
The Extra Villain in the Novel

A top-tier mixed martial artist finds himself transported into the fictional world of a novel he was reading. Surprisingly, he becomes a minor antagonist, originally meant to make the protagonist shine. Yet, he refuses to accept this secondary role. He has always been a dominant force, a leader, and a champion, and he plans to stay that way!

mew_96 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs


"Yes, you mentioned a subjugation squad?" Vincent asked with a slight smile, and Ethan nodded in response.

"That's right."

"Very well. As the head of the family, I shouldn't go back on my word. I'll grant you the authority to assemble a subjugation squad. However, you understand that you can't take too many men with you, correct?"

"Of course."

Ethan had no intention of commanding a large number of people from the start.

Despite his improved image from the recent spar, he was still considered a discarded son within the family.

His position in the family was weak, and the knights and soldiers, known for their strong-willed nature, were unlikely to follow his orders willingly. From their perspective, joining Ethan would be akin to a demotion.

'Not that I can manage them either.'

Having talent in combat and having leadership skills are entirely different matters.

Controlling a small group of people is vastly different from commanding an entire platoon into complete obedience.

'Besides, I don't want the headache of such responsibilities.'

This subjugation wasn't important enough for Ethan to take on such troublesome and nerve-wracking tasks voluntarily.

He had his own reasons for participating in the subjugation.

'The Dead Tree.'

A fortuitous encounter that the protagonist would find in the mid-story, an Easter egg, a blessing that would become one of the protagonist's numerous specs. Ethan planned to seize it for himself.

'I can't let the protagonist have it.'

Even at this point, the protagonist must have already obtained several lucky encounters.

Ethan needed to become stronger than the protagonist, so it made sense to intercept some of these opportunities.

Just then, Morun, who had been hesitating around Ethan, shouted out.

"Father! This is so sudden…!"

"Be quiet. Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation?"

Vincent's cold gaze made Morun flinch, but he couldn't back down this time and spoke again.

"The subjugation squad is already formed. If you suddenly order more to be taken…"

"A squad of ten will suffice," Ethan interrupted as Morun continued to voice his objections.

Ethan glanced at Morun with disdain before turning back to Vincent.

"Just ten men… that's fewer than I expected. Are you sure that's enough?"

"It will be enough. However, I will select the members myself."


"I believe I should have at least that much authority. After all, you know that forcibly assigning men to me won't make them obey my orders."


Vincent pondered for a moment in silence before speaking.

"Very well. But I have one condition. The soldiers or knights you choose must agree to be part of the squad. Otherwise, it would be no different from a forced conscription."

Vincent looked at Morun, who was now visibly relieved.

'Transparent as glass.'

Vincent inwardly clicked his tongue at Morun's pitiful display and turned his gaze back to Ethan.

Ethan, as if expecting this, gave a small smile and replied.

"Agreed. Give me a little time. I will assemble my squad within a week."


Vincent felt a strange sense of satisfaction at Ethan's resolute attitude. He had thought Ethan was just a foolish troublemaker, but he continued to surprise him.

'Whether it's mere caprice or not, time will tell.'

However, this time it didn't seem like a whim.

Vincent looked into Ethan's eyes. There was no hesitation or burden, only confidence and clarity.

'Arrogant brat.'

But Vincent found it pleasing. Arrogance was one of the virtues a noble should possess. While baseless arrogance and hubris were toxic, Ethan had already proven himself once.

'But one proof is not enough.'

One proof was not sufficient to offset all the misdeeds Ethan had committed thus far.

After all, he had only subdued his younger brother. It was merely reclaiming what he should have had from the start. It couldn't be considered an achievement.

'Although it's impressive that he subdued a mana user.'

Vincent scrutinized Ethan with a peculiar gaze. The once plump body had transformed, now covered in lean, firm muscles like armor.

"Will you decide here and now?" Vincent asked.

"No, that's not possible. No one here would join me anyway. I'm not foolish enough to squander the advantage I've gained."

Ethan scanned the crowd.

Numerous knights, soldiers, and spectators all wore expressions of shock and disbelief. They seemed eager to say something, but remained silent, unwilling to show any rudeness before the family head.

"Then, I'll take that as permission granted."

Ethan gave a slight bow to Vincent before turning to leave.

As he did, he passed Morun and whispered softly.

"Don't be scared."

Morun, momentarily stunned, read Ethan's lips and his face contorted in anger.

Ignoring him, Ethan gestured to Naid.

"Why are you standing there stiff? Let's go."


As Ethan walked out of the training ground with Naid, the crowd gave way, stunned by what they had witnessed.

'I like it.'

Those gazes, eyes filled with bewilderment and shock. In his past life as an athlete, Ryu had grown used to such looks after every match, but they still thrilled him. The unexpected victory of an underdog. He enjoyed the situation.

'I never thought he'd pull it off so perfectly.'

Naid, following Ethan, watched him with a complex expression.

He had sparred with Ethan several times and knew his level well. Thus, he knew Ethan had a chance of winning the duel, but practice and real combat were different. Ethan had shown even greater prowess in real combat. It was as if everything he had done so far was just a warm-up.

'He might cause another scene during this subjugation.'

The annual subjugation was routine, but it had another hidden purpose.

'A test of qualification.'

The subjugation was to assess how much achievement each participant could bring.

The family head and his direct knights did not deeply involve themselves in the process.

The intentions were clear, and the power structure was already mostly established.

Morun, the eldest, had made the greatest achievements and led the largest subjugation squads.

'Can he create another upheaval?'

Naid had overheard Ethan's conversation with the family head. A squad of only ten men was hardly enough to be called a vanguard.

But the success of the subjugation was not solely about numbers.

'It's not about the size.'

Achievements in subjugation were not solely determined by the number of participants. Naid had a feeling that Ethan would cause another significant event this time.


Ethan returned to his annex and fell into deep thought.

'A subjugation squad...'

Originally, his period of probation was nearing its end. However, Ethan had grown fond of his annex.

'No external pressure either.'

Ethan mentally pictured Morun and Karon. If he stayed in the main house, he would encounter them almost daily.

It wasn't that he disliked competition; in fact, he welcomed it with open arms. But he didn't want to deal with daily nuisances. Ethan preferred a decisive blow over small skirmishes.

'Now, let's see about the other siblings...'

Ethan mentally went through the members of the Blante family one by one.

First, there was the eldest, Morun, followed by Ethan, then their younger sister, Lisa, and finally the youngest, Karon.

'Among them, who has influence...'

Within the family, Morun had the highest standing, partly due to being the eldest and possessing the greatest martial prowess. The Blante family, being a family of swordsmen, adhered to the law of the jungle.

'The problem is, he's an idiot.'

As previously experienced, Morun was simple-minded and couldn't hide his emotions, nor could he foresee the future. He was narrow-minded and stubborn yet had a strong sense of pride. Because of these traits, there were factions within the family that didn't support him.

'And me, well, as you can see.'

Ethan was the problem child, the family's black sheep. In many ways, it was the worst situation. Among his siblings, he had the most troublesome personality and a trauma related to swordsmanship.

'That's my current position.'

Then there was his sister.

'Lisa Blante.'

She was talented in swordsmanship and had a fiery personality, but she wasn't interested in family succession and had left for the academy.

'One of the heroines, too.'

Ethan set aside his thoughts about Lisa.

Most of the fortunate encounters the protagonist would have within the family were thanks to Lisa.

'But now, they're all mine.'

Ethan planned to leave nothing for the protagonist to take from here. That was the whole reason he volunteered for the subjugation squad.

'It's sooner than expected, but it doesn't matter.'

In fact, now was the perfect time. He could obtain fortuitous encounters without any harm.

Ethan paced around his annex, contemplating.

'What to do...'

Winning the duel had improved his image, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to attract skilled individuals. Any capable knights would already hold significant positions, and those with potential wouldn't follow Ethan.

'They see me as a rotten rope.'

They would find excuses to avoid joining the subjugation squad rather than risk their lives by following Ethan.

'I can't just take anyone.'

The 'Dead Tree' he planned to acquire this time wasn't something to be underestimated, especially not for someone like Ethan, who hadn't yet awakened his mana.

He needed someone who could pave the way.

To achieve that, his squad had to consist of people who would follow his orders faithfully.

'People who won't be missed if they leave the current squad.'

Obviously, any stubborn knight was out of the question.

'Soldiers won't be easy either.'

The knights of the Blante family were generally brave, but they didn't take their lives lightly. They had the sense to know what was right, and they wouldn't follow Ethan's plan properly if they heard it.

'So, the ones left are...'

Apprentice knights who hadn't yet been formally knighted, newly enlisted soldiers, and servants.

'Servants first, then.'

There must be a few who hadn't yet blossomed their talents.


He couldn't recall the names of those with little presence in the original story.

After thinking for a while, an image suddenly came to mind.

Unable to remember the name, Ethan turned to Naid, who had been following him.


"Yes, Young Master."

"You know most of the servants and maids, right?"

"I do, but... is there a problem?"

"Do you know a servant with a long scar on his face?"

Naid pondered for a moment before responding.

"A scar on the face... Are you talking about Hugo?"

A long smile spread across Ethan's face as he heard Naid's reply.

"Yes, that's him."