

The sound of breaking glass echoed through the small apartment. Luke jolted awake, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun as he sat up in bed. He listened intently for any other noises, but the apartment was silent. He got up, putting on his robe and quietly made his way to the living room. As he rounded the corner, Luke's heart dropped. His grandmother, who he had lived with for years, lay on the ground in front of the shattered window. Blood pooled around her head and her eyes were closed. Luke ran to her side, his hands shaking as he felt for a pulse. It was too late. She was gone.

DaoistuNP3JZ · realistisch
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: The Acid Attack

Luke and Stella arrived at the hospital where the victim was admitted. The victim was a woman in her late 50s. Her face was disfigured, her skin burnt beyond recognition, and her eyes were shut. The nurses told them that she was in critical condition and may not survive.

Luke and Stella were shocked by the brutality of the attack. They knew they had to act fast to find the person responsible for this horrific crime.

They asked the victim's family members and neighbors if they had seen or heard anything suspicious. But no one seemed to have any information that could lead them to the attacker.

Stella suggested that they check the victim's workplace and see if there were any clues there. They found out that the victim worked in a chemical laboratory, where she was responsible for handling dangerous chemicals. They speculated that the attacker could have been someone who had access to the chemicals in the lab.

Luke and Stella went to the lab and talked to the manager. He told them that he had fired an employee a few days ago, who was upset about losing his job. They asked for the employee's name and address.

They went to the address and found the ex-employee sitting in his living room, watching TV. He was surprised to see them and asked what they wanted.

Luke introduced themselves and asked him if he had any information about the attack. The ex-employee denied any involvement in the crime and said that he was at home at the time of the attack.

Stella noticed a bottle of acid on a table nearby and asked the ex-employee if he had any knowledge of the chemical. The ex-employee said that he had worked with the chemical in the lab and knew its properties.

Luke and Stella exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that they had found their suspect. They arrested the ex-employee and took him to the police station for further questioning.

At the station, Luke interrogated the suspect while Stella analyzed the chemical evidence from the crime scene. The chemical analysis confirmed that the acid used in the attack was the same as the one the ex-employee had been working with in the lab.

Under intense questioning, the ex-employee finally confessed to the crime. He had planned the attack to get back at his former employer for firing him.

Luke and Stella were relieved that they had found the perpetrator, but they were also saddened by the brutality of the crime. They knew they had to continue their investigation to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

As they left the station, Luke turned to Stella and said, "We have to be careful, Stella. There are dangerous people out there who are capable of anything. We have to stay vigilant and work together to keep our city safe."

Stella nodded in agreement, knowing that she could always count on Luke to have her back in the face of danger.