
Common grounds

*In dorm* "Kay wake up you'll be late for your job. KAY YOU LAZY piece of..!" Kay opens eyes barley, "Hmm..mhm..mmm." Tyson jumps on kay, "YO YO YOOOO!!!" Kay gets scared while getting squished, "Ok ok I'm up don't worry ok? I'm going now."

*Kay walks to his car* "Ahhh I'll be alone for today since I have work. I forgot about that...." 'YES' Kay thinks while fist pumping the air.

Kay always works mornings to late at night but lately he hasn't been able to because he's been asking for breaks and days off. Just for the new roommate that they have.

*Kay at work* "Hey guys I hope I'm not late." Everyone start starring at him. "No you're okay, don't worry just make sure you get all of the orders ready because you are the chef after all. Also welcome back Kay, I hope you can help out everyone and get used to the new workers that came by when you where gone."

The manager is always nice to Kay and everyone there in the food joint. Sometimes he will be scary because of his looks but everyone gets used to it after a while.

*On break* "So whos new?" One of the workers named Kyle, "Ah those dudes over there but their weird so I wouldn't really tell you to hang out with them if I were you."

Kay walks over there anyways, "Hey guys, how's it going?" All of the guys look at him with a dumb found face, "Who are you?" Kay looks at them confused, "I'm the head chef."

*The new people and Kay didn't have the best relationship in the resturant so they ignored eachother as much as possible.*

Meanwhile Bryan and Tyson and missing Kays cooking and Xai is at work too.