
The Extra's Survival

Everyone loves the protagonist, many read countless manga, watch countless animes and adore the protagonist of the story. They feel happy when their protagonist wins, feel sad when their protagonist loses. Everyone takes fancy to reading a novel and wished to have time to relive in the world of their favourite novel. But what happens if their wish comes to be true? Is reincarnation as easy as it sounds? Is the person who reincarnated can really change the world to his or her wishes and can survive easily in the world he or she reincarnated into while in their previous world, they were just simple people with no power. This is the story of a boy who died only to reincarnate into a novel he had read 'Dawn of legends'. Unlike in another story, he had reincarnated into an extra who is just cannon fodder in the novels who are just present to be used by the Villains and Protagonists to achieve their goals. At first, he was in despair, shocked and confused about what to do. He racked his mind and tried to survive in this harsh world. He was in a pinch whether to stay low key or use his future knowledge to get stronger or befriend the protagonist. But will everything occur according to his plans? Will the future event follow the same route as described in the novel? Can he overcome all the crises that are about to happen in the future with the future knowledge? Does the world have other plans for him? Is his reincarnation is just a coincidence or does someone or some other forces have a role in it? It is the tale of a simple boy, a boy who is not like other reincarnated who adapt to this world from the very first day and established their dominance, rather it is the tale of the boy who rises and climbs higher, step by step. Accompany Lucas on his journey, who is armed with future knowledge and the help of his system traverses the obstacles in his path while fighting against the dangers of the world which is both, similar and dissimilar to what he once knew,and find out the mystery behind his reincarnation. .......................... If you like this book and wanted to support me in my endeavor, you can support me here. https://www.paypal.me/mbehera25 [Disclimer]The cover art does not belong to me

Mohitkumar · Fantasie
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248 Chs

Chapter 28 : Getting in trouble is my hobby

Lucas was quite happy. The problem of money that had been haunting him since he came to this world has been solved for now.

With the intermediate and low-level potions, he has given for sale he would earn at least millions in the coming week.

He has managed to bring Scotch to his side.

Tomorrow he will go to the dungeon again and if everything remains right, he will be able to earn a few thousand in the coming days and the gate is also F ranked only.

Aaron is squeezing as much as he can before clearing the E ranked gate, we went to previously.

Lucas walked on the road admiring his surroundings whistling on his way.

"Hey, bastard are you blind".

" Can't you see people ahead?"

Lucas turned left on the road and saw a man running hurriedly crashing into the person before him and the man he stumbled into grabbed his collar.

"Sorry I am in hurry please let me go".The man who crashed was looking odd and he looked sick.

The man whom he bumped held his collar and raised his hand to hit him with three people standing beside him.

" Seems like the poor going to be beaten. Should I interfere ".

" No, I should mind my own business let's just watch the show".

There were no more people in this narrow passway.

The man was going to hit him but before he could hit something unbelievable happened and they all were knocked unconscious.

Lucas was stunned and took a few steps back.

The man who looked ordinary knocked them unconscious without touching them. I felt a slight ripple of mana from him at the moment.

As I hesitated and was about to leave, I felt an unusual sensation. Something within me was screaming at me to follow the man.

Even if try to suppress the urge but I want able to.

I felt as if my sixth sense was telling me that if I don't follow the man, I would regret my whole life

"I should take cover and observe him".

I hide behind the trash can and the man didn't glance at the fallen and started to run.

I decided to follow him behind.

With nimble movement, I followed him closely. I don't have any clear idea of his strength so I decided to take precautions early.

I decided to call Skies and asked Scotch to keep track of my location and if I don't return by tomorrow, I told him to inform Aaron.

The man seemed not to notice me walking on the road and turned towards the left at the corner.

He entered the small alley behind a shop and stood before a shabby house.

I followed him closely. The house looked like some horror house used in the shooting. Just who is living here.

"Something is fishy".

Knocking the door he went inside.

" What should I do.I don't know how strong they are should I leave".

I was confused about what to do. Whether to look or return. But if something shady is happening here and because I ignored it today and in the future, lives would be sacrificed. I will not be able to overcome the guilt.

I looked at the house. Lowering my back I moved quickly towards the house.

Bending down on my knees I raised my head and tried to hear any noise coming from the window but there was no sound coming from it.

I decided to go to the back of the house and try from there.

Turning back I went to the back of the house. There was no window on the down floor at the back.

Looking up I found a metal pipe coming from the top. At the start of the pipe, there is a window beside it.

Placing my hands around on pipe coiling my legs around it I started to climb to the top.

My hands felt as if the skin has been peeled as I started climbing.

Reaching the window. I tried to open it.

Stretching my hands I lift the glass of the window. The inside was dark and as just I peeped inside a strong suction force pulled me inside.


I fell from certain heights but I was able to land on my feet safely.

Scanning the surrounding. I started getting anxious.


The place I am in looked like a dungeon.

The house looked like a horror house for a reason. There is a dungeon gate in the house.

"Calm down. Let's think if the dungeon is high level the hunter association must have surely detected it. It must be low level from G to F and I don't think it even has a monster and must use as a hiding place by the person I saw".

"As they can't hide high-level dungeon right in the capital"

" Yes this must be it, they are surely hiding in the dungeon. But how can there be a dungeon in this house. That person may not be simple. He must be from some criminal organization ".

I tried to comfort myself but soon my thoughts proved wrong.

Taking out my sword, I raise my guard before observing the surrounding. I have already informed Scotch, they will surely come to find me. I have to believe in them.

I just have to keep myself alive.

" I am sure there will be no problem if I just take a quick peek inside".

Sorting out my mind I marched cautiously.

I was stunned as I looked at the scene in front of me. I found the interior of the house has transformed into mini jungles with stone walls as its boundary.

Thick stone wall with large vines with moss covering the fall along with the rotten smell of corpses. The atmosphere was humid contrary to the dungeon he have gone to with his team teammates, it looked like hell, a place where one can expect to find monsters and beasts.

I swallowed my saliva and surveyed but I couldn't sense anything particular. However, I know it's wrong to underestimate the situation no matter how low-level dungeon you are in.

After hunting with skies they have taught me many monsters knew how to hide their presence very well and it usually requires high perception to identify them. Maybe because they have weak strength they need to attack from the shadows.

In these closed surroundings, there is a high chance that they are waiting for a sneak attack.

I went past some rooms which were in complete disarray and looked like ancient ruins. The rooms were covered with moss and small bushes.

There were small oil lamps on the wall which looked to be placed by humans or maybe the organization that has stayed here.

I carefully stepped forward passing through the room that was present before surveying them with his perception. After making sure there are no monsters inside it, I cut the weeds grown on the floor which were making it difficult for him to move. He could smell traces of blood.

I didn't know whose this trace of blood belongs but as I moved ahead I could feel the gaze, of a predator, along with the rotten odour of carcass.

However, I couldn't find the source in this type of surroundings. The predator must have wanted to observe ms before bearing his fangs.

I leaned on the wall and sat down, I put down my guard closing my eyes.


It may seem like Lucas was resting but he was concentrating his sense to the max waiting for any movement.

Seeing that his prey has put down his guard without wanting it, to allow escape it tried to pounce on Lucas.


Breaking through the door of one of the rooms the monster jumped out at high speed and soon as it landed on the ground it leapt to gobble up Lucas's head in one go not wasting any time.


Lucas waiting for this chance using flash steps,

met it head-on immediately swing the sword at it.

It was a perfectly clean cut slicing the monster into two. Blood sprayed on his whole body.

The sharp blade passed through the monster's body like a hot knife passing through butter.

After killing the monster he examined it to see. It was F ranked hound.

So it must be F ranked dungeon at most. The hound was an adult.

It looked as big as a wolf with having orange and black skin coat.

While he was engrossed in surveying the dead hound.


Another one came running towards him. Lucas ducked give a kick on his skull. The hound wriggled around and threw its sharp paw to tear Lucas.

" There is no moment to rest.".

Lucas knew it was the perfect opportunity as it was wounded and its skull seemed to be cracked still it won't lay there for long.

Lucas kicked it again ran towards it fast and chopped down his head with his sword separating his head from the body.

The hound roared in pain and finally stopped its breathing.

Lucas looked at the notifications. he had got 16,000 experience points for both the kills.

"Nice. It looked like I am on a shopping trip. This dungeon can be said to be fat sheep for me".

However, his smug smiles didn't last for long.

As more hounds started filling the long path that seemed like the hall in the house.

" Damn it hounds are types of the dog so they must be in the pack. That means I have to fight the whole pack now".

One of them jumped on him. He ducked to the side. It flew past him and its fang stabbed the hard stone wall.

"If I didn't have D ranked sword it would have chewed my sword into pieces'.

While the hound was trying to free its fang from the wall Lucas didn't give it an opportunity and chopped his head.

From the beginning when Lucas held the sword he liked to chop the head when the monster are weaker than him.

One may call him a chopping expert. But he didn't have free time to admire his skill as more were on their way roaring through the dungeon.

"I should buy stamina portions. I don't know how many days I have to fight here."

Lucas swung his sword but it was caught in the jaw of the hound. Another one jumped on top of the other.
