
The birthday party

*At Alex's house* Alex lets the four of them take care of ofie. "Alright! We get to take care of the cutest person ever!" Tyson looks at ofies little feet, "Yeah, she is so cute."

Meanwhile Kay is trying to figure out what to wear to Bianca's birthday party that is at 5.

They all ended up sleeping next to ofie as she took her daily nap.

Then the time came, "Alright! Let's go get ready!"

They went to the birthday party, and at first it was weird because they didn't know most of the people.

*Inside Biancas house* "So should we go outside?" Kay looks at Tyson, "I mean, sure."

They sit outside for hours until it gets late then Nena walks to Kay, "Hey! You want to join us down stairs we're going to be watching anime!" Kays eyes widen, "Yeah!"

Kay ends up watching anime all night as the rest of them have to play a game.