying with Neya all that time but he was not sure whether she loved him or not. He knew that she was always kind to him but he did not know whether her kindness towards him was because of her love for him or her nature. He only wanted to figure out whether Neya felt the same way for him. Now this was going to mark a new beginning for him. He was going to begin a new life with her. All over again.

Neya was still standing in the room. She was so confused. She had almost faced a death situation and she had been saved by her husband. She just could not understand how her belt got stuck inside the couch. For a moment there she almost thought that she was going to die. But when all hope was almost gone,it revived from where it had been buried. She had not expected Nahor to comfort her but it was a complete shock when Nahor hugged her. For a moment there she wanted to break away but his embrace only gave her a warm feeling so she hesitated breaking away because she felt so safe in his arms.

And another thing she was worried about was the place where she was going to sleep.

She did not t know where she was going to sleep.Her large couch that had once acted like her bed was now burnt up to ashes.

She thought that she would maybe sleep in another room but as she was still thinking. Nahor came in to the room. She turned around and saw him.

She did not know what to say to him.

The only question she had in her mind was to ask Nahor where she was going to sleep. She was about to ask him but it seemed as if Nahor had already read her face.

Nahor knew she wanted to ask that question just by the look on her face. The question on her face could be definitely read. It was not really hard for him to do that. Since how bed had been burnt up. He knew that she had no where to sleep. He could not let her sleep in another room. So he had decided that she was going to sleep in the same bed as him.

"From now on we are going to share the same bed,"Nahor calmly said. If you still do not understand, I mean that we are going to sleep on the same bed. Just as it should have been in the first place."

Then he continued on and said,"Let me know whether you have a problem with that or not,"Nahor said as he left for the bathroom.

"I do not have any problem with that,"Neya said.

But she did have a problem with it. How could she refuse. She had to go by what Nahor said. She could not just say she did not want to sleep in his bed. She knew that she was supposed to share his bed but it did not happen that way. Now it seemed as if it was all happening like it should have in the beginning. She knew that if it happened this way. It was going to be something bad very soon.

She knew that this was making the beginning of something ahead. What ever that thing was. She knew it would be bad for her.

She was going to make sure that everything went according to order. She had to prevent it from happening before it even did.

If it did happen then she knew that it would really be bad for her.