
Weird dances

*At dorm* "Hey guys! So I got this paper the other day and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to do it?" Xai looks at the paper, "Um. You know we can't dance right?" Kay looks at Xai, "HAHAHA! You haven't seen my stealthy cool moves yet!" Bryan looks at Kay, "Yea... Maybe some other time. You know, when your actually good." Kays jaw drops, "Come on guys you don't believe me?"

Bryan looks at Xai 'what do we do?' 'Idk why you asking me.' Speaking to each other just by making faces

Kay looks at them with a dumb look, "Guys I know you might not believe in me but I'm serious."

Bryan and Xai have never seen Kay serious before but he still looks to goofy to be.

*Tyson at work* gets a text "Hey sweet heart wanna join me for lunch?" Tyson looks at his phone and reads it, "What the... Who is this?"

*Back at dorm* Tyson comes home, "Yo guys, I think someone's trying to hit on me." Kay is on top of Xai grabbing his shirt, "Oh hey! We're just wrestling..." Tyson squints, "Yeaa okay. Anyways what do I do?" Bryan looks at his phone, "No that's just me. You never saved my number?" Tyson's eyes widen, "Whaaaaaaa??? Whooo??? Nooooo."

Bryan starts crying in a corner.