


"What's wrong, Nana?"

"It's taking forever to find those Fire Blooms. I'm tired, thirsty, hungry and I bet grandpa is looking for me right about now." she said.

"Come on." he said. "I know a place to eat and rest"

"Where is that?"

He turned back and smiled. "My home town."

Harith grabbed Nana's arm and dragged her through a path of Jades and giant Dragon mushrooms. There they reached a small tribe similar to hers.

"Here we are at your sister tribe." he laughed. "Although we're both leonins, our tribes are separated. I hope it changes when we get older


"Being separated from other tribes by location doesn't mean they're separated by blood."


"I know our tribes seem far from each other but it doesn't mean we're not brethren. We're leonins. We are as one and you know that."

Harith fell silent once again.

Nana held his hand. "After we find the sprites, what will you do?"

"I-I want to set foot outside Enchanted forest. I want to pursue magic." he said." Like you."

Nana fell silent.


"You know that the world outside is nothing like here, right?" she asked."Life is rough there. What if you don't make it out alive?"

"I know. I told you before that I am used to travelling outside the forest borders." he said."And I'll make sure that I'd keep myself safe when I get there... Why'd you ask?"

"Are there food stalls here?" she asked. "I'm starving." she's avoiding eye contact.

"Why change the subject?" he asked.

He was so confused. He didn't ask any more questions after that. He knew if he angers Nana more, she would go haywire. But that doesn't mean he is not concerned. He just doesn't want to make things even more complicated.

"There's a small inn not far from here. We should eat breakfast there." he said. "They serve watermelon pancake! It's your favorite right?" He managed to fake a smile to lighten things up.

She looked at him straight in the eyes. "Sure. I'll eat anywhere as long as the food's edible."

She walked a few steps forward passing by him. "Is it this way?"

He turned. "Yeah."

"Got it." she simply said and went walking.

Harith didn't know what happened. At first she's so hyped to seek for sprites then this.

"What's going on, Nana?" he whispered to himself while watching Nana walk farther away from him.

Harith felt a sudden throb in his chest. "What the-"

He grabbed his chest tightly because it won't stop throbbing. "Ah!" He fell on his knees and screamed in pain.

His vision was fading. But somehow he glanced on somebody familiar. She was talking.

"Har-ith...Har..Ith..." then he blacked out.