
The Eye of Fate

"Fate Cannot Be Avoided but, Destiny can be made!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER! Everyone dreams of having it but, only a few could. Masses admire and fear the ones who have it. Either way, if you have power, you will be a monarch... an absolute… This story is about an ancient soul who pursued absolute strength to be at the summit of a lawless world! All-knowing and All-Seeing trickster, that is capable of coming out of every situation scratch free and able to turn every disaster into an opportunity. Sometimes a Hero most of the time a Villain but whatever he is, he never loses! This is the journey of The Sorcerer to conquer his FATE and become the only absolute within the cosmos.

2kZ · Fantasie
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72 Chs

Beat Up! - I

"Who is this?"

Those were the first words that escaped from Young Master Shisu's mouth, his aggressiveness told that he was irritated.

"This is the physician I invited to treat my father, do you have a problem with that? And who gave you permission to enter my private residence?" Dugu Hao Yan also spitted back with the same energy that did not second to the young man.

Young Master Shisu was taken aback by her immediate irruption of her. He was stuck and didn't know how to answer. Good for him at the same time his savior Dugu Wuju caught up.

"Dear niece, why is there a stranger at your residence? We rushed in as soon as I heard there was a stranger at your place!"

Dugu Wuju sounded genuinely concerned. If Hao Yan didn't know better she might have thought her uncle was honestly worried about her well-being.

"Hump… You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself!" Hao Yan said in disdain. She had no goodwill toward her uncle. "You two sure pay a lot of attention to my movements to get informed this fast." Her eyes zeroed in on him.

Dugu Wuju froze for just a slight moment, but he was a cunning old fox who knew how to slip away.

"Haha… Of course, I have to keep an eye on my precious niece. Since my dear brother is incapable to look after you, I have to be the one to do so. I'm concerned for your safety!"

One had to give it to Wuju for his instant comeback.

"I'll say it again I can take care of myself! I'm safe here. Now can you two leave? I have to bring the physician to my father!"

She dismissed both of them with a wave of her hand. It was audible that Young Master Shisu was grinding his teeth in anger, glaring at the fancily dressed masked man. Dugu Wuju's attention also shifted toward the obvious person in his presence as well.

When all of this was happening Kayson took a step back and enjoyed the drama unfolding in front of him. Unrest. He always took pleasure in causing unrest!

"Who are you?" Shisu baked at him.

Kayson didn't even utter a word and remained silent. Young Master felt humiliated as the masked stranger ignored him as a bug. His breathing became deeper. Kayson nudged his head at him adding salt to his wounded pride.

Young master Shisu couldn't tolerate any more; he lashed out. "Brat, how dare you disrespect me? Do you know who I am? The influence I have?"

As the conflict started to stir up Dugu Wuju kept his mouth shut. Firstly, he didn't want to antagonize the masked stranger of unknown origins. And secondly, he wanted to test the waters and find the limitations and capabilities of this newly arrived obstructer. Luckily there was an angry dog doing that for him. He silently cheered up for Young Master Shisu.

He was always being a cautious person. A simple observation of Kayson's demeanor and luxurious outfit made him wary. The dark blue uncommon short robe, the guards, boots, and especially his masterfully crafted mask screamed wealth and mysteriousness. If the masked man really is a physician and an alchemist, it was better to approach a person with such capabilities politely. Who knows what background this person had?

Out of all the possibilities unknowns were the scariest!

"A physician named Ezra. Nice to meet you too!" His tone was overflowing with sarcasm.

That tipped off Shisu. He had enough. 'This kid needed to be taught a lesson.' He decided.

"Do you want to die? Disrespect me in Rock State." His sounded cold.

"Do you?" Kayson asked calmly.

"What?" Three Dugu family members threw puzzled gazes at him.

"Do you want to die?" Kayson asked in a clear audible voice. His calm mysterious aura slowly began to fill with an unexplainable eeriness.

Dugu Wuju and Hao Yan felt their hair stand up. They stood on high alert. But the idiot failed to recognize the danger he was in.

"I get it you don't want to live anymore. I can arrange that." Shisu released his Qi pressure upon Kayson. Highly suppressive force started to weighting on him instantly.

The first level of Origin Realm…

Even though Shisu didn't have a well-trained Origin force to exert upon him, Kayson still felt an invisible force hammering on his fleshly body.

Shisu didn't stop at their he continuously increased the force. Wind flow surrounding him got agitated. He was trying his best to push the disrespectful person to his knees.

If the situation escalated a fight was inevitable.

Hao Yan immediately understood it was her responsibility to stop any accidents. She didn't want to chase away her father's only hope due to an ego contest started by a hot-headed fool.

"Stop…" The pressure broke off.

She intervened and blocked the two people who were about to fight, in the middle.

She looked to Shisu. "I invited him. Shisu you better back down or you won't be able to walk when I'm done with you."

Her aura suddenly turned fierce. She might be acting like a damsel in distress but still, she was an extremely accomplished cultivator on Shisu's level.

Shisu was faced with a dilemma. He wanted to battle the stranger who humiliated him in front of the woman he fancied. Else he would feel unsatisfied. As he was wondering what to do, a familiar powerful aura assaulted Hao Yan. It came in extremely fast and restricted her without giving her any time to react.

"Uncle Wuju… What are you doing?" She shouted at the originator of the force.

Wuju was not concerned about Hao Yan's shouting. This uninvited masked man gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. If by any chance this mysterious person had a cure for his brother all his dreams of being the patriarch would get destroyed.

He wanted to find the depths of Kayson. He could start it by measuring his strength.

How could he do that if Hao Yan stopped the fight?

"Dear niece, we don't know anything about this person. Moreover, he's bluntly disrespecting our family. We Dugus never allow disrespect. So I would say, let the youngsters solve their issues. I promise you if anything happened I'll intervene and save the physician."

Dugu Hao Yan shouted at him but all the sounds got blocked by his Origin force influence.

'I will not intervene, If, you got a chance, kill him!' His murderous mental message reached the Young Master Shisu. He glanced at Wuju and nodded. A malicious smirk was already plastered on his face.

"Looks like you're out of luck today."

"Oh, am I?" mused Kayson.

"I'm going to beat you up, like a dog!"

Shisu wasted no time and thrust at Kayson like the wind, leaving a trail of dust clouds. As he got nearly a dozen feet closer to Kayson white energy concentrated on his fist and morphed into an open-mouthed python head.

Even though Shisu was about to unleash a devastating attack Kayson remained unfazed. Behind the mask, his mouth curved into a smirk. All of his Qi energy was concentrated on his legs. A thinly visible white fog appeared surrounding his feet.

At the same moment, Shisu released his Origin force to the fullest, locking down Kayson, and restricting his movements. The fierce and powerful punch and restriction combo never failed him. He was extremely confident himself. The masked man would be one punched!

'How dare you get close to the woman I admire and humiliate me in her presence.'

"Die…! Wind Piercing Python!" He shouted as he released the attack.

The white energy python jumped at Kayson jarring its fangs. All three Dugu family members watched as they were emerging in different emotions. Shisu looked extremely pleased with his perfectly executed attack. Dugu Wuju had relief written all over his face.

'It turned out to be someone not capable enough. I was needlessly worried' He thought in joy.

Dugu Hao Yan who was trapped inside the Origin force bubble created by Dugu Wuju screamed while banging the force barrier.

"Stop, Shisu. You bastard. Stop. That's the physician I invited. I'll kill you if anything happens to him." Unfortunately, no one heard or paid any attention to her. All eyes were focused on the masked stranger who was about to be critically injured.

The energy python arrived at Kayson within seconds. Just as its open mouth was about to engulf him, his figure shifted at extreme speed. It was nearly impossible to believe he was able to do such a thing in a short time. But he did.

His imposing figure shifted away from the white energy python. The attack missed him just at the right time. If he delayed another half a second, he would have gotten hit. As the attack passed him the wind it generated made his backcombed hair flutter. It added a desolate heroic impression to his demeanor.

Three Dugu members watched awestruck, their jaws hanging so low almost hit the ground.

The technique 'Wind Piercing Python' was obviously not the most effective attack the Dugu members practiced. But it was a powerful technique nevertheless. One of the reasons why it was deadly, was its attack speed. As the name implied the punching technique was a wind elemental attack. Apart from the wind the only element faster than it was lightning which was a special element. Techniques related to special elements were harder to learn and master.

So most of the techniques regard speed relayed on wind elements. Kayson just moved faster than wind elements. But none of them saw or felt any lightning element!

Of course, they wouldn't be able to detect any elements. How could they understand the slight manipulation of space elements?

For the first time after his arrival, the Sorcerer used one of his signature moves, 'Silver-Phantom-Steps'. Indeed, it was not the final form, not even close. But even a crappy simplified version of the ultimate technique was enough to handle clowns like Shisu.

"H…How?" Shisu opened and closed his mouth on repeat like a fish while the other two didn't utter a word.

"Heh… I'm fast. That's how." Kayson's voice was calm and collected as always. He acted like it was nothing worth mentioning.

His nonchalant behavior crushed Young Master Shisu's pride. Now he was more desperate to put Kayson in his place. His boiling anger sobered him out of his shock.