

"This is Gyon.I think you recognize him.

"Jordan said.

Am sorry I hadn't yet recognized you because you went wearing your attire,"It's okay,"he said.

Gyon looked a little bit younger than Sami. If you weren't kean you would say they were the same age.

"This is Amplon, the royal chef and buttler.

I think all of you will go well with each other since you all like cooking,"Jordan said. Neya could do nothing but smile.

Then lets come to the noble men, Jordan said. This is Vyest,Aurmre,Ryve,Stuarb,Tyline and Joigne.

They all bowed down and greeted her then left.

"I also picked out some of the maidservants who can help you out,"This is Abyne, Sandra and Hellen.

They all greeted her and left.

"Thank you so much for this Jordan,"Neya said.

"You don't need to thank me.I will always be there to help you."

Neya was shocked by his words and just ignored them.

"I should also tell you this,"Nahor has his most trusted men.

These are me of course,Sami, Gyon, Ryve and Joigne.

"If you ever need any assistance you can go to any of them including me,"he said as he smiled and walked away.

"He is childish sometimes but I believe he's the only person I can trust at the moment,"Neya said to herself.