
The Extra's Evolution

In a bewildering turn of events, the main character (MC) found himself suddenly transmigrated onto an airplane. Initially, he was at a loss for what had occurred, but as time passed, he discovered the truth: he had been transported into a sci-fi fantasy novel. It was a world where survival was impossible for the weak, as a future filled with villainous attacks would claim the lives of countless individuals. In this chaotic world, only the protagonist's life was guaranteed, while the fates of other characters remained uncertain. Arjun, a mere extra, could meet his demise at any moment, oblivious to the reasons behind his impending death. Armed with this knowledge, Arjun embarked on a journey to become strong, using his knowledge from his previous world to survive. Little did he know that destiny had other plans in store for him, leading him down a treacherous path where he would save numerous lives and emerge as a hero to the common people. His life would be characterized by unforeseen twists and turns, forcing him to make critical decisions that would shape his extraordinary destiny. Once an ordinary person in his previous life, Arjun now embarked on a path of greatness. Arjun had to contend with a multitude of adversaries, including villains, demons, and individuals driven by greed, all of whom sought to sow chaos in this modern era. Each encounter would test his resolve and push him to the limits of his abilities. Furthermore, the world he now inhabited was populated by various species such as elves, dwarves, mermaids, and more. Arjun goes further in his complicates journey. As Arjun ventured forth, his fate became intertwined with the destiny of the entire world. He would face numerous trials, confrontations, and unexpected allies, all while striving to maintain his humanity in the face of overwhelming challenges. The choices he made would not only shape his own future but also determine the course of an entire realm, where the forces of darkness and light clashed in an epic struggle. Armed with determination, knowledge, and an unwavering spirit, Arjun set out on his extraordinary path, ready to face whatever perils may come his way and emerge as a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. * * * * * * * * first time writing a novel, so please try to ignore my grammer mistakes this novel cover is AI created by someone else if someone wants me to remove that. contect me in the review section

aniket_keer · sci-fi
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs

Chapter 16 Elements And Elemental Sword

* * RENT POV * * *


In a bright place where the sky and sun were not visible, the lava was flowing like a river and the lava fountain was coming out from the ground and some people were fighting one monster.

That monster was looking like a T-Rax dinosaur and people were a total of six fighting that monster while panting and covered in sweat and some minor Injuries were visible on everyone.


Sounds were coming while they were fighting, the sound of sword hitting, bows and others was coming.


Rent who is saying that is panting and is fully covered with sweat, he is not that much injured but blood is coming out from his shoulder.

His left side is on blood, mostly from monster claw, others were also not that much in good shape.

[ OKAY ]

Donn who is also fighting, replied to Rent, his condition is also not good, his armour is burnt a little from that monster fight, right now both trying to fight that monster like an assassin, but that monster is so big that, they are not able to reach his eyes, nack and other vital points.

The worst in shape is Chase, because of his slow speed and low stamina, he looks like, he will faint any second, but he is still standing.

This place is most troublesome, because of the heat, breathing In this place is difficult and the heat temperature is around ninety, This place is draining their energy every second.

That monster is throwing fire from his mouth and using his long nail, that nail is also very hot that could cut metal like butter.

The most helpful in this fight are the girls, who are directly fighting that monster, Sela helps in defence with her shield magic and Mila helps in Offensive fighting, both are still fighting that monster, which is a reason that the team is still standing.

But if that goes on, then they will lose in some time, when they are still fighting that monster.


* * *


When I was still running toward the rent team, I remembered what the professor had said in his class that day.

[ After coming in contact with mana, humans started to change Physically and Mentally, when humans were on earth, most of the humans had black hair but after going to Mars, all humans' hair turned white and their nails turn also white ]

( What !!? humans have changed that much? when I was on earth, humans never changed physically, but it looks like humans here have experienced physical changes )

[ But after coming back to earth, the human experienced the biggest change, human's height increased, hair turned in Multiple colours like blue, red, pink, green, Yellow and so on, facial features also improved and everyone became more beautiful than before ]

( Ohh !!, that's why everyone on this planet is much more good-looking than my previous planet's people! )

[ Every person has one element of power in their body, that we can know from their hair, like if someone had red hair or orange then that person's element is fire because of hair colour, if someone's hair is blue then that person is element is water or ice ]

( If the person's element is known from their hair, then what is my element? )

Arjun was Curious about his element because he didn't know about that, he only had used mana in this world but not the element, that is yet to use.

When the professor was explaining other things, Arjun was thinking about his element, he didn't focus on the professor because he didn't have an interest in the history that the professor was explaining.

After the professor explains for some time, the ring sound comes into the class and the professor stops.

[ Okay cadets, class is over now and lunch period has started ]

After thirty minutes, the class was over and the lunch period had started, and the professor came out from the class and started to walk toward his office, when the professor was going to his office.

[ Excuse me, sir ]

He was called from behind, the one who said that was Arjun, he was the following professor for some time, and when most of the students were not visible he took that as a chance and called him.

[ Ohh!! Arjun cadet, what can I help you with? ]

The professor asked him with his right hand forward and put a smile.

[ Sir I want to ask you about something ]

The professor was thinking, about what he had to ask Urgently, that he would come to the professor's office.

[ What is that you want to ask !? ]

Arjun asked him while making eye contact and standing straight, He wanted the professor to know that, he was serious.

[ You were telling in class, that a person's element is known from hair colour, then what is my element? ]

The professor looked at Arjun for some second and after that, started explaining.

[ Arjun cadet, from your hair colour, I can predict you still have not fully awakened ]

Arjun got confused by what the professor just said and he made a confused expression, and by Noticing Arjun's expression, the professor started explaining to him.

[ When humans return to earth, everyone's hair turns colour according to their element, and that is repeated for hundreds of years, that happens when humans are still in their mother's belly ]

( I can understand that but what is different in me, that I still have black hair? )

Arjun wanted to know what was different in him that he still had black hair, The professor noticed that and answered him.

[ But you still have black hair, that means you are not fully awakened and that means something must have happened to you when you were still yet to be born ]

Arjun who was listing that was more confused and started thinking, about what could happen to him around that time.

[ Don't get disappointed, there is still a chance that, in future, you might be fully awakened ]

The professor's intention was not to hurt him and discourage him, so he tried to comfort him.

[ Really professor ]

Arjun who heard that, smiled and asked him with hope, he had hoped that he could use the element because that will help him in future.

[ Yes, to do that you have to use as much mana as you can use every day ]

The professor didn't want to give him useless hope, but that will help him to get stronger.

But Success chances in that are very low, there is also a chance that Arjun will never be able to fully awaken.

Arjun hasn't lost his hope yet but still wants an element for the near-time fight.

[ Professor, is there a way that I can use the element right now? ]

The professor thought for a second, he put his hand on his chin and closed his eyes and thought deeply and after thinking for some time, he opened his eyes and answered him.

[ One way to use an element is to use an elemental weapon ]

Arjun put a satisfied smile, he was now satisfied that he could use the element right now, The elemental weapon is expensive but he had one way to get that.

[ Thank you, professor ]

[ It's okay, bye ]

[ Bye professor ]

After that, the professor's image has improved in Arjun's mind now.

The next day Arjun goes to the weapon shop where he had purchased his green sword, Arjun thought he may find an elemental sword there.

[ Hello ]

[ Welcome sir, ooh !!, you are that boy who had come some days ago ]

The one who was in front was a man whose shop this is, he was in normal clothes and sitting on the counter, this time his son was not on the counter.

[ What happened? don't tell me that the sword I had given you is no more ]

[ No sir, I am here to ask if you have an Elemental sword in cheap ]

The old man thought for a second and answered him.

[ Elemental sword !?, huh if you want an elemental sword then I can make that sword I have given you an elemental sword ]

Arjun was surprised that what sword he had purchased can be converted into an elemental sword.

[ Really please do that ]

[ okay but that will take an extra charge ]

[ how much? ]

The man raised his three-finger.

[ That much ]

He said with a smile.

( haa ! looks like I have to do some part-time jobs for the time being )

Before the monster hunt task, Arjun gets his new sword elemental sword and starts his monster hunt task.

Now he was running toward his teammates and when he was near them, he jumped high.


When Arjun swings his sword in mid-air, that sword blasts Massive air pressure that pushes the monster two steps back.

The air was so strong, that it could fly away from a normal tree, The air was cool, and his other teammates suddenly felt cool all over their body.

Rent who was shocked by Arjun, ask Arjun while shouting.


Arjun who turned to rent and answered him.

[ I am here to help ]

[ WHAT !?? but that monster is Dangerous,

how can you help us? ]

Arjun who didn't answer him, turned to where the monster was, Surprisingly that monster was standing.

[ I think we can talk later after we come safe from here ]

The monster was in a rage and started to run toward Arjun and roaring very loudly.


* * *


what do you think? what will happen after that?