
The Extra's Survival

Everyone loves the protagonist, many read countless manga, watch countless animes and adore the protagonist of the story. They feel happy when their protagonist wins, feel sad when their protagonist loses. Everyone takes fancy to reading a novel and wished to have time to relive in the world of their favourite novel. But what happens if their wish comes to be true? Is reincarnation as easy as it sounds? Is the person who reincarnated can really change the world to his or her wishes and can survive easily in the world he or she reincarnated into while in their previous world, they were just simple people with no power. This is the story of a boy who died only to reincarnate into a novel he had read 'Dawn of legends'. Unlike in another story, he had reincarnated into an extra who is just cannon fodder in the novels who are just present to be used by the Villains and Protagonists to achieve their goals. At first, he was in despair, shocked and confused about what to do. He racked his mind and tried to survive in this harsh world. He was in a pinch whether to stay low key or use his future knowledge to get stronger or befriend the protagonist. But will everything occur according to his plans? Will the future event follow the same route as described in the novel? Can he overcome all the crises that are about to happen in the future with the future knowledge? Does the world have other plans for him? Is his reincarnation is just a coincidence or does someone or some other forces have a role in it? It is the tale of a simple boy, a boy who is not like other reincarnated who adapt to this world from the very first day and established their dominance, rather it is the tale of the boy who rises and climbs higher, step by step. Accompany Lucas on his journey, who is armed with future knowledge and the help of his system traverses the obstacles in his path while fighting against the dangers of the world which is both, similar and dissimilar to what he once knew,and find out the mystery behind his reincarnation. .......................... If you like this book and wanted to support me in my endeavor, you can support me here. https://www.paypal.me/mbehera25 [Disclimer]The cover art does not belong to me

Mohitkumar · Fantasie
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248 Chs

Chapter 11 : Plans going astray

During my practice, the voice of someone broke my attention.

Knowing whom the voice belongs to. I was very surprised. The voice belonged to none other than the protagonist Fredrick.

'The script was not going to be like this.'I muttered inwardly.

In the academy, I was careful in treading my path with barely any interaction with anyone.

'So why does he come looking for me? '

'Did I offend him somehow? '

I looked at the door where Fredrick was standing leaning on the wall folding his arms.


" How about sparring with me," Fredrick asked


I thought I heard wrong.

"Spar, you and me," Lucas spoke.

The suggestion was quite shocking for me to digest.

First I was just 1 Star while he is at 3 stars.

Second, even talking with him will bring unnecessary attraction and trouble.

Who knows maybe, I become a part of Charles's scheme.

" Sorry I can't."

Thinking for a second Fredrick replied," Your answer doesn't match your personality."

" What does that have to do anything with my personality, "I asked.

Instead of saying anything, he showed his watch. It was half-past 11.

Pondering for a moment, I suddenly looked at the training hall. Except for me and Fredrick, the training area was empty.

Every time I practice with the sword, I always become lost in practice and forgot to keep track of the time.

I don't know if it was due to the previous owner being a training freak or I am a training maniac, every time I hold a sword, I always felt unwilling to let go of the sword.

"The way you practice, You surely want to fight."

" Fighting with a stronger opponent will make you stronger much more quickly. Don't you think?"

There was much to lose for me irrespective of the gains. Especially if I plan to stay lowkey for now.

Interacting with him in the early stages is quite risky.

If anyone finds me with Fredrick sooner or later, I am sure, I will be bullied by people looking for me as a pawn to trap Frederick.

Fredrick is seen as an eyesore among nobles.

"Sorry, but interacting with you will put me in an awkward position. You know you are the centre of attraction not only in the academy but outside the academy. I don't have a strong background like you."I answered.

"If I am not careful I don't know when I will be crushed."

" True enough. Still, I will make sure to keep you out of trouble."

Keep me out of trouble. You and trouble are the opposite side of the same coin. I muttered inwardly.

" Why don't you think carefully for a day. Meet me here at 10 PM."

"You can give me your answer tomorrow."

He exited the training room without glancing back.

Departing to his room he was thinking of the experience he has gone through starting this week.

He tried his best to get the number one position but due to similar scores with Charles and his inferior bloodline, he was given 2nd rank.

During his stay at the academy, he looked at every aspect of the academy.

Most of the teachers here are not part of the noble circle. They can teach students impartially but as we rise in the year some teachers who favoured noble circle will surely emerge.

Though he belonged to the noble circle, he was never in support of it.

The noble circle which looks splendid and glorious was rotten from inside.

Everyone is eyeing a stronger position and money.

In name of maintaining purity of bloodline, marriages are done for benefit of forming alliances to form a strong faction.

Countless conspiracies and schemes are covered by the veil by the nobles.

He wants to change the order of society so that one day his mother may walk into the Nobel circle holding her head high.

He needs power and resources along with strong people whom he can trust.

Taking one step at a time, he started looking for potential candidates.

With strong combat capabilities and a strong sense of justice.

Every day while passing through the field, he could see a boy with dark hair who is always lost in training without being aware of his surrounding.

His presence may not be felt in class but while training he seems as if a different person. His golden eyes seem as bright as the light of stars. He seems different from others here.

Except for him, Lucas is the only one who practices till late at night.

Fredrick had good training equipment with him but he decided to train in the hall till late to find a hardworking student and his gamble paid off.

He has already noticed many people whom he can make use of and can start to call over his side.

But he decided to start with him first.

Lucas is from a common background and bronze bloodline. So he thought it was easy to get him under his wind.

He wanted trusted people with strong willpower on his side rather than inviting any wolf to his circle.

Let's hope, he will not let me down.


In my room, I was thinking of the offer.

The problem was that due to my late-night training I have caught Fredrick's attention.

I think not only Fredrick but I have also caught others' attention like Miss Ami.

I don't think, Miss Ami was supposed to interact with Lucas.

A butterfly effect has been already created unknowingly.

I pull out my diary from my drawer.

Where I have written the story as far as I remember in the Hindi language as I belonged to India before dying.

I opened the first page.

Here I have written my plans, along with the variable that has occurred.

Plan 1: Interact less with people. Try to remain low key as much as possible.

Plan 2: Never stay in a crowded place. You may bump into someone who may find you an eyesore.

Plan 3: Try to stay from named characters as far as possible.

Reading the content, I thought the first plan gonna be destroyed as Fredrick already noticed me.

I wanted to scratch them and tore the page but I knew it was not this page's fault.

Though I can plan, the events are not in my control.

I skim through the pages to see the upcoming arcs.

At this time Fredrick will look for a potential student to build a backup power.

He has already started the scenario which should have started quite some time after the opening of the academy where one needed to join a club. There he will meet and get some people over to his side before that.

Scratching my head, I can't imagine just how much astray the story will go with my intervention.

Since a golden goose had come to me with an offer it would be bad not to squeeze some profits from him.

As for the goals, they will be going to shit.

As decided Frederick was standing in the training Hall at 10 PM.

Entering the training hall, I walked towards Frederick.

Seeing me, a frown appeared on his face.

"What is this. Why are you wearing a mask?"

To meet with Frederick, I specially covered half of my face from nose to neck using a mask, the one celebrities used to hide their face.

" I don't want to get in some trouble. Let's go to your training room to spar."I spoke.

"We cannot spar here"...

Nodding his head he agreed.

" Come follow me."

Honestly, I was excited about visiting Frederick's room.

The Horizon has divided into two sections A for heroes and Section B for non-heroes.

Hero's student dorm has 5 buildings.

Building with no name for students ranks within 2000.

Walker for students ranks within 1000.

Endeavour for students ranks within 500-1000.

Pioneer for students rank within 11-500.

Lastly the leaders.

Leaders are the grandest building of all, any student can dream of for the top 10 in ranks.

Leaders as the name suggest, students living here are considered leaders of their corresponding batch.

Walking along with Frederick after passing through the guards around the building, I found some students who were giving me weird looks.

Rumours surely gonna spread about Frederick once again.

I started to take pity on Frederick.

'Wait why I am pitying him. The one in trouble will be me. Being a protagonist nothing gonna go wrong with him.'

A huge headache might be on the way.

Each student staying in leaders has one floor to the whole.

Taking the lift Frederick's room was on the 8 the floor.


We entered the spacious room which is enough for even 10 people to live in.

A large drawing room, bedroom with 2 beds, kitchen with the training room beside it.

The training room has 4 rooms with a gravity chamber, a gym, and an insulated room capable of handling even 6-star attacks. Another big room for dummy practice.

The difference between this building and the one I was staying in was like heaven and hell.

Entering the insulated room with a spear in his hand Frederick cast a cheeky smile.

"Let's enjoy."