

"Harith has to stay away from you... Forever!"

Nana stiffed. Stay away?! What does she mean by that?

"Wh-what? "

" The results came in... The chest compression he had was caused by love magic. " she said.

"Love magic? What is that suppose to mean? What does it have to do with his heart attack?!" Nana asked with anger.

"Love magic is a powerful magic harnessed from true affections from a specific person or thing. It can increase existing magic when in battle but of course it has its cost..."

"What's the cost?"

"If love magic fades or cease to exist, the person who harnesses it loses heart power. You see, love magic fills the heart of a person with excess love and inspiration making the heart grow bigger. If love magic dies within the person, the huge space that the magic filled will be empty. Meaning, the body is used to have great heart power that when love magic fades, the body will malfunction because it demands more power that his original heart cannot provide anymore. That caused his chest compression."

The words... Nana could not comprehend them... Love magic?

"You mean, I gave him love magic?"

"You helped him obtain love magic. Love magic came from true affection. His affection for you, Nana. But the other half must feel the same way as well." She said. "If one of you breaks that bond, the other suffers."

"But why didn't I experience it?" Nana asked.

"Love magic affects the one who loves more. And clearly, he loves you more than himself."

Nana fell silent. "But why did this happen?"

"Did you feel distant from him?"


"I told you, if one breaks the bond, the other suffers. If you lost faith or love in him, the magic dies." she said.

"B-but why do I have to stay away from him?!"

"The broken bond you two shared can no longer be fixed. And if he gets close to you, he would just love you more making his heart grow even bigger from the magic you helped him obtain. He has to find someone new. In that way, his heart can rest and harness love magic again when he is ready."

Find... someone...knew?

"But what if I return after his heart is fully rested?"

"I don't know... Haven't heard from anyone that has done that."

"B-but. I didn't lose faith in him."

"You denied that you love him back?" the nurse asked. "The love you have for him will not matter if you don't show it. The magic flowing through him must know if he's receiving that love? Because love can be vague. It cannot easily detect if it's true or not. Maybe that's why the magic died. "

"What can I do? I mean there must be another way!"

"I don't know any alternative solutions. But for now, it's best if you follow our orders, Nana."

Nana didn't know how to respond. If she leaves him behind, then she would lose a part of her. Because other than an affectionate partner, he has always been her best friend. But if she stays, he'll die. The decision she has to make is tearing her apart.

"I'll go." she choked at the last part. "Only because he doesn't need me."

Nana stood up and quickly ran outside the infirmary. She ran and ran until she ended up back in the Enchanted garden. She stopped and grabbed on to a tree and cried her heart out.

"I lost a friend..." she said to herself. "Harith... I'm so sorry."