
The Extra Villain in the Novel

A top-tier mixed martial artist finds himself transported into the fictional world of a novel he was reading. Surprisingly, he becomes a minor antagonist, originally meant to make the protagonist shine. Yet, he refuses to accept this secondary role. He has always been a dominant force, a leader, and a champion, and he plans to stay that way!

mew_96 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs


"A Black Ogre?"

Naid's eyebrows twitched.

Until now, he had been listening to Ethan from a step back, observing without interfering.

Naid's role was to observe Ethan and provide advice when needed, not to meddle in his actions.

However, this time he couldn't just stay silent.

A Black Ogre.

Naid had encountered one in the past.

Its mere existence was so rare that an ordinary person might never see one in their lifetime.

An ogre was already a disaster in itself, but this was an even more ferocious and powerful monster.

And now, Ethan was talking about hunting such a creature.

'This is too dangerous.'

Even knights who could wield mana found it challenging to confront a Black Ogre.

It wasn't a challenge for a master like Naid, but for the apprentice knights and Ethan, it was a hopeless endeavor.

"Young Master, I cannot allow this."

"Since when have I needed your permission to act?"

Ethan looked at Naid without changing his expression.

But this time, Naid didn't back down.

"This is different from anything we've faced before. A Black Ogre is not an ordinary monster."

"Yes, I know. If it were ordinary, I wouldn't even consider hunting it."

Naid frowned.

"Are you relying on me to take such a reckless action? If so, you're making a grave mistake."

Naid was prepared to step in if Ethan's life was in danger.

But he had no intention of fighting as Ethan expected.

Naid's role was strictly to support Ethan.

Regrettably, he didn't plan to look after the apprentice knights either.

"Your help is not needed."

"…Are you sure you won't regret those words?"


Ethan replied without a hint of emotion.

Naid stared at him for a moment before sighing.

"…Do as you wish. My warning ends here."

Ethan's actions had always been unconventional, but this was on a different level.

Without mana-infused attacks, it was nearly impossible to pierce a Black Ogre's hide.

'They're all going to die.'

He could foresee the outcome without needing to see it firsthand.

Ethan's misjudgment could lead to the extermination of the entire subjugation squad.

'Perhaps he'll learn something.'

But with Ethan being so insistent, Naid decided to let it go, reminding himself he was merely an advisor.

In fact, he thought this might be an opportunity for Ethan to grow.

Naid glanced sympathetically at Hugo and Gato.

'They're too valuable to lose here.'

Both had genuine talent. If they survived and grew, they could become invaluable assets to the family.

If the opportunity arose, Naid planned to rescue at least those two.

"Then let's move."

Ethan took the lead.

The subjugation squad advanced through the darkness towards the Black Ogre.


'My whole body hurts…'

Following behind Ethan, Hugo frowned from the pain coursing through his body.

Everything ached, but his jaw was the worst.

It hurt so much he could barely open his mouth.

'What on earth happened?'

The fact that he had lost his memory was shocking.

No matter how hard he tried to recall, it felt like a thick fog was blocking his mind.

'The young master must know something.'

Hugo felt anxious.

Had he made some mistake during his memory loss?

But Ethan's attitude hadn't changed at all, which reassured Hugo.

'Is he being considerate?'

For the first time in his life, Hugo felt acknowledged. He wanted to reciprocate that acknowledgment.

He didn't want to disappoint Ethan.

'A Black Ogre.'

Hugo didn't know much about monsters, but judging by everyone's reactions, it was a formidable beast.

'But the young master seemed confident.'

From what Hugo had seen, Ethan always chose paths that others couldn't understand.

But Ethan had never failed.

Even if his decisions seemed reckless, they always had sound reasons and matching confidence.

'That's how he's proven himself.'

Hugo looked at his hands, remembering the past when he was constantly ignored and ridiculed.

'I don't want to make him regret it.'

He still didn't understand why Ethan had chosen someone as insignificant as himself.

But he was determined not to disappoint him.

With renewed resolve, Hugo clenched his fists.


"How are things looking?"

Morun asked his lieutenant.

There was more to his question than just the words, and the lieutenant understood this well, responding promptly.

"The subjugation is proceeding smoothly, and our casualties are minimal. If things continue this way, we expect to finish the subjugation safely within a few days."

"Is that so? Good to hear… And what about him?"

"Lord Ethan has separated from our subjugation squad. We don't have detailed information on his current situation, but according to local hunters, there are only a few goblins in the direction he went."

"Foolish boy. Had he joined us, he might have at least gained something."

Morun snorted, mocking Ethan's choice.

Initially, when he heard Ethan's subjugation squad had disappeared, he was quite anxious.

Ethan had a history of pulling off unexpected feats.

Although he was worried about what Ethan might be plotting, after receiving the report, all his worries vanished.

Ethan might have been lucky before, but this decision was pure folly.

Morun found this fact highly satisfying.

It felt like a burden of ten years had been lifted from his shoulders.

"You've done well. You'll be rewarded handsomely when we return."

"It's an honor."

The lieutenant bowed his head in gratitude.

'I chose the right side.'

Through this subjugation, Morun would solidify his position as the heir.

The heir to the Blante family.

The influence of such a position was significant.

For the lieutenant, the implications of such power trickling down to him were immense.

A sly smile crept across the lieutenant's face.


"Hmm, is this how it's done?"

Ethan circulated mana as Feon had instructed.

He felt a cool sensation somewhere within him, which Feon had described as a side effect of dark mana.

But it didn't feel as bad as he expected.

In fact, the coolness seemed to clear his mind.

'I shouldn't rely on it, though.'

Mana was just a means to an end.

This was his first significant opportunity, but he still had a long way to go to catch up with the main characters.

Moreover, these outlying territories didn't play a significant role in the novel.

Ethan planned to head to the capital once this subjugation was over.

'There will be more to seize there.'

He had already gained everything he could from here.

'The Black Ogre.'

Defeating this creature would give him sufficient justification.

Originally, he was supposed to leave for the academy after being expelled from his family, but now he could go with their support.

'I wonder how strong it is.'

He was curious.

This would be his first time facing a proper monster.

'Hugo was a bit of a disappointment.'

Though Hugo had transformed into a werewolf and grown stronger, he had been easy to predict.

Relying solely on physical strength, his attacks were straightforward and thus easy to counter.

— Turn left ahead.

Feon guided Ethan through the darkness.

Ethan's night vision was nothing special. On the other hand, Feon, being an ethereal entity bound to Ethan, was unaffected by darkness and could easily lead him to the Black Ogre's location.

— How did I end up in this situation…?

Feon sighed and lamented his fate while guiding Ethan.

— And how did you figure out that I know the Black Ogre's location?

"I just had a feeling."

Ethan replied in a low voice.

The truth was, he didn't know.

The novel didn't provide much detail about the Black Ogre.

'It was something that vampire coveted.'

According to the original storyline, Belmont should have been making preparations to take the Black Ogre under his control.

However, because Ethan arrived early, Belmont hadn't made any preparations yet.

'B-Black Ogre, you say?'

Ethan recalled Belmont's trembling eyes when he first asked him about the Black Ogre.

Although Belmont had been hesitant to speak, Ethan's fierce gaze had frightened him into revealing everything he knew.

'It's still young...'

The Black Ogre grew rapidly, reaching full maturity within a year.

Currently, it was about six months old.

Even though it hadn't yet reached full maturity, it was already dominating as a predator.

It hadn't yet established its own territory, but it roamed freely due to the lack of competition in the area.

However, just because it was young didn't mean it was foolish.

It was extremely wary of humans moving in groups.

Thus, Ethan chose to move at night.

The Black Ogre wasn't nocturnal.

More precisely, it didn't care about the time of day. It could hunt anytime, so it moved whenever it wanted.

It was said that if it sensed desirable prey nearby, it would wake up even from sleep.

'Then there's no need to delay.'

Ethan felt no fear or tension, only a sense of excitement and curiosity.

Feon, observing Ethan, had mixed feelings.

— 'He's an inscrutable fellow.'

Ethan's actions were bold, but not reckless. He acted decisively, based on sound reasoning.

— 'His movements are extraordinary.'

As someone who abandoned the sword for martial arts, Feon could recognize how remarkable Ethan's movements were.

Ethan's body movements were flawless.

His weight distribution was fluid, and his sense of distance was perfect.

It wasn't just theoretical knowledge. Ethan's movements were those of a seasoned veteran.

He was adept at luring his opponent and turning openings into opportunities.

Ethan was proficient in everything.

Despite his young age, which should have limited his practical experience, Ethan had somehow acquired these skills.

Initially, Feon thought Ethan was similar to himself. Someone who wasn't interested in the sword and preferred physical combat.

Feon knew well the advantages of the sword. Its lethality was unmatched, and it gave rise to endless techniques.

Structured swordsmanship was very difficult to counter barehanded.

Conversely, it was easy for someone with a sword to handle an unarmed opponent.

Yet Feon chose to fight with his fists.

There wasn't a grand reason for it. He simply did it because he wanted to.

Although everyone in his family ignored him, Feon eventually proved his skill.

However, this brought its own problems.

As a prestigious family known for swordsmanship, the Blante family revered strength.

It was a family governed by the law of the jungle, where the strong took everything.

Feon's unexpected rise was an eyesore for the heirs. Thus, they conspired together to betray him.

Despite his desperate attempts to hide, Feon eventually lost his life.

By unfortunate chance, his spirit was bound to an artifact at the location, preventing his ascension and leaving him as an ethereal entity.

— 'Can this boy fulfill my dreams? I still don't know...'

Feon found himself increasingly eager to see where Ethan's journey would lead.

Advanced chapters on p@treon.com/mew996.

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